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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Well once again it has been awhile since I came along. Y'all haven't been forgotten about. Just life happens. I am excited with the news that Rick Hendrick has extended Chad Knaus' contract a couple of years. Knaus is Jimmie Johnson's crew chief and has been from the start of JJ's NASCAR career. Making them the longest paired driver/crew chief in NASCAR. I was really hoping they would re-sign Chad. Team 48 may be struggling this year...and last year, but I still believe they are the best out there and it would just be wrong to have Jimmie Johnson out there without Chad calling the shots. Then again, it's going to be odd to not see Lowe's on Jimmie's car next year. Seems so wrong... So far, Kyle Busch, Kevin Harvick, and Martin Truex Jr has gotten most of the wins that is making the playoff picture a little more exciting. They are racing for lobster in New Loudon tomorrow.
  2. Well sadly I didn't get a hundred percent. I got 42 out of 47. But in reality I got 43 because I accidently hit the wrong one. I found it odd that if you hit the hint button, it gives you the correct answer. And the fact that a couple of them had their car in the background with their name on it if you looked. LOL. I also got a laugh at Dale Earnhardt Jr picture that Danica Patrick was one of the suggestions. LOL. I have to say that is one of the more fun of those quizzes, but that's probably because it is NASCAR and I knew most of them. The older drivers I had a hard time with, but still got some of those right too.
  3. YAY I am a good influence after all!
  4. Not to burst y'all's balloons here, but John is not yet out of trouble because he still has to pay. He said in an video on FB that he will probably will be going back due to charging him with what they know he can't pay. I agree he should have invested his money more than he did, but their youngest is 21 years old. So that money isn't going to the kids. There is no way she should have gotten away with getting paid by John that much per month. It's just wrong. No matter if he is a celebrity or if he isn't a celebrity. I get the celebrities have more money, but still...Jeff Gordon's first wife got a boat load and Jeff's boat when they divorced as well - and they didn't have kids! I second Hoss. They made a big deal on Tom Wopat's arrests months ago and yet haven't said one word since then. It would be nice to hear what is going on with him and all that...
  5. No probably not, but still...lol
  6. Well y'al I got some horribly sad news. Not only did I get a bunch of snow yesterday (9.9 inches if the nasty white stuff for me. Yuck.) But so did Martinsville...meaning both the Truck race and the Cup race got postponed due to snow today and will race tomorrow. While I'm at work. I' so not happy with this...the snow and about the race. Ugh... Only good thing that came of it was that I found the Cubs spring training game and was able to watch them. And they won! Now only if JimmieJohnson wins tomorrow...even if I can't watch it...
  7. Awe come on Roger...I know you can do it. If John Schneider can do it...so can you! Probably can do it even better than John. Or better than Evil Knievel. I like how your birthday is seven days after John Schneider's. My birthday is five days before Denver Pyle's birthday...or the same day as George Clooney's. Though Clooney is twenty years older than I. I'll let you do the research and the math on that one.
  8. That is OK. I figured that is the reason why...sorry I didn't have it earlier. I didn't know what to do. I am in two leagues this year though am thinking of joining a public league and letting the computer pick and see what I get. I am too loyal to my Cubs and end up drafting more Cubs than any other team or players. Ironically in both leagues that I am in (my league and am in a league from someone at work) I got first pick. ..which never happens. So naturally I had to pick my number one favorite player that is still playing...Anthony Rizzo. Would love to have Rizzo and Bryant, but didn't get Bryant in any of my teams. I got Darvish in both leagues and I do have Lester in one league as well as Happ. Rizzo and Lester have to be my top favorite active Cubs players (Ryne Sandberg and Kerry Wood will always be my all time favorite. Ryno was my hero growing up...) So will see where that gets me. Sounds like you have a great team, Roger. Just too bad it didn't work out it wasn't in my league...guess this way I won't be losing to you. LOL. Best of luck!
  9. Well I seem to be in good company because I would really love to go as well, but don't have the money or means or the time to get there as well. Guess John Schneider will have to jump the General Lee without me. And get chased by Carl Edwards. Y'all forgot to mention Carl Edwards is going to be there. How awesome is that. NASCAR and Dukes. Well kinda...since Carl Edwards decided to retire for some unknown reason. But still... Well Roger...I don't think I'd have the money or the means or the time to go to your party as well. I think your's would be farther away from me than John's. Why do I get to miss ALL the fun? Well I hope you take a video of you jumping your dirt bike over your toy General Lee and put it on YouTube. I want to see it!
