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  1. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Daisy filled Jesse in over the walkie talkie. Upon hearing the news that Garrett's car had been sabotaged one thought popped into Jesse's head....Boss Hogg. He noticed Boss at the concession stand with both fists full of so many corn dogs that they almost looked like bouquets of flowers at a distance.   
    He walked over to him fuming mad. "BOSS HOGG!" 
    Boss looked at him with a smug face. "My my Jesse, what in the world has you all fired up?" 
    "I tell you what has me all fired up you big marshmallow. Us Dukes stick together and when someone cuts the brake line of a Duke and causes him to crash, that someone has a fight on his hands." He poked his right finger into Boss's chest causing Boss to back up. 
    Boss looked genuinely surprised "Now, now, you just listen here Jesse. Are you saying the General Lee crashed?" 
    Jesse was still mad. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Garrett Duke is the Duke that crashed. You know that because you hired someone to cut his brake lines, didn't ya?"
  2. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    you realize the full name of Possum Holler, is OPSOSSUM holler, don't  you? ( possum is short for opossum)
  3. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    POP Durham NASCAR prayer guy (Undercover Dukes)
  4. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
  5. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Daisy filled Jesse in over the walkie talkie. Upon hearing the news that Garrett's car had been sabotaged one thought popped into Jesse's head....Boss Hogg. He noticed Boss at the concession stand with both fists full of so many corn dogs that they almost looked like bouquets of flowers at a distance.   
    He walked over to him fuming mad. "BOSS HOGG!" 
    Boss looked at him with a smug face. "My my Jesse, what in the world has you all fired up?" 
    "I tell you what has me all fired up you big marshmallow. Us Dukes stick together and when someone cuts the brake line of a Duke and causes him to crash, that someone has a fight on his hands." He poked his right finger into Boss's chest causing Boss to back up. 
    Boss looked genuinely surprised "Now, now, you just listen here Jesse. Are you saying the General Lee crashed?" 
    Jesse was still mad. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about. Garrett Duke is the Duke that crashed. You know that because you hired someone to cut his brake lines, didn't ya?"
  6. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
  7. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    I'm out of reactions but here's one ☺ 
  8. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    I like having our very own Boss here on HN. I'm just glad he's not as crooked as the real Boss. Oh well, I'm not as wise as the real Jesse and Hobie's not as drunk as the real Hobie. I see a trend here. 
  9. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    LULU's husband Boss has a birthday today. 
    (from Baa Baa White sheep his Hazzard BD is 4-6-26)
  10. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    Happy birthday Boss and happy birthday to HazzardNet's Boss JD Hogg! We'll all meet at the Boar's Nest later today to celebrate! 
  11. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    Happy birthday Boss and happy birthday to HazzardNet's Boss JD Hogg! We'll all meet at the Boar's Nest later today to celebrate! 
  12. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Boss JD Hogg in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    Happy Birthday to the one and only Boss Hogg(Sorrell Booke)!
  13. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    Dixie JEEP
  14. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in NASCAR news   
    It really is hard on me when we lose another one. The Dukes has been a huge part of my life since it came out when I was 19 and all the actors feel like family and friends. 
  15. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    That is pretty cool. John isn't my favorite but I always liked that we were born 7 days apart. I was born on the day he turned one week old. 
  16. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    Dixie JEEP
  17. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in NASCAR news   
    It really is hard on me when we lose another one. The Dukes has been a huge part of my life since it came out when I was 19 and all the actors feel like family and friends. 
  18. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Cale Yarborough   
    AND...you will always be a citizen of Hazzard County!
  19. Haha
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Happy Birthday Rick!   
    Hey does anyone know what Rick is doing now? I doubt he has enough to retire.
  20. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in Happy Birthday Rick!   
    Yes Happy Birthday Rick! ( WOW! He's the same age as my mother! Hard to believe!)
  21. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Boss JD Hogg in Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!   
    Boss Hogg is my favorite character so I always got a kick out of having the same birthday as Sorrell Booke.
  22. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in NASCAR news   
    Me too. It was a shocker.
  23. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Boss JD Hogg in NASCAR news   
    I was sad to hear of his death.
  24. Sad
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in NASCAR news   
    no it's quite real!
  25. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to B.L. Davenport in The Postmisstress Continues   
    Luther was under the hood of a truck when Cooter pulled in and began carrying in cases of beer to stock the fridge in the back of the garage. After a couple trips from the truck to the fridge, Luther got interested in what Cooter was doing and had to ask, "What are you doing?"
    "Stocking up the fridge." Cooter stated the obvious.
    "Stocking it up for what exactly? Is prohibition making a return?" Luther asked.
    “Me, Bo, Luke and LB are gonna work on General Lee,” Cooter answered Luther.
    Bo backed the flatbed truck up to the loading dock as the dayshift foreman motioned him to keep backing up.
    “Whoa,”the man shouted, holding up a hand for Bo to stop. Clipboard in hand, Bo got out of the truck going to the rear where the foreman watched four burly men unload the delivery.
    “Who do I see about a signature for delivery confirmation?” Bo asked.
    “Where do I sign?” the foreman asked.
    “Right here sir,” Bo said, holding out the clipboard. 
    The foreman signed and Bo was on his way.
    Bo hadn't made it far down the road when he came up behind a car. Just as he came up behind it, a dog was tossed out the passenger side window. For a split second, Bo was almost torn between catching the car and rescuing the dog. Bo hurriedly stopped the truck, jumped out and ran around it to see a small mostly chocolate brown young adult dog looking very scared and confused. He had gotten a good look at her. Compared to Sadie she was quite a bit smaller. He approached the little thing gently and talked in soothing tones, "Come on Sweetie. Bo won't hurt you. It will be alright." Eventually he was able to get close enough to pick the little dog up. She was still shaking. Bo petted, cuddled and soothed her while trying to make sure she wasn't injured. Once in the truck he looked in his lunch box to find Daisy had put him several pieces of chicken from supper last night. "Here you go Darlin'. See if you like that."
    The pup eagerly accepted the chicken leg. After eating it, she curled up on the truck seat with Bo as he continued on his deliveries.
    Bo was coming back into town, having made all his out of county deliveries, he was picking up another load of local deliveries.
    “I got to make some more deliveries but I want you to meet someone first, she’ll take good care of you and it’ll be cooler with her than riding around in a truck with me, “ Bo said, scratching the little dog behind the ears. Not wanting to block traffic in front of the post office, Bo parked the truck around back.
    “C’mon Sweetie, you’ll like BL and Sadie too,” Bo said, picking the little dog up off the seat. 
    “Well this is a surprise, where did you get your friend?” BL came closer to see the little dog. Reaching out to pet the dog, frowning with concern when it cowered, shaking against Bo’s chest.
    “It’s ok little one BL won’t hurt you,” Bo spoke in the soothing tone again.
    “Somebody threw her out the car window, I was behind them and stopped to check on her,” Bo answered BL’s question as he cuddled the scared dog.
    “Oh my goodness, the poor little thing,” BL said.
    “I need a favor. I got more deliveries, it’s hot in that truck. Can she stay here with you and Sadie?” Bo asked.
    “Of course,” BL said, letting the dog sniff her hand, then only using 2 fingers so she didn’t seem so scary, stroked the little shoulder a few minutes. Bo gently handed the dog over, giving BL a quick kiss, getting back to work.
    “Well Sadie girl, looks like we got company rest of the day,” BL said, to which Sadie didn’t look impressed about.
    Cooter spent the rest of the day cleaning the garage up a bit and getting everything out of the inside bays so they would have plenty of elbow room to work on the General Lee.
    Luther looked around the place, "Maybe, ya’ll should do this more often. This is the cleanest the garage has been in years."
    Cooter just nodded. He was sure no one would think that if they knew the reason for the boys all nighter.
