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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Ya he's the reason why i became a doctor
  2. Kathy looked with a smile on her face and said Hello
  3. They all left AT THE CEMTERY Luke helped Kathy up the hill. Sarah held Jesse's hand. and Leventa walked with her parents. AT THE GRAVE Kathy said Sorry Rose we have been here for a long time but you never left my thoughs and My heart. I would like you to meet your brother Jesse, Sister Leventa and the newest addation Jacob. we are here to saw Happy Birthday. Leventa walked over to the grave and and knelt down and Place the rose on the Stone and she said I love you big sis. and then she got up and then Jesse walked over and placed his rose on the stone but he didn't saw anything. Luke placed their rose on the stone and he said Rose we still love and miss you.
  4. IN CHICAGO AT THE SPENCER HOUSE Luke had Jesse and Leventa and Kathy was hoding Jacob. and Luke said we have something to tell you. and then he told them about Rose. Jesse looked at them and said how come you never told me. Luke looked at him and said Son It just hurt so much.I was woundering if you want to see a picture of her. we had a doctor take it as we where holding her. and He handed Jesse the picture. and Jesse said I have see this picture before I just always though it was me. Luke said Your mother and I are Taking Jacob to her grave and put a rose on it cause today she would be 23 years old and I was woundering if you and Leventa wanted to go with us. Sarah can come if she wants to after all she is part of this family now. Jesse said Ya i want to go. I want to say hi to my big sister. leventa said Me too.
  5. Just then Jesse, Sarah and Leventa walked in and they saw their father and walked towards him. Jesse looked at his father and said Dad is everything all right? Luke looked up at his son and said Ya it's fine son your mother is with Abby right now. Jesse said Dad Leveta showed the pictures of Hazzard to her Class today. Luke smiled and said well how did it go? Leventa said it went great dad. all of my friends want to see the General in person so can we get him here? Luke looked at her and said I don't know sweetheart. bUT i WILL see what I can do. Leventa hugged him and said Thanks Daddy. and then Abby came out with Kathy and they both had a smile on their face and Luke stood up and said how did it go and Abby said you want to tell them. Kathy smiled and said Ya and Kathy said I moved my big toe. and Luke hugged her and said YEEEHAA. That's wounderful Sweetheart. Leventa was jumping up and Down and Sarah and Jesse was Happy too.
  6. MEANWHILE AT SCHOOL Jesse and Sarah walked into Leventa's classroom and Leventa saw him and said to her friends This is my big brother Jesse and My big Sister Sarah. Sarah Smiled. Mrs. Thomason walked over to Jesse and said How is your mother? Oh she had a ruff day yesterday it was her first physcal theropy session. Jesse said. Tell her that I'm praying for her. and that picture idea of hers worked The other kids thought HazzardCounty was cool exprelly your father's Race car. Jesse smiled and said Oh Ya the General Lee is real cool he got my dad and Uncle Bo out of trouble so many times. Mrs. Thomason just smiled. Leventa walked over and said I ready lets go. as they where leaving a little boy named Robbie walkd over to Leventa and said can your Daddy bring the General Lee to school so we can see him. Leventa said The General Is in Hazzard at out farm. He's in the Barn. The little boy had a sad looke on his face and Jesse said I will talk to our dad ok . and the little boy smiled and said Ok and he ran off to his parents. and then Jesse Sarah and Leventa Left. AT THE HOSPITAL.. Luke was in the hospital waiting room. When Carol walked over to him with a cup of Coffee. and she handed it to him and said Luke you look worried. Luke looked at her and said Carol Kath and I have been threw alot. you are abou the only one out side of Doug that knows about the two misscarriges before Jesse. I went to the cemotery last night and walked to Rose's grave. she would be 23 years old today. Carol walked over and sat down and said I remember when you and Kathy came in her she was in Hard labor. and Rose was a month early. rose was born alive but she died two hours later. I remember you and Kathy holding her and telling her that you love her. She died knowing she was loved and wanted. "we haven't told Jesse or Leventa about her. maybe It's about time we do? Luke said.
