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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. everyone congraulated them. and then Kyle and Rebecca walked in and they told them that they where going to be grandparents and they where thrilled. then someone walked in behind them and Kathy looked and saw her sister Tina and she smiled and went and hugged Tina and Tina said Sorry sis that I couldn't get her sooner.
  2. Mark smiled and said Don't thank me yet not until we see if the anadote works. (turning to Luke) So How are you feeling buddy? Luke looked at him and said Im feeling better I think the anadote is working. (looking at Kathy)Kath, did I hear you right when you said that we my be having a baby. Kathy smiles and said You hurd right.
  3. Dusty's Baby was born. and then that's when Rosco came and Told Kathy about Jesse Kathy got all Panicky and said Rosco I'm takeng your car. and she left the room.
  4. Mark walked in and he walked over to Luke and said Luke I have the anadote to the poison. And he gave Luke a shot. and Mark said It should stat to toake affect in 15 to 20 minutes so you tell me how you feel. Kathy walked over to Mark and Gave him a hug and said Thanks Mark.
  5. Daisy saw the car as it took off and she saw Jesse in the car and he was tring to get away. So she got on the CB to Cletus and told him and he said that he was on it and Daist said Thanks Clutas. and then she got on the phone. and called the hospital AT THE HOSPITAL.. Lisa answered the phone and then she saw Luke and said Luke Daisy is on the phone he walked over and took the phone from Lisa and said Hello Daisy and Daisy told him what had Just happened and Luke said Thanks Daisy and Daisy it's not your falt we will get Jesse Back. Hows Leventa? Leventa is fine she is asleep. Daisy said. Luke hung up the phone and he walked over to Rosco and told him what Daisy had said and he said he was going to get Jesse back. and he left the hospital. he got in the General Lee and took off MEANWHILE AT THE OLD SAW MILL.. Zack and his men had Jesse and Jesse said When my Dad finds out he will hunt you down? not only my dad but my whole family. Zack walked over to him and said I'm not afraid of your father. Matter of fact I want him to come looking for you.
  6. Ya I think the baby is saying that it wants to come into the world and met everyone. Kathy Said MEANWHILE AT THE FARM.. Daisy was watching Jesse and Leventa while Luke and Kathy was at the hospital and Jesse was out in the barn fishing up his chores. IN THE BARM. Jesse was putting the hay up in the loft when someone came out and grabbed him and Put him in the car and took off.
  7. Mean while back in Luke's room. Kathy smiles and said Luke You never told me you got kicked out of school. Uncle Jesse had a strange look on his face and Luke just smiles and said Ya we blew up the tolets in the boys bathroom. Kathy just looked at him and said Noway. aUncle Jesse said Ya and Boy did I woop you good too. Your Aunt Leventa Remended me that I was a teenage Boy myself once and she Had reminded me a few things that I had done. Just then Bo, Dusty,and Rosco came into the room.
  8. Dusty said Something is wronge and she stood up and went to Rosco and Rosco told Dusty and Bo what was going on. and They left and went to Luke's room. MEANWHILE IN LUKE'S ROOM.. Luke started to cough and Kathy said hang in there Baby. and He just looked at her and said All I want to do is close my eyes. and Kathy said Baby stay with me Just a little longer ok I Love you. Daisy walked up to Kathy and Put her hand On her shoulder. and said did you tell Kathy about the time you and Cooter got Kicked out of school. MEANWHILE IN THE LAB.. The doctors where working and one of the doctors said I think we got it. and they called Mark. Mark's pager went off and he said excuse me and he left Luke's room and he went to the desk and called the Lab and they told him that they have it and Mark said bring it up here fast.
  9. They walked into the room. and They saw Kathy sitting by his bed and she turned around and she said Baby Uncle Jesse and Daisy Just walked in. Uncle Jesse walked up to the bed and said Boy I remember when we got the call from the police to come and get you and they told us what had Happened. We went to pick up up at the police station in Capital City. We walked into the station and you where about 6 months old. I picked you up and you just smiled at me. and Looked at you and I said Luke ready to go home
  10. Kathy Smiles And said that will change when you see the baby beleave me. I said the samething to Luke. When I was in Labor with Jesse and Leventa. and then Dusty had another contraction.
  11. as Dusty and Bo went to the lunch room. Carol came out and said Luke is holding his own. and we want to keep him not going to sleep So if anyone wants to go in and Talk to him it's ok. Uncle Jesse said I will go. and Daisy said Me too. And Uncle Jesse looked at Rosco and said can you go and tell Bo and Dusty what's going on so they know. and Rosco said Sure. and then he left and Uncle Jesse and Daisy followed Carol to Lukes Room.