    BL let Ellen Sue deliver the mail she didn’t want to scare the new little friend all over again. She had gotten the blanket she kept in the car and had made a bed.
    Dixie was on her way back to Hazzard at her usual time. She figured to meet BL and Daisy for the evening. 
    Luke and Scrapie were heading into Hazzard from the other direction heading to the garage.
    BL locked the Post Office front door,closed the shades and turned the closed sign.
    “Ready to go girls?” BL asked the 2 dogs. Sadie ran over to the back door, waiting to be let out.
    “C’mon sweetheart, I got some friends I want you to meet. One of ‘em has 4 legs and a cold wet nose just like you,” BL said as she squatted down, picking up the little dog Bo had brought in, along with the extra blanket. Out to the car they went, BL drove around the square and over to Dixie and Luke’s, Mrs. Kravitz frowned as she watched BL carry in another dog, as if two yapping mongrels weren’t going to be enough racket, now she was bringing in a third. BL sat the new rescue on the ground to do her business then they all went into the house. Sadie bounded in the door looking for Scrapie, going to the kitchen, when he wasn’t in the livingroom, like a shadow the little chocolate brown dog followed. Seeing Scrapie’s bowls she ran over, lapping up the water like it was the first she’d had in days. BL figured it probably was, given the fact she’d been thrown from a moving car’s window. Sadie wasn’t having it though and let out a low growl, causing the other dog to cower in the corner.
    “Hey now Sadie be nice,” BL scolded, giving both their own bowls of water, refilling Scrapie’s.
    Picking up the phone extension in the kitchen BL said, “Maybelle will you get me Colonial City Veterinary Clinic.”
    “Colonial City Veterinary Clinic. Truvy Dee Smith DVM. How may I help you?,” Truvy Smith answered cheerfully.
    “Truvy Dee, this is BL Davenport, I have a situation that can’t wait til Monday. I know you’ll be closing soon and I wouldn’t be calling if I thought it wasn’t important” BL replied.
    BALLADEER:The reason BL’s calling so close to closing and likely getting in, is you see Truvy Dee was in the same class as BL and Dixie.
    “It's not a problem BL, I got some paperwork to catch up on, I wasn’t ready to go home. I’ll be waiting come on in the back door when you get here,” Truvy Dee said.
    BL hung up and picked up the reason for the call.
    “You’ll like Truvy Dee, she’ll take good care of you,” BL said, writing Dixie and Daisy a note.
    Gone to see Truvy Dee, be back soon, BL.
    BL left the note on the fridge, where Dixie was most likely to see it, then headed out telling Sadie, “be back soon.”
    Ten minutes later BL pulled into the parking lot, the sign on the building said, Colonial City Veterinary Clinic; Truvy Dee Smith DVM.
    Going in the back door BL called out “Truvy Dee, its BL.”
    Truvy came out of her office with a smile and a hug for her longtime friend, “so what do we have?”
    BL explained she just would feel better if Truvy Dee did a thorough check then she told the vet what Bo had seen.
    “Poor baby. Did Bo get the car’s license number?” Truvy Dee asked.
    “I don’t think so he was too worried about this little one,” BL replied.
    “Well she looks pretty good. I’m gonna sedate her a little, just so she’ll be still for some x-rays and such,”Truvy Dee said, giving the dog an injection that worked in minutes.
    Dixie passed the Boar's Nest with only Daisy’s car there. She would be off work in a bit. Dixie pulled all the way into the empty driveway so the others could park later. Going in the front door Dixie was met by a bouncing Sadie. "Hello, there girl. Where is BL? BL?" Dixie got no answer from either Sadie or the empty house. She made her way into the laundry room where the basket with her other uniforms were and tossed them in with the uniform she had worn today. As she came back into the kitchen she saw BL's note. "Sadie, why would BL go to a vet and not take you.
    Sadie gave her a look as if to say, ‘As long as I didn't have to go I don't care!’
    A half hour later x-rays and an ultrasound had been done to check for fractures and internal bleeding. Truvy and BL were just waiting for the sedative to wear off enough for Truvy Dee to feel comfortable letting BL take the dog home.
    “And that is the story of how I got engaged,” BL chuckled, adding “poor Bo had planned the perfect proposal and Rosco loused it up. We did still go to Sunset lake and had a picnic. I felt bad for Bo, let him have a do over.
    BL had been petting the little dog while talking, feeling a little tongue lick her wrist. She looked at the exam table to find dark but still droopy eyes looking at her.“Well look who’s awake. Hey cutie,” BL said.
    Truvy Dee checked the dog’s lungs to see she was breathing ok and listened to see if the heart rate sounded normal.
    “Everything checks out fine, you can take her home,” Truvy Dee said.
    “Thanks, Truvy Dee, How much do I owe?” BL replied.
    “Not a thing, it's after hours. I was just helping out a friend,” Truvy Dee responded.
    BL knew arguing wouldn’t do any good, so said “come to my wedding next Saturday, it’s at the church in the square, 2pm.’
    Saying their goodbyes, BL headed back to Dixie’s.
    Sadie ‘woofed’ and ‘yipped’ answering. Dixie wasn’t getting the picture though.
    BL pulled up behind Dixie’s car, they'd have to do some car shuffling, if they took Dixie’s car tonight when Daisy got here.
    “Dixie I’m back,” BL said, the groggy dog still in her arms.
    "In here." Dixie called from where she was putting her uniforms in the dryer. "BL, why are there two water bowls out? And you went to a vet and left Sadie?"
    Sadie was still more than happy that she didn't get to see the Doggie doctor.
    BL stopped in the laundry room doorway before answering.
    “Because just one was about to start a fight, Bo brought me a surprise, well after next Saturday I guess technically it’s all ours. Sadie didn’t need to go to the vet.”
    Dixie turned around to look at BL and saw the other dog, "Oh, my!  What have you got there?" Dixie reached out to pet the little dog, "Why did you have to take it to the vet?"
    “Let’s go sit down and I will tell you the whole story,” BL said, going back to the livingroom, sitting on the couch, laying the little brown dog beside her, making room for 
    Sadie on the other.
    “C’mon Sadie,” BL called Sadie, cuddling her a bit before sitting the senior ranking dog beside her.
    "I took her to the vet for a thorough exam. Some idiot threw her out the window of a moving car. Bo was behind them and he stopped to check on her, then brought her to me so he could finish his deliveries,” BL replied.
    "Oh, Lord! The poor baby. Is she alright?" Dixie asked with concern.
    BL nodded that she was.
    Dixie grinned,  "So are ya’ll going to keep her?" Dixie asked.
    “I don’t know, we haven’t got to talk about it. Bo only had time to tell me what happened. He doesn’t even know I took her to the vet,” BL replied.
    Dixie grinned, "So, since you're keeping her, what's her name?"
    “I didn’t say we were keeping her, I said we haven’t talked about it. She don’t have a name although we should probably give her one,” BL said, emphasizing the word didn’t.
    Dixie grinned again, "You didn't have to say you're keeping her. It's written all over your face. She has you wrapped, just like Sadie does."
    “I still have to talk to Bo, it’s not going to affect just me,” BL said.
    Dixie just grinned wider ”Bo is just as wrapped, whatever you want he won’t say no.”
    BL opened her mouth then closed it, Dixie had her there.
    “You got Luke pretty well wrapped too,” BL said.
    Dixie grinned as she put her fingers closely together, "Just a little, but Lord, don't let that secret out."
    Luke pulled his truck in at the garage ahead of Bo, "Hey, Cooter." He said as he and Scrapie walked into the cleaned up garage. "Hey! Am I in the right place?"’
    BL chuckled, then said,“I am going to take a quick shower before Daisy gets here. Delivering mail on these dirt roads with the top down, I have enough dirt on me to build a sand castle,”
    Bo came in the garage behind Luke and Scrapie. “Hey is there something going on in here tonight besides work?”
