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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke nodded. "Well so long as you didnt cook it..." he said with a mischievous grin.
  2. Luke nodded to Jaime. "Can't sleep with her mouth goin a mile a minute...girls..." he said rolling his eyes teasingly.
  3. Frank glared at her. "You just make sure that job is done. Ya!" With that he took off back to the hotel with Jesse.
  4. Luke sighed. "Why couldn't you be a boy?" he teased. "Be so much easier...no dates t worry bout...no make up...no mood swings..."
  5. "We take care of yer friends....pull that job quick and leave town," answered Frank.
  6. "S'what I got two for..." said Luke with a smirk. "Sides I'm sure Bo'd do it if I can't..."
  7. As soon as she was within distance Frank slapped her across the face hard. "You just better hope that he keeps his mouth shut..."
  8. Luke reached up a hand flicking her nose. "Don't get cocky... nothin wrong wih my knee that I can't take ya over it."
  9. Frank yelled. "After him!" Shooting he took off into the trees after him followed by Jesse. But it was dark and he knew that, given that Joe knew the area and they didn't it would be no use trying to find him in the dark.
  10. "Who you callen' dumb?" asked Luke frowning though his lips hid a smile.
  11. Luke looked at the clock. "They should be comin anytime... you anxious to leave me?"
  12. Frank nodded, tossing his head to the left urging Jesse to come with him that way and takes off quickly on his horse.
  13. Luke just sighed, not liking at all that he was discussing his love life with his daughter.
  14. Frank scowled at her. "And THAT is why your boyriend is gonna get it...and his cousin too." He checked his gun to make sure it was loaded before going to his room to tell Jesse about what happened.
  15. Frank pointed a finger at her. "You just do what I said...or he'll get it...and that ain't a threat sweetheart. That there is a promise," he added thinking that was one promise he was looking forward to keeping.
  16. Luke nodded a little, not looking forward to it. The thought of not using his foot fo a spell bothering him considerably.
  17. Frank looked at her. "It's your own fault fer gettin involved with em in the first place. You just keep focused and do what ya came here to do...if that Duke is too much distraction...well...Jesse an' I will remove that distraction from ya permanent. You got that?!"
  18. Luke nodded. "I know that. I got a cousin... she gets quite a few of em...specially when Bo and I refuse to go shopping with her."
  19. Luke shook his head. "I don't....I don't understand how girls can be so mean..." Inside he did understand though. He had seen it with some animals on the farm, especially the chickens. They would sometimes attack one of their own...attack it until it died...just for being different or weak.
  20. "She's upset...didn't get chosen as a cheerleader 'cuz of em...." he said softly.
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