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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Hamlin wrecked Patrick twice in one week, I doubt it was fake.
  2. Got some more news on Kyle Busch and his accident. He has a compound fracture in his leg and a fracture in his foot, he is going to have to have surgery on it to put plates in. Will be out up to six months. Matt Crafton will be in the 18 car for Kyle for tomorrow`s race at Daytona. My heart aches for Kyle to be going through all of this. He is a racer through and through and for him to be sitting out for Daytona 500 and for that long has to be killing him. Especially since it all could have been prevented if only it had safety barrier walls where he hit...instead he hit concrete going however fast he was going. Guess Daytona is going to fix it so all the track has safety barrier walls, but a little too late for Kyle. He is in my thoughts and prayers.
  3. Well today was the day. And it was a great one. We got there a few minutes late than when Tom was scheduled to be there, but it didn`t seem to hurt us much. There was a huge line and we started in the door way into the facility that had the cars and for a long time we just stood there. The line did not move at all and people were saying Tom was not even there. A half hour or forty minutes later I heard someone tell people move and that he had to use the rest room...I looked over to see Tom Wopat as he walked through the other door...and a few minutes later walked by again. After that the line started to slowly move. Turns out that Tom was held up by a delay at the air port. I stood in line for over two hours to meet him...and yes, it was worth the wait. Got to talk to a nice family ahead of me. It was great to see the the ten year old so excited for the Dukes and to meet Tom. Sounds like they were there for him to start out with. It helped to have people to talk to and after awhile the linemoved pretty quickly. Have to admit, I got nervous by the time he came into view and by the time I got to the table to buy a couple of things for him to sign and to buy getting a picture taken with him, I was really nervous. Do not know why. LOL. But Tom was super nice. Shook his hand and he asked what my name was and then said he was Tom. Got my picture taken with Tom and my Dad who was nice enough to take me. (I hate driving out of town...) Tom even thanked us for standing in line to see him.
  4. On Monday the family court had decided that there was enough evidence in the case of Kurt Busch and his ex girl friend of abuse and have granted his ex girlfriend a restraining order against Kurt Busch. Kurt can not come within so many feet from her...want to say five hundred or six hundred but not sure. And has to go to therapy for his anger. And yesterday NASCAR has indefinitely suspended Kurt Busch from any racing....meaning he cannot race in Daytona 500 or any race until NASCAR says it is OK again. Regan Smith will be in Kurt Busch 41 car until he is able to come back - if he is able to. In MY OPINION, NASCAR has no right punishing Kurt Busch as of now. I understand that they have to punish Kurt IF he did what he is being accused of, but as of now, the court has yet to say one way or another if he is guilty of what he is accused of. Right now, it is only family court that has issued their opinion ... not the court that decides whether or not to charge him for what he is accused of. So what ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Makes me upset that they would just suspend him before the verdict...now if Kurt Busch is innocent, he will be missing races and all the points that come with them. This whole story is complicated and hard to say for sure what really happened. I do not think anyone will ever know for sure what has happened other than Patricia and Kurt. Though personally find it hard that the court or that judge believed her side of the story over his after she was found lying under oath to start with...and she has changed her story three different times. But in other NASCAR news (I heard about this while writing the other part...) Kyle Busch was involved in a horrible accident in the Xfinity series race at Daytona. Looks like he hit the wall HARD at a place with no safety barrier. He left in an ambulance and as of now hear they are working with a right leg injury and he will NOT be in tomorrow`s race. My heart, thoughts, and prayers go out for him and his wife, Samantha, during this difficult time. Am so relieved he will be OK, but this has got to be killing him inside that he will miss tomorrow`s race and who knows how many races he will miss due to this. As Regan Smith had said in Facebook, there is no excuse for any track not to have safety barrier like this. All of this could have been prevented if only there was safety barrier. Hard to imagine a race without any of the Busch brothers...guess we will see one tomorrow.
