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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Jessica told Ross what had Happened with Kathy and About Jacob. Ross was Happy that Kathy had made it.
  2. Kathy looked at Jesse and said want to hold him. Jesse looked at her and said I will hold him after dad and Leventa. Kathy smiled and handed him to Luke. and Luke said I can get over how tiny baby are. Luke looked at Leventa and said want to hold him Leventa smiled and she walked over to her dad and she sat in the chair and Luke handed her Jacob. Leventa smiled and said To Jacob I will be the best big sister.I was upset when mom and daddy told me you where a boy but not anymore.you are my little brother and i love you.and then Leventa saw a flash. Luke took a picture and she just smiled. and Then Jesse held him and he looked at Jacob and then At his parents and said I have to tell you something. Sarah and I are getting married. Luke and Kathy congradulated him. and Luke went to get Sarah. and brought her into the room. Kathy looked at them and said if you need any help with anything let me know. and I promise I won't be like my mother was when your father and I got married.Luke looked at her and said I hope not. don't get me wrong I loved your mother . Kathy smiled and said I know Baby I felt the same way.
  3. Kathy looked at him and said I want to see all 3 of my babies I want them here with me. Luke smiled and said well two of your babies are here. Kathy smiled and said Leventa. No Jesse Luke said as he got up and went out the door. Luke saw Beth and said Kath wants to see all three of her Babies. Beth smiles and said well her first born is some worried about her. Ya they can all go in. I will have a nurse bring in Jacob.Thanks Beth. Luke said. Luke walked towards he saw Jesse in the hall and he said Dad is mom all right? Jesse said Ya she is son. she is asking for you. I need to call Jesicca and ask her to bring Leventa here. Luke said Dad Aunt Jesicca has all ready brought here she is in the waiting room.Jesse said. Leventa saw her dad and she ran rght to him and Luke picked her up and said Mommy is fine and she wants to see you. Leventa just smiled. Just then Carol walked in the hospital with Rose and they saw Luke Luke hugged them and said Kath is fine she wants to see the kids right now I will fill you in on everything that happened in a little bit. Carol said ok. IN KATHY'S ROOM Beth was checking Kathy and Beth was touching Kathy's legs and Kathy didn't saw anything . Kathy saw the worried look on Beth's face. and said Beth what's wrong? and Beth said Kathy tell me if you can feel this and she touched her leg and Kathy said No I can't beth. What's going on? I don't know Kathy but we will have to run some test. Kathy said Not a word of this to Luke or the kids. Beth said Kathy they will find out. Just then Luke and the kids walk in and Luke said Find out what sweetheart? Kathy looked at Luke and said I will tell you later right now I wan to see my kids . and at that moment a nurse brought in Jacob and handed him to Kathy.
  4. Bo and Luke showed up at the Boars NEST and they saw what was going on and Bo said Oh great. Well Bo lets go break it up before they distroy the place. So Bo Grabbed Michael and Luke Grabbed Lex. But the fists where still flying and Michael hit Luke and Lex Hit Luke AND lLuke turned around and Hit Lex and Lex went down and Bo did the same with Michael. Bo looked at Luke and said I have been waiting a long time to do that. and Luke Just smiled.
  5. Meanwhile in Hazzard at the hospital Beth stopped pushing on Kathy's Chest and said Let's call it time of death 5:30 pm. and she took of her gloves and she went to tell the Dukes. MEANWHILE OUT IN THE WAITING ROOM Luke was on the floor. Jesse saw him and he ran to his father and said Dad are you all right? He looked at his son and said I've lost her, I've lost her.Jesse didn't know what do say to his father. Bo walked over to him and said. Luke she will always be with you and you have to think about Leventa and Jacob they are going to need you. AS Beth was walking towards the Dukes A nurse came running out and said Doctor wE HAVE A Mircal. and Beth ran back to Kathy's room.and she saw a heart beat on the monter. and shesaid that a girl come back to everyone who needs you. she checked Kathy out and she was breathing and her heart beat is strong.and then Kathy opened up her eyes and Beth smile and said welcome back. and she said let me go tell your family. Beth walked out and saw the Dukes and Luke stood up and he smiled and said she came back didn't she Beth smiled and said Ya she did. Bo SAID YEEHAAA. You may go in and see her but one at a time. Luke said that is me. and he got and followed her to Kathy's room. Luke walked in and he saw his beautiful wife and he went to her and he kissed her. and he stated to sing their song Amazed. after he was done he said Kath that was way to close. don't ever scare me like that again. Kathy smiled and said I love you Luke
  6. Jesse walked back over to His father and said Aunt Carol is on her way. Luke smiles and said Thanks son. Then Luke hurd some more filmiler voices. he got up and there he saw Bo,Tracy,Coy, Kris, Vance Lisa,Daisy and Enos. and then his father -in -law Kyle. Kyle walked over to him and said son how are they. and Luke told them what he knew. Luke said how did you all know. Bo smiled and said Kyle called each of us on the plane and told us he was coming to get us and to be at the airport when he plane lands and he told us why.Just then Luke saw Beth. He walked over to her and said how are they? Beth said Jacob is Fine I have checked his lungs and they seem to be working. Just then a nurse came running out and said doctor we need you and she said excuse me.and she left. Luke saw her go in Kathy's room. Luke said It's Kath. Bo walked over to him and said we don't know that. MEANWHILE IN KATHY'S ROOM Kathy's body was still shutting down. Beth said oh no you don't Kathy. You have a beautiful baby boy.a handsome son a beautifule daughter and a husband who all need you. and I don't want to be the one who tells your husband we lost you. 15 MINUTES HAD PASSED Luke felt Kathy and he started to cry and he fell to the ground.
