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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well Hoss...thanks for your view of what happened as well as Lizzy. Obviously I don't agree completely with you, but do see where you are coming from. Also know that I am biased seeing how I am a huge Jeff Gordon fan. But there is more to it than just being a Gordon fan that has made me upset. See where you thought Gordon went down...I thought that too and did look into it. They were going in the turn where they have to go down at, Keselowski knew that and went for it anyway and got into Gordon. But I guess that is a racing incident and is OK with NASCAR. Truth is of what I heard, Keselowski got into both Gordon and Johnson. Well y'all can guess how I feel about that too...just glad JJ won the race. OK, I already said more than what I was going to say. When I read Hoss's reply had thought of coming back with what I thought, but feel like there is no need. You know where I stand. I stand with Gordon all the way. As I said, thank you for you both for weighin in on how you feel about it. And also as I said, I see where both of you are coming from and respect it. I don't agree with Gordon fighting or anyone...but this is what NASCAR wants. Or at least what they are asking ffor with this new championship format...and their lack of a punishment towards Keselowski a couple of weeks ago also expresses it to everyone, that NASCAR won't step in and punish Keselowksi themselves...well... Not saying I agree with it, but when as much is on the stake for everyone, stuff like this is going to happen. Despite the penalties, I am sure NASCAR is loving all this attention. It was even on the ffront page off Yahoo that someone sent a picture on FB of. With all that said, I am and always will be a Jeff Gordon fan and supporter. He don't get mad at just anything or at nothing...just like Kenseth a couple of weeks ago when he went after Brad. Kenseth and Gordon are pretty laid back and don't cause much trouble or say anything about anyone...so when they react, well, you know there is a reason behind. OK I will shut up...I came here to report the penalties that NASCAR has FINALLY handed down. Hated this long wait knowing something was coming. Especially after all that has been on FB from sitting Gordon out at Phoenix this weekend to docking points. Which I doubted they would do that, but with NASCAR you don't know what they will do. Especially when they reported over and over that Keselowski did nothing wrong. So... Crew members from Gordon and Kahne has been punished. Jeremy Fuller from Kahne's crew with Dwayne Doucette and Jason Ingle ffrom Gordon's has been fined $25,000 and suspended from NASCAR through six points races. Their offense is actions against or to stock car racing as well as behaviorial penalty for their altercation in the fight. Dean Mozingo from Gordon's crew was ffined $10,000 ands upsended through the completion off the next three Sprint Cup point racesfor about the same thing. Kenny Francis, cc for Kahne, and Alan Gustafson cc for Gordon has been ffined $50,000 and placed on probation through the the next six point NASCAR races. Which is the ones I don't really agree with. It comes down to it that they are fined because they are suppose to have complete control of their entire team...as well as the same as as their actions being against NASCAR and for behavior penalty. So far, I see nothing against Gordon or against Harvick. So I guess, this is better than what I was expectingf and am somewhat happy for. But sad to see their crew members suspended and fined...and their crew cheifs. I just hope this is the end of it and that we don't see anything more in Phoenix and Homestead. Nothing for the 2 team...which doesn't surprise me. Though does make me wonder why Gordon's crew got punished for punching as well as Kahne's when whoever punched Gordon got away with nothing. That kinda irritates me...because obviously Gordon got punched out the whole ordeal. I have seen different angles of the fight and I don't think either driver punched anyone...which leaves the crews. So I am not really saying Keselowski should be punished, but whoever punched Gordon, should have gotten something. My opinion...I know it isn't worth much. I'll just shut up for now and be grateful Gordon wasn't penalized or Kahne for that matter. Never was a Kevin Harvick fan, but have to say he gained some respect from me Sunday night and am glad he didn't get fined. Though do wonder if all this would have been avoided if it wasn't ffor his shove, but also see where he he is coming from. I don't agree with fighting, but am proud how my Hendrick teams support each other and are there for each other. As I said...I just hope this is over for Gordon and that he can race his way into the Chase at Homestead with a chance at his fifth championship. http://www.nascar.com/en_us/news-media/articles/2014/11/4/nascar-sprint-cup-series-texas-motor-speedway-penalties.html This isn't the article I read, but it is ffrom the same site with most off the info, if not more so. I hope y'all aren't mad at me for expressing my opinions. I probably should never have said anything, but was just really upset at it all. Still am. but am ready to move on and get to Phoenix...fingers crossed for a drama free and great race!
  2. Landon Cassill had engine failure that ended his race early. Thanks Hoss for posting the final result.
  3. I guess we feel differently about it. No need to run people over to get the win like that. Gordon was going for the same thing as Keselowski and didn't run anyone over. Not saying what he did was right and I am sure NASCAR will have a thing or two to say about it. I think all in all, everyone is getting tired of Keselowski and the stunts he has been giving this past season or so. Just my opinion. Sorry you are disappointed in Jeff Gordon. I don't agree with what he did, but do understand that. He has to stand up for himself and will always be a proud Jeff Gordon fan.
