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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. NASCAR withdrawl is very accurate...am very excited for tonight's race...the Budweiser shootout. It isn't THE race, but it is a race and Gordon is in it. So am very excited about it and hope he can win the whole thing and then his dual race on Thursday and then win the THE SUPERBOWL OF RACING...lol. Daytona. LOL. I am countin' down the days as I've been doing for the past three months. Though I had a scare this morning. The electricity went out for about an hour or so and was beginning to fear I'd miss the shootout tonight due to it. Luckily it went back on.

  2. NASCAR withdrawl? That is putting it mildly! LOL...I am just glad to hear you here again. I hope that you are OK and that things will settle down for you. As I said, I'm here if/when you need me. I did miss talking NASCAR, but worried mroe than anything else. (I can always bore my parents to death with talk. LOL) But I am really sorry to hear you are having troubles...just really glad to hear from you again! (Sorry if I am repeating myself here...)

  3. *Jumps in excitement!* I am soooo relieved and glad to hear from you. I was beginning to fear the worst...sorry I can be like that sometimes. I hope that you have worked through your problems or will be able to. I am sorry that you have had your problems and if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'd be glad to listen. (I am hard to bore, so don't have to worry about that) but don't feel like you have to. I just want you to know that I am here for you if you need me or if there is anything else I can do that may help.

  4. Not a whole lot here...been away from my computer for a week so I am willing to bet that I've missed a lot around here. Dang computer anyway. Good luck with the snow...you can have it! HEE HEE. Sorry we have had wayyyyyyyyy too much snow and cold and I am wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy ready for spring. LOL.

  5. *Nods in appreciation at Brian* Trust me, I'll be safe. I guess we agree on something on account I don't wanna be back any time soon...or ever. Thanks for taking care of him for me. *Walks over to bike with cigarette out and lit.* Bye now *Waves at Brian while speeding off on the motorcycle.*
  6. Congrats BoJames on fan of the month! You deserve it!
  7. *Steps out of jail cell to eye MaryAnne on the way past her* Thanks MaryAnne...for everything *Sarcastic grin* Wish I could say it's been fun. Suppose y'all could say that a lot more honestly than I can. Glad to see y'all liked my story enough to see fit to let me go...I'd be more than glad to autograph your copy for you MaryAnne. After all, give me a few days, few years...it could be on the best seller list and I could be famous. *Steps outside to take a deep breath in to inhale the fresh air of freedom* Freedom smells great...now where's my motorcycle?
  8. How would I know if his car is put back together or not...I've spent the last week in jail. Though if my source is correct there is a certian someone that was planning on fixing it up all nice and fancy like. So I guess it is possible that it is is all put together again...perhaps Brian should go take a look. That is if he can find his car...
  9. OK MaryAnne, what's this susposedly important question you got for me? It's kinda hard to answer a question honestly without knowing the question...though if it is a yes or no question, I guess I have fifty percent chance at being correct...then again, I'd have fifty percent chance of being wrong too. I think I'll play it safe and say yes and no...does that work? Glad you're keepin' it simple for me.
  10. What I'd do this time? NOTHING! Typical Hazzard law at it's finest.
  11. *Shocked look* Miss Hilery Davenport, after all I've done for you, I can't believe you just stooped that low as to say such a hedious thing as that! Bo is a lousy driver, I could beat him with my hands tied behind my back! *Shakes head* You are just lucky you said that while I was behind bars...though it don't sound like it will be for too much longer, so I'd say your luck has just about run out.
  12. *Closes cover of notebook* There I am now officially done with my story...you happy Brian? I just handed it over to MaryAnne along with those hideious blue ink pens she loaned me to write it with. Hope you enjoy my story Brian...glad to know I have at least one fan of my work that looks forward to reading it. Now...I done my bail, let me out!
  13. *Continues to write while talking* Hmph...Why are you in such a big hurry to get my story for Brian? Excited about reading such a great story? Perhaps I'll write a note of thanks to you upon the first couple of pages before getting it published, after all, it was because of you I got it wrote. Anxious for your next victim I suppose. . .Anyway, trust me, you'll be gettin' it and gettin' it sooner than you think. I am looking forward to finally getting out of this dump and getting my motorcycle back...better be getting it back in excellent shape witha full tank of gas. Can't wait to catch up on the sleep I lost in here due to that rock hard mattress you call a bed...can't see how anyone can sleep on that...the floor is more comfortable. And food? I'd rather starve to death than eat your nasty food...luckily BL has helped provide food for me so I didn't starve to death while I was forced to stay here. Trust me Brian...I'm on my way out and am looking forward to it!
  14. I'm a hurryin'...though you can't rush perfection.
  15. Thanks for the pens MaryAnne, knew I could count on ya even though it was you who escorted me into this cell. And I ain't lookin' too far ahead of myself...just trying to look for a way to shine a little hope my way. Though really, blue ink? Guess you do have Boss' minimal pay to work with, but still, blue? What ever happened to good ol' black ink? *Shrugs while reopening notebook to look at what has written* Now the ink won't match...there goes the perfection of my masterpiece. Oh well...I guess when you get yourself arrested you have to work with what you've got...even if I got here by mistake on account I'm innocent. Thanks for the pens...now I can actually get my great little story wrote with hope earning my bail.
  16. A second home? *Raises an eye brow up in question* Well at least there is no rent to pay and I don't have to pay a penny for the nasty food here. Nah I'll make my way outta this joint one way or another and I am willing to bet that every one of ya will miss me when I'm gone.
  17. You got yourself a deal, BL...where ever you are. Take out food is great, but perhaps it would be good for a change and eat it at the actual cafe. As for you Miss Lori...for your info I am not procrasinating. I am working on a well worked and well plotted story that will make go on to make me millions of dollars and make me famous. You'll be seeing my pretty face on the back of the cover. Eh thanks for the offer of the tape recorder MaryAnne, but as soon as I find myself a new pen to write with, I think I'll be shutting up and writing my masterpiece.
  18. Dang you are impatient Brian! A great story takes time and if my freedom depends on it, it's gonna be a perfect story just to make sure it warrants my freedom. I'd be done if there wasn't so much distractions around here. *Goes back to writing only to throw the pen across the cell* Dang thing is outta ink. Got any more pens on ya Brian that I could borrow?
  19. Me mad at you? What for? I ain't mad...do I have a reason to be mad? LOL...sorry if I gave you that impression. I am definately not mad at you.

