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Everything posted by dukesrule2000

  1. Luke walked over to the boys and said borrow the General it's more like you took him. Sarah just smiled and said I love this Jesse I get to hear different stories about you. Ross said Stick with me. Sarah and I can tell you all the stories you want on my little cousin here. Jesse just gave Ross a dirty look. Ross Just laughed. Lana took the babies up to the nursery. Kathy was getting a little tired and Luke saw that she was and she walked over and said sweetheart come i'll take you to bed. and he picked her up from her chair and she said good-night to everyone. and they said good- night to her. Luke carried her to their room.
  2. Luke smiled and said I never relised that the Duke clan was this big. Kathy smiled and said Ya and everyone isn't here yet. we are still waiting on Judd and Beth. and LITTLE Hank. Who I can't call little cause he's 17. Luke just laughed. Just then Leventa looked out the window and Yelled UNCLE JUDD IS HERE , UNCLE JUDD IS HERE. Then she ran out the door. 10 seconts later Judd came threw the door carring Leventa. with Beth and Hank right behind him. And Vance and Tina had a surprise for Kathy. Tin walked over to her sister and said sis and she moved out of the way and there stood Kathy's beautiful Neace Courtney who she hasn seen in 10 years. courtney is now 21 and her brother Vance Jr who is 19. she gave them both a hug with tears in her eyes.
  3. Charlie and Chris looked at Reba and said Brother. and then Bo walked over and said Yes he's your brother and then Bo told them the story and David interduced them to Annie. Luke looked and said Kath Chris and Charlie are here. They do so remind me of me and Bo. And then Daisy Enos, Tiffany and Enos jr walked threw the door and Daisy walked over to Kathy and hugged her. Vance and Tina walked in.
  4. Luke smiled. Kathy looked at Luke and said you know who's there? Luke said I can't Lie to you yes I do Know and No I ain't telling you. Faith has Threanten me with my life if I told you. Kathy laughed and said all right I won't ask. and then she kissed him. Lori was in the corner watching them. and Jesse and Reba was watching her. David walked over to Sarah and said So when you marrie Jesse we will be cousins again. Sarah Laughed and then she said The wedding isn't going to happen Unless Dad comes around. Dave I love Jesse so much. I want to be with him the rest of my life and I want to be apart of this wounderful family. I just love Jesse's parents. I look a Jesse's father and I see where Jesse gets his laugh and his smile and his love for fast cars. and his beautiful baby blue eyes. He's got his mother's sence of Humor.and gentalness and compassion. and the love for his family comes from both of them. I just don't know what to do. David said I will talk to him when I get back to California. I want mom to met Annie but I know Robert won't like her cause she's Indain. Sarah said what does Bo think of her? Oh Dad loves her. David said. Sarah smiled and said See you are all ready calling Bo dad. I know but I don't blame him he didn't know about me and I honest think if he did he would have been right by moms side. But the I wouldn'r have Reba. Stacy Bj and my other brothers who I haven't met yet. and I think it's pretty cool. Sarha smiled and said Ya All the Dukes are pretty cool at least the ones I have met.
  5. Just then Kathy's cell rings and kathy said hello oh hi Faith. well I don't knowcan you spare 25 tickets. ok Thanks Yup. Hay Faith can you tell who else will be there. Ok Ok iT'S A SURPRISE see you tommorrow.
  6. Just then Annie walked towards then and she grabbed for David's Hand and Then David interduced Annie to Luke and Kathy. Jesse and Sarah took the Jamie and Jacob and took them to the Nursery. Kathy said Thanks and so did Reba.
  7. Kathy said Ya David this isn't all there is Daisy 's family. And they will be here in the morning. Tiffany is 16 and little Enos is 14.and we have Vance and Vance he's married to my sister Tina. Luke starts to laugh. David said what's so funny Uncle Luke. Bo smiles and said Son Kathy and Tina where totaly oppisents.Tina was a little wild.
  8. Luke looked at Kathy and then he said We would be honored. Then Bo walked over with David and said as long as we are interducing new members of the Duke Clan. I would Like you all To Met David. David this is your Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy. and He shook Luke's hand and he bent down and Hugged Kathy. Sarah came over and said Hay coz. and David Hugged her too.
  9. Kathy said I will be honored. and Reba handed her the baby. and then Jesse said Reba we have someone here that wants to me met you and Jesse brought Jacob over and Handed him To Reba. Kathy said I would Like you to met your Littlest cousin Jacob Ryan Duke
  10. Kathy saw Reba and said reba how are the kids
  11. Ok Reba as long as she stays away from my dad. Jesse said Reba said I think your mom can handle Lori. MEANWHILE OUSTSIDE Luke amd Kathy came back in the house. and Tracy and Reba walked over to them . and Reba gave Kathy a hug
  12. Lori was watching Luke and Kathy. Jesse walked over to Lori and said Stay away from my parents. Lori just looked at him and laughed
  13. Bo looked at Luke and said Luke you better Tell Kathy before Lori Does. Luke looked at his wife Kathy and thought he would die if anything happened to her. Or if she left him.(looking at Bo) Bo that was the worst 1 1/2 in my life. when i was married to Lori. I'll talk to you later. You know which room you and Tracy are sleeping in. Bo smiled and said Ya Kyle allready showed us. and then Luke walked over to Kathy and said Beaautiful Lady and I take you away from all this. Kathy said Sure. Luke got behind her chair and puched her outside. OUTSIDE Luke was quite. Kathy said ok Baby what's the matter? Luke said Kathy I have to tell you something . You Know Lori. We I was married to her. for a 1 1/2 and it was the worst 1 1/2 year of my life. Kathy smiled and said Luke I knew you had a life before we met it's no big deal. unless you think she is up to something. Luke said I don't know but she could be.
