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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Back in chicago. Luke saw Kathy come rolling down. the hall with Abby. Abby looked at Luke and said we had a good first sesion. I will see her in two days. but in the mean time she needs to do those excises. and Don't let her slack. Luke smiled and said don't worry Abby. She won't slack. IN SMALLVILLE AT THE FARM David was walking around the farm with Bo to get to know him they walked o the Barn. and David said Dad Mom said she never told you about me. but did you susbect something? Bo said No I didn't expect anything. I was only 17. If Mom would have told you about me what would you have done. Bo looked at him and said I proble would have married her. David Smiled and said that's what mom said and she said that's why she didn't tell you, cause she didn't tell you. So my Uncle is Wronge.That's why he doesn't aprove about Jesse and Sarah getting Married. Bo smiled and said Jesse is a good Kid he has to be to have Kathy as his mom(laughs)No Luke is a great parent too.he tried o teach his kids the same thing Uncle Jesse tough us.
  2. Bo said Luke when I'm done here I have to go back to Texas cause the kids start school and I need to get back to work. but i will call you and check up on Kathy. and Luke said Ok Bo injoy your son.
  3. Bo laughs and said Now everyone stop I going to call your Uncle to she how Kathy is. He took out his cell and Deiled Luke's cell number. Bo let it ring a few times and the he hurd Luke here. Hay Coz. it's me Bo I just called to tell you David is here in Smallville with me. and I wanted to Know How Kathy is. Luke said, So David is with you( Sarah looked at Luke) That's great. Kath is fine she in her physcal theropy right now.
  4. David just smiled. Bo took him to met Tracy. Stacy and Bj. David looked at Bo and said where is my cousin Jesse. Bo smiles and said he is in Chicago. with your Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy. you also have a cousin Leventa she's 5 and Jacob he's 5 days old. you also have other cousins that you will meet later. Bj Walked up to his brother and started to asked him questions about the war in Irac. and David smiled and answered what he could. BACK IN CHICAGO Kathy was doing her physcal theropy. While Luke Jesse Sarah Leventa and Jacab waited. Sarah was thinking and she said Jesse I'm changeing my major. I want to become a phycapal theropest. Jesse just smiled and said thats great Baby and you all ready have a headstart on everyone cause of my mom. Sarah Just smiles.
  5. They see a black jeep pull up to the farm. and out steped a blond haired blue eyed young man he stands about 6feet 1inch. Stacy looked out the window and said dad my brother David is here. Reba said how do you know it's him. Stacy said Sis he looks just like dad. Bo walks out the door. and greets David. and David smiles as he hugs his father. and they both walk into the house.
  6. Bo walks over to Reba and Chleo and said excuse me Reba I have to tell all you kids something and they all gathered in the living roo. Bo looked at his children and Tracy and said Well when I was 17 I was dating Tammy and well to make a long story short. We broke up. and a she got to California she found out she was pregnet. Guys you have another brother. and he's on his way here now. His name is David and he's 27 and he just came back from Irac.
  7. David was in Smallville and he tookout his cell phone and called his Father. The Phone Rang and finliy he Herd Bo here. Hi Dad it 's me David I'm here in Smallville and I don' know how to get to the farm. Bo told David how to get to the Farm. and what to look for and Bo said see you soon Son
  8. IN CHICAGO AT COUNTY Luke wheeled Kathy in to the hospital and everyone came to greet her. Kathy was holding Jacob and Leventa was walking alongside. Doug looked at Leventa and said This is Leventa no it can't be. the last time i saw her she was a baby. Leventa smiled and said I'm a big girl now . Doug smiled and said you sure are. I'm going to be your and your little brothers doctor while you are here. I use to work with your mommy before she met your daddy. Leventa looked at her parents. Luke smiled. Luke looked looked at Doug and said hows the girls. Doug said whould you know they ar 20 years old today.My baby's are all grown up. Doug said. Kathy smiled and said hows Carol? Just then Carol walked over and she gave Kathy a hug. Carol said Abby is on her way Kathy.
