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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Hi I have been a fan Of Tom's sence I was 9 years old.Now I'am 36.so that would be 27 years I have been a Tom Wopat Fan.
  2. Kathy was going to say something but she saw the look on Luke's face and she said Ok Baby. But Jesse will have to got to school. I will take him and I will tell the princable that noone is to pick up Jesse other then me unless I call her Luke Said. Kathy Said Ok. Kyle Spencer got on the his cell and called the police in Chicago and gave them hell for not calling them when Zack got out of Jail. and he told them that he was here in Hazzard and the police said Judge Spencer you know we can't do anything. and Kyle yelled into the phone YA I KNOW NOT IT TILL HE HURTS ONE OF MY GRANDKIDS OR MY DAUGHTER OR SON-IN -LAW IGOT IT. he shut his phone off he wasn't happy. Rebecca walked up tp him and said Kyle calm down everything will be all right.
  3. Kathy Looked at Luke and said Luke They was suppose to call us when he gets out of Jail. I know they where Swetheart but they didn't. So I would like you and the Kids to stay close to home .I will Take care of this.Luke Said.
  4. To find out about the 42 Street tour you can got to Tom's website www.wopat.com. and click on tour. Ya I Know about Some People. Tom is a great Guy and that's all.
  5. Hi all. I don't know where you hurd those neditive reports about Tom. But I met Tom When he came to Maine and he is a sweetheart and I have been a fan of Tom's Sence I was 9 years old and I,m now 36. I had my picture taken with him and we talked for a little bit. he's an Awsome guy and he's still is so handsome. But I didn't get to see him at the Duke fest cause I was in John's line for 2 1/2 hours for my 14 year old daughter. She Likes John. Ya he had a great time doing the Dukes But people have to relise the work Tom is doing now. he works on Braudway and he's doing a great job he with 42 Steet again. they are on tour. I hope they come to Maine
  6. MEANWHILE IN TOWN. Cooter was working on a car when he looked up and he saw someone that was suppose to be in Jail. he went to the cb and said Imab be Crazy but i ain't dum Crazy Cooter coming at Ya And Dukes on the Hazzard Net Come on. Cooter Said. BACK AT THE FARM.. Luke hurd Cooter and he got up and walked to the cb and said you got Lucas here Crazy C what's up? Lucas I Just seen someone in town that I though you should know. I see Zack Willams. Cooter Said. What he's suppose to be in Jail for at least three more years and then they where suppose to let us know when he got out. Ok Thanks Crazy c. Luke saidaass he but the cb down and Luke walked over to Kathy and Kathy had a worried look on her face and Luke held her and said don't worry Sweetheart.
  7. Kathy looked at Luke and She smiled. 2 dAY LATER.. Kathy,Bo And Luke Went to court to tessafye agenest Zack. AFTER THE COUTHEARING. Zack wassent to jail for 20 years. For attempted murder and Kidnapping. As they where taking Zack to Jail he lookedat Kathy and Luke and said In will get you for this.
  8. Luke but Leventa in the Bassenet and then he went to sit down by Kathy on the couch.
  9. 15 MINUTES LATER.. Luke pulled the General up by Kathy's firebird. and shut him down. and then Bo came out of the house and he walked up to the General Lee and Luke went to help Kathy and Bo Said Luke I will get Kathy you get Leventa. and Luke Smiled. Jesse came out of the house too. Bo helped Kathy out andhe carried Kathy into the house. Luke Haned Jesse the bags and then Luke got leventa out of the car seat. andtook her in the house. INSIDE THE HOUSE..... They walked in and everyone yelled SURPRISE... Kathy just smiled. Leventa Just opened her eyes and then she closed them again.
