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Everything posted by DaisyMaeDuke

  1. I know...we'll see her soon Bo...I promise...we're almost there
  2. *stops seeing that it only made Bo feel worse* Shhhh shhh Bo
  3. *his arms tiring he shifts adjusting his hold on Bo walking on; starting to hum a lullaby to Bo as he walked*
  4. Hey..it's alright Bo...I'm here...we'll be home soon *hoping he wasnt telling a lie*
  5. Oh let me think here.... Colonial City Buck Owens Road Pirates
  6. It's ok Bo...we'll be home soon *softly though he had no idea where home was*
  7. Music (I dont know who that is so if he's not a musician I'll be more embarrassed than you)
  8. Luke meanwhile was thankful Bo was hugged into him. At least that way, he wasn't facing him...and if he wasn't facing him, he wouldn't see the tears in his eyes.
  9. Rosco's Mama Old River Road Chester Flats
  10. Ok y'all...in honor of the day (4/21) At 9:00 we will watch the 4th season, 2nd disk, first episode....Coletrane vs. Duke! See ya there
  11. *hangs on to Bo as he walked through the woods, biting his lip as the moon made shadows all around them*
  12. So far I think we're on...I'm debating episodes atm
  13. DaisyMaeDuke


    OK y'all...you asked for it and it's coming. YAY!!!! Set your recorders for May 1st on CW at 8:00pm. John Schneider will be making a guest appearance as Jonathan Kent!!!! I for one can't wait. Also tomorrow the 21st he will be appearing on FX King of the Hill at 1:00pm. And of course on the 28th of this month is his first appearance in CSI Miami...woohoo or should I say yee-haw!
  14. *trudges on trying not to mind all of the eerie night sounds*
  15. It's ok....*hugs him gently as he walked on trying to be brave though it was getting darker out*
  16. *turns to Bo knowing what his uncle normally did and lifts him to his arms, Bo being small for his age* I gotcha...it's ok
  17. Aw Bo...ya ain't a baby.... *hugs him* Salright... s'my fault fer bringin ya out here so late n all...*thinking it was getting to be an even worse idea because...here in the dark...the way back to the farm looked much different; in truth, he wasn't sure they had come this way at all*
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