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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Jaime nodded and taking his hand led theway to her dad's room. Luke lay in bed casually flipping through one of Jaime's coveted teen magazines she had left in the room with disgust, not understanding how anyone could be so interested in something that didn't have so much as a mopar advertisement.
  2. Daisy shot him a glare. "You sound more like Uncle Jesse every day..." She looked over to Jason. "He's in his room." Jaime looked at Jason worriedly.
  3. Daisy shot him a look. "You crazy?! He'll go through the roof...and he'll be mad at me for lyin'"
  4. "No ya won't cuz her daddy don't know she's gone...I told him ya went to the barn..." she explained to Jaime in a low voice. "You...you lied for me?!" asked Jaime shocked yet pleased.
  5. Daisy wasted no time opening the door and stepping out onto the porch. "Jaime where have you been?! You realize what time it is?!" she exclaimed quietly as Luke's window was open.
  6. Andy Kittle's TV Shop Hollow Creek Oak Ridge
  7. Jaime bit her lip nodding. " He's gonna kill me...he ain't gonna let me outta the house...I just know it..." she muttered as she got in the car and shut the door.
  8. Jaime giggled a little leaning over and kissing him again oblivious to the time.
  9. Jaime meanwhile sat on the hood of Jason's car, kissing him up on Kissing Cliff.
  10. Luke shrugged to himself. Likely Bo wouldnt say nothing to him anyway. He went back to counting ceiling tiles and waiting for Jaime to come in.
  11. Luke sighed never wishing before that he could get away from Bo but right now...right now he didnt have the nerve to face him...Jaime was in the barn which was a sure sign the date didnt go well...and though he longed to go comfort her, he knew she would come to him when she was ready.
  12. Luke, meanwhile, was resting against his pillows when he heard the front door open. Once he heard the refridgerator creak open, he knew instantly it was Bo.
  13. Luke watched her go with a sigh, looking at his foot with disgust. He longed to get up and move around, too upset with things to sleep as Jenni had asked him to. Too many things were going on...things beyond his control...he longed to talk to his uncle and tell him his troubles but he didnt dare...the last thing he needed was more things to worry about. With a long sigh he stared up at the ceiling and started counting tiles, one by one.
  14. Luke nodded. "Alright...you be careful...an' if he tries anything, let him have it."
  15. "Where in town...what time will ya be back?" asked Luke not at all prepared to have a daughter of dating age.
  16. Luke sighed but nodded a llittle resting his head back against his pillow.
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