  4. Well never mind about that idea of writing this during the race seeing how my computer just closed the window up after writing it up three fourths of the race. .URGH. Dang thing. I really don't know where to start now that it was deleted and now that the race is over and I am beyond upset right now. Kenseth led the first fifty laps or so before Jimmie Johnson passed the race and led a lot of laps. Gordon led a lot of laps. Urgh...I really did have all this wrote up and waiting for the end and I pushed some dang button and it closed out everything. And now after all the drama, I can't think beyond the end of the race. So...I guess I will write about the end. I apologize. They had a restart where Tony Stewart helped pushed Gordon back to the lead after JJ retook the lead. After a few laps of Gordon pulling away from everyone with seven laps to, Clint Bowyer decides to spin out. (After his intentional spin out last year and his feelings towards Gordon, it's hard to know if it was on purpose or not. I will try and give him the benefit of the doubt here...) So they went to another restart...and on the restart, Jimmie had a better restart seeing as Gordon chose the outside line and he went back only for Brad Keselowski to come up and side slam Gordon to cut Gordon's tire. Gordon hit the wall to bring out another caution. (At which point, I left the room to take care of laundry. I'll admit, I was a little upset. Sad to see anyone have such a good and strong race only for someone to ruin the race.) They went to W-G-C and I guess Jimmie Johnson held Brad Keselwoski off and led the race. Keselowski came in second...while Jeff Gordon finished 29th. And then after the race ended... Gordon parked alongside Brad Keselwoski's car and got out and walked around where Keselowski was getting out of his car. He had a crew member standing in Gordon's way. Well Kevin Harvick came behind Keselowski and shoved Keselowski forward where Gordon hit him and it started an all out fight between the crew and the drivers. Both Gordon and Keselowski stepped away from the fight with a bloody lip. Keselowski more so. Keselowski doesn't seem to think he did any wrong and Gordon had some pretty strong words towards Keselwoski in his interview. I have a feeling, that y'all know which side I am in all of this. I am not for fighting and I had told Gordon when he parked next to his car not to sink to his level...but at the same time, don't blame him for being upset and doing what he did either. If you ask me, NASCAR had asked for things like this to happen by putting this new Chase format in and had predicted it before the season even started. Though had hoped Gordon wouldn't be involved. Also feel like NASCAR promoted all this by not punishing Keselowski or too much at least a couple of weeks ago when Keselowski was wrecking people for no reason. I am beyond upset right now. Gordon had that race won...if not a decent finish up until Keselwoski got into him. And now we are one point into the Chase if we were to go to Homestead right now. I am just glad that Jimmie Johnson won...well I would have anyway, but am glad Johnson won over Keselwoski. We have two races left of the season. Phoenix next Sunday where they will eliminate four more drivers to leave four drivers going for the cup at Homestead on November 16th. Going into today's race, I felt Gordon had a good chance at winning his fifth championship. Now I am not so sure. Which is sad, because I feel like of all drivers, Gordon has had the best season. I say that as a fan, but also because he had. I am pretty sure that above all drivers right now, Gordon has the best average finish...should account for something. I apologize for my bad review...I had it all planned out that I would write it as it went along so I wouldn't forget it something, but then I had to go mess that up and with how it ended, well, that is all that I can think about. I am sure NASCAR will have a thing or two to say about this...but when they do, I really hope they remember how they felt about Brad a couple of weeks ago when they only fined him ten thousand dollars and four race probation. They will come out on Tuesday if with anything and I will make sure to let you all know. I am sorry for putting my opinions on here...just right now I am just upset about it all. About how it ended. The fight. Everything. As I said, I don't condone the fight, but do understand where Jeff is coming from and why he did what he did. I will always support Jeff and his team. Proud of them...no matter what. NASCAR wanted drama by this new Chase format...well they got what they wanted. Hope they are happy...
  5. Hey Hoss...thanks for paying tribute to Landon Cassill. Have I ever mentioned that he is from Iowa...actually only a half hour a way from me. Sadly I don't know him personally or his family, but he has been fun to watch. Love seeing him run so well. His dad owns a car dealership in his home town...Landon's car got stolen from the shop a couple of months ago, but think they did find it. Three races left, including Texas, and I am so nervous that I can't hardly stand still. I hope you are right that Gordon is sitting in the right spot. It would have been super nice if Jr would have let Gordon pass for the race, but at the same time, like Gordon said, you don't want to win that way. THat has been a big conversation this week. People saying Jr should have let Gordon win...after all, Gordon has more to gain and lose than he does, and others saying that Jr did the right thing. As much as it hurts being so close to being locked into the Chase, each driver is out there for the win, whether or in the chase or not. There was even a Jr fan page on FB that insisted that Gordon was mad after the race last week. I don't see that. I saw Gordon being disappointed at being so close, but not mad at Jr for doing what he is suppose to do. Win. With that said, they ran a good piece on Gordon on Race Day on Speed Channel before the pre race started. Good seeing Gordon so happy and confident. Hopefully it pays off. Everyone seems to be paying Ryan Newman respect with being this far without a win. Am sure James Best is happy...I talked to James Best the last time I saw him about Gordon. He had just got done doing some project or something with Gordon. He said Ryan Newman was his favorite driver. They live close to each other and James helps with Ryan Newman's pet charities, if I remember right. Though despite that, I am still going for Gordon to win it...feel like he has had the better season than those that are currently in the Chase. That should play out for a win, right? I think it should. Well the race is about to go Green...I am going to attempt to write my review as the race goes on. Not promising perfection, but should do better, right? With that said...lets go JEFF GORDON AND TEAM 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Well before I start, I have to thank Hoss and Roger for the laugh. LOL. Well Roger, I may have beat you last week...but seeing how I picked Jimmie Johnson this week and well...he didn't do too well today...you may just have kicked me out of first place. That is unless you picked JJ as well or perhaps Harvick or Keselowski. Please don't be too mad...or if it does become violent, I may be forced to delete your team off my league. Or better yet, I'll just hide behind Hoss for protection. Then he'll be forced to take action...unlike NASCAR. :roll: OK...now to get serious.... As for my race review of Martinsville...I really don't know where or how to start. I should really have this window open and write it as it goes on that way I won't forget anything. Because I really do feel like I will forget something big today. Because well, the ending has overshadowed the race itself. HA. Jamie McMurray started the race from the pole and led over eighty laps...he dominated the first quarter of the race but after a rough pit stop and fighting his car, he slid back from the front. Where my man Jeff Gordon stepped up to plate and I believe, led the most laps today. He had a rocket of a race car...if I say so myself. After Brad Keselowski got caught speeding on pit road...Jeff Gordon got caught speeding on pit road. Where he went from first to thirtieth! (I wasn't very happy. LOL) But he proved he had a fast race car