  9. NEXT MORNING IN HAZZARD Kathy Luke Jesse and Sarah where getting there things in the trunk of the General. Luke put the care sea in the back for Jacob and then put him in the Sarah and Jesse got in and Leventa go in the front of the general with the help of Luke. Luke walked over to Kathy and said ready to go. Kathy said No. But I guess I have to. Luke said we won't be gone forever Kath. We will be back' Kathy smiled and said I know. She whiped a teir from her eyes. and Luke pushed her to the General Lee. and he helped her in. and then he put the chair in the trunk. 2 HOURS LATER They where in Chicago.Kyle was there to greet them. and then they went back to the house. IN SMALLVILLE. Bo pulled up. and when he did he saw all of his grandchildren run to him. Bo Spotted Michael. and Tracy seen that looked in his eye. But before Tracy could say anything Garrett Stopped him.
  10. Leventa came out of her room and she had packed everything. and she said Daddy are we ever comeing back home. Luke looked at her and said Ya Baby we are coming back to the farm but first we have to get mommy better.and then we will com home. Daddy how long will that Take? Luke looked at Kathy and then at Leventa and said I don't know Baby. But we are all hoping soon.and She hugged her dad and then she went ou to the car. Dad how is the General Lee going to ge back home. Luke smiled and said Cooter is going to bring him back.
  11. Back in hazzard Luke said Sweetheart what's the matter. Kathy looked at him and said. everthing Just hit me all at once. Our Son is gettin married. Luke smiles and said Ya he is.Is that all Sweetheart? Kathy smiled and said NO I'm going to walk by the time Jesse and Sarah gets married. Luke said Ok Then if that's your goal we have a lot of work to do. and we have to get the kids to set a date. The phone rang Luke ansewerd it and it was Kyle and he said your rooms are all ready. Leventa will love her room. Luke said now dad you didn't go and spoil her did you? Kyle just laughs and said Grandpas have that right. The plane is on the way to pick you all up.and I have all ready called Doug and he agreaded to be Jacab and Leventa's doctor.Luke said That's great. Ok dad see you in a few hours. kathy said well Luke we are going back where we started. yup we are and Jesse have been asking me where we met So I was thinking why don't we so him. Luke said. Kathy said Ok with a smile. Jesse and Sarah walked in and Jesse said mom you ok. Kathy smiled and said ya I'm fine. Jacob Started to cry and Sarah said I will get him . and she went to the livingroom and picked him up. and brough him to Kathy. and she handed him to Kathy and as soon as he was in Kathy's armshe quited right down. Luke smiled and said All he wanted was his mommy.
  12. IN CALIFORNIA. David said See you mom I will be back. Tammy kissed her son. and then he left. in HAZZARD Kathy was sitting in her week Chair. and Luke was outside with Jesse doing chores.and getting every closed up. Until they come back. Luke had called Cooter and asked him to keep an eye on the Farm. and he said that he would. Sarah was packing and she was helping Kathy in the house. getting things put up there. Kathy just stopped. and Sarah Said Mom you all right. Kathy didn't saw anything. She Just Started to cry. and she couldn't stop. Sarah ran out to Luke and said Dad Mom is crying. Luke ran into the house. Jesse and Sarah stayed outside. Jesse looked at Sarah and said do you relise what you just said. Sarah just looked at him. you called my parents mom and Dad. Sarah Smiled and said Ya I did. INSIDE THE HOUSE.. Luke walked in and he saw Kathy he ran up to her and said Sweetheart. Kathy looked at him with teirs in her eyes and she said Luke hols me. and Luke held her.