  7. IN HAZZARD AT THE HOSPITAL.. Luke as passing the floor when he heard Jesse's voice. He urned around and said Son and he hugged Jesse. Hay Dad hows mom. I haven't heard anything Jesse she's still in the OR. IN THE OR Beth was holding Jacob and he was cring. and she smiled and said his loungs sound fine. Then one of the nurse said Doctor Her heart Just stopped. She quickly handed Jacob to a nurse, and tended to Kathy, She said Now Kathy don't you do this to me I can't run this hospital Without you. Just then they got her heart beat back. Beth smiled and said Thank God. BACK IN THE WAITING ROOM.. Sarah said Mr.Duke have you called your sister Carol? Luke Looked at her and said No Sarah I haven't Thanks for reminding me. He walked over to the phone. Jesse never seen his father so lost before. He walked over and said Dad I will call Aunt Carol and tell her. you just sit and relax. Jesse took his cell phone and called his Aunt and he told her what was going on and she said she was on her way. and Jesse said ok and he closed his phone.
  8. In CHICAGO Jesse was waiing for Sarah to come home cause he had an imporant qyestion to ask her.he looked at the ring again. and he smiled he woundered if this is how his father felt when he asked his mother to marrie him.Then he heard Sarah's car and he was more nervice now. Sarah walksin and she saw Jesse and she smiled and said What are you doing home early? Jesse walked over to her and said Sarah I love you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife. Sarah smiled and said Jesse I love you to and Yes I will Married you. and he placed the ring on her left index finger. and then they kissed. and then the Phone Rang. Jesse answered it and said Dad calm down ok Dad we are on our way.Jesse put the phone down and he walked over to Sarah and said That was Dad and Mom is in the hospital. Some thing is wronge.I need to go tell Grandpa. Jesse wen to leave and Sarah said I will pack.Jesse just smiled. BACK IN HAZZARD IN THE HOSPITAL Luke was pasing the floor. Michael was tring to to calm him down . when he saw Beth. Beth didn't look happy. Luke said Beth what's going on? Beth said Luke it isn't good. Jacob is shutting down Kathy's Body. and if we don't don something fast we could lose them both. Luke looked at her so you are tell me I have to make a choise between my wife and my son. Beth said I need your permission to take Jacob by c-secation. cause if we don't we could lose Kathy. Luke said what about Jacob? Jacob is only a month premaure. THe only thin I would be concerned about is his lungs. But we don't know anything till he's here. Luke was quite for a while and said go ahead and Take Jacob. I don't want to lose eather of them. Beth looked at him and said Ok and then she left.
  9. TONIGHT ON THE DUKES, JESSE'S GETTING MARRIED. BUT SARAH'S PARENTS DON'T WANT HER TO. WHAT WILL JESSE AND SARAH DO.AND THERE A NEW DUKE IN THE WORD. BUT THERE ARE SOME PROBLEMS FIND OUT WHAT THEY ARE. Kathy was 8 monts pregnet and she wasn't feeling very well. she hasn't felt this way before. she started to get dizzy and then she passed out. MEANWHILE OUT IN THE BARN Luke was doing chores. he thought man he missed Jesse. he was in chicago. going to collage and Kyle was teaching him the hotel bussiness. Sarah was studding to become a doctor like Kathy. Luke walked in the house and saw Kathy on the floor and he ran to her and he said Kath can you hear me. He picked her up and carried her to the firebird ans then went off to the hospital. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Luke carried Kathy in Beh saw them and she ran right to them and said Follow me Luke followed her to a room and Luke Laided her down n the bed. and he told Beth What had happened and she said Ok I will check her. and Luke looked at the clock and said Levintia and said it time to pick her up at school. he picked up the phone and called Jesicca and told her wahat was going on and if she would pick up Leventa for him and take her to her house and she said Sure. I will tell michael what's going on so he can be with you. Luke said Thanks and he hung up he phone.