  5. They are good. Any of the current drivers you follow?
  6. Well y'all it is that time of year again. Last night was NASCAR's Sprint Unlimited race...the pre season race that kicks off speed weeks. The race was accident filled that had started off with Brad Keselowski's accident when Kyle Larson went up the track and got into him. Later Greg Biffle got into the back of Jamie McMurray which collected Jimmie Johnson, Denny Hamlin, Kasey Kahne and a few others. Later Greg Biffle got in another accident with Kevin Harvick got collected in a big accidents, Biffle hitting the wall hard. Matt Kenseth went on to win the race. After the race, Joey Logano got mad at Kevin Harvick and displayed his displeasure afterwards by bumping into him and parking behind Harvick...and then got out and confronted Harvick only to be forced away by his own crew. Personally, I don't see what Joey Logano was upset about...if anyone had a reason to be upset, it was Harvick. I don't understand why he was mad at all...the event that got Joey upset was where Joey was following Kevin and then ran right up into the back of him and into the wall. If anyone should be mad, it should have been Kevin. And to top it off, it wasn't even a points race. So it's not like that it really affected much of anything to either driver nor changed the outcome of whether or not either driver would have won. A lot of unnecessary drama... Today was the qualifying run for the Daytona 500 where it locked the first two (front row) drivers into the Daytona 500...the rest of the field will be set on Thursday by the Duels. I didn't watch the qualifying but it sounds like Clint Bowyer and other drivers were not happy by how they did the group qualifying. Know Clint Bowyer and Denny Hamlin were involved in a big accident. Jeff Gordon won the pole for his very last Daytona 500...and Jimmie Johnson has qualified second. So personally...I am beyond happy with how the Daytona 500 will start out...I just hope that it will end just as great. Well I will be posting the races reviews and results under this thread...would anyone be interested in the Xfinity Series (use to be Nationwide Series). I don't really watch that series, but do keep an eye on it so I could at least keep you updated on it. Just let me know. I don't know about any of you all...but I am excited. Just one more week!!! Talking of which...I am having my own fantasy NASCAR league at Yahoo again this year if anyone is interested. It is all for fun and all free. Will be glad to help out any way I can. Just let me know if you are interested. HAPPY SPEED WEEK EVERYONE!!!!
  7. Well y`all guess what is on FOX....NASCAR with their Sprint Unlimited race. Preseason race. All for fun and not for points. Starts off speed week. Bet you all know who is excited....
  8. That is how I feel about Gordon retiring...you may not be a fan of his. But I am. By the way who is your favorite driver?
  9. Thanks everyone. Will bring a report... Know I am lucky...wish you all could go too. Hopefully one day you can meet them. Though will spend most of the time in a line...and very little with who i am going to see . Just hope the weather will be OK for it...
  10. Well y'all you heard right...Tom Wopat is finally coming to my state and I will finally be able to meet him!!!! After going to a few Dukefests and other smaller Duke related events, he is the one living actor on the show that I have yet to meet or get an autograph (well I don't have Coy's autograph or met him...). And it is even looking like I will be able to go!!! So if anyone is interested, in the area, or what not...Tom Wopat is coming to Monticello, Iowa on February 21 and 22!!!!! I apologize, I do not have the times or exact location with me at the time. He will be at a car show. I thought I would spread the word in case anyone else can make it. I am a bit excited...even had a dream the other night about meeting him. LOL. I will be meeting...well hopefully...meeting him that Saturday and watching the Daytona 500 on that Sunday. Has to be one of the best weekend plans. LOL.
  11. OK so this isn't news worthy but had to share because this is exactly how I feel about Gordon's retirement...
  12. Thanks Roger. It was really rough day for me yesterday hearing this and it still is, but am slowly accepting it. I guess I have no choice. Am really hoping for a great year for him this year...and that it won't go by as fast as last year. LOL. Gotta enjoy this year while it last and to be grateful for it...and to be able to watch Gordon at all. It means a lot to hear you and others say they think of me while all of this. It really does. I know to most people, he just another driver. Another person. And probably most people think it isn't that big of deal ... and that I can always pick another driver. Well I guess I am not most people. I will always be a NASCAR fan (no matter how badly they try to ruin the sport. See where there is talk of MAYBE shortening the races. I really hope not!) but NASCAR will not be the same without Jeff Gordon behind the wheel of the 24 car. As I said, I will move on and give Jimmie Johnson my full support and will be gratefull for him. But he is still not Jeff Gordon... With that said...I am way past done with football. Time to get on with the real sport of NASCAR!!!! 29 more days!!!