  7. Luke was Mad and he said Ok Bo, Do you want me. To go to Smallville and help you straiten this out. No Luke I think I can handle this. Oh David is here. and his girl friend Annie and she is all Indain and she Beautiful. Luke laughted and said Bo coming from you. I know she reallyn is beautiful. Ok Bo Give me a call if yo need me. Luke said Ok Luke I Will Oh David said he will talk to his Uncle About Jesse and Sarah. Ok Bo Thanks I have to go it's time for Kath to go to her Phycally theropy. Luke said Oh how is that going? Bo said. Well this will only make her second season the first one didn't go to well. I hope this on goes better.Luke said. Ok Luke Give Kathy a hug an dKiss from me and I will see her and you soon bye. Bo said
  8. IN CHICAGO Luke was at the Spencer and he was walking around and he spotter a wall of Just him and Kathy's family Starting with a picture of him and Kathy at the race track where they met. and ended with Them in the hospital with Jacob and Luke smiled Kyle walked over to him and said that was Becky's idea. and on the wall behind us is Tina's wall. I know you and Your cousin Vance makes my girls happy and I proud to call you my sons. Luke smiled and Said Ialways didn't think that. and Kyle said I know. and I'm sorry for that. Luke said That's ok it's all in the past. I have forgave you a long time ago. Luke saw Jesse and Sarah came in and he said Dad we are going to pick up Leventa from school and then we are going to take her to the park and Luke said Ok have fun and then they went out the door. Just then Luke's Cell phone rings and he saw it was Bo and he said Hay Bo
  9. Next Day IN CHICAGO AT SCHOOL The kids where teasing Leventa. and she smiled and said Yes I talk different from you thats because I'm from a different part of the country and I'm proud to be a country girl Just like you are about being proud to be city fokes. Then she walked in the class room and she walked over to her teacher and said Mrs. Thorten I have some pictures of where Im' from can I show them to the class then maybe they will Understand a little better. Mrs Thorten smiled and said Sure Leventa. Everyone came in the class room and put their things up/ and went to their desks. and Mrs Thorten walked up to the front of the class room and said I don't like some of your behavor towards our new student. we should treat each other with friendship, Now Levena has brought sme pictures to show us of where she is from and maybe some of you will started to Understand. and then Levinta got up and showed the pictures and there was a picture of the General Lee and the boys said cool car and Leventa said That's my daddy's racing car the General Lee.and he's a legen in Hazzard I don't know all the stories I will have to get my Daddy to tell you. and the boys said cool. IN SMALLVILLE Bo pulled his truck up to the farm. and Annie looked and she said Beautiful and they got out of the Truck and they went into the house. And David interduced her to everyone.
  10. JR goes to the Duke farm and he sees that its all locked up and he wounded where Kathleen was. he still ows her big.
  11. This is from find Loretta Lynn.After Bo and Luke FLIPED THE gENERAL Luke: I bet there is no spare in the trunk Bo : Your on They start pushing on the General Waylon: I hope Cooter gets there before they hurt something important.
  12. Clark stops his truck and he gets out and they walk to the grave.and She put a Rose on the gravestone. and they stayed there for a while. IN CHICAGO They left the track. and they headed back to the house cause Luke saw that Kathy was getting tired. AT THE HOUSE They walke in and Luke carried Kathy up to bed and Leventa came running to them and she was cring and she said I hate it here. I want to go back home. Kathy looked at Luke and said I will talk to her and he said ok. AND HE LEFT. Leventa sat on the bed and said Mo they are so mean I hate them. Kathy said tell me what's going on sweetheart. and Leventa said mom the kids at school make fun of me they say I talk funny and they call me a hick. What is a hick? Kathy said a Hick is a person from the country. and people who never lived in the counrty or small town don't know what's it's Like. and Yes you do talk different then they do because you are from a different part of the country. Here are some pictures of Hazzard take them to school tommorrow and ask your teacher if you can show then and tell them aboput Hazzard and Maybe they will Understand Better. Livinta smiled and she hugged her mom as she took the pictures.
  13. Bo Tells Clark who she was and then Bo looked at her and said Your father's family name is Duke. and Mostly everyone here is a Duke One way or another, Oh you have A Aunt Daisy She lives in California.Uncle Luke He Lives In chicago along with your Uncle Vance. Your Uncle Judd Lives In New York. and Uncle Coy Lives In Tennessee and Im your Uncle Bo I live in Texas and I'm A tEXAS rANGER but we all are from a Small town called Hazzard County Georgia.