  10. AT THE FARM. Everyone was waiting for Luke and Kathy to get back When they hurd on the Cb Lostsheep 1 to lostsheep 2 come back. Bo Walked to the cb and said You got Lost Sheep 2 here go ahead Lostsheep 1. I have got the girls and we are headed home. We should be there in 15 minutes. Luke Said. Ok Lost Sheep 1 See you when you get here/
  11. Kathy smiled and said Hello Handsome. and they kissed. MEANWHIL IN THE HAZZARD DINNER... I told you to suduce Luke Duke. I know you did and I did my best he's devoted to his wife.Lou-Ann Said. Well there must be some way to get Luke Duke Away from Kathleen. I don't think there is. He loves her with all his heart and soul. Lou-Ann Said.. BACK AT THE HOSPITAL... Luke was still holding Kathy When the Nurse brought in Leventa. and she handed her to Kathy and said She All Ready to go home. The doctor will be in a moment to give you your release papers. and then the nurse walked out. 5 MINUTES LATER.. Dr Beth walked in the room and handed Kathy her and Leventa release papers and then she looked at Luke and said you can take your girls home now. and then a nurse came in the room with a wheel chair and Kathy sat in it and Luke Handed Leventa to her . Then he grabbed their things. and the nurse wheeled them out to the General Lee. Luke Took Leventa and put her in her Car seat and bucked her in. and then he Puth the thing in the back seat on the floor. And then he went to Kathy and he picked her up and he helped her into the General. And then he waled over to the drivers side and he got in and Started up the General and he headed back to the Farm..
  12. 15 MINUTES LATER. Luke parked the General Lee in the Hospital parking lot. and he got out of the General Lee. and he headed for the hospital . INSIDE THE HOSPITAL.. Lisa looked at Luke and said come to get your girls. Luke smiledandsaid Ya I have are they in the room ?Ya Kathy is but the baby is getting her newborn shots. Lisa said. Luke said Thanks and he headed for Kathy's room. IN KATHY'S ROOM.. Luke walked in and he saw Kathy packing and she was all dressed Luke came up behind her and but his arms around her and said hello beautiful.
  13. That's a great idea. Luke said as he started to go out the door. But Jessica stopped him. and said Hay Luke when are you going to pick them up? As soon as I put the carseat in the General Lee I'm headed for the hospital. to see when Beth will release them. and she said ok just give us a holler on the cb when you are headed home. Jessica Said. Ok I will Luke said as he went out the door. 10 MINUTES LATER.. Tracy hurd the General start up. and head down the road.
  14. 2 Days Later... AT THE FARM..... Luke got up and he went to the living room and he saw Jesse, Ross, and stacy making something and he walked over to them and he said What are you kids doing? Jesse looked at his father and said Dad we are making a banner for my sister. and Luke read the banner and he smiled. the banner said WELCOME HOME LEVENTA ROSE.... Luke told the kids that they where doing a great job and then he wa;lked out to the kitchen, Jessica and Tracy was in the kitchen Maken a cake. Luke said ok what's going on here. Tracy looked at him and said we are having a shower for Kat sence she did have one while she was pregnet. we have invited all her friends from the hospital.
  15. 2 DAYS LATER..... Kathy was with Luke. and she was looking at his ribs and they where healing great. When Doc Applebe knocked on the door and Uncle Jesse let him in. and he walked into the livingroom where Luke and Kathy where and he said well Doctor hows the patent? Kathy smiled and said he's healing fine. Doc Applebe said I figured as much I haven't stopped by cause I figured Luke all ready had a doctor and a good one too. he looked at Kathy and said Kathy How would you like to come into my pratice we can be partneers and when I decide to retire you can take over the pratice. Kathy looked at Luke and then she said sure I would really like that.and my home base could be right here in Hazzard. Doc Abblebe said that's what I was thinking. He looked at Luke and said Kathy he's healing great but you all ready knew that. and then he said we will talk about the details about our patrnership latter enjoy your husband. and then he said Good-Bye and he went out the door.
  16. After the Concert. Luke Bo And Kathy walked up to The Boys in the Alabama Band and Luke said Thanks for stopping in Hazzard. Randy looks At Luke and smiles and said we where Just driving threw on our way back to Alabama. and Your Sheriff stopped us. for speeding. Everyone looked at Rosco. Jeff said we had a great time playing for you. and I hope we can do it again some time. Bo Looked at the Boys and said Hay before you head out Why done you have a beer. with us. Teddy looked at the others and he said Ya sure. So they put their interments down and they went to a table and had a beer. then after there beer they left and Kathy and Luke Danced to the Jukebox for a while.Kathy said as they where Dancing . Luke it feels good to get out like a normal couple and don't have to worry about a crazy man. Luke smiles and said ya. and it also feels good to hold my wife in my arms without my ribs hurting and then he kissed her.
