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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. *heads for where the General Lee was hidden away*
  2. *leads the way out of the woods munching his apple as he did*
  3. I dont know that I can make that time...
  4. If xx is from the same place as Bo it means xx would have to start at 1:00am. Not everyone is as crazy as Bo James...
  5. yeah I'll pick it.... AW...maybe we should alternate days...be a shame if XX couldnt ever join us.
  6. *nods grabbing an apple before heading out the door*
  7. Yeah...you can tell he is real proud..he definately had a happy birthday..
  8. It was...looking at possum...even roadkill possum will never be the same...
  9. aw...you're both so sweet. Im glad you like the post. It's true..100%
  10. sorry 8:00 Eastern standard time.... little over an hour...can you make it?
  11. I just noticed this thread and everyone had such interesting stories I thought I'd share mine. Although I will pretty much give away my age here, I was about 5 when the first episode came on. I loved it instantly! Every Friday Night was special. Not only was I allowed to stay up past my normal 8 o' clock bedtime to watch Dukes, but usually I had a special snack to have while I watched... and the snacks were never better than when you were watching a Dukes episode and one of the commercials during the episode was for exactly what you were eating...I think at the time it tended to be a Dolly Madison cream cake...you know the ones you can't find any more. But I digress... Every Friday Night was the one night per week my brother would let me into his room (he was old enough to have his own TV...one of the perks of being older I guess.) Anyway I would sit on the floor (because he refused to let me sit on the bed with him...it was after all his room and his tv...he had to Lord over me somehow and set the standards LOL) I didnt care though...that 12 inch screen was all I needed...it didn't matter that the floor was hard...and that the room smelled funny...and I took the risk of getting Cooties...it was worth it for one hour of Dukes and arguing with my brother who was better: Bo or Luke... (I took turns who to root for cuz I didnt want either one to feel slated) How much of a fan was I? Strawberry Shortcake was all the rage at that time for girls my age. I however took the scissors to my dolls...(cuz I had a big imagination and no Bo/Luke dolls) and made my own....Bo smelled like Lemons and Luke like huckleberries!the things I put them through rivaled any of the writers' on the show I assure you...preparing me for RP I suppose. I stole at an early age...my brother won a toy General Lee at a birthday party...he saw it once and "lost" it...Don't leave your Generals lyin' around Bro! He he. I wrote a letter once to Tom Wopat (no idea how old I was...maybe 7 or 8) I didnt have his address so I addressed it o Hazzard...I think my mom sent it to the tv station near us here not really in the hopes of anything happening...and nothing did...until about 7 months later I got an autographed picture saying Thank you for writing. All best wishes and his name...I was thrilled. This was also before the days of VCRs. I made my own. I tooke my tape recorder and recorede episodes onto my cassete tapes. I would then set the tape recorder under my pillow and go to sleep the sound of Dukes in my head.... I remember playing Brotherly Love over and over this way...I loved the part where Bo was so worried for Luke...lol I'd also developed a dramatic streak early on...armed with trusty taperecorder and that imagination I told you about, I would do what I thought were different voices and make my own Dukes episodes... complete with kew kew and making my dog bark on cue when I needed someone to be Flash...I still have some of the tapes... How hooked on Dukes was I? Very...and still am...
  12. I got to meet him last year. I thought he was really nice...gave me a half hug as he posed for a pic with me...and all the rumors are true...he is all muscle!!! I had my hand on his back when we hugged and wow! LOL. Anyway, I think the reason he gets a rep for being a jerk is because, compared to John who I also met last year but in Nashville, Tom is very quiet and standoffish. He is not as personable and considering he has had problems with stalkers and things, not always good experiences with fans, he probably just appears that way. When I was with him he kept looking up at people who on the 2nd floor were taking pics of him...you could tell he was uneasy about it... like he thought they could jump on him or something...so I bet crowds do freak him out...unless he is on stage and away from them...
  13. which is? We'll see if what I am thinking is right...
  14. Are you requesting the first season or have a request for the first Hazzardnet Commentary?
  15. Let's look at who is interested.. If you are interested what seasons does everyone own?
  16. *blushing* Aw Roger...I wish I was a genius...I wish I even teetered on the edge of it. Be glad to have you xx....
  17. Well...if you don't have a laptop my only other suggestion would be to do what I do and if you have a DVD drive on your pc watch it there...and chat in another window and adjust the peramiters so you could do both at once... Other than that I don't know...
  18. DaisyMaeDuke


    Ok y'all. Roger encouraged me to post this idea to see if anyone would be interested... What if we all got together and watched an episode together, chatting while we watched it. Bo James and I have done that before and, if you can get everyone to start at the same time, it's quite fun. Kind of like doing your own commentaries... My thought was maybe we could take a vote of what episode to watch by those who are interested...and find a time that works for everyone and set it up.... so...anyone interested?
  19. Hey y'all John has been getting overrun with people who have questions and comments on all of his different sites...facebook...myspace...etc. He hasn't been able to respond to different questions and things the way he wanted to, so he created another myspace page just for that purpose. Of course, bear in mind he won't be able to respond to EVERY question or comment, but this site does have some rare photos, like of him, his dad and brothers, a sweet one of him and Chasen, and my favorite thus far...one showing his favorite way of cooking a chicken-belongs in the Hazzard County cookbook I think:p) Anyway, lots of good stuff so I'm just obeying orders and passin' it along... Here is the link. www.myspace.com/therealjohnschneider Enjoy:)
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