    “Can’t a guy clean up his workspace without it becoming a federal case?” Cooter replied.
    "Sure. Far be it from me to object. Fellas I'm gonna run to the house a quick minute. Luke pointed at Scrapie, then I'll be right back."
    “How about a beer while we’re waiting? Cooter asked Bo.
    “Sure, sounds good,” Bo replied.
    Cooter went to the fridge, when LB pulled into the parking lot.
    ”Better make it 3 beers, LB just pulled in,” Bo said.
    “Hey Bo, hey Cooter. Where’s Luke?” LB accepted the beer Cooter handed him.
    Bo replied, "I think he's trying to convince someone they would rather be at home than here."
    LB looked confused.
    Bo replied, "He's about yeh tall and about yeh long." Bo made motions of size with his hands.
    "Huh?" LB replied.
    Bo gave up. "Scrapie."
    LB took a drink of beer, "Oh, ok. Yeah."
    Luke parked out front of the house not intending to be at the house long, "Come on Scrapie." 
    Scrapie was out of the truck door before Luke could get out. 
    "Well, I didn't think you'd be that eager." Luke said. As he opened the door chaos happened. 
    Scrapie ran in yapping. Sadie ran to him. He ran toward the sleeping dog who jumped up and growled at the new dog. Scrapie growled back since it was his house. Sadie rolled Scrapie and ran. Scrapie ran after her. The new dog ran after him while they all yipped, barked and now playfully growled at each other.
    BL dried off and put on her robe that she had left when she gave the house to Dixie and Luke and moved back to Clyde’s.
    “What is going on down here,?” BL asked, coming halfway downstairs.
    “Chaos,” Dixie replied.
    “That much I could tell from behind the bathroom’s closed door,” BL replied.
    Dixie replied, "It's either a game of tag or they are getting acquainted."
    Luke said to Dixie, "I just came over to change shirts and see if Scrapie wanted to stay. Since he does I'll be heading back out."
    Dixie gave Luke a look, "You are not leaving just yet."
    Luke just grinned.
    Dixie put the dogs out back to get over the zoomies and Luke headed back to the garage wondering where the new dog had come from. The girls hadn’t said and with all the chaos he didn’t get to ask. Daisy came in a few minutes later and headed straight for the bathroom, “I need a shower, smell like smoke. I’ll be ready to go in ten minutes.”
    “Whose car we taking?” BL asked then continued “if we take mine, I need to wipe the seats with a wet rag, there’s enough dirt from delivering the mail with the top down, bet I could build a sand castle and a village.”
    Daisy trailed off still heading to the shower, "We can take mine."
    Dixie looked at BL, "What about the pups? I know Sadie will be ok. Scrapie should be,but Luke won't want him left alone long. I don't know about leaving the new baby especially after she's had such a trying day."
    “We can just go get something to eat and rent some movies and just have a girl’s night in.” BL suggested, adding “I’m not real keen on leaving the new baby and Sadie running loose alone together. She’s so timid, Sadie growled at her cos she was drinking out of Scrapie’s water bowl, poor little thing ended up cowering in a corner, “ this explained the extra water bowl.
    Dixie nodded. "That's fine with me."
    “Ok with me too,” Daisy said as she came down the stairs.
    ”They just opened a new place in Cedar City, all you can eat seafood buffet on Friday night plus a regular buffet all week long,” BL said.
    Dixie called the dogs in and then they were off. Once away from all Rosco’s speed traps they were there in no time.
    “Good thing we came early, looks like it's going to be a pretty good wait for a table before long,” BL said when they got parked then headed inside.
    Dixie set out to make a small salad that ended up being piled high before she got back to the table. It had been a long time since her lunch at 11:00, and everything looked great. 
    Luke walked into the garage where Bo and Cooter had just popped the hood on General Lee. He grabbed a cold beer and asked Cooter, "Where do you want to start?"
    "How old are these hoses and belts?" Cooter asked.
    Bo found the floor pretty interesting. 
    Luke and Cooter knew the look. Luke said, "Bo, back out, and I'll set the ramps and pull back in. That way we can get to the engine and underneath at the same time. Cooter we need to go ahead and drain the oil and antifreeze too. Then, change the gas and oil filters."
    Cooter took the breather cover off and took out the air filter. "And the air filter."
    One look from Luke at the filter earned Bo another hard look, "Have you done any service to him since I've been smokejumping?
    Bo replied, "Now Luke that ain't fair."
    Cooter intervened, "Now fellas, we got too much work to do for ya’ll to be fussing."
    Luke had been taking out the number one spark plug. Once he saw it he couldn't stop the mumble before he said, "You're right. Add plugs and wires to that list."
    Daisy came back to the table with a plate of fresh fruit, she hadn’t been able to resist the strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon and orange slices.
    “Oh that looks good,"Dixie said,looking at Daisy’s plate.
    “Help yourself if you want, I can get more.” Daisy replied.
    BL didn’t really care for salad or fruit so had gone straight for the food. They had her favorites: meatloaf, chicken n’ dressing and fried potatoes.
    “I may be eating more lately but you got a plateful of calories, better be careful or that dress will be tight next weekend,” Dixie said.
    BL took a bite of each thing on her plate, washing it down with ice cold tea.
    “I’m not worried. Mmm so good,” BL said.
    LB was sipping on a beer just standing by to do whatever needed done. 
    Bo was a bit side tracked thinking about why he hadn't done a lot of the General's regular maintenance. Part of it was he had been busy giving BL his attention. Part of it was that things had calmed in Hazzard and the General just wasn't put through his paces as much as he had been when he was raced more often or had to be on his game to evade the law of the tri-county area. 
    Luke and Cooter were getting their master game plan for the evening down.
    Soon the work began as all four men were up to their elbows in the General's engine.
    Daisy finished her fruit and went back for food. She came back with country fried steak, mashed potatoes and gravy, pinto beans and a biscuit. Dixie came back with two plates, she had fried shrimp, hush puppies and a baked potato on one. Baked honey glazed ham, the brown beans she liked, fried okra and a couple more things that she didn’t get very often.
    “What movie do ya’ll want to rent?” BL asked.
    “Something with Dolly Parton in it,” Daisy replied. 
    “How’d I know you’d say that? BL said grinning.
    Dixie suggested, "How about Best Little Whore House in Texas or 9 to 5?"
    BL shrugged saying,“Why not both, the guys are working on the General all night so they won’t interrupt.”
    “Sounds good to me,” Daisy said.
    "Any others ya’ll want to see?  We can get a couple more and cuddle with the pups watching movies all night like we used to do at sleepovers." Dixie suggested.
     “Steel Magnolias is a good one,” BL said.
    ”How about Smokey and the Bandit,” Daisy suggested.
    “Great, sounds like a plan. We should get going I guess, get the movies so we can check on the dogs” Dixie replied.
    “We gonna take the fellas something to eat, so that one of them doesn’t have to go get them something?” BL asked.
    “Sure,”Dixie replied, stopping a waitress and asking for to-go boxes and if they could add 4 carry outs to their ticket.
    Work on General Lee continued. It was a rather warm evening, so even with the garage closed for business the shop doors were opened wide. 
    Luke and Cooter had just finished putting in one of the new parts and decided to grab a beer and take five before getting back to work. 
    They were joined by Bo and LB a few minutes later. 
    Cooter asked, "What are the girls up to tonight?"
    Luke replied, "I really didn't have a chance to ask. Things were chaotic when I took Scrapie home."
    "What do you mean?" Cooter asked.
    Luke replied, "You know how Scrapie and Sadie are when they get zoomies." Luke took a drink of his beer as he said what was just now crossing his mind, "But, there was also another little dog there. I got no idea who's it is or why it was there, but it seemed to join right in on the zoomies."