  14. Performances of the world premiere of the new musical A Catered Affair and the American premiere of Oscar and the Pink Lady have been canceled for Oct. 23, according to an Old Globe spokesperson. The 7 PM shows on both stages — the Old Globe Theatre (Catered Affair) and the Cassius Carter Centre Stage (Pink Lady) — have been canceled. Patrons will be contacted by the Globe to arrange tickets to alternate performances, the Old Globe told Playbill.com. Ticketholders may also contact The Old Globe box office at their own convenience during regular office hours at (619) 23-GLOBE (234-5623). More than a dozen wildfires have continued to burn across seven counties of California — including Los Angeles, Orange and San Diego counties. Many buildings and homes have been destroyed while thousands are being evacuated. President George Bush has declared a state of emergency for the affected areas following Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's earlier declaration. Staff at the nearby La Jolla Playhouse evacuated the theatre Oct. 22, and the office was again closed Oct. 23 due to poor air quality, according to a theatre rep. As of yesterday, the blazes did not pose any threat to to the theatre itself, though many staff members are also being evacuated from their homes. No rehearsals for the upcoming production of Cry Baby have been missed, as the company was scheduled to travel to the venue this week. The Old Globe currently houses A Catered Affair (through Nov. 11), the new musical by librettist Harvey Fierstein and composer-lyricist John Bucchino based on the Paddy Chayefsky teleplay. John Doyle directs the debut of the Broadway-bound work featuring Faith Prince, Tom Wopat, Matt Cavenaugh, Leslie Kritzer and Fierstein himself. The Old Globe also presents Eric-Emmanuel Schmitt's Oscar and the Pink Lady (through Nov. 4). Frank Dunlop directs the stateside premiere of the work featuring Rosemary Harris. For more information, visit theoldglobe.org.
  15. Bo looked at her and said I'm sorry he's dead but your brother Clark is in the barn if you want to talk to him.
  16. IN CHICAGO Jeff said wow. Kathy you look beautiful.They Showed Sarah and Jesse around And Luke said this is where I saw your mom for the first time and it was love at first sight. Luke smiles at Kathy. Jesse walked over to his father and said Dad where where you just now. all Luke did was smile. Kathy Knew where he was and she smiled. Jesse said come on I'm old enough to hear it now. Kathy said now from me. And he looked a his aunt and Tina said your not hearing it from me. and they both laugh. IN SMALLVILLE David saw his father and he told him about Annie and Bo said ok I will go with you to get her. and I can't wait to met her son.
  17. David walked back with a smile on his face. Reba looked at him and said What's going on bro? David looked at her and said Annie is coming here she wants to met everyone. I told her I would met her at the airport with Dad. IN CHICAGO Kathy,Luke,Tina, Vance,Sarah and Jesse headed down to the pit area. at the pits. Luke was showing Jesse where they met when someone walked up to Luke and said Luke Duke is that you? Luke looked and he smiled and said Hay Jeff how are you buddy? Jeff looked at him and said not so good I might have to shut down the track. cause I just don't have the money to fix it up/ and I can't get a lone anywhere. Luke said maybe we can help. Vance said ya. Jeff said Thanks guys. Then he saw Kathy and he went over to hug her and said Hay Kathy. Kathy smiled and said Hi Jeff Oh Jeff this is our son Jesse. Jeff looked at Kathy and said your not old enough to have a son this age. We also have a 5 year old daughter Leventa and a 6 day old son Jacob.
  18. IN CHICAGO Kathy and Luke where showing Jesse and sarah some of their old hang out. Dad Where did you and mom met? Jesse asked. Luke smiled and saidI'm taking you there now. And they stoped at the track. Sarah looked around and said why did we stop here. Luke got out of the car and he helped Kathy into her wheel chair . and then he hurd a folmiler voice. They turened around and i was Tina and Vance with their kids. Luke hugged them. Tina saw her sister and said Hay sis . and she hugged her. I was going to see you at Dads. Tina Said. Vance looked at Jesse and said Hi Jesse how are you? Jesse smiled and said I.m fine Uncle Vance.