  10. MEANWHILE AT THE FARM Luke hears someone on the CB saying Lost Sheep Dad Uncle Luke you out there. Bo went to pick it up. and it was Charlie and he said that Michael and Lex where fighting at the Boaes Nest. and Bo said I'm on my way.and Bo looked at Luke and said are you coming. Luke smiled and said Your dirving and he threw him the Keys to the General Lee. Luke kissed Kathy. and Bo Kissed Tracy and They left.
  11. Luke looked at michael and smiled and said No it hasn't change Kathhad just called me in cause she felt our second son move and it's still amazes me.Hank is my brother Judd's Son and Him and Jesse where close. Jesse said ya he my fravrote cousin besides Clark and Ross of course.But I think hank and I got into more trouble together. Luke and Michael looked at each other and said nope It was Ross. and they all laughed. Just then they hurd a car. and it was Judd and his Family.and Judd walked to the door and he was surprised to see that the whole family was there. and some new faces. Judd said Hello to everyone and then he interduced his daughter Renee Ann Duke and She was 6 months old. Luke welcomed Renee into the family and then he told him about the baby coming and he said congraulations brother. and Luke interduced Judd to the family he didin't know and Jesse interduced him to Sarah. Judd said wow the Duke clan is growing Uncle Jesse would be proud.
  12. Jesse and Leventa walked into the house and Leventa walked over to her parents and said Mommy Daddy I'm sorry. Luke Picked her up and said We Understand. Brothers can be a pain some times(luke looks over at Michael) Just then the Phone rings Bo answers it and said Duke Farm Bo speaking. Oh Hi Judd you are good cause Your brother has some news for you too. yup ok see you in a few Bye. Bo put down the phone and said that was Judd and he is coming to Hazzard him and Beth and Little Hank. Well Bo Hank isn't little anymore he's 16 now.
  13. Luke just laughs and said Ya I do son. I also remember the diffulcut Pregency your mother had I almost lost her.Same thing when she was pregnet with Leventa. She was on bed rest with LEVENTA. i hope she will have a easer pregnecy with this one. Don't worry Luke she will if Daisy and Jessica has to tie her to the chair Michael said. and they all laugh. IN THE HOUSE Kathy stopped reading and she though Jacob Ryan Duke. and she smiled and said I like that. and she felt the baby kick for the first time and she smiled. and she said Daisy can you get Luke Please. Daisy looked a her and said is everything all right? Kathy said everything is perfect. Daisy smiled and she went and got Luke. Luke ran in the house and to the recliner where Kathy was sitting and she took his hand and placed it on her stomach. and they waited for a minute.and the baby kiscked again. and Luke smiled. and Kathy said That's our Son. Luke looked at her and he said we are having another son. when did you find this out? Kathy smiled and said when I was in the hospital Beth did an Ultrasound to see if he was all right. and she asked me if I wanted to know it it was a boy or girl. and I though of a Name for him how about Jacob Ryan? Luke smiled and said I like it. It was my Grandfather's Name.Kathy Said. Luke kissed her. and said We need to tell Leventa and Jesse that they are having a brother. So Luke called a short family meeting and told them about the Baby and what his name is. and they where all happy well all excepy Leventa. Luke saw his baby girl wasn't happy. and he walked over to her and said Baby Girl whats the mater? I was hoping for a baby sister. So we could play dolls together but now I'm getting another stupit brother. and she ran off. Jesse looked at his parents and said I will go talk to her. and he left. OUTSIDE IN THE TREE HOUSE Leventa was up there. Jesse climbed up and said May I come in. Leventa said I don't care It's your tree house anyway. Jesse came in and sat down and said No Leventa it was never Just mine it was ours.and it was wrone of me to say other whys yes dad and I made this together. and I will always remember the fun we had building it. Leventa let me tell you something. When Mom and Dad Told me that you where coming and you where a girl I wasn't happy eather. I wanted a baby brother. but when you where born and Dad put you in my arms. I said wow.and I made you a promise right there Do you remember it? Leventa said Bubba I was a baby. Jesse smiled and said My promise was and still is. That I would protect you no matter what and that I would be the best big brother ever. and if you every want to talk and you don't want to go to mom or dad with it I hope you know you can come to me. and you could be the same way with Jacob when he arrives.you are his big sister and he will look up to you like you look up to me. Jesse said. really Jesse.Leventa said Really Jesse Said. Leventa hugged him and said I will miss you Bubba when you leave. and she started to cry. Jesse just held her.
