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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Yes I would love to get some pratice in on holding a baby. and Abigail handed her daughter to Kathleen. Kathleen took the baby and held her. and said Brain father Name was Marcus Allen Spencer.
  2. Dad, what are we going to do about Mr. Bushmaster? Jesse Said. Before Luke had a chance to answer him Rose spoke up and saidLet me Handle Bushmaster. Carol looked at her mother and sasid Mom you can't. Rose looked a Carol and said Carol there is one thing youhave to larn about this Family we work together. from Little Leventa to Me and everone eles in between. that's what Us Dukes do. we fight for out land Oh Like Jesse use to say we fight the system. we fight the crocked goverment in this town and Bushmaster owes me.
  3. Kathleen looked at her friend and said I think I would like a boy but I haven't decided on any names yet.Maybe after Brain's father,
  4. Bo showed up at the farm and he saw Jesse carring out Bo and he ran to Jesse and Jesse told him what was going on and Bo saw That Jesse was upset and he said Jesse you did the right thing he will be all right no come on get in the car with uour aund and we will take hime to the hospital.
  5. That's a good Idea George Wyh done we go check out the lad that you are talking about. So Brain went and Told Kathleen and Kathleen said Ok and the men left.
  6. Luke said No it not a pie recipe is the Shine recipe.It's Uncle Jesse's Shine Recipe. The last bach Uncle Jesse made was when Kath and I got married. He alway made it of wedding, new baby. Well we ran it because we had to get it to our custmers. But we stopped making Shine when Me and Your Uncle Bo Got cought. and they wanted to but us in Jail But Uncle Jesse said If I stop making shine will you let my boys go free. So the goverment agreed and they put Bo and I on probation.
  7. Bo said Jesse calm down I will be right there. And I will call Reba and tell her. Jesse said Ok Uncle Bo and Can you please find out how my baby sister is doing? Mom and Dad rushed her to the hospital this morninh=g cause she had a high feaver too. Bo said Ok Jesse I will find that out for you You get Bo ready cause when I get there we are running him to the hospital. and Jesse said ok. and then he hung up the phone.
  8. Luke smiled and said Your father never explained to you what shine was. Ok shine is Corn whiskey or Moonshine. We as a Family use to Make Corn Whisky and Run it. and A revanuer is a person who tries to catch us and put us in Jail You see is wasn't eleagal to make the whiskey but it was eleagle to run it.
  9. Beth took CJ to a room. and gave him the medicane. MEANWHILE IN LEVENTA'S ROOM.. Kathy was resting in the chair and Luke was standing by the crib. and he prayed and he said Dear Lord I know at first I was a Jackass when Kath told me about Leventa. but I love her with all my heart and soul. If you want to take someone please take me. She's is her mother's treasure. and if we lose her I know it will Kill Kath. Just Then Leventa started to cry. Luke looked at her and felt her and the feaver went down. (Leventa is only 2 weeks old). Luke smiled and said Welcome back Baby Girl and Leventa grabbed his finger and wouldn't let go.
  10. Kathy Smiled and said Now let's tell the rest of the family. So Kathy and Luke walked uo to Jesse and Clark and Luke said In the house boys we need to have a family meeting. So everyone went into the house. Luke had told everyone in the family what was going ong with Bushmaster. Rose Said Erza Bushmaster? Luke said Ya. Well I no him he was your fathers bestfriend Unitil he stapped your father in the Back. You see your father and him was running shine. and they had stopped of the nigh to rest. but in the morning Erza was gone and there was a revanuer waiting to take your dad to jail.
  11. Kathleen looked at Abagal and said Show me around and Abaile smiled and said sure. George helped Brain with their things George said You can stay with us till U get your house Built I know that Abagail and Kathy would want to be close So why don't we build your house about a Mile from our farm. and Brain said that's a geat idea George. and them men left. IN PRESENT DAY... Kathy stopped reading cause she hurd the General Lee Pull in. and then a few minutes Later Luke walked in and he said Hay Sweetheart what's going on. Kathy looked at heim and said My mother just sent me this and Luke My great Great grantparents lived here in Hazzard and I think that My Great Great grandfather Brain Spencer Build the hotel in Hazzard. Really then how did the Hogg's get it? Luke asked I Don't Know Baby I haven' read that far yet but this is instering. you know the farm a mile down the road from here? Ya, The old Jesup Farm. Luke said Kathy smiled and said well it was oragnily The Spencer Farm. Kathy Said REALLY Luke said.
