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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. "Great," said Luke a bit sarcastically, the traction doing nothing except remind him that he wouldn't be on his own feet for a while.
  2. Luke bit his lip as his foot was still very tender. He said nothing however just watching her.
  3. "Honestly, no... but I'm afraid you can't help much..." he answered softly.
  4. In truth Hank wasn't mad at Joe. He was mad at Lorraine...but more so he was mad at himself. Mad for allowing himself to be hurt again.
  5. Eventually Hank tore himself from the window. He returned to his room without another word.
  6. Hank didn't move. He just stared fixidly out the window, hurt and angry. He had thought she was different...
  7. "No...there's gotta be an explanation....she wouldn't...she wouldn't..." muttered Hank.
  8. Hank scowled. Joe never had lied to him. He pulled away from his arm and looked out the window at the horse not saying anything.
  9. "Look...I dunno if this is yer idea of a joke Joe...but it ain't funny." Hank grabbed his blanket and pillow. "I'm sleepin in the barn."
  10. Luke sighed resting his head against his pillow a soft frown on his face.
  11. Hank gave him an amused look. "Just what did you drink tonight?!"
  12. "Yes you do... I don't want the baby t come cryin' t me cuz you hurt his feelins..."
  13. Hank sat up stretching a little and yawning. "What the heck is so important ya gotta wake me up in the middle of the night?"
  14. Hank blinked his eye open. "What's the matter?"
  15. Hank rolled over and hid his head under his pillow. "Jus' a dream Joe...go to sleep," he mumbled.
  16. "Nah...even that ain't worth eatin yer cooking for..." answered Luke with a smile.
  17. Hank tossed a little in his sleep, unaware of what had happened.
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