    Bo added, "That must be the little dog that I rescued today after the danged car in front of me threw it out the window. Poor thing. I wanted to catch up to the car and teach them a lesson, but figured checking on the pup was more important, right then anyway."
    The waitress brought over 2 sizes of carry out boxes, 4 big ones and 7 small for desserts. The girls having decided to eat their desserts later while they watched movies. It was an easy choice on what to put on the guys plates. There was catfish fillets, hush puppies and fried shrimp, a side of slaw and baked beans. Dessert wasn’t as easy, there were several choices, apple pie, lemon pie, cherry cheese cake, peach cobbler, blackberry cobbler, chocolate pie and coconut cake was what the girls chose, deciding the fellas could choose and they could take the rest with them to share.
    “Dixie, you think you can save your dessert until we get back home?” BL teased. Dixie hadn’t had much self control lately.
    "BL, you have been hanging around Bo too much with 'cute' remarks like that. The desserts should be just fine. I'm stuffed." Dixie said, picking right back at BL.
    “Couldn’t help myself,” BL said grinning. “You two sound like Bo and Luke,” Daisy said. Back in the car, Daisy drove a couple blocks to the movie rental store.
    The girls all went in and found the movies they were looking for and then decided to look around to see if they saw anything better or different than their choices.
    “This sounds pretty good,” BL said, reading the movie’s description. It was called ‘Gator’ and starred both Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed.
    “I’m ready when ya’ll are,”Daisy said. Taking their choices up to the register the three were soon on their way back to Hazzard.
    With their beer drank and the mystery of the new dog solved, the men were back to work on the General. Talk of cars, racing and the 'kids' who needed to be taught a lesson picked up as they worked.
    Again luck was on their side as there was no sign of Rosco at any of his favorite speed traps, as the girls headed for town.
    “I don’t believe it, we got out of Hazzard and back in without Rosco chasing us,” Daisy said.
    “We ain’t made it to town yet,” Dixie said.
    Just a few more miles and they were almost in the clear as they entered town and headed toward the garage.
    BL and Dixie exchanged a look of relief when no vehicles were parked in the parking lot except Luke’s and LB’s trucks and General Lee was in the bay, up on ramps.
    “How’s it going fellas?” Daisy asked while BL and Dixie set out the desserts for them to choose.
    “We brought ya’ll some supper back.” Dixie said.
    “We didn’t know which dessert to get for who, so we got a few for you to pick from,” BL added.
    Luke had grabbed a bite before he headed home. He was enjoying his beer at the moment. He peeked inside his container. "It looks good, but just take it to the house. If I want it later, I'll slip over and grab it." He gave Dixie a kiss, "Thank you. What was Scrapie doing?"
    Dixie said, "He was a bit upset. We put Sadie in BLs room. He's in our room and the other pup is in the laundry room until we get back."
    ”We didn’t want to come back and find the house destroyed,” BL added.
    “Speaking of the new dog, are you going to keep the little cutie?” Daisy asked.
    6 pairs of eyes were on Bo, mostly curious, BL was giving him puppy dog eyes.
    Bo asked, "Why is everyone looking at me?"
    Dixie replied, “I already asked BL and she said she didn’t know, that ya’ll hadn’t talked about it.”
    Bo replied, "We haven't talked. I figured at the least she could go to the farm and be a farm dog."
    Three sets of eyes turned on him and in unison they said, "She'll freeze."
    Luke snickered but helped Bo some, "It's eighty degrees."
    The girls promptly replied, "Well. It's hot for her outside."
    Bo looked to Luke for help.
    Luke grinned. "Anyone else need a beer?"
    “So you are just going to leave her at the farm when we move in with Dixie and Luke, abandon her after what all she’s been through. Lord only knows what that was before today’s incident,” BL said, laying the guilt on thick.
    Cooter looked at LB and got a headshake, he was too busy watching his sister guilt trip Bo like she had him since she was 5.
    “Naw we’re good Luke,” Cooter said.
    Bo frowned a bit, "We've had dog on the farm for years. Scrapie loves it. So does Sadie."
    “I know they love it but usually me, Dixie and or Luke is there too. I only leave Sadie occasionally and she knows I’m coming back because I leave my car,” BL pointed out.
    Bo asked, "Do you want to keep her, Darlin'?"
    BL nodded ‘yes’ saying,”I think it’ll be nice for Scrapie to have a wrestling partner his own size, that can’t get him down and hold him there with one paw and Sadie needs to learn she has to share me sometimes.”
    Dixie added with her own puppy dog eyes, "He was having so much fun with her. They were jumping and rolling each other all over the back yard."
    “Alright, she moves in next weekend when I do,” Bo said.
    Cooter and LB coughed to hide their amusement, Bo had been had by both their sisters.
    “Now that’s all settled, what’s her name?" Daisy asked another important question.
    “Trixie,” BL answered without alot of thought or so it seemed.
    Dixie replied, "Trixie's a good name."
    Luke nodded.
    “What deserts do ya’ll want? We need to get back to the house and let them out of their separate rooms,” BL said.
     “I’ll take the cherry cheese cake.” Cooter said.
    “Peach cobbler for me,” LB replied.
    “Apple pie for me, Darlin,” Bo said.
    “What about you Luke?” BL asked. There’s blackberry cobbler, coconut cake, chocolate pie, and lemon pie left,” BL said.
    Luke replied with a smirk, "I'll take whatever is left and if nothings left, that's OK too." He kissed Dixie's cheek. He pretty much figured the little Duke may want his dessert more than he did.
    “I want the blackberry cobbler,”Daisy said.
    “I want the lemon that was good at the Boar’s Nest the other day,” Dixie chimed in.
    BL wrote each of their names on a sticky note and stuck it on the lid of the person’s dessert choice. Daisy carried Luke’s food and dessert along with hers, Dixie’s and BL’s back out to the car, while the still relatively newly weds and the soon to be newly weds smooched. Back at the house the dogs were released from solitary confinement. Daisy took the food to the kitchen to put into the refrigerator, she could hear Trixie crying,
    “Just a second Trixie baby and I’ll let you out,” Daisy said.
    When she opened the laundry room door, Trixie was so happy to be free she was bouncing and wagging her tail and ‘talking’ to Daisy.
    Upstairs BL and Dixie were having ‘conversations’ of their own. Back in the livingroom, Daisy settled on the loveseat with Trixie in her lap. Dixie and Scrapie were in the recliner and BL and Sadie cuddled up on the couch to watch movies. 
    “We should get a pizza so we can have cold pizza for breakfast like we used to,” BL suggested.
    Dixie replied, "See, I'm not the only one who thinks about food. I'm comfy. I'll pay if someone goes after it, but we might want to get two."
    Daisy replied, "I think I have a coupon. Let me look." While Daisy looked through her purse, Dixie asked, "Do you think the guys might want a couple too?"
    Daisy said, "I do have coupons. Buy a large and get a medium for a dollar."
    “I’ll go get it, since it was my idea,” BL said then answered Dixie’s question, “I’ll radio or go by and ask, if they do then they can call it in and tell the pizza place it’s being picked up with ours.”
    Dixie gave BL enough money for pizza for everyone, "Get extra cheese on them. If you call the garage then call in the order the pizzas can be ready when you get there, but that's up to you."
    “Be back soon,” BL said and two out of 3 dog heads shot up, BL asked ”who wants to go for a ride?” Scrapie wasted no time abandoning Dixie’s side. Sadie was always up for a car ride. Not wanting to be left out, Trixie lept from Daisy’s lap. Even though it was a nice night BL put the top up so Scrapie and Trixie could rear up and see out the window without falling overboard. Then she headed for the garage to see if the guys wanted pizza. If so it’d be easiest to order everything at once.