  12. Bo Looked At Dusty and said That was Dr. Mark Greene from Chicago He and Kathy worked together and they are good friends. Meanwhile in Luke's room. Mark and Carol was keeping Luke awake not letting him close his eyes. Cause Mark knew if he closed his eyes he would go into acoma and then they could easyly lose him and he looked at Carol and said Carol go get Kathy if he will listen to anyone it will be her. Carol left the room and got Kathy and they went back to Luke's room. Mark told Kathy what he wanted to do. and Kathy said Ok. and Kathy took his hand and said Baby remember what we talked about having a Baby well I don't Know for sure but I think we are pregnet. and I don't want to raise this child alone So Please fight Baby fight. Luke said in a week voice a baby fight. and then he smiled. IN THE HOSPITAL'S LAB. The doctors where working around the clock tring to find the anadote and they knew that they didn't have much time to find it if they want to save Luke's life. IN THE WAITING ROOM.. Bo started to pase. Uncle Jesse said Bo sit down. and Bo looked at him and said Uncle Jesse I'm too worried to sit. We haven't hurd anything sence Carol came and Got Kathy.
  13. Kathy smiled and Said No you can't shoot Rosco But I know How you feel cause I went thew this a couple of days ago and I wanted to do the samething to Luke. Kathy said as they both laughed and then Dusty had another contraction.
  14. Bo Ran in with Mark and Carol right behind him. Bo saw Uncle Jesse and Uncle Jesse told him what was happing and Mark said Not if I can help it and Mark asked where was Luke's room and Uncle Jesse showed him and he took off towards Luke's room. IN LUKES'ROOM.. Mark walked in and he saw Kathy and he walked up to her and he touched her shoulder and she looked up and she smiled and said Oh Mark I;am so glad to see you. and she gave him a hug. and after Kathy told him what was going on he took a look at Luke. and Kathy walked out and when she walked out to the Hall the police was there. they where talking to her father and then the doctor came out and said ya he was poisined but we don't have time to make the anadote he is to far gone and at that moment Mark walked out and said get your people on working on the anadote Doctor I will keep him alive Mark Said. So the doctor went to work on working on the anadote. The police said that they are still looking for Zack.
  15. Kathy smiles and said Dusty you have no choise that baby wants to come out and met everyone. Now Luke and Rosco will be here for Calico and I will be with you. Just then Dr Beth came and they helped Dusty to a room.
  16. Kathy started to Cry and said I don't know Dust I haven't hurd anything sence the doctor came out and told us that he didn't know why Luke passed but his condation is gettin worse. So I just got off the phone with a friend That I use to work with in Chicago is on his way her and hopefully he can find out what is going on. Bo walked up to Kathy and Dusty and told the girls what he had found in the General.and he saidThat Kyle had the doctor take the beer to the Lab. and Kathy said What Dad thinks that Luke was poisined. Why would Zack do this does he hate me this much? Bo hugged her and said Don't worry Kat Luke will make it threw this and we will make sure that Zack never gets out of Jail. 2 Hours Later.. Kathy's Cell phone rings and she answered it and said Hello Oh hi Mark you are ok I will Have Luke'sCousin Bo Met you he will be driving an Orange car with an 01 on the doors ok Thanks Mark and she closed her phone and she walked to Bo and asked if he would pick up Mark and Carol at the airport and She decribed Mark out to him and he said Ok and Bo Left. As Bo went out the door The doctor came out to the waiting room and he looked over to Kathy and said Kathy he's getting worse we are losing him you can go in and see him. Kathy walked to Lukes room and she stopped at the door and she took a deep breath and she walked in. and she saw him in Bed he was awake and he smiled when he saw her and she walked to the bed and she took his hand and said Hay Baby. Luke smiled and said Sweetheart I love you with all my heart and I was. Kathy stopped him in midsentence and she said No I'm not going to do this and I won't let you give up on us we will find out what's going on and we will find a cure. you hear me Luke Duke Don't you dare leave me.
  17. Kathy and Luke Ran to Rosco and Dusty and Kathy saw Dusty and she Looked at Luke and Said Baby Go to the Desk and Tell Lisa that Dusty is In Labor and Baby hurry. Kathy said Ok Dusty you need to calm down Ok I'am here.
  18. Ya Dusty Kath and I will be there .and then he hung up the phone. and he told the rest of the Family and Daisy said I will stay here with Leventa and Jesse Kathy you and Luke got to the hospital. Kathy said Thanks and Her and Luke went out the door to the General Lee and Headed for the hospital.
  19. Kathy was on the phone and she was telling Mark what was going on and he said Ok Kat I will be right there in a couple of hours just hang in there. Keep praying..Thanks Mark. Then she hung up the phone. and she walked back to her family
  20. Kathy had a worried look on her face as she looked at her family. and she can't beleive that 3 years from Now Jesse will be gettin his Liscence. Luke was all ready showing him some of the moves that Uncle Jesse had tought him and Jesse was loving it. cause he was spending time with his father. Then Leventa started to cry she was about to get up and tend to her when Jesse got up and said It's ok Mom I got her. and he picked her up and said Come on Leventa I will change you and he did. Kathy just smiled. then the phone Rang and Luke went to Pick it up and said Duke farm Luke speaking. Dusty calm down, slow down and let me get on your train of though.