  13. IN CALIFORNIA. David put the phone down and he looked at his mother and said he sounded surprised but a goo surprise. He wants me to met him in Smallville Kanas. to me my sister Reba and My neaces and Nephews. and I have 4 other brothers and 1 sister besides Reba. Tammy said wow Bo has been buzy. David Just laughs. Oh David o answer your Question. Ya that is the same Duke family. Sarah is engaged to your Cousin Jesse who is the Son of your Uncle Luke. Who is Your fathers cousin?But they are like brothers. Tammy said David said Ok mom. I will straiten it all out when I me everyone in Smallville. Tammy said David your Uncle Luke Lives in Hazzard County Georgia. David said Ok Mom. as he went upstairs and packed his close to go to smallville.
  14. Bo Wasentering Kanas when his cell phone rings he looked at the number and it said Tammy Davis and he thought was is Tammy calling him, and And He said Hello and Tammy said Hi Bo How ARE YOU? I;m fine tammy. Tracy looked at him when he said Tammy Stacy and Bj Where asleep in the back seat. Bo I have something to tell you we have a son. Bo slamed the breaks on the truck and everyone fell forward. What ? Bo said. and she repeated it. and she explaned why she didn't tell him at the time. and she told him his name and then she handed the phone to David. and they talked. BACK IN HAZZARD Luke was helping Kathy do her leg excires Jacob started to cry and Jesse yelled I will get him. Luke said Thanks. IN THE NURSERY Jesse walked in. and he picked up his brother. and he changed him. and then he sat in the rockin chair and fed him. Sarah walked in and saw Jesse with his brother. and she smiled. IN Luke and Kathy's bedroom Luke was helping Kathy with her excices and she said ow. I can't do anymore. Luke said Sweetheart we have another 5 minutes and then we can stop.
  15. IN CALIFORNIA AT THE DAVIS HOUSE. Tammy put down the phone and she sat down when her husband walks in to the room he seen that something was on Tammy's mind and he walks over to her and said Sweetheart whats wronge. She looked up to him and said it;s time to tell Bo Duke that David is his son and tell David that Bo is his father. Todd smiled and said I have been wanting you to tell him for a long time. and Know you can show him real birthcertific with his father's name on it. Tammy looked at him and she kissed him and said thanks for supporting me all these years. Todd said I do it cause I love you. and then he kissed her. and then they heard some one say oh get a room. They looked up and it was David Tammy ran to him and hugged him.and she was crying. David said come on mom I'm fine. 20 MINUTES LATER David walked downstairs and he saw his parents in the living room and he said ok what do you want to tell me? Tammy said David Todd isn't your father. your fathers name is Bo Duke. and don't blame him for not coming to you. he doesn't know about you I never told him. David looked at her and said How come you never told him about me? Tammy looked at him and said Well we had broked up before I Found out about you. and when I found out I didn't want him to come back to me just because I was pregnet. So I didn't tell him or anyone in his family. Wait a minute Duke is that the same Duke family that Sarah's Boy friend is from.
  16. Sarah said Aunt Tammy Luke wants to talk to you. and she hands Luke her Phone and he said Hi Tam. Hi Luke, How are you and Hows your wife? Tammy Said Oh I Ok, and Kath start her Phycal therpery Tommorrow.we are going to do some excerices tonight. I was woundering how come you didn't tell Bo about David? Tammy said I found out I was pregnet after he had broke up with me.and I didn't want him coming back to me cause I was pregnet But my brother thinks that Bo Knew about the baby and broke up with me cause I was pregnet. I tried to tell him drifferent but he doesn't beleive me. I have Met Jesse and he's a nice young man and I know he truly loves Sarah and I have tried to change his mind. and he said I just have a soft spot for you Dukes. Tammy said. Luke said Thanks for tring. Luke said Tammy said I will call Bo and Tell him about David. My Husband all ready knows he isn'y David's father We got together when David was 6 months old. well talk later Luke Bye. Bye Tammy. Luke said as he handed the phone to Sarah.
  17. Well sence I like Luke/ Tom I guess most of my time will be spent at the Duke Farm or in the General Lee. Riding with Luke.