    Pulling up at the garage the dogs bailed out as soon as BL cleared the seat. Seeing Luke, Scrapie went straight to him, rearing up on Luke’s leg.
    Trixie recognized Bo as her rescuer and she made a bee line for him, yipping and turning circles like she was chasing her tail, then rearing up on his legs until Bo wiped his hands on a grease rag and picked her up. Once picked up his face was covered in kisses as Trixie licked profusely.
    “Aww how sweet she’s thanking you for rescuing her,” BL said.
    ”Back so soon? You know sis, it's starting to look like you’re checking up on Bo,”
    “Hush LB! I came to ask if ya’ll wanted a couple pizzas, while I’m going,” BL said.
    Cooter replied, "We're always game for food. Right guys?"
    The others agreed. 
    Luke reached for his wallet, "What do we want?" He asked as he went to hand BL money.
    BL advised, "Dixie beat you to that."
    LB said, "Hey, free food is always better."
    “What do ya’ll want?” BL asked then added "If I call it in here by the time I get there, it should be ready.” 
    "I like most anything." Luke said. 
    The others agreed
    "Ok, get us a couple loaded pizzas." Luke said.
    “Do you want extra cheese? Dixie wants extra cheese,” BL said.
    "Of course." The guys said as if that should have been a given.
    BL made the call to the all night pizza place and ordered 4 loaded pizzas with extra cheese. “I’ll be back as soon as I can, pizzas should be ready when I get there, come on pups let's go ride some more,” BL said.
    Sadie ran behind BL, Scrapie looked to Luke then to Sadie.
    Luke told him, "Go on. You can go play."
    Scrapie yipped then followed Sadie. 
    With Bo's face all washed, he sat Trixie down. "You go to go too girl." 
    Trixie's feet were moving before they hit the floor chasing after Scrapie.
    All three ran to the car and jumped in while BL held the door open. In no big hurry so the pizzas would be ready for pickup, BL drove slower than usual, arriving at the pizza place BL said as she got out “ya’ll be good, I’ll be right back.
    Inside Mavis Perkins Red Perkins daughter was working the cash register.
    “Hey Mavis, I called in 4 pizzas, 2 large and  2 medium ones, loaded. I have a coupon for 1 large and then the medium’s a dollar” BL said.
    “Right here,” Mavis said. Ringing it all up, Mavis took the money and the coupon.
    BL was soon on her way back to the garage.
    The men figured they had enough time before BL got back to finish the current job on the General, so after a sip of their beer, they got back at it. 
    While BL and the pups were gone, Dixie went to the bathroom then found the pair of loose stretchy pants of Luke's that had turned up at the farm and his shirt she had worn home with it.  She grabbed her pillows and headed back downstairs. She also pulled a light blanket out of the closet and tossed on the couch. "Do you want something to drink Daisy? I'm gonna get a Pepsi. 
    “No thanks I’m good but I think while we’re waiting for BL I’m gonna change into something more comfortable,” Daisy picked up her high heels she had shucked as soon as they got back from supper, then went upstairs, coming back down a few minutes later in capri pajama bottoms and one of the girls night shirts, she wasn’t sure who’s. She had gotten a pillow off the spare bed too and tossed it on the loveseat.
    “Ahh much better.” Daisy said, stretching out.
    BL parked in front of the garage, let the dogs out then got the guys pizzas from the backseat.
    “Pizza delivery,” BL said.
    “Thanks. Just sit it down somewhere,” Cooter said, each of them was working on different parts of the car. Cooter and Luke were under the hood and Bo’s and LB’s feet stuck out from underneath. One from the side, the other from the rear.
    ”See ya’ll later, come on pups,” BL said. Back at Dixie’s BL went in to find Dixie and Daisy stretched out and comfy.
    “I’m back, give me a minute to get comfy too,” BL said heading to the kitchen, deciding to let the dogs out back to run off the zoomies. It wasn’t dark yet.
    “Leave for 30 minutes and you steal my spot cousin,” BL said to Dixie on her way to change, coming back in a nightshirt with elastic waisted shorts underneath.
    Dixie replied, "You moved. You lose."
    After wiping their hands the guys all grabbed a piece of pizza and a seat on tires or buckets outside. 
    A couple minutes later, Luke stood up looking across the square, "That was weird. I just saw Rosco. It's a bit late for him to be out and not be at the Boar's Nest, ain't it?"
    “Wasn’t I moved cos I was getting a midnight snack/breakfast,” BL said, adding “hand me the afghan off the back of the couch.”
    Popping another movie in, BL settled in the recliner,afghan over her legs.
    “Rosco’s weird anyway you look at him,” LB said.
    Cooter replied, "He has a point there."
    Luke added, "Well you got that right. Let's get back to work."
    Sadie was curled up with BL. Scrapie jumped down for a drink. He was followed by Trixie. When they came back, Trixie stood up wanting BL to pick her up. Sadie wasn't going to have it. She let out a low growl in warning. 
    Dixie said, "Awww, come on over here baby." Both Scrapie and Trixie cuddled up to her and each other. Soon they had wiggled their way under the covers.
    “Sadie hush,” BL scolded, adding  “you are going to have to learn to share me, Trixie is part of the family now.”
    Sadie huffed.
    At the garage the guys worked, ate, drank and talked. By now it was late, real late. 
    Luke stepped to the garage door and again saw Rosco circling the square. "Bo. hey Bo, why is Rosco out so late."
    Cooter frowned, "He ain't even been at the Boar's Nest on payday after midnight in months.”
    “Maybe he forgot his way home,” Bo, Cooter and LB all came over to the garage door to watch the Sheriff.
    “He’s upto something and I bet dollars to donuts it's gonna bite a Duke or Davenport in the rear end,” Cooter said.
    At the house Daisy was having a hard time keeping her eyes open, it had been a long day.
    Dixie had snuggled down into the couch with Trixie and Scrapie under the covers. She wanted to see the end of the movie but wasn't sure she was gonna make it until she moved a little. She swore silently. "Pause it, BL. You guys have got to move." Dixie fought her way out from under the covers and headed to the bathroom. Once she was done and back downstairs, she asked, "Anyone need anything from the kitchen?" 
    The pups followed her and asked to go out.
    “Bring me back a soda or coffee, if I don’t get some caffeine, I won’t make it to see the ending,” Daisy said. Sadie jumped down and went out with Scrapie and Trixie.
    “Bring back my chocolate pie, I could use a snack. It has my name on a sticky note on the lid,” BL said.
    Dixie and the pups came back with Daisy a soda, BL's dessert, and Dixie brought her dessert in also. "Sorry. You can hit play now." Soon they were resettled and watched the rest of the movie.
    Luke wasn’t the only to notice that late hours were being kept by a normally daytime worker, Rosco couldn’t see exactly what was going on at the garage but he could see lights on.
    “I wonder what’s going on at the garage?” Rosco asked Flash but all he got for an answer was a snore.
    At the house the girls were watching their movie and Dixie and BL ate their desserts, Sadie was staring a hole in BL waiting for a bite.
    “Sorry Sadie girl, this is chocolate, you can’t have any, it'll make you sick,” BL said.
    A bit later, as BL was switching the movies, Dixie said, "OK pups, I gotta get up again." She headed upstairs to the bathroom. When she returned she took the dessert containers to the kitchen and came back with a glass of tea and another dessert container while chewing something else.
    “Still eating?” BL asked, raising her eyebrows. She didn’t know how Dixie could eat so much and not be as big as Lulu Hogg. “What is it this time?” BL asked.
    "Luke’s dessert. Ya'll I don't know why, but after the morning sickness finally left. It seems like I am starving every two to three hours." Dixie said and then added, "And, I gave up counting how many times I go to the bathroom in a day."
    Daisy grinned, "It's just the joys of being a mother."