  12. Kathy went back in the house she walked over to the sink and she started to do the dishes. Rose walked over to her and said what's the matter dear? Kathy looked at Rose and said Mom I know something is bothering Luke But he won't tell me what it is. Kathy said. Maybe he feels that he shuld handle this himself and protect you and the kids. Rose said. Kathy though could it be something like that. and she thought about the race and who he will be racing against and She said Thanks Mom and she walked back out to the Barn where Luke Jesse and Clark where. She walked up to the boys and said I need to talk to Luke. and Jesse said Mom is everything all right. Kathy looked at him and said Please go in the house I need to talk to your father. The boys left. Kathy looked at Luke and said Baby, Has Bushmaster thrented the family in anyway? Luke looked at her and said No but he did hire someone to sabatosh the General.and I don't want to take any chances that the family is next. Luke said. Baby, Why didn't you tell me this sooner? Kathy Said. Caus I didn't want you to worry.Luke said. Kathy looked at him and said Luke, he have been married for 25 years and you should know me I can tell if you are keeping something from me. We are a team that's how we get threw the difficult parts. Luke walked ovet to Kathy took her in his arms and said you are right I'am sorry and then he kissed her.
  13. Luke walked into Leventa's room and he saw Kathy he walked over to her and said sweetheart. How's our Baby Girl? Kathy looked at him and said the feaver has gone down some but not enough. It's still to high. Luke sat down beside her.
  14. Brain and Kathleen where entering Hazzard and Kathleen saw her best friend standing Next to her husband George. Kathleen got off the wagan and ran to her friend. and the two women huged. She looked at Kathleen and said Congradulations on the baby. Kathleen just smiled and said Thanks Putting her hand on her small stomach. I'm about 3 months Kathleen said My mother didn't want me to leave Boston but i couldn't stand living there. and Brain wanted to start his own bussines. He wants to build a Hotel here in Hazzard. IN PRESENT DAY HAZZARD.. Kathy stopped reading. and she though I wounder if that's the Hogg Hotel in town and How did the Hoggs get the Hotel? She Started reading again.
  15. Kathy was with Leventa. and Leventa was sleeping and she said Dear Lord Please watch over my Little girl. OUTSIDE .. Beth ran to Angie and took the baby and checked him and said Yup he has the Flu and she put him in a room and gave him some medican.
  16. back in 1776 Kathleen hicks Spencer and her husband Brain Spencer was on their way to Hazzard. Brain was going to open a hotel in Hazzard.He decided to move to Hazzard because his wife Kathleen was so sad without her best friend and he didn't want to upset her cause she was pregnet with their first child. and they have been tring to have a baby ever sence they have gotten Married 3 years ago.
  17. In Present Day Hazzard. Kathy just got a pagage from her mother and in the letter she said It was her Great Great Grand mother's Kathleen Hicks Spencer Dairy and she said That she will find it very instering indead. Kathy opened up the Dairy and she started to read it. and she was surprise to find out that her Great Grant grandmother was a good friend of George Washinton Duke and She Had come to Hazzard to be with her best friend. and Kathy read on.
  18. Then Ross and Charlie hears Reba on the cb and she tells them about Leventa. and Ross turns the car around and said sorry Charlie girls come later family comes first. and the boys headed for the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL Luke and Kathy was in the waiting room when Jesse came in with Reba and Mike and Reba said Uncle Luke I called Dad and he said he was on his way. Luke just smiled. Beth came out and she didn't look happy and Luke said give it to us Beth. Beth looked at Luke and said Leventa has real bad case of the flu we have started her on anobiocs here feaver has come down a little ones as you know Kathy have the hardest time with the flu like the elderly. we just have to Pray that the medican will work. Kathy got up and she headed for her baby. Jesse looked at his dad and said dad this is bad? Luke looked at Jesse and said Ya son this could be bad.
