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Everything posted by dixieduke

  1. Ive figured out some new codes Daisy's jeep is Bopeep Cooters tow truck is Cooter Boss's caddy is hogg van is scooby and there ya'll go;)
  2. thx TRPColtrane95
  3. yeah same here welcome Boss Hogg
  4. well for the dear diary one i know 1) is Luke 2) is Rosco's diary but i cant think of what three is
  5. not to offend anyone but i do not agree with the war
  6. hey its nice to meet ya im pretty new myself so welcome to hazzardnet
  7. oh defiantly Judd he wasn't fake like two very fake people such as coy and Vance and I'm very fond of that episode and he does kinda look like Luke
  8. dixieduke


    i love this pic
  9. awwwww they look so handsome
  10. dixieduke


    always did like Bo and his red shirt
  11. dixieduke


    one of my favorite episode and we all no why
  12. dixieduke


    it makes ya wanna melt dont it
  13. dixieduke


    cant choose whos sexier in this one
  14. yeah i think i like the smalliville one too
  15. thx for the welcoming i think i'll like here if its dukes then im there
  16. hey ya'll Dixie here just your average good ole gal who is a true all the way threw country girl who loves dukes of hazzard specially Bo and Luke
  17. ya know johnny c that is a good idea i would watch that no matter what so they're a little older but what if Bo and Luke had families and what not put the final chapter in instead of a race with bad guys yes its enjoyable but theres a gap that needs to be filled dont ya'll think?
  18. yeah then the whole bid becomes a hoax poor john but i think he eventually got it sold didn't he or is he in the process of doing that
  19. one is Daisy of course two i no it but i cant think of the guys name 3 i think might be cotton
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