    Dixie thought about that before she replied, "I'm not sure what I'm experiencing is 'joys', Daisy." The part of Daisy’s statement that took Dixie by surprise was being called a Mother. Sure, she was pregnant and knew there was a little Duke on the way but had never thought about the fact that she was now very much a mother.
    Daisy gushed, "But the minute you hold that baby all that will go away."
    Dixie asked, "How exactly would you know that?"
    "Uncle Jesse is the best mid-wife around and I've helped him and seen it." Daisy explained.
    "There is no way, holding a baby is ever gonna make me not remember the morning sickness and the ten trips a night to the bathroom and I'm not even showing."
    BL couldn’t stop the smart remark on the tip of her tongue from rolling out, “keep eating like that and you will be.”
    “BL!” Daisy said.
    "I know she's just picking on me. There is nothing more that I have ever wanted than to be Luke Duke's wife and the mother of his kids, but I didn't realize how much more there was to it between the fun of making the baby and having it." Dixie said.
    “You’ll have something besides the baby when it's over, stretch marks will be your trophy, you can kiss your bikini wearing days goodbye,” BL pointed out.
    "I never really liked a bikini anyway." Dixie said but added, "If you are so concerned about your appearance, you might want to reconsider those birth control pills."
    BL looked at Dixie, she was only picking like Dixie had told Daisy but she hadn’t sounded like she was picking back just now. 
    “I’m not concerned,” BL said, trying to sound convincing. 
    She wasn’t really worried. Bo would love her no matter what, atleast that’s what she was telling herself.
    Dixie looked at Daisy, wondering if BL had convinced her.
    Daisy hadn’t jumped in this but an “uh huh” slipped out of its own accord, giving Dixie her answer on whether or not Daisy believed BL.
    “What does uh huh mean?”  BL asked.
    Daisy said in a lighthearted manner, "It just sounded like you might be trying to convince yourself of a few things."
    BL didn’t say she was or she wasn’t but asked, “have ya’ll seen Dobro’s sister-inlaw Jeannie Ann? I know she’s having twins but Lordy, she was smaller than me. Should she be THAT big?”
    Daisy replied, "Give her a few months, chasing and doing for twins, she’ll drop any weight she's gained."
    "I hope I do. I've never been little by any means, but I'm not getting any younger." Dixie said.
    BL thought about Millie Jones that had gone to school with her but had dropped out their junior year because she had got pregnant and had not regained her figure afterwards and it wasn’t lack of exercise because she had been raising the kid on her own the last twelve or so years after her parents had thrown her out and the baby’s father had not married her.
    Over at the garage, the work was done on the General. 
    Cooter shut the hood and said, "Well, ... that, .... ought, ... to just about, .... do it."
    Bo added, "Yeah, ... all we need to do now, is try it out." 
    Luke shot him a warning look, "Oh, ... no, ... we don't neither. Not tonight. Tomorrow is plenty enough time."
    Daisy asked “BL something wrong? You got quiet.”
    BL focused on Daisy, “sorry, I’m ok.”
    “Hey Dix, can you get me an appointment with Dr. Quinn this week before the wedding?” BL asked.
    Dixie replied, "Yeah, it shouldn't be a problem, but you know for them to work right it takes a bit for them to get into your system."
    “I know that’s why I want to start them ASAP, the sooner I do the sooner they start working,” BL said.
    At the garage the guys were drinking beer and swapping tall tales just like they used to when they worked all night.
    BALLADEER: They were telling some whoppers. Kind of like a fish story of the one that got away, the fish gets bigger everytime it’s told.
    Somewhere in the back of Luke's mind, he had about half planned to walk home after Bo and the others went to sleep. None of the guys had hung out like this together in years. Luke knew a few things: 1. If he went home, the likelihood of his supper being intact was slim; 2. Dixie had likely fallen asleep long ago; 3. If he went home, either the girls but most likely the guys would think him 'hen pecked'. Luke reached for another beer as he listened to LB tell how he had just missed this wild boar. This was the third time he had told the story, but the boar was much bigger this time.
    BL was pondering over how she was going to tell Bo she had changed her mind about taking birth control atleast for a while, so they could get used to marriage before starting a family instead of handling it all at once. They had agreed to let nature take its course. Sadie and Trixie were enough ‘babies’ for the time being.
    Daisy stifled a yawn, the current movie was near the end but she wasn’t sure she was going to make it and stay awake much longer.
    Scrapie had turned upside down under Dixie's cover and she wasn't far behind him as she pulled the cover up a bit.
    Even with alot on her mind BL was finding sleep was trying to claim her. A bit later the complete silence roused BL. The TV screen had turned blue, they had all missed the movie. At some point Daisy had gotten her own light blanket, now she was stretched over the loveseat’s arms sound asleep.  Dixie snored softly on the couch, two little bumps that were Scrapie and Trixie was under the cover pulled up to her chin. BL eased over the arm of the recliner so she didn’t disturb the others by letting down the footrest. Taking the tape from the VCR, she turned it and the TV off, then got back in the recliner the same way she got out and fell asleep again within minutes.
    Luke finished one too many beers, something he hadn't done in a long while. As he stood up silently for a nature call, he saw a grey sedan circle Hazzard Square. Luke glanced at the old clock on the wall. It was late, very late, but not late enough to be early morning.
    A bit later, from the phone booth on the edge of town, a call was being placed by Leroy who drove a grey sedan. "The only thing I seen going on anywhere was there were several vehicles at the local garage and lights were on inside."
    "Are you sure?" Asked the voice on the other end.
    Leroy replied, "Positive, Boss Hughie. The lights are off at the fat man's house. There was no sign of the law being out. The little bar was closed."
    Hughie hung up the phone, lit an expensive cigar and smiled.
    Used to getting up reasonably early, Daisy eased up from the loveseat about 5:30 am. She had just enough time to get ready and be at the Boar’s Nest to open at 6 for the breakfast crowd which wasn’t big, just a handful of long haul truckers.
    BL shifted in the recliner and cracked her eyes looking over at Daisy.
    “I have to work the morning shift, it’s the only way Boss would agree to the shower being at the Boar’s Nest,” Daisy whispered, adding “See ya’ll this afternoon at the shower.” 
    After Daisy grabbed a soda and a slice of pizza she left. BL and Dixie slept a bit longer. 
    “Wanna go get the guys some doughnuts? It is Saturday morning you know,” BL said.
    BALLADEER: The boys have been having a breakfast of beer and doughnuts at the garage on Saturday morning for years.
    "Sure, but I need a few." Dixie went upstairs to the bathroom. After using the bathroom for what felt like forever, she turned on the shower. She didn't feel sick, but she was off. A few minutes later, she pulled out some casual clothes of jeans and sleeveless top. As Dixie put on her underwear, she felt them dig into her like they had shrunk. Well, she did feel bloated this morning. She got her jeans up but saw there was no way they would button. She tried another pair and they fit the same way. She finally reached for a pair of stretchy jogger type pants. Grabbing a bra she hooked it fine but noticed she was over filling the cups. She reached for the bra she had worn to work yesterday and found it fit the same way. It would have to do. She put on the top and found it now was a bit lower cut than normal and more snug. She figured they were going to the garage not a fashion show so she pulled her hair back and headed downstairs.
    While Dixie was in the bathroom BL let the dogs out back and went upstairs to her room and put on a t-shirt and jeans and then pulled her hair into a ponytail then went downstairs. "We taking the dogs with us?" BL asked Dixie.
    "Sure, why not." Dixie replied.
    From an undisclosed location outside of Hazzard, Hughie Hogg read the Hazzard  Gazette aloud, "Bo Duke and BL Davenport would like to announce their wedding Saturday September 1st at Hazzard Gospel Church at 2pm. Invitation only, followed by a reception at the Boar’s Nest." He puffed his cigar. "Well, now would you just look at that. This is perfect."