  18. Sarah took out her cell and called her Aunt. and Tammy answered he phone and said Aunt Tammy I would like to ask you something is Cousin David Bo's Son. There was silance on the other end and sarah said Aunt Tammy are you there. and Tammy said Ya I'm here. Ya Davisd is Bo Duke 's son. How did you find out? Well I was telling Luke about you cause he asked how you where and he kinda figured it out. Tammy smiled and said I knew if any of the Dukes would figure it out it was Luke He was always the smart one.I will E- mail David and tell him. Sarah gave Tammy Bo's Cell Phone number and she said I will call
  19. In Hazzard AT THE FARM Kathy was in the house and she asked Sarah about her parents. Sarah didn't smiles they are still agaist us getting married. and Aunt Tammy confermed it was Bo that broke her heart not Luke. but they still said their not supporting our marage. Luke looked at her and said how is your Aunt doing? Well she is married and has two children her oldest is 27 and he in Irac now and Aunt Tammy is very worried. and her daughter is 22. her son's name is David Davis. and her daughters name is Tiffany Davis. Luke said you said That David id 27. Yup Sarah said. And Luke smiles and said do you have a picture of David. Sarah looked at him and said Ya in his army uniforim Sarah went to her perse and got out the Picture of David and showed it to Luke and Luke looked at it and said Just as I thought and he went to the Mantal over the fire place and took down a picture and showed it to Sarah and she said I did know David had a picture like this taken. Luke said That ain't David, That's Bo when he was 27. Sarah said so this means that Bo is David's father. That's why dad is so agaist me marring Jesse cause he afraid that Jesse will get me pregnet and leave me. David thinks that Todd is his father.he needs to know. Luke said No that is Tammy's Place to tell David and Bo. we Just have to convence her that's it is the right thing to do.
  20. BACK IN hAZZARD Luke went to pickup Kathy and Jacob and take them home. Luke walked into the room and Kathy was waiing for him in the wheel chair. BACK AT THE FARM Bo was telling everyone about Kathy's condation. Jesse had mad a wheel chair ramp for his mother. Jesse looked at Sarah and said I remember mom running with me. That's why I ran track in high school. and she was right there to cheer me on. I just hate to think that Jacob will miss out on all of that. Sarah said Jesse your mom will walk again. you see she is tough. Jesse laughed and said and strubran. Sarah saidis that where you get it from. and she kissed him. Jesse said ya, i get from both of my parents. Just then they saw the firebird come towards and Jesse yelled they are here. Luke stopped the fire bird and he got out went to the trunk and got ou the chair. and brought it to the passanger side.and he helped Kathy into it. Then he go Jacob and handed him to Kathy. Jesse walked over and said Dad you take mom and Jacob in I will gt their things. Luke smiled and said Thanks son. and they went into the house.
  21. Bo walked ino Kathy's room and Luke told Bo what was going on with Kathy and what need to be done and he told him what was going on with Sarah's Parents. Bo looked at her and said what's your dad's name. And Sarah said Bill Tomson. Bo smiled and said Ya I remember him he has a little sister named Tammy man she was cute. Then Luke said ya But I never dated her. Bo said Ya I'm the one who dated her. I got scared when we where getting too serous and Broke it off. Sarah smiled and said So you are the one who broke Aunt Tammy's heart. She really loved you. Bo said I was young and Stupit. Man I think I was 17. Luke was in the marines. Sarah smiled and said I need to talk to my parents and tell them they got the wronge Duke Boy and she left the room to call her parents. Bo looked at Luke and said I leaving to go to Smallville to see Clark and Reba babies . Kathy said Ok tell them congradulations from us and give them our love. Bo walked up to Kathy and Kissed her on the check and said I will. and you take care of yourself. Kathy smiled and said I will.
