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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. I never knew this thread existed..but hey...I'll post... 1. Had I been born in Jerusalem, I would have been a New Year's Baby...I was born on Rosh Hashanah. 2. I'm in a band-I sing, play synthesizer/ keyboards and guitar- woohoo! 3. My husband and I had a long distance relationship for about 2 years while he was in the Marines, before he asked me to marry him- I still have every letter he wrote me. (I know...awww) ---ok this is getting harder---- 4. One of my favorite memories is watching DOH with y brother every Friday night at 8:00pm 5. I have been kissed by Tommy Jennings (Waylon's brother) 6. Elly Schneider confiscated my camera and Chasen has called me a cretin for disagreeing with him...nice huh. LOL. 7. I can name every American president in order in less than 30 seconds... 8. My great grandma had 117 grandchildren when she died...she would have even more now... 9. I have a blond cocker spaniel named Zoe...when you say Bo Duke she dances 10. Gene Autry is like a third cousin to me...
  2. Luke sighed too, wincing a little as he moved. "You'll see if you ever have a kid...you won't appreciate being lied to either."
  3. Luke scowled, knowing Bo was right. He still was mad at Daisy though. "She still shouldn't have hid that from me..."
  4. Luke frowned hating when Bo did that. He didn't want to be mad at Bo. he wanted to be mad at Daisy...and Bo wouldn't let him.
  5. "Don't make it right...how is this sposed to help me Bo...now I not only have a daughter to deal with but a sister who lies to me?!"
  6. "That don't make it alright! Jaime is my daughter...not hers...she had no right making a judgment like that!"
  7. "Oh she did huh... teachin my daugter that it's ok to lie t her daddy...that's really keepin' everyone's best interests at heart," retord Luke throwing a pillow at Bo in frustration.
  8. "She needs Uncle Jesse t' give her a talkin to..." said Luke. "And why are you here?"
  9. "Daisy Duke you stop listenin on the other side of the door and get in her...now!" There was no mistaking the anger in Luke's voice this time.
  10. Jaime swallowed looking up at Luke. "You best go home Jason. Jaime can walk ya t yer car, then she needs some sleep. Try again next week...an have her home early" said Luke though anger was still in his voice.
  11. Jaime bit her lip. "I know that...and I aprpeciate it...but don't think I'm overly impressed with it. I know your daddy. Yer just followin after the good raisin' he done. You SHOULD show me respect in my own house...if ya bring my girl home late, you dang well SHOULD apologise... and next time...you double damn better have her back 5 minutes early. You got me?" said Luke looking him straight in the eye.
  12. Jaime swallowed hard and looed to the ground. "Every time you take her out I am entrusting you with the most precious thing I have...I don't even know you...yet I am entrusting you with her. Don't you think you could give me the courtesy of getting her home on time..and building that trust?" asked Luke seriously.
  13. Luke nodded slowly looking at the hand that held hers. "She is also my life...every time you take her out, you are taking my life in your hands as well as Jaime's..." he began in an attempt to keep his voice calm.
  14. "Aww" said Daisy softly though she privately thought they might well be the last words he spoke. Jaime looked bck at him tears glistening in her eyes. "You're right...but you frgot one important thing that she is..." said Luke noting the look in his daughters eyes.
  15. Luke swallowed. "Look at Jaime, Jason... tell me what you see." Jaime squirmed already not liking where this was headed.
  16. One could have hear a pin drop in the silence of the room. "We lost track of time, Daddy..." began Jaime. "You hush" said Luke shortly. Jaime did as told.
  17. Jaime stood beside him quaking a little. "Tell me you weren't in the barn with HIM this whole time..." said Luke with a menacing look at the young man in front of him.
  18. Luke set the magazine aside figuring it to be Jaime. "C'mon in sweetheart, door's open."
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