  13. Well y'all, I got some pretty devastating news. Well, maybe not for you. It was for me. Jeff Gordon announced this morning that 2015 will be his LAST full season in NASCAR to end his 23 year career behind the wheel of the 24 car. Guess he left the door open of possibly running part time in 2016, but read in one article that he wasn't going to decide on that yet. I am really in shock of all this though I really shouldn't be seeing how I have been fearing this news ever since the season ended when it came clear that Rick Hendrick had promised big things in the Cup series to Chase Elliot (Bill Elliot's son) and who drove his first Nationwide Series season with Jr Motorsports (for Dale Jr.) and ended up being the Nationwide Series Champion last season. NASCAR owners are only allowed four full time cars and I think a part time car. They stated as soon as the season ended that Kasey Kahne's contract got extended, Jr s contract I think runs through 2016 if not more...as does Jimmie Johnson. Gordon has a life time contract with Rick Hendrick .... meaning he will race only for Rick Hendrick. Nothing has been officially said, but I feel safe in saying that Chase Elliot will be the driver of the 24 car in 2016. I really like Chase Elliot. He seems like a great kid with a lot of talent. In fact he is my favorite Nationwide Series ...I mean Xfinity Series driver. But it don't matter how much I like Chase Elliot, I am still not ok to think of him in the 24 car. The 24 car will always be Jeff Gordon. I am happy for Chase Elliot to be given a seat in NASCAR with the elite Hendrick team. Hendrick sits on top as being the best team in NASCAR...and to think of Chase at 19 years or so with Hendrick...that is an honor for a kid. Then again, I do believe Kyle Busch was 18 when he started to drive for Rick Hendrick. I guess that is Hendrick's magic in finding kids with great talent and making them superstars from the start. Gordon was twenty something when he started with Hendrick. Still...I am having a hard time accepting this. I have been a die hard Jeff Gordon fan since I started liking NASCAR back in 1998 or so. Everyone who knows me knows I like Jeff Gordon. I know some Gordon fans who have said that once Gordon is done, they were done with NASCAR. Especially with the Chase with how it is and what NASCAR did to it. There was a day, I would have said the same thing. Then again, that was when I watched NASCAR for Jeff Gordon. I may have liked other drivers, but not enough to keep watching. If Gordon got wrecked out of the race..I would turn the TV off. That was back when I first started watching NASCAR and before I also became a big Jimmie Johnson fan (thanks to Jeff Gordon who owns over half of his car.). I have a hard time being a fan of someone for so long one day and not the next...I am loyal to my teams. NASCAR will definitely not be the same without Jeff Gordon...but I will watch it. Gordon will always be my all time favorite driver...no matter what. But when he retires, I will go for Jimmie Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr...and Chase Elliot. That is if I can accept someone new in the 24 car. Now I know how all those Dale Earnhardt Sr. fans felt with Ty Dillon took the famous number three. It just is not right. At all. I would have a lot easier time at accepting Chase Elliot as Hendrick's fourth driver if it was under a different number and new sponsors (do not know how the sponsor deals will work out. He may have new sponsors and Rick Hendrick may issues him a new number. I really hope he does. I know he had a car number 25 at one time...) Though at the same time, if this is what Jeff Gordon wants, I am happy for him. He deserves to have the time off to be himself, to spend time with his family, and to enjoy life. I will always love him. No matter what. He has said he will not use the retirement word because he plans on still behing busy with Hendrick Motorsports and with racing. Do not really know what all that is, but at least he will still be around. So I guess I am happy for Gordon and wish him the best of luck...but for me, I am sad and depressed over this news. Before I read this, I was excited that today marks only ONE MORE MONTH until DAYTONA...but now reading this, it is more like one more month until Gordon's last NASCAR season. All I have to say is, that Gordon better win the championship and not have it robbed from him as it was last year...