  14. Kathy was smiling. Luke walked over to her and kissed her. Luke saw Lori and his smile went away. Luke looked at Bo. Luke said sweetheart I will be right back I need to go talk to Bo. HE Left and Tracy came over and sat next to Kathy and started talking to her. Luke looked at Bo and said Wha tis Lori doing here? Luke I don't know. ( Bo saw Luke's face and Said ) You haven't told Kathy you where married to her before. Luke said No It was a very short lived marrage I plum forgot about it til now.
  15. and then he told coy about the concert that Faith and Tim were putting on and said it was tommorrow night and also said that the rest of the famly was coming to see the concert. MEANWHILE AT THE SPENCER HOTEL. Brooks and Dunn, Toby Keith, Kenny Chensey, Martina Mcbribe,Sugarland,Reba Mcintire,Racal flats,Shaina Twain. along with Faith Hill and Tim McGraw checked into the hotel. and Faith set up a rehursle for them all at the auturim. AT THE SPENCER HOUSE.. Reba ,her kids Bo, trace, Daivid Annie, Stacy BJ. all showed up at the Spencer house and Jesse was so happy to see his cousin Reba. Reba looked around and said where is Uncle Luke and Aunt Kathy. Just at that moment Luke and Kathy came from the padio and came to them. Oh Lori was with them also. She had plans of her own.
  16. NEXT DAY. IN CHICAGO Luke's cell phone rings andhe looked at it and it was the farms number. and he said what. and then he said hello. Hi Luke this is Coy. I just wanted you to know that I'm staying at the farm. Kris kicked me out. Coy said. Ok Coy
  17. Luke saw that Kathy was getting tired and he said Jesse can you watch your brother and sister for a minute and Jesse said Ya. and he helped Kathy upstairs. meanwhile in Smallville.
  18. in chicago Luke picked up his Phone and called Bo and told him what was going on here and what Faith and Tim was going to do for them and he told him the date. and Bo said That him and his family will be there.
  19. LATER THAT NIGHT AT THE SPENCER HOUSE... Kathy was waiting for her friend to show up and then the doorbell rang. Luke went and answered it. and there was Faith and tim. and they walked in. and They followed Luke into the palor where Kathy was. Kathy saw them and Faith hugged her and sat down beside her. and Faith said I heard what happened. and I'm here to help and so are Tim. we are doing a concert to help you and Luke to pay for your medical care. and so are a few of our friends and we are going to do it right here in Chicago. We all ready got the audatum.and I'm not going to tell you who all are coming. I will let that be a surprise. Kathy was surprised that faith and tim where doing this. she interduced them to her kids. IN HAZZARD.. Rosco was on patrol. and he was at the Duke darm and he saw someone coming out of the house and Rosco puleed up and walked up to the person and said can I help you. The man turned around and said Hay Sheriff. Rosco smiled and said Coy Duke. Does Luke and Kathy Know you are staying at the house. Coy looked at him and said No Noone knows.
  20. Luke and Kathy and their kids where heading back to the house. Kathy smiled and said it was great to see Robert and Sheri again. Jesse smiled and said Mom It;s great to see you smile. And I have learned somethings that I never knew about you. You sang in a band with Sheri Aunt Tracy And Faith Hill. Wow. Ya Jesse Faith was the one who wanted to take her music further. I was just doing i for fun. Then her phone rang. and she looked and she samiled and she said Hello we where just talking about you. You are that's great.can you and your husband come over to the house tonight I know my family would like to meet you. Oh that's wounderful. see you at 6 then Bye. Luke smiled cause he knew who it was. Jesse said well it wasn't Aunt Tracy. and we just talked to Sheri. Oh mom don't tell Me faith Hill and Tim McGraw are coming to the house? Sarah Just smiled. Kathy said Yup they are.
  21. Kathy smiled and then they all went to the dinner to have some pie. AT THE DINNER... They walked in and they found a table and a watress came over and Leventa said a peace of Apple pie for everyone please. Luke smiled and said Baby may be everyone doesn't want Apple. Robert smiled and said That's Ok Luke I like Apple and so did sheri. and all the adulds orded coffee with their Pie and Leventa said I would like milk please. the watress smiled and left. Sheri looked at Kathy and said so why where you all at the cemtery tonight. Kathy said it was our daughters birthday, she would be 23 today. She only lived two hours. and I was told I couldn't carrie a baby full turm.of I would lose it. and then when we where pregnet with Jesse I was so scared I was going to lose him. Luke broke in and said Ya I all most lost her durning all three pregencys. So all of our kids are mirecals Babies. Sarah was listen to Kathy as she was telling
  22. Leventa said cool I;m 5 but I will be 6 next month. Mommy said That Jesse and I were mircal babies too
  23. Kathy said congradulations On your baby. I sorry about your father. why don't we go to the dinner and have a peace of Pie? Kathy said Leventa said Apple. Kathy smiled and said Ya Apple. She looked at Robet and Sheri if they wanted to join them.
  24. Yup, I did, Then Sheri noticed that Kathy was in a wheel chair. and she asked Kat what happened? Kathy told them what had Happened when Jacob was born. and then Kathy asked them what they where doing in the cemotery
  25. Ya my room mate name is sheri. and My cousin name is Robert. Robet is Why I became a doctor. Sheri Robert I would Like you to me my family This handsome guy is my hisband Luke and these are our children Jesse Leventa and this little guy is Jacob and that beautiful young Lady hanging on to Jesse's arm is our soon to be Daughter Sara
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