  17. Jesse was looking at his sister when Luke said Jesse want to hold her. Jesse had a look and he smiledand said can i? Sure you can , Luke saidAs he took Leventa from Kathy and Handed him to Jesse. Jesse took his sister and said wow dad. Luke just smiles and said I know Jesse. Rebecca said Luke and Jesse get over there with Kathleen I want a family picture So they did and Rebecca took the picture. Just then They saw a huge Teddy bear pop in the room and then they hurd some one say excuse me I belone to a new baby named Leventa is this the right room. Kathy smiled cause she knew it was her father and she said come on in you have the right room then Kyle placed the teddy bear down and said good cause this bear was getting heavy. oh I brought someone eles with me and in walked Tina With Baby Brain and Vance. and Kathy smiled and said Hay sis let me see my nephew. If let me see my neace.Tina said. Everyone laughed. Michael Jessica and their kids finily got to the hospital and they walked into Kathy's room.
  18. Luke walked into the waiting room and there was Bo,Tracy,Michael,Jessicca,Dusty,Jesse,and Rebecca was all there waiting and then Jesse Spots hisDad and said Dad Mom is she ok? Luke Smiles and says Jesse your mom is fine and so is your sister Leventa Rose Duke She weight 6lbs 2oz 21 inches Long. and Jesse She's beautiful. Do you want to go see your sister? Jesse looked at his dad and said Ya sure I do .and then they all went to Kathy's room. IN KATHY'S ROOM.. Kathy was holding Leventa when they all walked in and Kathy smiles and said Hay Leventa the rest of the family came to met you. Jesse walked up to his mother and looked at his sister and he smiles and said mom she's so tiny. Kathy smiles and said Ya she is and beleive it or not Jesse you where this tiny once. Jesse just gave his mother a strange look.
  19. AT THE BOARS NEST.. Kathy parked the fire bird next to Dixie and then Bo Parked the General right beside her and Vance parked his car righ beside the General Lee and then they all walked in to the Boars Nest. and went to the Table. and Kathy Saw Bosshogg he had a huge smile on his face. and the he walked up in front everyone and said hello everyone quite down. We have the honor of having the hottest country Band right now and Imean they are hot Well here they are ALABAMA. then Randy,Teddy, Jeff, and Mark walked out of Boss's Office Mark walk to the Drums and then they started to Play. The Closer You Get. Kathy says Cool I love this song.
  20. Bo came running out of the House and he said Kathy guess who got cought In Bosses Speed trap this time. Idon't know Bo Who? Kathy Said Alabama, Bo Said No way they are here in Hazzard.Kathy Said. Yup there are and they are going to sing at the Boars Nest in an Hour. Bo Said Luke looked at Kathy and said Let's go. Luke butten up his shirt and he got in the fire bird and they headed to the Boars Nest .
  21. Bo gave Kathy a Hug and said we are her till my neace is born. that way her mother has no excuse but to stay put. Kathy smiles. Luke is helping Cooter at the garage he should be back any minute. and Jesse is at school Today is his Last Day. and it's a half a day so he Oh Shoot I forgot I need to go pick him up. Kathy went to get up When Rebecca said I will go get Jesse Where's the Keys to Dixie? Kathy told Her mother where the Keys where Stacy Sais Mrs Spencer can I go with you?Sure If your Parents don't mind. Stacy looked at her father and Bo Said Go ahead. Rebeccas put her arms around Stacy and said Call me Gram. and Stacy said Ok. 5 MONTHS LATER.. Kathy is 9 months pregnet. Her and Luke where lying in bed when Kathy started to get sharp pains and then her water broke and she got up and said Luke we need to get to the hospital your daughter wants to met you. Luke got out of bed and he got his Jeans and Boots On While Kathy got dressed and He grabbed his shirt.and they went out to the living room and he told Bo that the baby was coming and to get Kathy's things and to met them in town at the hoapital. and Luke said well Sweetheart our little Girl will be the First Duke to be born in the Hazzard Hospital. Kathy Looks at him and said if you don't hury she will be born right here at the house. Bo Just laughts. and then they got in Dixie and headed for town. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Dr Beth Tomson met them at the door and helped her to the room Luke checked Kathy in. and then he went to the room and put on scrubs. and he said Push Sweetheart. 2 HOURS LATER.. LEVENTA ROSE DUKE WAS BORN ON SEPT 23 2004, 6LBS 2 OZ 21 INCHES LONG.SHE HAS CURLY JET BLACK HAIR AND BABY BLUE EYES. Luke was holding his daughter and he had a huge smile on his face and said Boy she's so beautiful. Kathy looked at him and said Baby I know you want this moment to be just ours but she Does have a big Brother and Uncles and Aunts Oh ya a grandma that is waiting outside in the waiting room. Luke Looked at her and smiled and said Ya I better go tell them. So he got up and left.