  22. Back in Hazzard in the Hospital Beth walked into the room and she said Kathy Luke. The Test have come back. Luke saw her face. Ok Beth Tell us. LukeSaid Beth said Well it looks like Kathy will walk againg but it will take a lot of work from her and You Luke. She needs to start Physcal Theropy as soon as she can But we have no Phycal throobest here in Georgia that can help Kathy. Kathy smiled and said I know of a doctor in Chicago. Luke smiled and said Ya and I know he will do it. we can leave as soon as I call Dad and see if we can use the Spencer plane.Beth said Great. and she walked out Just then Sarah and Jesse walked in and Sarah was upset. and Kathy said Ok what's going on. Jesse said Mom dad Sarah's parents refuse to support our getting married. Her dad said. That I would leave her when times got rough. and That I'm too much like my father, and even thought I have asked her to marrie me I will never go threw with it. Luke said. Jesse I have only have Just met Bill when you and Sarah started dating. Sarah said Dad says he knows you Mr Duke. Know.
  23. Back in Hazzard Luke waled back in Kathy's room. Kathy smiled and said Well I guess Jaco has 2 cousins that share his birthday. Luke smiles and said up he does.and Bo is a grandfather again. Kathy saw that Luke was worried. Kathy said Baby everthing will be fine and she lifted up her hand and touched his face and he kissed her hand. and smiled.
  24. IN HAZZARD IN THE HOSPITAL. Everyone went home except for Luke. He wanted to stay with Kathy and Jacob. after everyone left He saw the worried look on her face and he said Ok sweetheart tall me what's going on. Kathy looked at him and said Baby I can't feel my legs. Beth said she wans to do some tests to see what is wronge so I won't be going home tommorrow.Luke looked concerned. then a Nurse walked in with a bottle for Jacob. and handed the Bottle to Kathy. and Luke got Jacob and handed him to Kathy. Kathy gave the bottle to Jacob. Luke looked at her and said I will be right back sweetheart. and he kissed her and he got up and left. IN THE HALL. Luke spotted Beth. and he walked over to her and said Beth. Beth looked at him and she smiled. Kath, told me about her legs what do you think caused it? Besth said Well Luke I don't know for sure.But in know it had something to do with when her bod shut down and then she came back to us. Maybe that part of her brane didn't come back. Luke said So you are saying that Kath, may never walk again? Beth said Luke, I honesty don't know. Thank you beth. Luke said. ON THE DUKE FARM.. Sarah had called her parents and told them what had happend and about Jesse's New brother Jacob. and they where happy for the Dukes. and then she told them that her and Jesse where getting married and their attuide did a compleat 180. and they said no you both are way to young to get married.Mom I'm 20 and Jesse will be 20 in a few weeks.they talked a few minutes and hen she hung up and then she told Jesse what they said. what did they saw when you said that my parents where ok with it. Jesse said they said that your parents have a lot on their plate right now. to even think strait.
  25. IN KATHY'S ROOM Jesse smiled and said What did Grandma do Kathy smiled and said Well for one thing she didn't like the wedding dress I picked. and she tried to get me to pick another one. and she didn't want us to get married on the farm and have the returpaion at the Boars Nest. Jesse I got So upset I wanted to call the whole thing off. But your Uncle Jesse said you and Luke will have the wessing you want and then he talked to your grandfather and he srainted mom out. Man it's hard to beleive that Gram did that.Jesse said. Just Carol and Rose walked in with the rest of the family behind them. Rose looked at Kathy and she smiled and said I knew you would make it threw. Jesse said Gram want to hold Jacob and Rose smiled and said I sure do. after all I didn't get to see you and Leventa when you where babies. and she sat down. and Jesse handed Jacob to Rose. and then Jesse said Everyone I have an anouncement Sarah and I are getting married. and everyone congradulated them.Bo cell phone rings and it was Clark and he said that his daughter was born and her Name Is Kathleen. Bo smiled and sasid Your aunt Kathy will like that. Clark said will? Ya she made it threw. Bo said. and Clark was so happy he told Lois.and she said that is wounderful.Hows Jacob? Clark said. Bo smiles he's fine everyone is takeing turns holdinh him and Luke is taking pictures. Oh Jesse and Sarah are getting married?
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