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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Luke just kept his arm around his cousin. He wasn't normally the huggier of the two cousins, but now, he sensed that Bo needed the comfort as much as he did.
  2. "I know...scared me too," he said rubbing his back softly. "Like watchin you with an asthma attack...only Jesse...you tend to think that... nothin can harm him...an then..." his voice trailed off.
  3. Luke siged as he lay in his bed. He couldn't understand how an injured foot could leave him feeling so weak and tired, but it had.
  4. Luke followed him over putting both hands on his shoulders. "S'gonna be ok."
  5. Troy held Bo's hand in both his own, his face pressed close against it falling asleep.
  6. "I know brother...you an me both.." said Luke softly his eyes to the ground. They hadn't talked about it really; not like they talked about every other thing that happened. It was almost as if they were both in denial about it.
  7. "Well...I ain't got no reason t' believe him...an' til we both feel ok about it, he ain't goin near the farm...I promise," said Luke squeezing bo's shoulder a little.
  8. Luke wrapped an arm around him. "Don't you fret...he ain't got no reason to go wound Jesse...an you can be dang sure I'll keep it that way,"
  9. "I know," sighed Luke. "Having some guy come round claiming to be a relative for God knows why aint exactly keepin' him stress-free."
  10. Luke nodded, rubbing his cousin's back a little. "Just watch yerself...I don't wanna lose ya...."
  11. "But Bo...you gotta be careful...we don't know this fella from Adam...he could pull a knife on ya or a gun...ya can't just pick fights with a stranger like that," he warned though his voice betrayed how worried he had been.
  12. Luke nodded. "I know what you mean. I got one of my feelin's...somethin' ain't right...but I can't put my finger on it. Tell ya this much though...I don't want him around Daisy, Jesse or the farm."
  13. Troy cried in Bo's arms his tears wetting Bo's shirt, not out of pain so much as he was tired of the pricks...tired of being sick... he just wanted to go home.
  14. Luke followed after Bo after a minute and put a hand on his shoulder. "You ok?" (cue Bo)
  15. Luke grabbed hold of Bo quick, having to hold him with both hands to keep him from plowing right over Avery. "Hold tight, cousin," he said below his breath so only Bo heard him. Luke instantly recognized the glint in Bo's eye. It was the same glint he had given Luke a time or two, shortly before throwing a punch. (cue Bo James)
  16. Troy whimpered when he felt the needle, waking up and crying out "Daddy!" The nurse rubbed his arm gently. "All done sweetheart."
  17. "I'm afraid he has to be put down. I got orders to give him another shot."
  18. Troy wiggled closer to Bo in his sleep, his thumb in his mouth taking hold of the corner of Bo's yellow shirt in his other.
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