when it didn't take him very long to get to the front again. Martinsville lived up to it's high caution rate...though I can't remember how many. I think the announcers said that last time they had 17 yellow flags. Don't know if we lived up to be that high...but we did have two red flags that lasted ten minutes. Brian Vickers and Kasey Kahne got upset at one another...it started when Kahne got into Vickers when Vickers wouldn't give him any room on the track. Vickers went to the garage and when he came back out, he intentionally wrecked Kahne. Though according to Vickers on the radio his car just veered into him. Kahne went to the garage and when he came back out he got back into Vickers. NASCAR then called down to both their crews and told them that was enough from them two. Brad Keselowski, who won last week, had some sort of issue that sent him up the track and got hit from behind by Casey Mears. Kahne somehow got connected in that one and hit the wall hard. It went to red flag for ten minutes before Keselowski took his car back to the garage. Can't remember if they said what was wrong with his car. Know they thought it was one thing but it wasn't that. Do know that it was a rough day for Kasey Kahne today. It was also a rough day for Jimmie Johnson who went to his pits out of turn due to a tire issues. They came back out only to go back to the garage due to some oil leak or something. He came back out but only finished 32nd today at a track that he normally dominates at. Matt Kenseth checked up and got into Kevin Harvick and sent Harvick to the garage for several laps with lots of damage. Harvick came back out not understanding that it wasn't done on purpose and had shown Kenseth his displeasure by bumping into him. Kurt Busch had a pretty good day until his car went up in smoke during a pit stop and he parked it out in the garage area and when they opened the hood his engine was on fire. Not a Kurt Busch fan, but will give him a lot of credit that during his interview he had a positive attitude about it and had a smile. Danica Patrick spun out during one of the accidents and Marcos Ambrose was involved in another two or three car accident. Sorry I don't have much info on that...I actually forgot about them until I was writing the results down. As I said, I should have started this review as the race started and wrote it as it went along. Tony Stewart led a few laps today as did Clint Bowyer. Denny Hamlin led a lot of laps and also had a car to win. At the end Dale Earnhardt Jr. was the guy to beat once he got out front. Gordon was running second and almost got to him when the red flag came out after another accident...can't remember who or why at the moment. But with seven laps, the top cars pitted for fresh tires and maybe gas. When the race went green, there was like four laps to go and Jr and Gordon were quick to get up to the front. Gordon raced Jr. to the checkered flag, but came in second to Dale Earnhardt Jr who won his first Martinsville race and grandfather clock. It was kind of an emotional win for Hendrick...ten years and two days ago, Hendrick's plane crashed in Martinsville killing ten people including Rick's son, two nieces, someone who worked for Stewart...and maybe a brother? Am not sure about the brother. But I remember it like it was yesterday. Jimmie Johnson won the race that day and afterwards before he could celebrate, he was walked off with no post race celebration. What a sad day that was. Know JJ and other drivers were close to Ricky Hendrick (Rick's son). It will be something always remembered and they will be forever missed. It was great to hear Jr play tribute to them (as did Gordon) during their post race interviews...Jr wasn't part of Hendrick at the time that happened, but am sure he was close to Ricky and was upset about it. Here is the official results: 1. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 2. Jeff Gordon 3. Ryan Newman 4. Tony Stewart 5. Joey Logan0 6. Matt Kenseth 7. Clint Bowyer 8. Denny Hamlin 9. AJ Allmendinger 10. David Ragen 11. Kyle Busch 12. Austin Dillion 13. Greg Biffle 14. Paul Menard 15. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 16. Jamie McMurray 17. Justin Allgaier 18. Cole Whitt 19. Landon Cassill 20. Carl Edwards 21. Aric Almirola 22. David Gilliland 23. Marcos Ambrose 24. Michael Annett 25. Josh Wise 26. Mike Wallace 27. Brian Vickers 28. Kyle Folwer 29. Alex Bowman 30. Kyle Larson 31. Brad Keselowski 32. Jimmie Johnson 33. Kevin Harvick 34. Danica Patrick 35. Reed Sorenson 36. Kurt Busch 37. Casey Mears 38. Martin Truex Jr. 39. JJ Yeley 40. Kasey Kahne 41. Travis Kvapil 42. Timmy Hill 43. Clay Rogers As much as I like Dale Earnhardt Jr...I really do...I was really wanting Gordon to win this race. Well I would like Gordon to win every race, but also, if he won this race he would be automatically in the Chase come Homestead in three weeks. But at least it is Earnhardt Jr. that won (Congrats Roger...bet you are on cloud nine right now. As you should be. ) If the Chase were to go to Homestead right now...it would look like this: 1. Jeff Gordon 2. Ryan Newman 3. Joey Logano 4. Matt Kenseth Well...we have two more races before we can worry about Homestead. Texas is next Sunday (Kurt Busch and Danica Patrick will be swapping crews next week) and then Phoenix after Texas...and then Homestead. And if you are bad at math...that means we ONLY have THREE more RACES left of the SEASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!! As for me, I am really hoping Gordon gets his fifth championship this year. Who y'all going for? (Better be Gordon...LOL)
  7. Well before I start, I have to thank Hoss and Roger for the laugh. LOL. Well Roger, I may have beat you last week...but seeing how I picked Jimmie Johnson this week and well...he didn't do too well today...you may just have kicked me out of first place. That is unless you picked JJ as well or perhaps Harvick or Keselowski. Please don't be too mad...or if it does become violent, I may be forced to delete your team off my league. Or better yet, I'll just hide behind Hoss for protection. Then he'll be forced to take action...unlike NASCAR. :roll: OK...now to get serious.... As for my race review of Martinsville...I really don't know where or how to start. I should really have this window open and write it as it goes on that way I won't forget anything. Because I really do feel like I will forget something big today. Because well, the ending has overshadowed the race itself. HA. Jamie McMurray started the race from the pole and led over eighty laps...he dominated the first quarter of the race but after a rough pit stop and fighting his car, he slid back from the front. Where my man Jeff Gordon stepped up to plate and I believe, led the most laps today. He had a rocket of a race car...if I say so myself. After Brad Keselowski got caught speeding on pit road...Jeff Gordon got caught speeding on pit road. Where he went from first to thirtieth! (I wasn't very happy. LOL) But he proved he had a fast race car when it didn't take him very long to get to the front again. Martinsville lived up to it's high caution rate...though I can't remember how many. I think the announcers said that last time they had 17 yellow flags. Don't know if we lived up to be that high...but we did have two red flags that lasted ten minutes. Brian Vickers and Kasey Kahne got upset at one another...it started when Kahne got into Vickers when Vickers wouldn't give him any room on the track. Vickers went to the garage and when he came back out, he intentionally wrecked Kahne. Though according to Vickers on the radio his car just veered into him. Kahne went to the garage and when he came back out he got back into Vickers. NASCAR then called down to both their crews and told them that was enough from them two. Kahne was later taken out by the first red flag accident...my memory is a blank right now on who started it and why. Kasey hit the wall hard as did Casey Mears. They were both OK. Just a rough day for Kasey Kahne today for sure. It was also a rough day for Jimmie Johnson who went to his pits out of turn due to a tire issues. They came back out only to go back to the garage due to some oil leak or something. He came back out but only finished 32nd today at a track that he normally dominates at.