  10. Well y'all may complain about Jeffery Earnhardt getting the boot...but there is two sides to every situation. Landon Cassill was born and raised a half hour away from where I grew up and live at. His parents own a car lot there so do see a lot of Cassill cars around. I am not saying I am glad that Jeffery Earnhardt is out of a ride. He seems like a good guy too and it will seem odd to watch a race without an Earnhardt in it. But am glad to see Landon get a car and get back on the track as well. With that said, really don't have much to report. I missed last week's race last weekend. Martin Truex Jr came won the race and Jimmie Johnson had his best finish of the season at 9th. I really hope Johnson and the Hendrick boys will get a hold of the Camaro and get back up to speed. They are at Martinsville this weekend and Johnson is normally pretty good there...fingers crossed for a great race (well I'm hoping at least) Talking about Johnson...y'all here that Lowe's is dropping their sponsorship for him after this year? They have been his sponsor since he started in the Cup series in 2002, his primary sponsor since I think 2005. Lowe's has been a sponsor in NASCAR long before that as well. Perhaps I am taking this out of proportion, but am kinda wondering if this has to do with NASCAR and the dwindling down of fans in the stands. I don't know, but it will be odd to see JJ out on the track next year without Lowes on his car... Well I am rambling once again. I am sorry for my sporadic posts. Life has been busy with two jobs, two dogs, and you know...being an adult. Yuck. LOL. Hoping to watch Martinsville on Sunday so maybe I will peep in and give an update or two. Baseball season will start at the end of next week...and then all will be perfect again. Go CUBS!
  11. Well to get back to topic...the boys are in Las Vegas this weekend. Kyle and Kurt Busch's home track. I only got to watch the first few laps last week's race due to the rain delay cutting into it...but I got to watch them interview everyone with two legs (as Tony Stewart put it a few years back) before they went racing last weekend. Hopefully the race will dry for tomorrow's race...and that Jimmie Johnson will be able to finish it. He's had such rotten luck this year so far. He got wrecked out in the pre season race, in his qualifying race, out of the Daytona 500, and last weekend. So I guess all we can go is up from here. I'm not too worried...him and Chad Knaus will rise from this and come out stronger than before. But still irritating to see his season start off like this... Talking NASCAR...did y'all see that John Schneider is having a big get together on his birthday weekend. Where he himself will be jumping the General Lee AND he will be chased by CARL EDWARDS! I so wish I could go. Sadly I don't have the money or the means to go...guess I'll be there in thought. Still think it is pretty cool that he will have Carl Edwards there.
  12. Yay another Jimmie Johnson fan! Jeff Gordon will always be my all time favorite driver, but JJ comes very close to it as my second favorite. So now I go for Jimmie Johnsonn and Chase Elliott.
  13. So I just saw that I was wrong. Alex Bowman will start first tomorrow with Denny Hamlin second. Then it will be the Dual winners Ryan Blaney and Chase Elliott. Guess that goes to show I should double check than just assuming that is what it would be. Oops.
  14. To answer the question about more females in NASCAR. I don't have a problem if they are male or female as long as they are selected to drive due to their talent and not just because they are female. I don't mean anything against Danica, but she was picked from the Nationwide Series over other drivers who won races and the championship while she has no wins. I feel like she got into NASCAR because of her name and the fact she would bring money and fans with her. I understand that, but also feel like it's not fair for others who was more deserving of the ride. Like I said, I mean nothing against Danica. She brought a lot to the sport and I wish her well with Daytona and the rest of her life. But on a more serious note...y'all know what tomorrow is? IT'S DAYTONA DAY!!!! It's finally here...my countdown has went from like 90 days to 1. Tomorrow it will be 0. So far Daytona hasn't been too kind to Jimmie Johnson. He wrecked out in both the pre season race last week and in his dual race on Thursday. Sadly I missed the duals due to not having cable. Ryan Blaney and Chase Elliott won so they will be starting out front tomorrow. So who y'all rooting for this season? I'm sticking with Jimmie Johnson and Chase Elliott. Though am looking forward to seeing what Alex Bowman and William Byron will do for Hendrick as well. I'm all team Hendrick! Tomorrow is the day y'all!
  15. Are you sure Roger? The Cubs just signed Yu Darvish...lol. The Cubs are going all the way this year. I will see what I can do about draft times. Most people I know locally that are in it have kids which is why I normally do it later so the kiddos would be in bed.Maybe a friday afternoon. As for NASCAR...Alex Bowman just snagged the pole for the Daytona 500 next weekend. Alex Bowman took over Dale Earnhardt Jr 88 car. The Clash will be later this afternoon.
  16. Here I am...late as always. I am so failing at this. ;( But tomorrow Speed Weeks start! WOO HOO! The Clash is tomorrow at 3 (I think) on FS1 and qualifying for the Daytona 500 is tomorrow as well sometime. Thursday is the two small races to see who will get the pole for Daytona 500 (Feb. 18th!). Is it possible that I may actually survive my NASCAR withdrawals this year? This has got to be the longest off season...ever. Well other than baseball. I don't know if I'll be able to survive my baseball withdrawals...46 more days until opening season. I'm pathetic, I know. But I love my NASCAR and my baseball. So with NASCAR here...lets talk fantasy sports. I have some sad and unforunate news. Yahoo fantasy has decided to end their fantasy auto racing leagues. Yeah...I'm upset about it too. So I had to look elsewhere. NASCAR.com has their own NASCAR fantasy leagues that are free that is called Fantasy Live. I have created a league on there and so far it is just me, my cousin, and his friend. I would love to have more players if I can get them. Let me know if you want to join. It is free and looks fun. A lot like Yahoo but this year they are having it so that you will get the same points as the driver gets. So I think that would make it nice and easier. Plus you can switch your garage driver for your driver up until the third segment. So far I have only found out out how to invite people by email, so if you want to join, please PM your email address and I will be glad to send you an invite. Also with Yahoo...I will have my own fantasy baseball league again this year. It was really fun last year. Please let me know if you want to join and PM your email address to me and I will send you an invite whenever they open the leagues up this year. Back to Danica...she will be in the Daytona 500 for all who are intrested. Be her last NASCAR race. Don't know what she has planned for afterwards. Other than dating Aaron Rodgers. UGH. How can she trade on the Bears like that? Keep it between the ditches y'all (stay warm!)
