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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Jesse gave him a look. "What kind of question is that? Course I am," he said gruffly though he wasn't really upset and Bo knew it.
  2. Jesse reached his hand out taking hold of Bo's. "It don't change as ya get older neither... it's part of bein' a parent."
  3. Judge Sampson Victor's Donut's Route 77 ?
  4. "Poor tyke..." said Jesse softly. "Reminds me a lot of you at that age."
  5. Jesse reached and took hold of Bo's hand. "Son...any man can father a child....not everyone can be a daddy. " He nodded to the boy sleeping contentedly in Bo's arms. "You might not have known you were a father...but...Troy done chose his daddy long before you knew."
  6. Troy slept on, cuddled close into Bo his pale hand resting on B's tan one, as if to keep him from going anywhere.
  7. Sorry for your loss Jessi. My prayers are with you.
  8. Ugh I cant think of his name but he is the one who called Daiy to say Bo wasnt there yet...agggh what was his name?!?!
  9. Jesse just smiled nodding his head a little. Luke meanwhile had begun making calls, trying to find out how legally he could get custody of Troy. He was nervous about the whole thing...but his heart wouldn't let the little boy go on being fatherless...
  10. You're such a showoff Bo...*smirks to herself and heads for his undershorts that she still had to wash taking the box of starch with her, thinking to herself that there was more than one way to dupe a Duke...specially when it was Bo*
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