  8. Well the race is over...so I guess I should write my review. I will be honest with you, I am not very happy with how this race has ended and I go back to that I don't agree with this elimination they put in the Chase. At all. For Talladega it was pretty calm...for the most part. I think they had five or six cautions. Two was for debris and three for accidents. Though the accidents happened to be pretty big ones. The first one involved Kyle Busch and Tony Stewart who both were collected in the accident (sorry...I can't recall who started it right now). Tony was able to stay out while Kyle Busch was in the garage for forty laps before coming back out. Though with how bad his car was, I was surprised he was able to get up and running again. That accident may have been one with Joey Logano and Keselwoski...but both Logano and Keselowksi didn't get affected much by it. I know there were a couple other accidents, but at the moment, can't think of it. This race got me so upset, I can't even think right...LOL. Jimmie Johnson led the most laps today, but didn't lead the lap that counted the most...the last one. He was leading at the end, but with no teammates up there to help him, he was shuffled back after a restart. Jr. hung out in the front of the field for awhile but with thirty laps or so fell back to mid pack...and with four laps to go, Junior got wrecked with the 38 got into the back of Greg Biffle who got into Jr. Which produced a green and white and checker finish and had Ryan Newman to the lead. . .until NASCAR threw a caution for debris once again and they were all back to a final restart for two laps. On the last restart Keselwoski passed Newman...Newman tried to get past him on the last lap, but failed to do so and Keselowski went on to the win the race. As for Jeff Gordon...because I know y'all are curious about him...hung out in the back all day. Didn't do much of anything...other than he just missed getting caught up in the first wreck and Jr almost wrecked him and Hamlin out on the last wreck. So at least he was able to finish the race...even if it was 26th place. Here is the final results: 1. Brad Keselwoski 2. Matt Kenseth 3. Clint Bowyer 4. Landon Cassill 5. Ryan Newman 6. Travis Kvapil 7. Kurt Busch 8. Marcos Ambrose 9. Kevin Harvick 10. Casey Mears 11. Joey Logano 12. Kasey Kahne 13. Austin Dillion 14. Reed Sorenson 15. Cole Whitt 16. Michael Waltrip 17. Kyle Larson 18. Denny Hamlin 19. Danica Patrick 20. Brian Vickers 21. Carl Edwards 22. Ryan Blaney 23. AJ Allmendinger 24. Jimmie Johnson 25. Greg Biffle 26. Jeff Gordon 27. Martin Truex Jr. 28. Josh Wise 29. David Gilliland 30. David Ragen 31. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 32. Trevor Bayne 33. Terry Labonte 34. Tony Stewart 35. Jamie McMurray 36. Paul Menard 37. Michael Annett 38. Mike Wallace 39. Aric Almirola 40. Kyle Busch 41. Michael McDowell 42. JJ Yeley 43. Alex Bowman And since this is the elimination race...four drivers have left the Chase and we are down to eight chasers for the next four races. Here is what the new Chase grid looks like: 1. Joey Logano (won at Kansas) 2. Kevin Harvick (won at Charlotte) 3. Brad Keselowski (won at Talladega) 4. Ryan Newman (+27 points ahead of ninth) 5. Denny Hamlin (+10) 6. Matt Kenseth (+9) 7. Carl Edwards (+9) 8. Jeff Gordon (+3) Drivers who were eliminated: 9. Kasey Kahne (-3 to Gordon) 10. Kyle Busch (-7) 11. Jimmie Johnson (-40) 12. Dale Earnhardt Jr. (-48) I am very happy to see Gordon make it onto the next round...even by three points. But am very sad to see Johnson, Jr, and Kahne out of the Chase due to things that were beyond their control. Meanwhile, Brad Keselwoski, who threw his fit last week and caused all that drama, wins the race and gets into the Chase. Something does not add up to me and it has left me upset. Onto Martinsville next weekend ... where I am glad to be back to a normal track where drivers have a say over their race and in more control. I like Talladega...just not in the Chase. Super glad Gordon has made it...but frustrated to see my other three drivers get the boot...
  9. I'm sorry Hoss...I thought of you when I saw Ricky didn't make it. If it makes you feel any better... my man Jeff Gordon was thirteen seconds away from not making it as well. Though I think he could rely on past championship points to get him in. But still...I really hate this new qualifying they have now. Especially for restrictor plate races. Don't understand why NASCAR is intent on making things worse this year...they are just asking for drama and wrecks and what not. Whatever happened to watching the race to watch them actually race? Just frustrating.