  21. The Ambulance came and Kathy told the parmedics how he was and then tey Loaded him in the hospital and said I will follow you in my car and they got in the cars and headed for the hospital Meantime Bo got on the cb while he was driving the General Lee to the hospital and he told Uncle Jesse what was going on and Uncle Jesse said I will met you there. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Kathy walkd into the hospital with Bo right behind her. and she went to The desk and the Nurse that was at the desk was Lisa and Lisa said They just brough Luke in he's in examing room 1 Dr if you want to go in. Kathy wanted to go in but she knew that she shouldn't. So she went and sat down with Bo and then she said Bo what could have happened he was feeling fine when he left this morning. I don't know Kathy.bo Said. 1 HOUR LATER.. Uncle Jesse,Daisy with Kyle and Rebecca came into the waiting room and Kathy was surprised to see her parents and then Kyle told her about Zack and Kathy said Dad do you think Zack could have did something to Luke. I don't know Baby I wouldn't put it past him. Kyle Said Bo got an idea and he left. OUTSIDE.. Bo walkd to the General Lee and he started to look around and he found the note that Zack had left. and he read it. and it said Luke Please except this as a peace offering and a token of friend ship I am sorry what I have done to you in the past. Zack... Bo Put the Note up and then he spotted the beer bottle. MEANWHILE IN THE HOSPITAL.. The doctor came out of the room and entered the waiting room and he said Kathy we have examed Luke and we haven't found anything wronge with him. we don't understand why he is the way he is. Uncle Jesse said So What are you going to do? There is nothing we can do not until we find out what is going on. and Kathy got upset and said Well you may not know But I know someone that can and she left the room and Used the phone and she called her friend that she use to work with in Chicago. Just then Bo Ran into the hospital with the note and the bottle of beer. and he showed them to Kyle and he read the note and he looked at the Doctor and said have this tested And I thing you will find that it's Poisined. The doctor took it and had it run to the lab. and then Kyle called the police.
  22. Luke got in the General and he saw the bottle of beer. he though that Kathy had put the beer in the General So he opened it up and took a drink. and then he started back to Hazzard. ON THE HAZZARD LINE.. Luke started to feel light headed. and he was tring not to pass out, she shook his head to try to shack if off. He relised that something was wronge and he picked up the cb and said Lost Sheep #1 to Pretty Lady Lost Sheep 1 Pretty Lady come back. BACK AT THE FARM.. Kathy hears Luke on the cb and she went to the cb and picked it up and said Pretty Lady here what's up Lost Sheep. Kath, I feel Strange. Something is wronge with me. Luke said. Kathy Said Baby where are you at? I.am at the county line I jusr entered Hazzard. I'am pulling over I feel like I'am going to pass out. Luke said.. Baby hang on stay awake. BABY CAN YOU HEAR ME come back. (No responce) LUKE ,I'am on my way.Kathy Said. Kathy put down the cb went into her and Luke's room got her medical bag and looked at Bo and said lets go . and they got up and went to Kathy's red firebird. MEAN WHILE IN CHICAGO Kyle and Rebecca had just got a phone call from the police and they told them that Zack at excaped. Kyle got off the phone and said Rebecca We are going to Hazzard. BACK IN HAZZARD. AT THE COUNTY LINE.. Bo was the first one out of the car and he went right to Luke Kathy wasn't to far behind him . Bo went to the General Lee and said Luke wake up but Luke didn;t Kathy said Bo Help me to get Luke out of the General Lee. They got him out. and Kathy checked him over and Kathy said Bo call the ambulance. and Bo did.
  23. Kathy looked at him and said Baby remember the last tim he got out I wasn't the one that he went after. he went after you and I almost lost you because of it and I don't want to go threw that again. I love you. . Luke took her in his arms and said Sweetheart. It won't happen. you won't lost me.and then he kissed her.
  24. Luke stopped the General Lee.in front of the store he wanted to get Kathy a spicial present. He got out of the General Lee. and went into the store. Zack was watching from the bushes and he saw Luke and he was cooking up a plan to get even with him. for taken Kathy away from him. and for putting him in Jail. He saw a police officer and he ducked down. and he decided to go to the the General Lee, and he put a bottle of beer in the front seat of the General Lee. with a note saying he was sorry. (BUT what noone knew was that Zack had put some poison in the beer.) and he left. and he though when Luke dies he will be the shoulder that Kathy will cry on.
  25. 1 YEAR LATER... Luke and Kathy's Anniversy and Luke was planning something Very Spical for Kathy. Luke got in the General Lee and headed for Capital City. To plan for their Anniversy. IN CAPITAL CITY.... Zack was hidding in the bushes form the police He had just excaped when they where transporting him to the hospital
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