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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. Jes hugge his niece gently. It was a cold cold night, but the amount of love in the room made everyone warm as toast.
  2. Jesse looked at his two nephews with pride. True, he had taught his kids to love one another, like the Good Book said, but it ws times like these he realized just how much all three of his youngins had taken that teaching to heart.
  3. You see what I put up with?! *shakes her head* Men...
  4. Luke responded to the soothing caresses on his neck as he always did, moaning softly and huddling that much more into Bo.
  5. Luke just held on tight afraid that if he let go, Bo might disappear for good.
  6. Luke bent over him, though hardly putting any weight on him. "I'm sorry," he murmured behind a trail of tears. "I'm sorry..."
  7. Luke held his hand tightly, tears welling in his eyes.
  8. Well, as I never kissed Hughie Hogg voluntarily, I'll say Jamie Lee for sure.
  9. *sighs very tempted to hand the small box off and have Jesse give it to him- he supposed he could follow Jesse there, though...it was a public place afterall* Alright...I'll see you there...*with that he crossed to the General Lee, sliding in the driver's side window, starting him up and taking off after his uncle*
  10. *never one to express his feelings outright, finding it hard now to keep them bottled in as usual, takes out the carefully wrapped gift looking at it disdanfully* He probably wont even want it after all I did to get it for him...
  11. *sighs* Well...I thought he was at the time...
  12. *kicks at a rock by his feet* "Well for one I caught him with tears in his eyes in the barn...I ried to talk to him...he denied it...got mad at me...that shouldn't surprise me I guess but...*sighs*we almost got pulled over this morning...for nothin...an just...after everything...everything I did...to make sure this birthday would be good for him...despite...despite everything..."
  13. Don't matter none does it? He don't wanna be around me...
  14. Wish I woulda got that...darn it...
  15. Coffin Works Polk County Stump Hollow
  16. Knowin' him? Prolly the Boar's Nest... probably tellin everyone what a jerk for a cousin he's got... *says ruefully*
  17. Aw that? Bo an' Luke taught me that when I went on my frst date... good thing too...I had to use it..
  18. *looks over raising his hand slightly in greeting*
  19. *puts her arm round Bo* I do wish for a sister sometimes *admits* Don't get me wrong, I love Bo an' Luke, but I never had a big sister to teach me things...you know like what to do on a date...how to put on makeup...
  20. Luke looked at him, gulping a little. "I could never..."
  21. Luke couldn't speak any more. He just held Bo's hand in both his own, biting his lip against the pain he felt inside.
  22. Luke shuffled his feet forward taking Bo's hand in his own tremblig one. "I...I'm..."
  23. Ever so slowly Luke raised his eyes seeing how badly he had hurt him, his chest convulsing as he chokedback tears.
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