  14. I can't believe I didn't think of this song before now. I love this song...and this video!!! "Kiss this" Aaron Tippon
  15. Well y'all I apologize for my absences as of late...I just haven't been on the computer as of late. Instead have been using my tablet...though hopefully I will be picking up a keyboard for it tomorrow, so that will make typing easier. Plus...this NASCAR withdrawal is horrible. I need my NASCAR...37 long more days til the Daytona 500!!! Anyway, I just read Hoss' last post and don't know why I didn't see it until now. Maybe I am just blind. Thank you Hoss for stating what happened to Travis Kvapil. I have been wondering about him ever since this whole Kurt mess thing has started up. I remember reading about what he was accused of, but never read what had happened. Even had asked around and didn't get an answer. At least he admitted to it and is doing his share of the penalty. As for Kurt Busch...I don't know if any of you have kept up on this story, but it has turned into a crazy story of he said, she said. Though as time goes on, the more I believe Kurt than Patricia (his ex girlfriend). Of what I have read about her, she is a scary sort of person. Her first story was that she was worried about Kurt and went to help him and he got mad and slammed her into the wall. Then I heard that she brought her son in to help Kurt. Then I read where her son didn't believe that Kurt broke up with her and wanted Kurt to tell him and Kurt wouldn't say anything. Though through it all, she keeps saying Kurt needs help and how he is depressed and an alcoholic. Then there is Kurt's side of the story where he says she is a trained assassin. (Patricia states that it was part of a plot or script she was in...) At first everyone made fun of him. At first I doubted him, but also believed him. Kinda hard to make stuff like that up and expect people to believe him...especial over someone who is only five feet tall. But then a video went viral on youtube about Patricia...I would post it, but it has bad language and other type of language that isn't appropriate for young ears. Of people who work for her and how they view her and the names they have for her behind her back. Of how hard she is. How she likes to party. Likes her guns. . .Patricia Driscoll if you want to look it up. Call her pocket commando or something pocket. I watched it yesterday. Then there is the Christian counselor that they know and went to that works for NASCAR' ministry section who said that at first Patricia was looking for reconciliation (I assume from Kurt) and then she turned angry and resentful and had stated that she was going to destroy Kurt. I am not a Kurt Busch fan at all by any means, but am starting to feel for him and what is going on. At first I had doubted him...because he does have a temper. But now...I am starting to think he should be the one with the restraining order against her instead of her on him. Kurt had broken up with her because she was getting in the way of his racing career...which after reading all that, I can see how all that would. I am interested in hearing what the court has to say about this and how they will find Kurt...never thought I would be on Kurt's side for anything. But I am now. But that is of my opinion...
  16. Thanks Roger. I am surprised I ended the season as I did (actually I finished the same in all three leagues) in the final segment. Too bad it was a little too late. But better late than never. Thanks again Roger and thanks so much for being in my league. You helped make it fun. I am sure Catherine wouldn't be offended because I can assure you Roger didn't mean any offense to Daisy/Catherine, or any of the DOH actors/cast. Roger is the biggest Dukes fan I know (well besides myself...LOL) (J/K) and wouldn't offend the cast or it's fans. So no need to get upset or worried, it was just a statement about her appearance than who that woman is. Or whatever she has done.
  17. Hammer time? I was starting to think he listend to MC Hammer during the race. Guess that is one way to make you go faster. Geesh...I make one reference to your racing to show that I did know something about it and you kidnap my post once again. I'm all worried about Chase Elliot and where he will have a ride at in 2016 and what all that means for Jeff Gordon and y'all just ignore that to worry about your series. Seems pretty unsenstive to me. That's OK. Gordon will come back and show y'all who's boss and win the championship. LOL. In NASCAR news...Danica Patrick will be in a Super Bowl commercial to keep her streak alive. 90 more days until the Daytona 500...I don't know if I can survive that long. Last weekend was pretty hard and to think I have twelve more weekends like that??!!! Yeah, this season's NASCAR withdrawals is gonna kill me I think. Which y'all would be happy because my poor NASCAR thread will be once and forever kidnapped. Though I was glad to see Lewis Hamilton win...only for the fact that it was a name I knew or recognized. LOL. Other than that, well, I'm lost. Well, except for all the info Hoss has given me. Sadly I don't have the time or the memory to keep up with more than one series...