  22. 2 DAYS LATER.. Kathy was outside Bo was in the back 40 he was putting up the new fence posts.Kathy was In the house checking on Luke and Kathy could tell he was feeling better. and she said Now Luke Let me rap your ribs back up. But he grabbed her and he kissed her. and She said Fine Duke. Suffer and she walked away and Luke laughed and said Ok Sweetheart I got the point. But she Kept walking ut the door. Uncle Jesse came in the house and he Just smiled. and Luke got up and he slowly walked outside with Kathy He walked up behind Kathy and said Ok Sweetheart. Kathy turned around and but her arms around him and kissed him. and then they saw a Yellow car pull up. and Luke said Hay Vance. Vance got out of the car and then he went to the the passangerside and he opened the door. and Outsteped Tina Kathy was surprised. and Vance Said we have been seeing each other 2 weeks now. Luke smiles and said good Luck. Kathy Gave him a look and Luke Just smiled as he kissed Kathy and said I love you Seetheart.
  23. MEANWHILE AT COOTER'S GARAGE.. Luke was helping cooter fix Lou-Ann Henderson's car. When she walked up. and she saw Luke with his shirt off working under the hood and she went and pinched his butt. Luke got out from under the hood and said hello Lou-ann You do Know I'm married and have been married for 16 wounderful years. Lou-ann Just Smiles and said so I dated married men before. Luke looked at herand said not this one. I'm in love with my wife. she is my life her and our kids. i f I wanted to see other women I wouln't have gotten married. Lou-ann Looked at him and said if you change your mind you know where I'm at. Luke said I won't. and then Cooter said Lou-ann your car is ready he gave her the keys and put the hood down and she paided Cooter and got in her car and Left. BACK AT THE FARM. Kathy was still sitting outside when she saw a car pull up and she saw a blond guy get out of the car along with a dark haired women and a blong girl. Kathy smiled and saidBo Tracy Stacy and BJ.tHEY all walked over Tracy was holding BJ. AND Kathy got up and gave Bo a Hugg.
  24. Kathy was relaxing outside under a tree. and she was remembering back when her and Luke first met and what they went threw while she was pregnet with Jesse. you wouldn't guesse that to see him now he wasa healthy 12 year old boy. a perfect image of his father. curly dark hair Baby blue eyes and his intrest in cars not just any car fast cars Kathy though yup a Duke Boy threw and threw. Luke was already showing him how to drive The way Uncle Jesse showed him. and he though it was so cool. and couldn't wait till he turned 16 to get his lience. Rebecca walked up to Kathy and sat in a chair next to her and asked what are you thing about? Kathy smiled and said My family. Rebecca said Kathleen you are a great mother Jesse is a terfic Kid. and this (pointing to Kathy's stomach) Little Girl is so Lucky to be born in this family. the Dukes are wounderful. Kathy smiled and said so are the Spencers.
  25. Luke smiled and said Ya she will stay that way aslong as her mother will learn to relax. Kathy looked at her husband and said stay relaxed in this family that's inpossable. Rebeccas knocked on the door and Luke said come in and She had breakfast for Kathy and Luke. and she put it on the bed and said Jesse has all ready ate and he's off to school. She looked at Luke and said Eat up You have chores this morning. Luke Smiled and said Yes mam. AFTER BREAKFAST.. Kathy and Luke go dressed and took the tray and dishes downstairs. Her mother gave her a dirty look as Kathy put them in the sink and washed down the tray and put it up. Luke came down the stairs. and he smiled as he hurd Rebecca tell Kathy to relax. he walked to the Kitchen and he Kissed Kathy and he Said After I'm done with the chores I going to town and help Cooter in the Garage if you need me Sweetheart call me there. Ok Baby I will. Love you. Kathy said as she kissed him and then he went out the door.
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