  10. Well OK then. This is the third time of trying to write this message...perhaps that means I shouldn't post it. Thanks for the laugh Hoss. That is exactly the car that Keselwoski should be given to drive for the rest of the season. But with the target sign that is bound to be following him, I bet he already feels like he is in one of those cars. I just hope he stays far away from my Hendrick drivers.... The only part of NASCAR's penalties that I agree with is that they didn't penalize Kenseth or Hamlin. I don't condone fighting at all, but with what they were dealt with, I don't blame them for being upset. Just like I don't blame Stewart for being upset. I understand with all that is going on this year with Stewart, that he probably shouldn't have done what he did. But at the same time, what is he suppose to do? Just let people run into him for little to no reason? I mean, Stewart fnished the race. His car in one piece. Was parked on pit road. When out of no where and with little to no warning, Keselowski runs into him. And for what? And why? It really makes me upset at NASCAR for even thinking of fining Stewart.. He just gave back what was given to him! To me, he was fined for doing NOTHING wrong. At all. Just so wrong. And then Keselowski...he is just given a little tap on the wrist for what he did. To us fifty thousand dollars is a lot of money, but he probably gets that for every race he races...if not more so. And on probation for four races? You know what NASCAR did...they made it so the very last race of the season, he will NOT be on probation. At all. There is no reason at all for Keselowski's behavoir or for any of what he did! Wrecking cars on pit road...who don't have their HANS on or seatbelted in? Ok Kenseth should still have had them on, but the race was over, he was going to the garage! One doesn't expect to get wrecked going back to the garage AFTER the race is OVER! Not only that, but Keselowski did burn outs in the garage area. He ran over a part and sent it flying across the sidewalk! All along, fans and crew members are walking around. Kesleowski and NASCAR are lucky no one got hurt...or worse! Forget fining him money and probation, I think they should have parked his car for a couple of races...if not the season! If not that, then take away a LARGE chunk of points. Make him think twice before he acts up again..If this was Keselowski's first time of acting up, I'd say fine, whatever. But it isn't his first time. He is known to act up. And yet NASCAR looks away. NASCAR has always been and always will be inconsistant with their punishments and it makes me upset. Their punishements seem to favor the hot head ones, the drivers who normally act up...they seem to give a light punishment, but for those who don't normally act up? They throw the book at them! For example, back when Dale Jr was driving the 8 car, he won the race, was excited...happy...and he said the "s" word on TV. NASCR fined him 25 points. So I guess in NASCAR's eyes Dale using the S word on TV is worse than what Keselowski did Saturday night that could have seriously hurt people??? That is just an example...I can think of others. But I guess it is what it is. But still...NASCAR needs to rewrite their punishments for each crime and give it accordingly to who does it no matter who it is. Though, as much as this has upset me, I can't say I am too surprised. Sadly, I had predicted something like this happening at the start of the year when NASCAR made the eliminating format known. NASCAR has pretty much been asking for stuff like this to happen by the Chase format, especially now with the elimination factor. They are know boxing the Chase drivers up and expecting them to fight for ten perfect races...knowing no one can have ten pefect races. There is always going to be some sort of car failure or an accident either their own or someone else's that is bound to happen...and what? Because of a couple races of bad luck, they are eliminated? NASCAR is just adding pressure upon pressure with this format and is having everyone stressed out and acting out...I even heard that JJ had uncharacteristically gotten upset during the race at his crew cheif. Johnson is a pretty laid back and care free guy and now the fact that he is about to be eliminated is adding onto the pressure all drivers have at the start of each race. I am NOT giving Keselowski a reason to do what he did...there is no reason or excuse for what he did. But at the same time, there is a known select few drivers who are hot headed and NASCAR is pretty much asking them to act out when things don't go their way. And why? For the viewers? The attention. If you ask me, if people are tuning into the races to watch a fight and people wreck each other, well they are watching for the wrong reasons. Then again, if you asked me, I would say that they should get rid of the Chase all together and go back to the old point system where you could have a lot of great races and get the championship. Not get the championship because you had a mediorcre season with a couple of wins. Yes, each driver should be getting into their car to win the race, but shouldn't they already want that to begin with and not because of the fear of being eliminated? And with Talladega coming up this Sunday...the track that produces all the big accidents...Keselowski has chosen the wrong time to make new enemies. I am not for retaliation, but you can bet Kenseth, Hamlin, and Stewart will be getting into their cars on Sunday, still upset by what happened last Saturday. They don't forget or forgive that quickly. And with NASCAR's lack of a punishment on Keselwoski, they just painted that target sign all that much bigger on Keselwoski. All I have to say is that I really hope Keselwoski is no where near my Hendrick boys or your favorite drivers any time this weekend...or for the rest of the year for that matter. All of this is MY OPINION and MY OPINION ONLY. I apologize for my rant. But you all know how important NASCAR is to me and how much I love it...so when something like this happens, I tend to get upset and frustrated about it. I will be a NASCAR fan til the day I die...as well as Cubs and Bears. That is just who I am and how I work. But NASCAR has really messed up with how they are handling this. . .and they should be ashamed of themselves. But as I said, once a fan, always a fan. I will leave saying the same words Jeff Gordon said in his interview after the race...am really glad Gordon (or any one from team Hendrick) was not involved in what happened.
  11. Wow leave it to NASCAR to punish a driver for doing what they asked them to do... I am sure HMS will solve the problem or find out what it is that is causing all this. Personally, I understand Hamlin/Kenseth/Stewart being upset. No call for how Keselowski had acted last night and then act like he did no wrong just seems to make it worse. Personally I think the fines/punishment should fall on Keselowski's shoulders and would like to see him parked, but I doubt they will do that. My opinion...
