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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Bo looked at Reba and said where did you come up with the name Marcus Allen? Reba smiled and said Aunt Kathy told me it was her Great Great Grandfather's Name. And I liked it. Then Kathy told then about her Ggreat Great Grandmother Kathleen's Journal.and about the hotel. So why did the spencer leave. and why does The Hoggs own the hotel Now.Luke Said. Kathy looked at him and said I don't Know I haven't got that far yet. You know I think I know where that house is.Luke said. Kathy looked at him and said can we go see it. Luke said Sure. and they left AT THE HOUSE Luke parked the General Lee. Kathy got out and said wow it looks like no one has lived here for years. I don't remember anyone living here. Maybe the Spencers Still own it. We could look it up in the court house. Luke Said. lets go. They go in the General and headed for town. IN TOWN AT THE COURT HOUSE Luke and Kathy got out of the General Lee. and went in the court house. and they asked Bonnie if they could see the records and she said sure and they found the records to the house and sure enough the spencer's still own the house. Kathy smiled and she said Thanks. and they walked out.
  2. Kathy saw that Jesse had come in the room. She walked over to him and gave him a hug and said Jesse Leventa is fine she will be just fine. All Jesse did was smile and he walkedover to his dad and said Dad can I feed her. Luke Smiled and said Sure Son Luke got up and Jesse sat down and Luke took the bottle out of Leventa's Mouth she protested. Luke looked at her and said It's Ok Sweetheart You will get it back. He handed Leventa to Jesse and gave the bottle to him and then Jesse gave the bottle to Leventa. and she quited right down. Luke walked over to Kathy and said Kath I know in the beging I was againest on having another baby. But I'm real Glad we have our Baby Girl. I don't know what I would have done if we lost her. Kathy Just Kissed him.
  3. Luke started to remember when Jesse was born and he looked at Mike and said you know Jesse was born in this house I delivered him. I was So scared cause Kath had been having problems and I had almost lost her. But when I heard him cry. it was like wow. and when I saw him and held him for the first time.it was like no other feeling I have ever felt. Just then they hurd a Baby cry. and they all went upstairs and looked in the room. and there was Reba holding Little Marcus Allen
  4. Kathy went back into Leventa's room and Luke had her calm down and he was rocking her and Kathy gave him a bottle. Luke smiled and said Thanks sweetheart.
  5. Kathy looked at Reba and said Reba it's to late to get you to the hospital can You make it to my and Luke's Bed room. Reba looked at her. Kathy said Remember Reba I'm a doctor I know what I'm doing/ and your baby was the first baby born in this house. and I 'm sure it won't be the last. IN lUKE AND kATHY'S ROOM Reba layed on the bed and she had a contraction. DOWNSTAIRS Bo and Luke walked and they saw Michael. Michael told them what was going on and Luke smiled and said Don't worry she has the best doctor in Georgia with her.
  6. Lucy was crying and Bo said Lucy calm down. Tell me what's going on. Bo I don't want to say this over the phone can you please Met me at Our Spot.Lucy Said Ok Lucy I will be right there. Bo said As he hun up the phone. and he left .
  7. Good. Now do it. Jr said. Then Lucy left and started to put the plan into action.
  8. Jess smiled and said No Little buddy I didn't bring any cars. I was to worried about you But I'm glad you are feeling better. We can play cars when are feeling better .Bo Just smiled. Meanwhile out in the hall. Luke was walking to Leventa's Room and he herd her Crying. But No one was going to her. Luke rand to the room and he saw Leventa she was soaked and he got mad. He picked up his daughter. and he changed her and he changed her bedding Kathy walked in and she saw what was goinf on and she went to the nurses she really gave them heck and one of them was new and she said what gives her the right to jump out thought. And the nurse who name was Lisa said cause she's our cheif of Staff and she can have your job. so if I where you I would be taken spical care of her daughter who was just born her 2 weeks ago.
  9. Kathy saw Reba and Mike and she said come in and she told Reba and Mike about the Jernoul and she said Wow So Aunt Kathy have any Name ideas. Kathy smiled and said Ya One how about Marcus Allen He was my Great grand father. So what do you think.
  10. Reba pulled up and told Lukewhat had Happened. and Luke said Is he all right and Reba said Saure he was and I have no Clue who he was. Do you Know Uncle Luke. Luke said No that car doesn't sound filmiler.
  11. Lois ran to Leventa and said are you all right? Leventa smiles and said yup cause I know my daddy is coming to get me. and then they hear the General Lee and Leventa starts Jumping and said See My daddy is coming. cause that's the General Lee. IN THE GENERAL. Clark i want you to go to the back and Take Jesse with you and get the girls out Bo and I will keep these guys buzy. and They let the boys Off and Sarah I want you to stay in the General Just in case we need a fast get a way. Luke said As him and Bo got out. Ok Mr. Duke Sarah said as she got in the General's Drivers seat and she said Ok General I guess It's you and I. Bo and Luke walked thre the door and Patch said I was told to expect you. and Luke walked up to him and said let my daughter, Lois and Lucy go. and I will let you walk awy from this. Patch started to laugh and said Well Duke I hold all the cards here. Bo saw Jesse in the window with a thumbs up. Bo smiles and said Oh do you really. Just then Patch fired his gun at Luke. Clark saw this and he did his super speed and stood in front of Luke and took the bullet. and he ran back out to the General Lee . Luke and Bo started to fight them. and then they headed to the General and headed back to the farm. Luke got on the CB and said. Lost Sheep#1 to Pretty lady come back. AT THE FARM Kathy herd luke on the CB. She waked over to it and said You got Pretty Lady her Lost Sheep. Pretty Lady we got the girls and we are headed for home. Kathy let out a breath and said I will be waiting.