  18. Well I think Hazzardnet has something against me or my post, because I wrote it yesterday only for it to close up and delete and once again, tried again a few minutes ago and most my post got deleted. Am about to give up... Here is the top sixteen Chase contenders final points: 1. Kevin Harvick 2. Ryan Newman 3. Denny Hamlin 4. Joey Logano 5. Brad Keselowski 6. Jeff Gordon 7. Matt Kenseth 8. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 9. Carl Edwards 10. Kyle Busch 11. Jimmie Johnson 12. Kurt Busch 13. AJ Allmendinger 14. Greg Biffle 15. Kasey Kahne 16. Aric Almirola 17. Kyle Larson won Rookie of the Year. Final point standings for the 2014 NASCAR Sprint Cup season Well the season may be over, but the news has yet to end... Kasey Kahne's crew chief, Kenny Francis, has been replaced by Keith Rodden as of now. Kenny has been Kasey's crew cheif for the past eight years and has been with him since his days at Everanham Ganassi. Kenny Francis is now Hendrick's Technical director. Keith Rodden use to be Kasey's engineer at the 5 car a few years ago...but was Jamie MacMurray's crew cheif this year. And talking about Kasey Kahne... His contract was scheduled to end at the end of next season, but he has just signed a three year extenstion with Hendrick. Which has everyone talking and wondering where Chase Elliot will go. Rick Hendrick has already told Chase that he had big plans for Chase in the Sprint Cup in 2016...and has said that Chase will run a handful of NASCAR Sprint Cup races next season as well as racing full time in Nationwide (Chase drives for JR motorsports which is owned by Dale Jr and his sister Kelley. So it is a Henrick affiliated team.) It was rumored that since Kasey's contract was going to end at the end of 2015, that Chase could drive the 5 car in 2016. But not now that he has signed a three year extension. Jr's contract in the 88 car ends in 2018 and I had originally heard that Johnson's contract ends at the end of 2017...but did see on a fan site on FB that it ends maybe next season. I don't know though. But I can't see Hendrick letting either one of those two go. JJ brings in the wins and well Jr brings in the fan base and the money. Which leaves Jeff Gordon. Of who every media seems to be talking about his looming retirement...but they have done so for the past several years. And Gordon has two more season signed with his sponsorship with AARP and has just signed a three year contract with a new sponsor 3M (who has sponsored Greg Bifffle for the past few years but is moving over to Gordon next year). So, unless they signed their contract with Rick Hendrick instead of with Gordon, Gordon is set for the next three seasons. Gordon has a lifetime contract with Hendrick, meaning he will race with Hendrick until he is ready to retire...I really hope Gordon has several more seasons in him, if not more. Though will admit all this has me nervous. And after having one of the best seasons of his career...four wins and fourteen top fives this year. I don't see Gordon ready to retire...he has always said that he will retire when his will and desire to win is no longer there. Well he showed this year that it is still there. Gordon has earned the most points out of anyone on the track this year...the only reason he didn't win the championship is because of NASCAR and their silly Chase formrat. Then again, if it wasn't for the Chase...Gordon would now have seven championships to his name instead with the four that NASCAR has creditted him with. Which would tie him with Dale Earnahrdt Sr. and Richard Petty. Only in NASCAR do you earn the most points, go into the post season sitting on top of the points, and finish fifth. While a guy with no wins and only five top fives comes home second in points. Well despite what NASCAR says and how much they think their new Chase format is working...(which I see more people upset at it than I do who say they like it...) Gordon is the true champion. On and off the track. After all that Gordon has done for NASCAR as a sport, he deserves to be treated better than he has...but it is what it is. Tonight is the Nationwide Series banquet. Chase Elliot has won his first Nationwide Series championship, won rookie of the year,and the most popular driver award in the series. Not too bad for his first season... Sprint Cup's banquet is, I think, Decemeber fourth where the Chase contenders will be there and, of what I am told, the top eight drivers will deliver speeches. With that said...there is NINETY ONE DAYS left the Daytona 500!!! Oh and Hoss...I see Lewis Hamilton won your series. Hope you are happy with his win of the series. I missed your final race this morning...
