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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "But I don't want to," said Luke, in more of a soft whimper than the defiant growl he had given Bo last time.
  2. Luke looked up at him as salty tears fell down his cheeks. He didn't feel he could do anything, but knowing how much he continued to hurt Bo, able to see the pain he caused in his cousin's eyes, he thought he might try, if he could.
  3. Luke did as he was told settling back into his pillow staring tearily up at Bo. "Bo...I...I'm scared."
  4. "Bo...Bo I dunno what t do....I...I don' feel good," whimpered Luke looking at Bo.
  5. Luke looked up at him confused. He couldn't understand why Bo would continue to be by his side...to have the look on his face that showed how much he cared. Luke didn't understand how anyone could still care about him. He didn't care about himself.
  6. Luke looked up at him weakly. His lip quivered as he realized he was in his bed, Bo watching over him like a hawk. Reaching up he rubbed his head slightly, still not saying anything, not sure what to say if he did.
  7. Luke let out a soft moan as he gradually started to wake up. The dark fog surrounding him gradually began to lift and he blinked up rubbing his head a little.
  8. Daisy took the hint and went readily into his arm leaning her head gently against his. She was so scared, confused, hurt by what Luke was doing to himself, worried for Bo who was temporarily the "man of the house" and sad for her uncle, who it seemed got weaker by the second.
  9. Frontage Road Rock River I'm just not sure about that last one...
  10. Jesse's answer was to give a small weary nod, though in his heart he knew that the decision wasn't his to make. Closing his eyes, he soon fell back into a worried and fretful sleep. Daisy's lip quivered as she watched her uncle close his eyes, so scared that each time he did he wouldn't reopen them.
  11. Jesse nodded slightly, his deep blue eyes seeming sunken. The wrinkles that formed in the corners when he smiled, once having made him look happy, now just made him look his age. Daisy hugged her uncle's hand close to her heart. She couldn't imagine life without her uncle, and she didn't really want to try. Instead she wanted to hang on to him, for as long as God would allow.
  12. Jesse nodded looking at Bo. "You...watch yerself...be...be careful."
  13. Jesse buried one hand in Bo's curls, now clearly worried about his kids. They needed him now and here he was with a prognosis that in a few days he'd be gone.... "Love...you son..and...Daisy...girl"
  14. Jesse though had tears in his eyes. He wanted to have his whole family here when he went home to Lavinia. Now, it seemed more and more unlikely that that would happen.
  15. Tears were in Jesse's eyes. "I'm sorry....kids...I...I just...ain't got another answer." "Snot your fault uncle Jesse," answered Daisy firmly.
  16. "If Luke is as ...determined...as you...say he is...then yes..I...I dont think...we have another choice," his voice wavering as he spoke.
  17. "He...needs...help...from...someone..." answered Jesse shakily. "Don't sound...like somethin...Doc...can fix..."
  18. Jesse sighed sadly. "I aint...never...known him to be so...far gone..." he said thoughtfully. Daisy just sniffed wiping at her tears.
  19. Jesse shook his head slightly closing his eyes in thought. Luke had always been sensative, though in ways different from Bo. He held everything inside, until it exposed itself volatily. And this time he was being volatile against himself.
  20. Jesse nodded sadly. "You...you think...he'll try it again?"
  21. Jesse paled even more, the thought of his eldest in so much pain. "Where...is he?"
  22. Jesse looked at him as hard as it was for him to look. "Go on son...I'm sittin down..." he said as a small joke. Daisy looked at Bo worriedly.
  23. Jesse took Daisy's hand gently seeing her on the verge of tears. "WHat's...wrong...son?"
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