  12. Here is the final results: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Jeff Gordon 3. Jamie McMurray 4. Joey Logano 5. Kyle Busch 6. Kyle Larson 7. Ryan Newman 8. Carl Edwards 9. Denny Hamlin 10. Kasey Kahne 11. Kurt Busch 12. AJ Allmendinger 13. Austin Dillion 14. Martin Truex Jr. 15. Justin Allgaier 16. Brad Keselowski 17. Jimmie Johnson 18. Greg Biffle 19. Matt Kenseth 20. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 21. Tony Stewart 22. Aric Almirola 23. Landon Cassill 24. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 25. Marcos Ambrose 26. Danica Patrick 27. Reed Sorenson 28. Cole Whitt 29. Michael McDowell 30. Alex Bowman 31. Casey Mears 32. David Gilliland 33. Michael Annett 34. David Ragen 35. Corey LaJoie 36. Timmy Hill 37. Brian Vickers 38. JJ Yeley 39. Black Koch 40. Brett Moffitt 41. Josh Wise 42. Paul Menard 43. Clint Bowyer Well we are moving on to Talladega next Sunday...also the cut off date of this round in the Chase. Drivers will be eliminated after next week and right now, Dale Earnhardt Jr. and Jimmie Johnson are in danger of getting eliminated. :( I think someone said last night that they will have to have a great race, great finish and those above them to have a bad race. Which leaves me torn...because above all else, I want Gordon to continue on in the Chase, but I also want Jimmie Johnson and Dale Jr. to move forward as well. I guess we will see next week... If you want my opinion, I really hate the fact that they have Talladega in the Chase. Talladega is a race known as providing the "big ones" as in accidents. One could be having a great race and someone else's small mistake to wreck them out of the race and out of the Chase. I know it adds so called excitement to it, but I'd rather see drivers move forward due to their talent or out of the Chase due to others being better than them. Not because one of the Chase drivers are involved in one of the big ones. Also...I really hope there is no retaliation of last night's fight at Talladega...
  13. Well y'all...I am sorry to say that I missed most of the race last night since we had family over. I turned the race on as they were getting ready to leave with like fifty laps to go or so. If that. So, I don't have much info about the race. I apologize for my lack of a review...I will write what I know. If someone knows more, feel free to add onto it. I heard that Danica Patrick was running in the top ten when Joey Logano got into her and she got upset saying she was going to wreck him...though don't know if she did or not. Seems like I saw somewhere where she and Newman got in an accident? Also heard that Dale Earnhardt Jr. shifter? broke. Which explains why he was like 23rd when I turned the race on. Matt Kenseth was in third place when Brad Keselowski went to block him...Kenseth was already there and Keselowski got into the front of Kenseth's car. Later Keselowski and Hamlin got into each other...can't really see what happened other than it being a racing deal. With ten laps to go a caution is thrown...I can't remember for what now...but that with five to go, Jimmie Johnson who was in fifth place, pits...and comes home seventeenth. Kevin Harvick came home with the win with Jeff Gordon came home second. I am sorry for my lack of a review today...of what I remember most of last night's game came AFTER the checkered flag flew. After the race was over, Brad Keselowski wrecks Denny Hamlin, before running into Matt Kenseth and running into the backend of Tony Stewart who was parked. Stewart got mad and reversed his car into Keselowski to wreck the front end of his car. Denny Hamlin was so mad after the race, it took all his men to keep him away from Brad Keselowski, and Hamlin was still fighting his own crew to get to Keselowski. (someone said that Keselowski did burn out in the garage area. Did see pictures of it, but didn't understand what they were talking about...or why.) Later the camera showed Matt Kenseth running down between two haulers and shoving/hitting Keselowski who didn't know he was coming. Kenseth's crew (I even saw one of Kyle Busch's crew in the mix) shoving Kenseth away from Keselowski. Needless to say, Keselowski once again didn't make any friends last night. They interviewed Kenseth right after wards and he said that he had his HANS devise off and was unbuckled when Keselowski ran into him going fifty miles per hour. Meanwhile Brad Keselowski found a way to place blame in everyone, but himself. I have my own opinion of all of this, but instead, I will just say that Keselowski was called into the NASCAR hauler after the race...and penalties will be handed out on Tuesday as they normally are. I will keep you updated when I find out about what they are. Here is the video of the fight/interviews...will be glad to hear what you think.
  14. That would be great Hoss. I can tell you who won and where my Hendrick boys finished...that is about it.
  15. Well, Hoss, your pre race write ups put mine to shame. I have some sad news....well sad to me anyway. My parents' cable is not working today....well it is off and on. I just gave up with n it and the race....was ready to throw the remote at it if I didn't. So needless to say, my review is going to be worse than normal. Sorry y'all.
  16. Ah Roger....I am about to show you how well I can multitask in sports. I am going to beat you in fantasy football and watch Jeff Gordon win...all at once.