  20. *Jumps off of cot with the sight of food* Thanks BL! You're the best...you do know that right? Um...even if it is you I'm spending time for. As for Brian's car, don't feel bad about it. If he arrested me for something I didn't do, I'd have dismantled his car as well. Wait a minute...he did have me arrested for something I didn't do. Hmmm what else can I do to pay him back? Perhaps I can re-dismantle his car once you get it put back together again...he'd be real happy about that I imagine. Eh I think I'm doing enough time as it is, better stick with my story I am left to write. I will pass along your message BL to Brian, I imagine he'll appreciate the news. *Nods at BL as I open the box of food to see the chicken and mashed potatoes and biscuits.* Thanks BL...this looks soo great. Perhaps I should stay put in this dump just so I can continue getting such great food snuck in here.
  21. Roger, I am shocked that you of all people would suggest such a horrible idea as that! Shocked doesn't even cover it...I am down right insulted that you would suggest that aweful idea of yours! Never mind Roger, don't worry none, I plan on getting myself outta this dump and smell some of that free and fresh air that is out there somewhere. If my story don't cut it for them, well then, I'll bust outta here one way or another. But I'll have my story all wrote up and handed in just as soon as I get it finished. Perhhaps you can spell check it for me, huh Roger? Now if you excuse me, I have a story to write. *walks back to cot and reopens the notebook*
  22. *Shakes head* Glad you find all this amusing...then again, I would to if the roles were switched. If history proves anything, a Duke don't mean much of anything in the eyes of the crooked law in this here town. Which leads me to believe you all are prejudice against me due to my last name. Eh can't blame that certain someone who ruined your pretty car for not coming forward...why would they? Especially since I now have a pen and paper and I can write my own way out?
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