  19. Thanks Hoss for covering for me once again. Well, I have heard that Gordon pitteded when he did because he didn't pit the last time everyone pitted and that he had a tire going down or something like that. Glad to hear there is a reason for pitting when he did. Was sure there was a reason for it, but glad to know what it is after hearing people accuse him of going in because NASCAR told him to in order to help the Chase contenders. I can't see Gordon or any other driver obeying such orders even from NASCAR...and keeping quiet about it. And for Jimmie Johnson and Chad Knaus. I find all this a bit odd. I guess Johnson was having tire issues or his lugnut was falling off, so Chad Knaus put spacers on his tire to keep it on. Mike Pemberton (one of the NASCAR head honchos) told him not to do it. He did it anyway and that was the directive or whatever they called it that he didn't listen to. So they met afterwards and Pemberton laughed about it and said it was no big deal and how he should have asked about it...guess they parked Koch for not obeying earlier in the race? I don't know. Personally I don't know why Pemberton made a big ordeal about calling Hendrick brass to the hauler after the race only to laugh about it once the race was over and say it was no big deal. And it wasn't like Chad was doing something that would better his car above everyone else...last I knew, you had to have tires on the car in order for it to run properly. Just find all that a bit odd...but am GLAD that no penalties are coming out of all that as I was fearing. I was even guessing Gordon would get something since he owns half or over half of JJ's car. (NASCAR just needs to back off and leave my guys alone!!!! ) Pemberton also said that they were going to take Ricky Stenhouse Jr's car or something on his car that he didn't like and look at it today...thought of you Hoss when I read that. I haven't heard anything else about that, just in one article I read. So maybe it is nothing. If it is something, am sure it will come out tomorrow. Thanks again Hoss for covering for me and for all your pre-race previews as well as post. For someone who watches the wrong form of racing, you do a great job at keeping tabs of the best form of racing. (Have to make a side note here...Chase Elliot who races in the Nationwide Series...this is his first year - he's only 18 years old - won the Nationwide Series Championship this year, plus rookie of the year and the most popular driver of the year.. NOt too bad for his first season!!! He is Bill Elliot's son...and he drives for Dale Earnhardt Jr. Chase will drive in a few Sprint Cup races next season for Rick Hendrick) And...Kyle Larson has won rookie of the year in the Sprint Cup Series. He had an awesome year this year...that win is bound to come sooner or later.
  20. I really hope that is all that it is...though did hear that she is a writer in Washington DC so she would have her own money...but some people aren't happy with what they have. There was a congresswoman I think from California who had wrote to NASCAR and to Stewart-Haas saying that Kurt should be sat out for Sunday's race. Which obviously they didn't listen to as Kurt raced on Sunday. Which I am glad. First off, don't know why she is putting her nose in NASCAR's buisness...as if she don't have anything other better to worry about. And secondly, whatever happened to being innocent until proven guilty????!!!! Right now, the police are just INVESTIGATING Kurt Busch. No charges has yet come forth out of this of what I have heard and he has yet gone to court. So why punish him for something he has yet to be proven???! Someone said that is her strong point is violence upon women and so forth...fine, great for her. But her of all people should know that he is innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until proven innocent. Maybe she needs to be reminded??? Just glad NASCAR has done the right thing. I am sure if he is proved guilty of what he is being charged with, NASCAR will do something or step up with something...then again, I am not sure. A couple of years ago, Travis Kvapil had been accused of about the same thing...but nothing ever came of it. Or at least publicly. Or what I know of and usually if something comes forward, I hear about it. I will keep you all updated if and when anything comes of this.
  21. Well as I said, I didn't watch the race and I don't know all that has happened. I know Gordon led a lot of laps...sounds like maybe the most. I don't know that for sure. But with ten laps to go he pitted under caution when no one else did...have no clue why, but I am assuming they had a reason. So instead of getting his win I was hoping for, he finished tenth. Jimmie Johnson finished nineth...but it sounds like him and his team are in trouble and have been sent to the NASCAR hauler after the race. Something about Chad Knaus (his crew cheif) gluing spacers on his tires??? Don't know why he would do that for or what the purpose that would be. It isn't like anything they did would get them the championship...but the entire Hendrick brass has been sent to the hauler. Oops. As a fan, I really don't want them to get in trouble. This season is already ending on a sour note for me...that will only make it worse. And the best way to win your first championship is to...win the race. Kevin Harvick has won at Homestead...and has won his first championship!!! So happy for him and his team...and especially for Tony Stewart who owns half of Kevin's car and is close friends with Tony. Has to mean so much to him...to them both. So it may not be Gordon or anyone else at Hendrick taking the big trophy home, but at least someone who is associated with Hendrick is taking it home and is someone who deserves the cup. Sounds like it was a close race amongst the four championship contenders as three of them finished 1-2-3. I assume the one out of the mix was Joey Logano because I read someone say he didn't want his numbers on the side of the car any more...which I took it that he rubbed the wall or something. Know Ryan Newman led some laps as well as Denny Hamlin. Sorry this is lacking a lot of info right now...but this is what I know so far. As I said, I didn't watch the race, but did keep up with it on Facebook and through what others has said as well as NASCAR pages I have liked. The official standings will come out tomorrow and if I have time, will post them too. Sorry that this isn't a full review, but just wanted to post y'all on the more important info as it came out.