  19. David's Cell Phone rings and he looked at it and he smiled and he said Excuse Me. He got off the horse and walked ovet to a tree. and he said Hay Baby How are you? Annie Said I got worried about you when you didn't call. Sorry Baby, But I'm not in California I'm in Smallville Kanas at my sister's farm. Annie was confused. Then David told her the whole story. and she said Oh ok.I can get on a plane and head for Kanas to be with you and to met your new family. Baby I would love that And I know my sisters would love to met you. Ya I will. Be there at the Airport with my dad. Ok Love you. Bye.
  20. Reba gave her a strange look and said I though David Piolitly told you that this is Just a ride for Us so we could get to Know one another as Brother and sisters.
  21. David Smiled and said I will tell dad. Her Name is Anastasia Bighorn. But I call her Annie. and when I get leave again in about 6 months I will have to go and get her and interduce her to everyone.
  22. As they where riding the horses David said I have a Girlfriend anyway. Mom doesn' know and Neather does the man who raised me. I don't think he would aprove anyway. Why Reba Said. Cause she's Indain.I met her when I was station in Oklahoma. on the base there.Man She beautiful. and I love her. I;m going to Oklahoma before I go back to Irac. So I Can see her and tell her about my new family.
  23. David smiled and said No thanks, I,m going riding with my sisters right now I want o get to know them. and Have a good time. Maybe some other time. Reba waked out of the house and walked over to Stacy and David and said are you ready? David smiled and said Lets go sis. and he helped Stacy on the horse. and then he got in the horse and they left.
  24. Stacy walked out of the house and she saw her father and Brother and she walked over to them and said Hay bro.want to go riding with me Reba said I could go riding But Mom spoke up and said Not by myself So I kinda said you would come with me. David smiled and said ok lets go. and they went to the barn. Bo Smiled. and he walked back to the house. IN THE BARN Stacy said. David, are you mad at Dad for not being there for you when you where little? David said no because he didn't know about me. My mother never told him. oh can I have your e-mail address. Stacy said sure and she wrote it down on a peace of paper and gave it to him. he read it and laughed and said hotduke16 . Ya when Dad read my e-mail address he wasn't to happy about what i chose. I have all of our cousins E-mail address if you want them. Stacy said. and he said Ya I would like that. and Stacy said I will give them to you later. right now lets go. They got on the horses and left. BACK IN cHICAGO Jesse was at the hotel with Luke and Kyle. and Kyle was telling the employes that he was steping down his Son was going to take over and when he goes back to Hazzard his Grandson would be taking over. and they all cheered.and Luke smiled. A THE HOUSE. Kathy was in the Garden and she was just injoying the peace. When Sarah came out. and she said Mom. Kathy looked at her. and said Yes Sarah. Kathy saw that Sarah had teirs in her eyes and Kathy said Sarah said What's wronge? I just go off the phone with my father. and he told me if I married Jesse That I wasn't his daughter anymore. Mom I just Love Jesse so much I don't want to lose him.and I don't want to lose my father eather. I don't know what to do. Kathy got angery. IN CALIFORNIA Rachael had heard her husband of what he told Sarah. and she walked into the living room. and said Bill how dare you say that to our daughter. Bill looked at her and he said if she choses to marrie that Boy then she is no daughter of mine. Rachael looked at him and said Bill I don't know what has gotten into you. Jesse is a nice young man and he loves Sarah. the only reason you are against this marrage is because of his Uncle. and Tammy has told you that Bo Duke didn't know about David cause she didn't tell him.
  25. Bo and David walked over to her and David just smiled.and Bo saw the Gun and He looked at David and David said Dad I.m in the Marines it Just happit. Bo Said David it's ok I.m a Texas Ranger. I carrie a gun with me all the time. David said Dad I haven't told mom yet but this isn't a permited Stay home. I have to go back in a month. Bo looked at him and said Oh Man Now I have to worry about my oldest who will be in Irac. David Smiled and said Dad I can E-Mail you. Bo smiled and said Ok But I don't have an E-mail you have to send it to Your sister Stacy. David said Ok I will get her E-mail address.
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