  14. Kathy was happy with all he help but she couldn't move wihout one of them telling her to sit back down. Kathy was getting pertty anoided. but she knew that they cared.. Aunt Kathy are you all right? Lois said. Ya Lois Im fine Just not use to siting around. Daisy walked up to her and said well get use to it. and get use to being waited on. Kathy just gave her a look. OUTSIDE Bo,Jesse, Luke and Clark. where getting the hay in the barn. Luke looked at Clark and said Thanks for getting Kath to the hospital as fast as you did. Clark smiled and said You are welcome Uncle Luke. INSIDE THE HOUSE Kathy started to read her Great grandmothers journal. Kathleen was in her new home and she was holding her newborn son Jacob Rayn Spencer. Brian was so Happy that Kathleen had made it threw child birth. and now he can concintrat on building the hotel in Hazzard. So him and George started to make plans on that.
  15. Luke and Jesse walked in the room. Kathy looked at them and said is everything all right Luke walked up to her and kissed her and said everything is fine Sweetheart. The nurse came in with Kathy's release papers. and said you need to be stress free Dr. Luke smiles and said don't worry she will. everyone waled out of the room Luke said Jesse keep a eye on your sister. I'm going to help tour mother. Jesse said Ok Dad I will take her home in my car. she love riding with me. Then they hear Leventa in the hall saying no I don't.and Luke just laughs. and they went out the door. 2 HOURS LATER Kathy was home and Luke and Jesse wouldn't let her do anything. and then someone knocked on the door. Jesse opened it and it was Sarah Jesse smiled and said Hay Baby and he kissed her.Sarah went and put her things in the spare room.
  16. Don't tell me you and mom didn't live together before you where married. Jesse said No we didn't Jesse.Don't get me wrong I like Sarah. But Jesse this is a big step and you are only 18.Luke said. I know dad. I know. How did you know that mom was the one for you. Jesse said. Luke just smiled cause he remembered he same converstion he had with Uncle Jesse. Well Jesse I asked Uncle Jesse how do i know when it's right. and he said when all you can think about is her from the time you get up to the time you fell asleep. and I asked him if he had felt this way and what he did about it. and he said Yup i have and I married her.Luke said. Jesse laughed. and Luke said That's what I did. So Jesse take your time. and get to know Sarah ok. Jesse smiled and said Ok Dad. Ok Son, Lets go back and see your mother and remember not a word to your mother cause we don't want her to get stressed out. and Jesse said Ok Dad.
  17. Kathy looked at Luke and said Baby is everything ok. Luke looked at her and said everything is fine Sweetheat.I have to do something I will be right back. and he got up and said Jesse come with me. and Jesse said Ok and they both walked out the door. Leventa said Jesse is in trouble. Bo said How do you know Leventa. Cause Daddy got that look in his eyes. The look that tells Me and Jesse That we are in trouble. Bo smiled and said yup the same look that Uncle Jesse gave Luke and I. BJ Looked at his father and said Dad you have the same look and Stacy agreed with him. Bo Just laugh. OUTSIDE BY THE GENERAL LEE Luke looked at Jesse and said how come you didn't tell your mother and I you ain't going to collage? Well dad I was going to. Jesse said. Jesse. you need your schooling, Luke said Dad you didn't go to collage and you did fine.Jesse said. Luke looked at his son and said Uncle Jesse didn't have the money to send me to collage we do. Grandpa said he would teach me the hotel bussness he would like me to take over the hotels. Luke said That;s Great Jesse But you should take some Bussiness classes. Jesse looked at his father and he knew he was right and Jesse said Ok Dad I will take some classes. oH GRAMP said that you and Mom would still own the hotels but he wants me to run them. Luke said Thats fine with me I don't have a problem with you running them Jesse. Ok Son now lets talk about Sarah. What about Sarah Dad? Jesse said. your Grandfather tells me that you are moving into the guest house together.you know how i feel about that. Luke said. Oh come on Dad. Luke just gave him the look.