  22. Well I just wrote all this, but apparently I didn't do a good enough job since it didn't post. Well I am writing to let y'all know that I am unable to watch today's race at Homestead. That's right...one of NASCAR's biggest fans is unable to watch the final race of the season. And it is killing me. I know a lot of fans on FB say they weren't going to watch today's race or some say even Daytona and I do believe some say ever again due to how Gordon is being treated with this new Chase format and a couple of drivers who didn't race clean. And part of me, don't blame them and see where they are coming from. But I am a too big of a Gordon/Hendrick/NASCAR fan to just not watch it due to all of it. Yes I am disappointed. Yes I am upset. Yes I want changes for next year. But I am not missing the race due to the last couple of races...because as much as it all hurts, feel Gordon needs our support. Deserves our support. And as silly as it sounds, I feel like I am really letting him down by not watching today. It just hurts to hear him sound so disappointed after the last couple of races and I don't blame him for feeling that way...because I feel that way myself. I am missing today's race because I am a chicken. It snowed yesterday and last night and I really hate and fear driving in it. It isn't snowing now and I don't think it is suppose to snow today. But I am still worried about driving in it...especially when it gets dark. (I don't have cable, so I have to watch the races at my parents' house to watch the races when the races is on cable. Luckily...next race will be on FOX. LOL) So because I am a chicken, I am missing the last race of the season. And instead of watching NASCAR, I watched my Bears football game instead. At least my Bears got win after a couple of painful losses. And their first win at home of the season. But still...not the same as watching NASCAR to me. NASCAR and baseball will always have priority over football...no matter how much I love my Bears! And it is killing me. As of several minutes ago, Gordon was still leading on lap 66.I really hope he gets the win today...and that Kevin Harvick will win the championship since Gordon can no longer win it nor any of my Hendrick drivers. Harvick has Hendrick power under his hood so he is somewhat connected plus Tony Stewart deserves something good to happen to him this season. (Stewart owns half of Harvick's car.) So with that said, my review will be from what I read online afterwards...unless if someone on here does watch the race and write it up. Dang I have failed y'all big time the past few weeks. Won't blame y'all if you fire me after today. 98 more days til Daytona 500...my NASCAR withdrawal has started early. HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
  23. Well, first off, I didn't forget my duties as to review the race...after the race was over, I turned my computer off ...and well, I don't think you would want my review. I will admit, I was highly disappointed with how the race ended. Don't get me wrong, Jeff had an awesome race with a great finish...but that wasn't enough. Thanks NASCAR... Anyway... This race was the race that has set the Chase field for the very last race of the season...meaning after this race only four of the eight Chase drivers would advance to Homestead to duke it out for this season's championship. While the other four drivers would get eliminated and join the previous eight eliminated Chase drivers. Denny Hamlin started from the pole and led the first thirty or forty laps, but after that, it was the Kevin Harvick show as he led the most laps ( am pretty sure he led all the laps after that, except the laps he was in the pits. He had an awesome race car and he did what he had to do to get into the Chase. Joey Logano had problems early on in the race where he left the pit road with his gas can still attached to his car and it left pit road while his gas man landed on his face as he drove away. NASCAR penalized him and he had to do a drive through which put him a lap down. But NASCAR gave him his lap back when they threw a caution out and gave him the lucky dog. Denny Hamlin seemed like he had some issue with his car, but he too over came his issue. I do believe all eight Chase drivers ffinished in the top eleven or fifteen. I will admit, this was a hard race to watch, knowing Gordon may be eliminated after the race. Especially when it became clear as to where Ryan Newman would end the race. Gordon was in second for most of the race and if finished second, Ryan Newman would have to finish 12th or worse. As the white flag flew, Gordon was in second and Newman in twelveth. That is until he went alongside Kyle Larson and sent him into the wall...so Gordon finished second. Newman finished eleventh. Kevin Harvick went on to win the race. Here is the four drivers that will be racing for the championship on Sunday (all four has yet to win a Sprint Cup Championship...) KEVIN HARVICK DENNY HAMLIN JOEY LOGANO RYAN NEWMAN Here is the final result (sorry, will be posting a link.) http://sports.yahoo.com/nascar/sprint/races/23/results Once again, sorry for a real review...will try to do better on Sunday. Hope you all are having a good week.