  17. Thank you Roger. I always enjoy our conversations and reading your posts. I will try to do better about coming on here. You ae a great friend. I find it very upsetting that they won't be doing it anymore, but I bet the drivers are happy. I jinx all the ones I pick so they are probably sighing a big sigh of relief right now.
  18. Sorry y'all I haven't been around...life is just busy. Two jobs, two dogs.Yada, yada, yada... Sorry to burst y'all's bubble and all, but she is off the market. Her and Ricky Stenhouse Jr split in September and now she is hooked up with Aaron Rodgers. I don't know how a supposed Bears fan would start dating the Packers quarterback...and now claims she is a Packers fan. Four more Sundays til the real Super Bowl..Daytona 500! Just an FYI...I guess there is no Yahoo fantasy Autoracing anymore, so I guess I won't be having my league. I am beyond upset right now about this. I have been impatiently waiting for Yahoo to open it up only to read that they won't be doing it any more. What is wrong with them? I mean I really look forward to this. My cousin even said him and his friend would join this year...and of course they won't have it. UGH...
  19. Sorry y'all I haven't been around...life is just busy. Two jobs, two dogs.Yada, yada, yada... Sorry to burst y'all's bubble and all, but she is off the market. Her and Ricky Stenhouse Jr split in September and now she is hooked up with Aaron Rodgers. I don't know how a supposed Bears fan would start dating the Packers quarterback...and now claims she is a Packers fan. Four more Sundays til the real Super Bowl..Daytona 500!
  20. Well just like that the season is over. Martin Truex Jr is the championship winner and the winner at Homestead. He is probably the most deserving on the field of the championship this year. Him and Larson. Though thanks to engine failure, Larson was taken out early. Those two really found something that worked for them this year. Matt Kenseth, , Dale Earnhardt Jr, and Danica Patrick are all stepping away from NASCAR. Patrick will run in the Daytona 500 and at Indy, but so far, that is it for next year for her. Sad to see them walk away....NASCAR is gonna miss them all I bet. All three bring a lot of fans to the sport. Kinda ironic that Kenseth and Dale Jr started and ended their career at the same time. On some exciting news...Tony Stewart got engaged on Thanksgiving Day! So super happy for him. Now the countdown begins for Daytona...;)
  21. I just sent in my request. Sounds like a good idea. Let me know if I can be of help.
  22. I totally get the money deal of the younger drivers...but still don't like it to see good drivers, good guys to be pushed around just because of their age. And I couldn't agree more about the Brian France deal...I think they'd have a lot more fans if they just throw out the Chase and let the driver race...
  23. Yeah the Playoffs is just another name for the Chase. The Chase is relevant to the playoffs in baseball or football. Or what Todd Helton and NASCAR is trying to accomplish with the Chase. Though in baseball and football, the teams that didn't make the playoffs, go home. In NASCAR, they stay on the track...just not going for the championship. It's just hard on me to see all the drivers that I got to know over the years, retire. It was hard enough on me to see Jeff Gordon to retire, but then Tony Stewart? Then out of the blue Carl Edwards just up and quits. Then Biffle (who no one really said one thing about), now Jr after this season...Kenseth hasn't said the r word yet, but he doesn't have a ride for next season. As I said, I get that the youth is the future, but it doesn't make it any easier on me. After this year, my favorite list of drivers to follow will dwindle down to Jimmie Johnson (who is my second favorite driver...after Jeff Gordon) who I believe will be the next oldest driver (though both Johnson and Kenseth are probably the most athletic ones out there). If JJ (Jimmie Johnson) retires, I will be completely lost! Perhaps it'd be time to accept that Gordon gave the 24 to Chase Elliot and go for him...I just have a hard time going for someone else in the 24 car. If it was any other number... Talking of the future...that Kyle Larson may just be the future of NASCAR. He has won like 3 races so far, just behind Martin Truex Jr this year. I do believe we are off next weekend...the horror of it. I know. I couldn't believe when they said that during the race last night...a week of no NASCAR. On another note, the Bears made a great pre season play in their late pre season game last night...the other team missed a field goal that they made in the last second of the second quarter. Deonte Thompson of the Bears caught it and ran it down the field for a 109 yard touch down. I am partial being a Bears fan, but thought that was pretty exciting.
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