  18. Luke said What's the matter Bo can't handle a 5 year old litle girl. Ya I normaly can Luke But she is your daughter. Kathy said now guys come on she's my girl too. Bo said and Thay's why I couldn't handle her.She's fisty Just like her mother.Her room for rings. Luke picks it up. and said Hello, Oh hi dad ya she fine. she just has to rest and stay stress free. Ya I know. but I will keep her stress free. Yup I will Bye. and he hung up the phone. and he looked at Jesse and just gave him a look and Jesse knew he was in for a leture and what it was all about.
  19. While all of this was going on.Luke was in Kathy's Hospital Room. and they where talking. Just then Jesse walked in and said Mom Dad I just talked to Sarah and told her about the baby coming and she's so happy. and she said she will tell Grandma and Aunt Carol. and I also said you where in the hospital and she said she was coming to Hazzard to help you mom. so you don't get stressed out. Kathy smiled and said Ok Jesse. So mom how are you and the baby? Jesse said. Kathy smiled and said we are fine as long a I rest and stay still so the medican can help. and I think it is. cause i have had an contraction in 20 minutes and Jesse that is good. Leventa came running in. and she ran right to Luke. and Bo and Tracy was right behind her and Bo said Sorry she got away from me. Luke just started to laugh.
  20. Luke ran into the hospital with Jesse and Bo right behind him. Luke walked to the desk and said Lisa Hows Kath. Lisa Said I don't know Luke we haven't heard anything. IN THE EXAMING ROOM.. Beth was checking Kathy and she gave her medicain to stop the contractions. and she told Kathy to lie still. and she will got tell the family what;s going on. Kathy looked at her and said will you please send Luke in when you are done. Beth looked at her and said I sure will.and she walked out. OUT IN THE HALL.. Luke saw beth and he walked over to her. and said hows Kath and the baby. Jesse looked at him and said Baby. Mom is pregnet.Beth smiles and said I gave her some medicain to stop the contraction. and the medicain seems to be working. But she has to lie still and stay calm or the medicain won't work and she could lose the baby. So What cause it Beth? Luke said. I don't know has Kathy been under stress sence she got pregnet? Luke said no not that I know of. Has anything new happend in the family that would set her off. Reba said Ya. something to do with me and MY husband. she was upset when she founf out. Luke said Reba she was alittle more then up set. and then Beth said that must have done it then. Oh Luke she wants to see you. Luke looked at everyone and said I will be right Back. Jesse said Dad give mom a kiss from Leventa and me. I will son. Luke said as he walked towards the room.
  21. AT THE HOSPITAL Clark slowwed down and he walked into the hospital with Kathy. Beth came running over to them and told clark to set her down and Clark told her what happened and Beth said Call your Uncle and tell him to get here. and Beth took Kathy to a room. Clark walked over to the phone and called his Uncle Luke's Cell. Luke picked it up. and Clark told Luke and lUKE SAID hE ALL READY kNEW rEBA CALLED HIM ON THE cb. and Luke said Clark she is confused you used your gifts in front of her. Sorry Uncle Luke But I didn't know what to do. I knew Aunt Kathy needed to get to the hospital fast. and that's the fastest way I knew.Clark said. That's ok I have called Lois and she imeeting us at the hospital. With Laventa.Clark hung up he phone and he waited for the rest of the family to get there.
  22. I just want to wish Tom a happy 56th Birthday on Sept 9th.I hope he has a wounderfull day. Love ya Tom.
  23. Kathy was smiling and Then she passes out. Ckark saw her. and he cought her before she hit the ground. He picked her up and with super speed took her to the hospital. Reba was in shock She didn't what to beleive. So she went to the CB and called Luke and said Clark ran her to the hospital.
  24. Kathy looked at her and saidThat's what your Dad and Uncle are doing they are going to look for him and Don't worry. My father will make sure he doesn't file for custy.and I don't think he will. Then Kathy got a little dizzy and she said Woo. Reba said Aunty Kathy are you ok? Kathy looked at her and said. Kathy looked a her and said I don't KNow I never felt like his with Jesse and Leventa. Reba got a concerned Look in her face.
  25. Kathy picked up her cell phone and called her father she needed to tell him about his new grandchild coming. Kathy hears someone pick up a phone and said Judge Spencer Here. Kyle said Hi Dad this is Kathy. Oh Hi Baby. Kyle smiled. Kathy smiled and said Dad I have some good news for you you are going to be a grandpa again. Kyle said congradulations again Daughter. How is Luke taking it? Kyle said. Kathy said Dad I think his in shock right now. but to the other reason I called Reba would like a fast divorce from her husband Michael. Kathy said And she told him the whole story. and he said Ok I will fax the papers to your house. Ok Dad Thanks I will go home now. and she said Bye. and Kathy hung up and said and she told Reba what her father had said
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