  12. Meanwhile at Still site #3 Luke and Bo where talking When they saw Sarah come riding up with Jesse's dirt bike. she ran over to Luke and Jesse and told them about what she saw. and Bo Luke Jesse Clark and Sarah all got in the General and headed for the cabin
  13. Ya I think the Spencer will be here. I love Hazzard. Wouldn't it be great if some day the Dukes and Spencer's become one Family. Kathleem said. PRESENT DAY Kathy stopped reading. and she smiled and she said well Great Great Grandma you got your wish. The Spencers and Dukes are one family now.
  14. May be Luke said. Reba come over to Jesse and she gives him a hug and said Jesse I just want you to know that you did everthing right. And Bo is fine his feaver has broke and he's asking for you he said the minute he woke up Where's Jes I want Jes. So Jesse looked at his dad and Luke said Go you can see your sister later your mom said she's resting any way. So Jesse went with Reba to see Bo.
  15. The boys walked into the house. And Abigale interduced them to Kathleen. and the Boys where polite. and they went out and started heir chores. George and Brain came home and they walked into the house/ and Brain told Kathleen about he land. and she said it sounds beautiful.
  16. Luke went to still sight # 3 and he was waiting for Bo. Finily Bo showed up. and he got out of his car. he walked over to Luke who was pasing. Bo walked over to Luke and he said. Cousin We will get Leventa Back. we have to get the others in volved. and get her. Mean while in the old cabin. In the swamp. Patch took Leventa and put her in a room and locked it and he told his men not to let anyone near that door. and he went to call his boss. he told his boss.that he had Leventa. and his boss said good. Luke won't show up at the race tomorrow now that we have his daughter. Sarah was following Lois and Lucy. and Jesse's dirt bike. Sarah blamed herself for what happened to Leventa she was suppose to watch her.
  17. Meanwhile George and Brain where looking at the land and he said wow It's perfect. I know that Kathleen will love it.
  18. we're not blaming Lex it's a Guy named Erza Bushmaster he wants to take over Hazzard and Luke is in the way. MEANWHILE OVER BY THE BARN.. Leventa and Rose where playing. When someone comes up and grabbs Leventa, She starts to scream And yell DADDY DADDY. Jesse and Clark come a running but stop and then Kathy and Luke ran to the barn but they stop and Patch said if you want to see your daughter again don't show up at the starting line tomorrow. and then he took off with Leventa. Kathy said Luke we need to get her back. He took her in her arms and said don Worry sweetheart I will get her back. Jesse Clark come with me in the General Ross you and Mike go in your car we are going to split up. and that's what they did. MEANWHILE IN PATCHES CAR. Leventa was giving him a hard time and She said You done it now you think my Daddy was mad at you before. that ain't nothing what he will do to you now that you took me. and don't forget my big brothe Jesse and My frav cousin Clark.
  19. I don't know son. But I will think of something. I always do. Luke saw Kathy coming out of Leventa;s room. and he walked over to her and Jesse was right be gind him. Luke hugged her. and Kathy looked at Jesse and said Leventa will be fine her feaver just broke. and she's starting to be her normal self. Jesse hugged his mom and then Jesse told her about Little Bo. Shesaw that Reba and Mike where in his room.and she said he will be fin Jesse Kathy said.
  20. Luke looked at Jesse and said Yes it would be rude. Why Don't I talk to Your Uncle Bo first ok.
  21. Luke smiles and said Yes he does look alot like bo and he also acts like him and walks like him too.
  22. well as a family we need to prepare ourselves of Bushmaster's next attick That means we all have to keep a sharp eye out for everyone.Exprelly the little ones. And Clark and Jesse said we will keep an eye on the younger ones Luke looked at them and said Thanks Guys. and don't tell the little ones it will just scare them. Jesse and Clark said Ok and they left to be with the little ones and Sarah went with them along with Lois.
  23. Luke came out of the room and went to the waiting room and he saw Bo and Tracy. and Jesse was with them and Jesse ran to his father and said Dad How is Leventa? Luke looked at his son and smiled and said Leventa is fine. She will be fine. and everyone cheered. and then Chris come out and said His son will be fine.
  24. Kathleen looked at her friend and said We will love to be her godparents.
  25. Well they are all ready at the hospital.waiting on news on Leventa. and Don't worry Jesse they won't blame you. you did all you could for him. AT THE HOSPITAL Bo stopped the car and took Bo and ran into the hospital with Jesse and Tracy right be hind him and Beth came and Took Bo and Started to give him the medican as well.
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