    ”Sadie, Trixie, Scrapie I’m leaving. Wanna go?” BL hollered as she and Dixie came out onto the front porch. The three dogs came around the house barking.
    “I’d say that’s a yes,” Dixie said as she opened the passenger door to BL’s car. The 3 dogs got in, followed by Dixie. BL in the driver’s seat headed for the bakery in the town square. 
    “You wanna go in while I stay with the dogs or do you wanna stay and me go?” BL asked.
    Dixie replied, "It's likely cheaper if I stay out here."
    BL laughed “I’ll be right back,”
    “Mornin’ Betty Lynn, I need a dozen glazed doughnuts,” BL told the lady behind the counter.
    “Are you all set to get married next weekend?” Betty Lynn asked, putting doughnuts in a box.
    “Yes ma’am, I couldn’t have done it all so quick without Daisy’s help,” BL replied.
    Betty Lynn handed BL the box of doughnuts and rung up the purchase.
    “Thanks Betty Lynn, see you next Saturday,” BL said, heading back to the car.
    Betty Lynn waved while answering the phone. BL handed the box to Dixie so she could drive.
    “Try not to eat all those before we get to the garage,” BL teased.
    "They are pretty safe, but it's all the others in there that wouldn't have been if I'd gone in and seen them." Dixie said.
    BL pulled in at the garage, General Lee now parked outside to make room to work on other cars.
    “Breakfast,” BL said, Dixie sat the box on the desk.
    “What is it?” LB asked, earning him looks of ‘really’ from the other men, even BL and Dixie.
    Dixie replied as she took her normal seat since childhood at the register, "The same Saturday morning breakfast that's been in this garage since I could walk is all." Dixie was glad to smell coffee and turned to get some. She noticed that Luke was also drinking coffee, so he is likely the one who made it.
    LB reached for a beer, "Anyone else want one? BL? Dixie?" He asked, being polite and from habit.
    Luke said firmly as if he'd lost his mind, "Of course not."
    Dixie said a bit nicer, "I'll stick with coffee LB."
    BL wasn’t as nice as Dixie or even Luke, she smacked her brother in the back of the head with an open hand but it was still hard enough to knock his hat over his eyes.
    “She’s pregnant dummy, she can’t have alcohol,” BL said
    LB frowned at BL's actions and said, "Oh, yeah, I forgot. Sorry, Dixie, Luke. But, she sure don't look pregnant."
    Dixie smiled, "LB, don't pay them any mind. You might just be my favorite Davenport this morning."
    Cooter looked at his sister, "What did I do?"
    "Nothing yet." Dixie replied.
    “Bo you sure are quiet,” BL said.
    BL knew Bo wasn’t a morning person the same as Dixie but it wasn’t as early as he’d have gotten up at the farm.
    “Just tired, lack of sleep,” Bo replied.
    “Maybe a few too many,” Cooter said. 
    Bo looked at Cooter, "Cute. I'm gonna grab a shower." 
    Luke let Bo walk off before asking, "Did you ever fix the hot water in the shower?"
    Cooter replied, "Nah. Ain't really thought about it."
    Luke chuckled as he saw Cooter about to warn Bo, "Shhh. Don't say nothing."
    Dixie asked, "What's wrong with the hot water."
    Luke replied honestly, "Nothing."
    At that moment, Bo had gotten undressed, stepped in the shower and cranked open the hot water valve. The water hit him wide open but was nowhere near hot.
    Bo was now moving and jumping around trying to get away from the cold water.
    BL knew exactly what was ‘not’ wrong with the hot water just by looking at Luke and Cooter, Luke’s chuckle proved even more she figured right, “ya’ll are mean,” BL couldn’t hide her own slight grin.
    Luke replied, "He never asked."
    “His brain wasn’t firing on all cylinders yet,” BL said.
    “Bet it is now,” Cooter said grinning like the Cheshire cat.
    Luke replied knowingly, "Oh, yeah, that water is almost as cold as Jesse's well water."
    “How and why exactly do you know this?” LB asked, once again not thinking about what he was saying.
    "I used to shower here quite often when I ran parts and drove the wrecker." Luke said honestly. "The water hasn't been fixed since."
    Bo came back and he did not look happy.
    “Cooter, why didn’t you tell me the hot water don’t work?” Bo asked a mite perturbed.
    “Uh, Luke told me not to,” Cooter said, throwing Luke under the bus.
    Luke held his hands out in front of himself, "Bo, that hot water ain't worked since we were in high school."
    "You used to shower here often." Bo stated.
    Luke replied, "Yes, yes, I did."
    About that time, Dixie got up, squeezed between Luke and the counter, then walked out front to see what Trixie was doing.
    Luke watched her go. "There were reasons like that," pointing to his wife, "that made those showers welcome."
    “I reckon I better mosey on home, get some chores done, see ya’ll tonight at the lake,” LB said, getting in his truck heading home, just as Luther pulled in the lot.
    “I better get on home too,” Bo said. “Luke,you coming out to the farm later to test the General for tonight?”
    Luke grabbed a beer and a doughnut. "I'll ride with you. Dixie, do you care to bring the truck?"
    Dixie gave him a look about the open container.
    "I'm not driving." Luke reminded. 
    "I'll get Scrapie and be behind you." Dixie called, "Come on Scrapie." She opened the truck door to put him in and before she could get him, both Scrapie and Trixie were in the truck.
    “I don’t think they’re done playing together, leave her with Bo. He rescued her besides she might have fun at the farm, lots to explore,” BL said. 
    “Ain’t you coming out too?” Bo asked, giving BL his best ladykiller grin.
    “Yeah be right behind you when I get Sadie,” BL replied, then called “come on Sadie time to go, load up.” Sadie ran over to the convertible hopping over the side.
    Luther walked into a now empty garage except for Cooter, who had just taken a big bite of a doughnut. 
    "Do I have the plague or something? I pull up to my own garage and all the help leaves."
    BL had started out bringing up the rear as they all left town but the dust Dixie was kicking up was killing her. Picking up her CB mic she said “Lookout Dixie I’m coming through, dust was not what I planned on having for breakfast?” BL said, swerving over. “I’m gonna stop by and get something nice to wear to the shower, so I can change at the farm and go then, and get Daisy’s clothes I borrowed the other day. Come on if you want something to wear too.”
    Dixie replied “10-4”.
    BL turned off onto the gravel drive to her house, pulling in the yard, eyes widening at the sight of Clyde and LB chasing goats.
    “Holy mackerel. C’mon Sadie, put’em back to the barn!“ BL said, getting out to help her father and brother. Sadie bailed over the passenger door ready to go to work. Spotting a couple drifters Sadie veered off toward them, heading them back toward the barn.
    As Dixie got out of the truck she said, "Stay here Scrap...." that was as far as her sentence got before Scrapie and Trixie were out of the truck and on the hunt. Not quite sure for a minute what they were hunting but after chasing Sadie who was herding the goats they got the idea.
    A baby just a couple weeks old decided to go exploring but didn’t get far before Scrapie and Trixie working as a team, sent it right back to its mother’s side.
    “Good work Scrapie, good job Trixie, that's right work together,” BL called out as she walked along behind to push stragglers.
    Dixie made her way to the porch swing to watch the activities. "Good job, Scrapie, Trixie!"
    Luke finished his doughnut and his beer before getting anywhere near the farm. Not wanting the empty container in the General Lee nor wanting to litter, Luke said, "Hey Bo, slow up at these mailboxes."
    Bo didn't have a clue what Luke was doing but slowed to a stop. 
    Luke promptly placed the empty beer bottle in the mailbox, then said, "Pull out real easy like."
    Bo did. "So it was you!"
    "Was me? What?" Luke asked innocently.
    "That used to put the empty beer bottles in the mailboxes. I can remember back in high school, the old men would be fussing about finding them. Even Uncle Jesse found some."