  17. Well Hoss, guess you put it in the right place. I just didn't see it since this was the thread that was on the front page. I should've known someone would have beat me to the verdict...I just was too happy to write about it at first. Though it seems that Kevin Ward Jr's family is seeking for something in turn of it. As for now, am happy to see Tony dropped of any charges. Onto today's race at Dover... Well as Hoss said, Harvick started from the pole for the seventh time this season and led the majority of the laps until he had tire issues that messed up his splitter and sent him to pit road and the race into a caution. I do believe that is the only "action" caution on the race as the other one or two was for debris. Today was a big race for the Chase drivers as it determined who will progress and who would be on the outside looking in. Kasey Kahne was one of the drivers who was at risk of not making the Chase, but made the Chase. He suffered from tire issues and had to make a couple of unscheduled pit stops that put him a couple of laps back. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. hit the wall during the first half of the race...sorry Hoss. Hopefully 2015 will be kinder to him. Brad Keselowski was a strong contender as was Jimmie Johnson who is known to be strong at Dover. Not a whole lot happened at today's race...I think the highlight of the race came with thirty laps to go when Jeff Gordon took the lead (he had been running strong all day) and he held on to drive away to win his fourth win of the season! His 92 win of his career. And...the last time he won at Dover was in 2001 when he went off to win the championship!!! And y'all will be happy to hear that, that he won in his orange Drive to End Hunger car!! Whoop whoop! As for the Chase and who will continue...AJ Allmendinger was only two points out of making the Chase and Aric Almirola finished 28th today to miss out as well. Kurt Busch and Greg Biffle has also been eliminated. It was sad to see them all pretty disappointed and frustrated. Kurt took responsibility for missing out and AJ said that he wasn't disappointed on missing out just on how poorly they ran today. Said they don't deserve to be in if they run like that. Believe AJ finished 23rd today. Here is the official results of Dover: 1. Jeff Gordon 2. Brad Keselowski 3. Jimmie Johnson 4. Joey Logano 5. Matt Kenseth 6. Kyle Larson 7. Martin Truex Jr. 8. Ryan Newman 9. Clint Bowyer 10. Kyle Busch 11. Carl Edwards 12. Denny Hamlin 13. Kevin Harvick 14. Tony Stewart 15. Brian Vickers 16. Paul Menard 17. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 18. Kurt Busch 19. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 20. Kasey Kahne 21. Greg Biffle 22. Jamie McMurray 23. AJ Allmindinger 24. Austin Dillion 25. Danica Patrick 26. Marcos Ambrose 27. Casey Mears 28. Aric Almirola 29. Justin Allgaier 30. Cole Whitt 31. David Regan 32. Reed Sorenson 33. David Gilliland 34. Alex Bowman 35. Landon Cassill 36. Mike Bliss 37. David Stremme 38. Travis Kvapil 39. JJ Yeley 40. Mike Wallace 41. Michael Annett 42. Josh Wise 43. Timmy Hill Here is how the new Chase will look with twelve drivers: 1. Brad Keselowski 2. Joey Logano 3. Kevin Harvick 4. Jimmie Johnson 5. Jeff Gordon 6. Kyle Busch 7. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 8. Matt Kenseth 9. Ryan Newman 10. Carl Edwards 11. Denny Hamlin 12. Kasey Kahne We will be going to Kansas next week for race one of the Challenger series...or whatever they call it. LOL. Personally...my Bears may have lost to their rivals the Packers, the Cubs just played their last game of the season...but Jeff Gordon won the race today and all five of my drivers get to advance (Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Dale Earnhardt Jr, Kasey Kahne (Team Hendrick!) and Carl Edwards). Yep, this has got to be a great week! Hope you all have a great week too. 35.
  18. Thank you Hoss for covering for me....I missed the race so I guess I didn't think much of the review or writing it. I'm sorry and thank you. Though I do have news...the grand jury has found not enough evidence to charge Tony Stewart and the DA has said Stewart was going straight and didn't veer towards Kevin Ward Jr. In other words Tony will NOT be charged. Not only that, but Ward Jr.s toxicology showed he had marijuana in his system. Enough that would impair his judgement. Though by the sounds of it, Ward Jr's dad is upset and is looking at punishing Stewart by other means. I assume a civil suit...though with weed in the kid's system I don't see how he could win and I hope he doesn't. Ward Jr and his family are in my thoughts and prayers. I can only imagine what they are going through and I am sure it is only natural to find guilt in someone else, but still Stewart is not at fault here. The whole situation is incredibly hard and sad. Am really glad that Tony will not be charged... On another news....NASCAR has changed a few rules for next season. Can't recall them all right now. One was no more independent track testing...and (Hoss is going to LOVE this one....) They will have rain tires at the road courses. Hoss may like it, I'm not sure how I feel about it. Of what I take on rain tires from the Nationwide Series is that they go slower with them...and they already go slower on road courses...as well as it is harder to pass. But I will wait and see... Onto the Monster Mile on Sunday and if all goes as planned, I will be watching it. This will be the end of the first round and Chase drivers will start to be eliminated... Four drivers. I know with Gordon who now sits seventh in points, he has to have a top fifteen finish to be in. Or if he leads a lap, in the top sixteen. Or if he leads the most laps, a top seventeen. So he better have all his tire issues and bad luck out of the way...better yet, he can just win the race! LOL
  19. Wow Roger...tied for third? Love playing fantasy sports against you...even though I don't do very well. Missed the Bears game too last night since I don't have cable... But am glad they won! Thanks for the picture of Gordon's car, Hoss, don't know if I'd recognize his or McMurrey's car like that. On the news front, sources had said that the grand jury met today for Tony Stewart and had the local driver that was ahead of Stewart that race as witness today. They day that the grand jury should wrap up around the end of the week. Am praying for no charge against Tony. I have no doubt that Tony is innocent... Feel bad for him and the Ward family.
  20. ooh I love it!!!! Wonder if they have that in my size. Thanks for post I that Hoss...I don't know if I should be happy or sad that the younger drivers looked up to him when they were five..lol. Once again, I will be out of town and will miss you the race Sunday. Gordon will have to win without me. He I'd driving yellowish orange car. . .would be different to see that.
  21. Very true Hobie. Am hoping and praying for the best.
  22. Well, I just read on Facebook that things aren't looking goof Tony Stewart right now. 😢 They have taken their case and evidence who will meet in the near future. 😖 You all probably know where I stand with this so I won't go into it, but will admit this makes me upset. Tony has my full support, is in my thoughts and prayers. I did also read that Tony will race on Sunday.
