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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Bein a Duke is tough work...John still has a scar on his chest from when he wrestled that alligator on the show... and I remember John saying that at one time Tom went to slide in through the window as always and the lock mechanism wasn't sanded down properly or something....It cut open his back. OUCH!!! Poor Tom... he does seem to be the most accident prone of the two... bless his heart
  2. Well...one of my favorites is from My Son, Bo Hogg...when Boss is telling Bo how much like his daddy he is in that he likes fast cars, and fast women (and fast food chimes in Rosco). I think it is shortly after that that Bo and Boss look in the mirror together and I just want to clunk Bo on the side of his head. The two could not be more polar opposites in looks. One would think that would raise his suspicions, but darn it all... Bo is so naive at times...bless his heart...he just can't see that there is a fly in the slaw....oh Bo, what were you thinking?!
  3. Jaime bit her lip finding it harder and harder to not like Jenni. "Thanks."
  4. Ummm..... Thelma Claire Rogers Slumber Lane J.D. Hogg Cement Company
  5. Jaime set down the cupshe had gotten out and peeped out the window before going to open the door. "Hi, " she greeted. "Daddy's in his room."
  6. Luke meanwhile lay huddled on his bed trying to think out an answer for everything though he knew in his heart that he couldnt.
  7. (LOL Hard memories) Luke watched her go with a soft sigh. He loved her more than anything...and it was because of that he refused to share his troubles with her. He didn't want her to have the same worries and fears he had. He wanted her to have the happy carefree life she deserved.
  8. Luke la back his head and sighed. It was true things were getting to him but more true was the fact that he felt like a failure. He had thought he could andle the farm with Jesse being ill, but as becoming obvious, he couldn't. He had thought he had done the right thing keeping it from Bo, and Jesse had thought that too, but now Bo was angry at him, which hurt the Duke boy far more than his broken foot. The issue with Troy had brought up some hard memories for him also and they bothered him more than he cared to admit. It was simply too much...
  9. "M'sorry," he said softly. "I ...I just need some rest is all...things...gettint me..."
  10. "Love you too sweetheart," said Luke softly with a crack in his usually so strong voice.
  11. Luke managed a smile back. "Don't worry... I got all the father' day gift I want...right there," he said in a rare tender momet... brushing his daughters cheek with his thumb.
  12. Luke just hugged his girl close, content that she loved him though it appeared that Bo hated him at the moment.
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