  19. Kathy looked at Luke and said Baby is everything all right? Luke smiled and said Ya I'am fine. Just tring to get the bugs out of the General before the race saturday
  20. Luke looked at Clark and said Ya I think it is fowl play cause this ain't no ordnary Race. You see Erza Bushmaster. Challanged Rosco to a car race. he need to find a car and Driver and I told Rosco I would do it. You see Bushmaster wants to Control Hazzard. And he chalanged Rosco to this race and the winners get control of Hazzard and I can't let a guy like Erza Bushmaster get control of Hazzard. He worse then Bosshogg was. So I think he has hired someone to take me down. Now I don't want your Aunt to know anything about this. Just help me keep an eye on the family cause this didn't work he wil go for the family next. Clark looked at him and said Ok Uncle Luke I will.
  21. MEANWHILE IN THE GENERAL.. Luke made a turn and the General didn't act right Jesse said Dad What's wronge with the General. I don't Know Son But Hang on it's going to be a rough ride. Sarah hung on To Jesse and Clark said iN Luke's ear. Uncle Luke do you want me to stop the General. Luke Smiled and said No Clark I think I can handle the ol General. He;s Just cranky is all. and Luke tried to straiten the General Out Meanwhile Mike (his brother) was right behind them and he got on the CB and said Hay Lost Sheep What's wronge Need help? Luke got on the cb and said I hear you laughing brother. In Luke Just cut the General's wheel and the General Stopped. and they all got out. Jesse poped the hood. and Luke loooked at the General and he smiled and said I woundered where that went to. and Luke fixed the problem and he said Well The General should be running right now. and they all got back in the General and headed back to the farm.
  22. Back at the house. Jesse Luke. Clark and Sarah got in the General Lee. Luke Started him up and headed down the road. MEANWHILE IN THE HOUSE.. Leventa was having fun with Chole and Lois. The Phone rings Kathy answers it and it was Bo and he told her about the latest Duke. and she said Tell them congradulations for me and we will be there as Soo as Luke and Jesse get's back with the General Lee. and Bo said Ya that's right th race is Saturday I have forgotten all about that I bet Jesse is excited that he's riding shotgun? Bo said Oh ya He's a Duke Boy!!!! Kathy said and they both laugh. and then Kathy hangs up and then in walks Carol and Rose. Kathy looked at them and said Rose are you ok? Rose looked at her with a teir in her eye and said I went up to the cemotary and SAW Jesse's grave and I thanked him for raising Luke and that he turmed out to be a fine man. and he got a wounderful wife and Kids. Kathy walked over to her and said Mom com and sit down and Rose did what she wasd asked. and Carol said where is Luke Oh him and Jesse went to test the general for the race saturday,Kathy Said. Carol said Oh I can't wait to see the race I have never seen a car race before. Kathy just smiled. and said well sis you are in for a treat.
  23. Jesse smiles and hesaid You think my driving is sometthing you should see my Dad in The General Lee. Just then They pulled up to the farm. They got out of the car and Jesse walked over to his mom and Dad and Jesse said Dad Ready to test the General? Luke looked at Jesse and said. Yup we are ready
  24. Ya he is a race car and My Dad is entered in the race. and the General and My dad and my Uncle Bo has never lost a rase and this year I'am going to be dad co-polit and It's going to be awsome. Just the he hurd Lost Sheep to Little Duke come Back. Jesse picked up the cb and said what's up Lost Sheep? You Need to come back to the farm your mother is back with the General and we need to take him for a test run.Oh Angie had a boy and they are both fine.Luke said. That's great Dad. Ok I headed back home I'm gone. Jesse put the CB down and headed back to the farm.
  25. Jesse looked in the morror and said Lois your command is my dream. and he did some more moves
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