  23. Like his smile Hoss...but NASCAR keeps me busy enough... Race number one of the Chase is now in the books and Brad Keselowski has now won himself into the next round in the eliminating format of this year's Chase. Kurt Busch spun himself out trying to slow himself down while going into pit road which has also given him a drive through penalty. As did Matt Kenseth later on in the race. Jeff Gordon started eighth today and had a fast car and came home a spot short, coming in second. Aric Almirola ran a great race today and it was great to see him running solidly in the top ten...until his engine blew or something that led him to the garage. Carl Edwards had his woes too as he had a tire go flat. And well, Hoss, I am sorry to say that with ten laps to go or so, Ricky Stenhouse Jr. and his girl friend, Danica Patrick wreck. Though I read that Danica has said that her spotter had said Smoke was around her and she didn't know Ricky was there. Said it was the spotters fault (it is always someone else's fault, right? LOL) and that all is fine between Ricky and her. Rookie Kyle Larson had a great race today and led a lot of laps (as did Kevin Harvick) and had a chance of winning but got passed by Brad Keselwoski. At the end Keselowski made it three wide to pass him. Then it left the battle for second to be between Kyle Larson and Jeff Gordon. I think Larson had the upper hand in the battle, but Gordon won the battle thanks to Larson hitting the wall and then his car smoking...but he was able to keep up with Gordon while his car was having problems. I really liked at the end when Jeff Gordon went and gave Larson a celebratory win on his effort for his first win and talked to him a few minutes. Giving him advice. Shows how classy Jeff Gordon is. Brad Keselowski came home the winner as his team mate Joey Logano was having engine problems... Official result: 1. Brad Keselowski 2. Jeff Gordon 3. Kyle Larson 4. Joey Logano (his engine problems didn't slow him down any...) 5. Kevin Harvick 6. Denny Hamlin 7. Kyle Busch 8. Kurt Busch 9. Jamie McMurray 10. Matt Kenseth 11. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 12. Jimmie Johnson 13. Kasey Kahne 14. Martin Truex Jr. 15. Ryan Newman 16. Austin Dillion 17. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 18. Tony Stewart 19. Danica Patrick 20. Carl Edwards 21. Paul Menard 22. AJ Allmendinger 23. Greg Biffle 24. Brian Vickers 25. Marcos Ambrose 26. Casey Mears 27. Justin Allgaier 28. Landon Cassill 29. Reed Sorenson 30. Cole Whitt 31. David Regan 32. Michael McDowell 33. Josh Wise 34. David Gilliland 35. Alex Bowman 36. Joe Nemechek 37. Joey Gase 38. Travis Kvapill 39. Clint Bowyer (Bowyer hit the wall late in the race that took his car to the garage) 40. Michael Annett 41. Aric Almirola 42. Ryan Truex 43. Mike Bliss We are off to Loudon next week for race number two of the Chase. I hope to catch it, but I doubt I will be home in time to watch the race. Hopefully get to watch the end. I can always hope. So if not, my review may not be so good next week. I apologize ahead of time.
  24. Well y'all, I don't know if I will be able to watch the race or not or what I will do. I really need to get rid of all my junk that has a way of building up and this weekend is the only chance I have for awhile to work on that. So if I do that, I will not be able to watch the race due to the fact that I don't have cable. I really wish they would keep it on FOX so everyone can watch every race. URGH! Plus, Darrell Waltrip and Jeff Hammond is on FOX! But I do really want to watch the race...it is the first race of the Chase. Though that in itself depresses me beyond words. Y'all know what that means, right? TEN MORE RACES LEFT OF THE SEASON! TEN MORE WEEKS UNTIL MY WITHDRAWL SETS IN! Not only that but with Gordon where he is right now and with how NASCAR has this new Chase format (have I ever said how I don't like it?!) I am beyond nervous that something will happen. He has had a great year this year and has the best chance at winning the championship than he has the past few years. But, I am still nervous that something could happen to him or JJ. Plus, I really want Gordon to win one more championship before he retires...I know he has four already (well he would have six or seven if they didn't put in this dang Chase...but whose counting? Right?) but I didn't become a fan until past his second championship, and his other two championships, I didn't watch enough NASCAR or know enough about it to know he won it to experience it. (I know, I know...it took me forever to get the hang of NASCAR and to get this addicted to it. Shame on me. All those wasted years... ) And for some sad news...I should put this in the news section but I am here and don't want to hide this great thread. HA! Marcos Ambrose will not be racing for Richard Petty Motorsports next season as he will be leaving for his home land of Australia. This has really got me sad. He may not be a Hendrick driver nor was he ever, but I have always liked Marcos. He is always smiling, always has a great attitude, and never has a bad thing to say about anyone. Just imagine if everyone had the same attitude...this world would be a lot better. I do wish Marcos the best of luck in Austraila with all that he will persue...his future. But he will leave a big hole in NASCAR for me. Even when he lost that race a year or two ago by trying to save gas on the final restart and NASCAR put him back a few spots, he handled his disappointment with class. Of course, I am sure the media and the most of the public would have rather him express his frustrations on TV for the world to see, he told the press he would talk to them after he collects himself in his motorhome. When he came out you could tell he was frustrated and disappointed in it, but he put his best smile on and was still positive. Even a couple of weeks ago when he lost that road race to AJ Allmendinger, he handled it well and with class. Yeah...NASCAR and this world needs more like him. Sad to see him go. And more news...I read the other day that the investigation for Tony Stewart has came to an end, but (catch this) they won't come out with what their findings were or whether or not they will charge Tony. This wait to see what will happen to Tony has been killing me...I can't imagine what it is doing to Tony Stewart. I feel so bad for him with all of this. I will tell you this, I will be greatly disappointed and upset if they charge him with anything. I don't even understand what is taking them this long to come forth and end their investigation. To me it seems clear. But I guess there is probably more than what meets they eye and they know more than I do. But still...the kid ran out in front of Tony wearing a dark suit in a dark night. To me it is common sense. Don't get me wrong, I feel horrible for Ward and his family with what they are going through. But don't blame Tony for it. OK I will end my post before I vent any more on all of that. I can go on forever about it and it won't change a thing. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with Kevin Ward Jr. , his family, and for Tony Stewart. I can't even begin to imagine ... As I said at the beginning, I don't know if I will watch the race tomorrow. Depends on what wins...what I want to do or what I should do. LOL. Iff I don't watch it, I will keep tabs of it on my cell phone. I have this great NASCAR app that posts about everything. Still not the same as watching it though.
  25. It has been a great and exciting year for Gordon....though this dang Chase has me nervous. A note about Jimmie Johnson. I guess his cooling system wasn't working during Saturday night's race which led to his dehydration issue. He said that they tried a new one...but will now go back to the old trusted one. Hoss ... Ricky better do good this weekend. I put him on my team this weekend's race. So in other words I am jinxing him. Lizzy... I hope it will be the Bears game. Sorry to hear you are going to miss the race.
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