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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. *Pouty face* You stop by Hnet without dropping me a line of hello? Whatever have I done to upset you so much that you keep ignoring me? LOL...HEE HEE. Sorry, I couldn't help myself when I saw your post to give you at least a little bit of hard time. Truely I am only giving you a hard time. Hope you are having a great break from school and that Santa was very good to you this year.

  2. Congrats on the new lap top Daisy Mae! I bet you could put that to good use!
  3. Just another short note...don't know if your nephew likes Sesame Street (who don't? LOL) My neice loves Elmo...though she is now getting into Tinker Bell. But tomorrow Jeff Gordon is going to be on Sesame Street. He is going to announce the worm race. LOL I am going to tape it for my neice. :D

  4. Just thought I'd send you a note welcoming you back from your break. I hope you had an nice and relaxing break from work and all that and that you had an awesome Christmas! Hope that Santa was good to you!

  5. "Go it Alone" - Clint Black (Sorry to post twice, but had to reliven it up a bit. )
  6. Hope you had a good one Meadowmufn! Hope you found a fun, special, and relaxing way to spend your special day! Happy belated birthday!
  7. Congratulations Roger on getting Jimmie's/Rosco's book! I am glad that your hints worked well for you and that you got what you wanted. I have read it and know that you will love it...well at least I did. I had a very hard time putting the book down! I didn't get anything Duke related for Christmas...but I did get a couple of new tires, oil change, and a certificate for a replacement radio for my car. LOL. It is definately not The General Lee by any means, but I do call it the Gold General. (My car has much more in differences from the true General than what it has in common with The General. But I can always pretend, can't I? Khee)
  8. Merry Christmas, Roger! I hope you had a great one!

  9. Val - I am real sorry to hear that you are going through some troubled times at the moment. I hope that things will get better for you soon and that you will be able to find forgiveness and acceptance of your friends. May things soon get better for you. Know you are in my thoughts. I hope, despite the conflicts and all, that you will find yourself having a very special Christmas come Friday.
  10. My week will get a whole lot better starting tomorrow now that I have a week off. ;) Hope you are too.

  11. Well I see t hat you are on and thought I'd send a big hello your way. Hope all is well with you!

  12. Congrats on finishing the paper! I bet that is a good feeling and a relief to get it over and done with. It was great hearing from you...thanks for the message.

    I am going to try to hop on tomorrow night, but no promises. YAY...I am now officially off for a week! Am sooo excited about that especially after today! Then to top it off MA posted my chapter three of my story...dang thing took me months to write due to my dang muses and writers block! Anyway...onto chapter four.

    Well hope to talk to you soon!

  13. Thank-you Daney! After several months of being stuck on chapter three, I am definately not going to fight or argue with my muse when it finally wants to cooperate! May have chapter three done by New Years if luck continues to go my way...just hope my luck carries over into chapter four. Thanks Daney!
  14. I will definately give it another try...I will have to give it some thought as to which one I am wanting to post here and perhaps one that will be a little easier than my last one to keep. Thanks Roger for doing this.
  15. *Sighs* Well, sadly, last year's (or this year's) resolutions went like soooo many of my others have in the past...of working for a few days or so before coming to a halt or a failure. So I definately did not make my resolutions last year and looking at this upcoming year, I have sooo many things I would like to work on or to change. If only I could find a way to change my habits/routines and to do better and to keep at it, I'd be happy.
  16. Well I hope that you will enjoy your break and that you you will have an awesome and safe Merry Christmas!

  17. Ahhh I think I got all my sopping done. Now all I got to do is wrap and write the cards to mail. If only I had five other arms and antoher body or so to help out. LOL. Oh well. Ig uess what gets done, gets done.

    Snow...*gasp*...you said the four letter word! EEHK! *Covers ears* can't say snow or see snow...no snow! LOL. I agree with you. It can have snow for Christmas and then disappear. I am so ready for spring once Christmas is over. How bad is that?

  18. I think I have gone and lost it now through my NASCAR withdraw! I am not getting into football...not as much as NASCAR or baseball nor would I probably ever will, but I watched three fourths of a game last week and am somewhat looking forward to one this Sunday. How bad is that?

  19. Well my dad was going to call the cable company, but ironically, the cable company called him asking if he would be itnerested in their phone. He asked about it and I guess the channel that has CBS on it has raised it's prices so in order to keep it they'd have to raise everyone's bill and they didn't think no one would want that. So they dropped CBS starting the first. And I guess for FOX that is for another area a couple of hours away and not us. (hopefully that is right!) So I guess it makes sense...

    And if they do keep FOX here, then, I guess I can live with that. After thinking about it, CBS has the new episodes on their website that you can watch so I could always watch it taht way...though it would have to be my parents' computer since mine are too slow. So if it is only CBS I can live with that. They take away FOX, then I am in big trouble because that will mean no Darrell Waltrip, Hammond...or the races until they go to TNT! (Talk about a nightmare!)

  20. Good luck with your paper. I hope that things will slow down for you. All I have to do is write my cards and wrap my presents...urrr. I was thinking of doing that tonight. Hopefully. Anyway, I hope you will have a good,relaxing, and safe break from school and a great Christmas.

  21. Well despite what I had said earlier, I doubt that I will be sending any in or writing any...due to the lack of time and my muse finally cooperating in my other story. Though it is great to see others writing and sending them in!
  22. Just th ought of something I was going to tell you. I didn't read the article but the title on NASCAR.com...Steve Addington (Kyle Busch's old crew cheif before they fired him...) will be Kurt Busch's crew cheif next year. Found it interesting...glad he found a job.

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