  24. This will be short...I am on my phone, but found a more detailed article on Kurt Busch to share with you. http://www.foxsports.com/nascar/story/kurt-busch-ex-girlfriend-thought-sprint-cup-series-driver-was-in-distress-110814 I hope that works and I apologize for this being so short as well ad for no review of Sundays race. May be Wednesday before I can get to it. I'm sorry. As for Kurt, I am not a fan of his, but really hope there is no truth in her accusation. Once again, I am sorry.
  25. I really didn't know where to put this, so I will put it here. Actually I have a couple of things to bring up, so I guess this is as good as a spot as any to post it at. Perhaps next season, I will have a Nationwide Series thread...oops, I guess next year it will not be the Nationwide Series...it will be Xfinity Series. (Could think of a better name, but then again, I am not handing over the big bucks for them to use the name, so I will not complain. LOL). But before I go into my Nationwide Series news, I will go over the more sad and disturbing news that had started to circulate yesterday. The Dover police are now investigating Kurt Busch (the older Busch brother...#41) for domestic assualt over his ex-girlfriend. I guess the incident happened in September, but his ex is just now coming forth with it...something about how she wanted to get through an other issues before doing that. According to his ex-girlfriend, Kurt was verbally abusive as well as physical. Said he wished he could have a gun to shoot himself with, accused her of having spies or spy cameras on him. Of what I read, she said he threw her against the wall of his motorhome and choked her. Of the first article I read, said this happened right after he had a bad race and a few days after they broke up. Right now, it is a more she said, he said type of thing. According to Kurt's lawyer, she is going going after his money and is having a hard time letting Kurt go. She also had a lawyer go to Kurt for money a ffew days after this happened, but that lawyer has quit since then. Kurt is giving the police his full cooperation in the matter. Right now, there really isn't enough evidence or enough info to really know what happened. Kurt does have a temper on the track, but to treat his ex in that matter? I really hope not. If this is a fake story to make Kurt look bad and to get money, well she can't stoop much lower than this. I will be honest, I am not a Kurt Busch fan...but do find this hard to believe and really hope this is a bunch of garbage that can be taken out ASAP. I will let you all know when more info has been known...or if I can find a good article on it. I should have posted this yesterday when they were all over. It just sickens me with all the negative news stories that NASCAR has gotten this year. Some of it, they brought it upon themselves, but not all. Seems like a lot of sad stories has went through NASCAR this season... On a happier note... Nationwide Series driver, Chase Elliot has clinched the 2014 Nationwide Series Championship! Chase is Bill Elliot's son (Awesome Bill from Dawsonville!!!) and drives for Dale Earnhardt Jr. This kid is scary good...he is sooo amazing. I have followed him through Facebook through the past few years and he has a lot of talent...as he is showing. He is now the first driver to ever win the Nationwide Series Championship on their FIRST year...as well as the youngest driver to win it (he is only 18 years old)...also the youngest driver to win Rookie of the Year in the Nationwide Series. Chase Hendrick is and has been the past few years in the Hendrick organization . . .he was slated to take over Jeff Gordon's car whenever he retires. But I have been hearing that he will be taking over the 5 car of Kasey Kahne when Kahne's contract ends at the end of next year. Just read that Hendrick wants him in the Nationwide Series for another year before being moved up full time, which would corrispond with Kahne's contract. (Also Jeff Gordon has a new sponsor that will start next year...3M (they are and have been with Greg Biffle the past few years, but now moving on to the better .... I mean to Jeff Gordon. ) and I guess 3M's contract is for three years. Which gives Gordon at least three more years of driving. Personally I hope it is for another twenty or a hundred yeares..but I will take what I can. ) So congrats go out to Chase Elliot on his amazing championship win...he has yet to graduate from high school (will do so in May) and yet has a championship to his name already. But then again, look who his dad is. Who he drives for...which organization he has been in. He is deemed for success. Now if only Jeff Gordon will go on and win the Sprint Cup championship...my year will be made!!! (Being a die hard Cubs fan and how sad my Bears have been this year and the past couple of years...I do believe I deserve Gordon to win this championsip. I'm just sayin'... ) Anyway, with all that said...there is only 106 more days left til the 2015 season opener at the Daytona 500 race. Not that I am counting or anyting....
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