    "Well, he had to or, everyone would have thought it was us." Luke reasoned.
    The dogs herded the last of the goats in the pasture and LB shut and chained the gate.
    BL loved on all 3 dogs and said “you all did great” The trio was pleased with themselves for a job well done and earned them love and praise, they all ran onto the porch barking and yipping, ‘telling’ Dixie about chasing the ornery goats back to the barn.
    BL plopped down on the other end of the swing.
    “We got us a multifunctional pack, some think a dog can only do the ‘job’ they’re bred to do but smart dogs like this crew can do anything,” BL said smiling.
    Dixie was petting and praising the pups when Clyde walked by mumbling something about goats and the place going to the dogs. Both girls laughed after Cldye got in the house.
    “I’m gonna get Daisy’s clothes and something to wear to the shower. Want to come in and look, I might have something that has elastic besides joggers or skirts,” BL said.
    "I just threw this on this morning figuring on going home. It would be great if you had some black elastic dress pants. It's dressy but not a dress." Dixie said.
    “Ya know what I think I might and there might even be some tops. You know the ones that fit up top but flare out on bottom? I need to get rid of some stuff so there’s room for Bo’s clothes. You can have anything that fits,” BL said.
    "Didn't you have some stuff that was a little too big for you? That way they should be roomy." Dixie asked.
    “Yeah they had the size I needed on the tag but were made big or missized,” BL replied.
    Dixie said, "Let's  try those."
    Out at the farm, Jesse heard General Lee pull up. He took his plate to the sink and poured more coffee. At the sound of the back door opening, he asked, "Bo, do you want breakfast or have you already got full on doughnuts?"
    Luke spoke, "We're good on food but I'll take a cup of coffee before we get at it."
     "Well, alright. I wasn't expecting you this morning."
    Luke replied, "I figure I'd come out and we'd get done that much sooner. The girls are behind us somewhere."
    “Ok,” BL said.
    The girls went in the house to BL’s room. Digging in the back of the closet, BL laid a small stack of clothes on the bed.
    “I think most of that if not all of it will give you growing room,” BL said.
    “I’ll take a cup too,” Bo said, still feeling the effects of last night. Not really hungover, just rough.
    Dixie tried the clothes on which fit just fine. They were big enough to give her room but not too big.  
    Jesse eyed the boys hard, "Long night?"
    Luke nodded 'yes', "Even with all four of us, there was still a lot to do, then those old Army cots weren't never comfortable. I'm not sure how we managed to sleep on them."
    Jesse replied, "Ya'll were a mite younger."
    "That we were." Luke said.
    “Here put them in this, so they're easy to carry,” BL handed Dixie a dark teal floral bag from her Vera Bradly luggage set. In the smallest matching bag of the set BL put Daisy’s clothes she’d borrowed, underwear and her denim skirt and short sleeved button up shirt, saying
    “Ready when you are.”
    Dixie said, "As soon as we round up the pups. I think LB was rewarding them."
    “Probably with Daddy’s bacon. Oh well if he wants to take his life into his own hands,” BL shrugged “I can’t stop him,” Both girls laughed.
    Before long BL, Dixie, Sadie,  Scrapie, and Trixie pulled in. Jesse was sitting on the front porch and greeted the dogs and met Trixie. "Have you girls eaten? The fellas are out in the barn."
    BL replied, "We had leftover pizza and soda just like we used to at sleepovers."
    "That ain't no kind of a breakfast. I'll go rustle ya’ll up something proper."
    Before either of them could protest, the screen door was banging shut.
    “Good thing the fellas Aunt Pauline and Aunt Bessie ain’t here, they probably already think I can’t cook after Daisy sent the leftover from Sunday 
    Lunch, home with Luke and me, now they’d think me a terrible wife, serving leftover pizza for breakfast,” Dixie said.
    “Nah they wouldn't. I'm the one who said we had leftover pizza and soda. I’m gonna get Daisy’s clothes out of the car then I’ll be right in,” BL said.
    In the kitchen, Jesse was mixing up a bowl of pancake batter.
    Dixie figured if Jesse was going to cook, the least she could do was help. She went to the kitchen and asked, "What can I do since I'm putting you to all this trouble?"
    "It's no trouble at all. Besides, it pleasures me to cook for that little one and you, of course." Jesse said. 
    The pancakes smelled amazing as they started to cook. Dixie noticed Jesse had whipped up a lot of batter. 
    Just then, Bo came in the back door, "What smells so good?"
    Jesse said, "The girls had left over pizza for breakfast. I'm making them some pancakes. "
    In true three year old Bo Duke style, he asked, "How come they get pancakes?"
    Jesse shook his head, "Dixie will you get out a stack of plates and the pitcher of milk?"
    Dixie did as asked. When she opened the fridge and saw the eggs she really wanted some eggs. She turned to Jesse, "Would you mind very much frying a couple eggs to go with the pancakes?"
    "Get out what you want. I’ll cook it. Eggs are good for you." Jesse said. 
    "Thank you." Dixie set out four 
    Jesse couldn't help but to smile just a bit.
     BL put Daisy’s clothes she’d borrowed on the bed then made her way to the kitchen  to offer her help.
    “Anything I can do?” BL asked.
    “See if we need more coffee,” Jesse then asked “do you want eggs with your pancakes?”
    “No but can I have a couple pieces of sausage please?” BL requested.
    “Sure anything you girls want,” Jesse replied, never one to turn away a hungry mouth.
    “Sausage sounds good too, can I have a couple pieces too?” Dixie asked.
    “How about you Bo?” Jesse asked his nephew.
    “Yes, 2 please,” Bo replied.
    With Dixie and BL’s help, Jesse cooked them all what he called a ‘proper’ breakfast.
    BALLADEER: As late in the morning as it’s getting to be, city folks call it brunch
    Luke came in the back door and saw the table was set.
    “Can I get a couple of those eggs please?” Luke asked, changing his mind about eating.
    “Sure Luke,” Jesse replied, putting the food on the table. All the ‘kids’ dished up food on their plates,only Luke didn’t have eggs, pancakes and sausage he just had eggs and another cup of coffee When they were all done, Luke refilled his coffee cup asking,
    ”Uncle Jesse can I talk to you out on the porch?
    “Sure Luke,”Jesse said, then seeing a look in Luke’s eyes, added, “You don’t mind cleaning up, do you girls? Bo why don’t you check on the dogs.”
    “Of course we don’t mind cleaning up, you cooked, it’s the least we can do,” Dixie replied.
    BL started gathering up the dishes, while Bo went out the back door and Jesse and Luke took coffee to the front porch.
    “Uncle Jesse can I ask you something?” Luke asked, sipping his coffee.. 
    “Dixie’s been eating alot more than usual, is that normal?”
    “Yes, don’t fret son that baby will let her know what it wants or needs,” Jesse replied.
    Then added, "Some of them may seem strange but as long as it's not dangerous they will be fine. And by dangerous I mean like wanting non food items like coal or dirt. Those things could mean she's lacking minerals or vitamins. But ice cream and pickles is fine."
    Luke frowned, "You aren't serious about the ice cream and pickles, right?"
    Jesse said, "Bo's mama wanted it.  Cherry ice cream and sweet pickles."
    Luke mumbled, "I always knew he was strange."
    The girls got the kitchen cleaned up and then an idea hit BL, “we got a while before the shower right? Wanna help Daisy out and do her housework? She was up really late, then had to be at work early this morning to get Boss Hogg to let her have the shower at the Boar’s Nest, she’s gonna be dog tired. It's the least I can do to repay her,” BL said.
    Dixie agreed. They might as well pitch in since the guys were doing needed work around the farm.
    “Why don’t you dust and I’ll put laundry in to wash,” BL suggested, she was trying to give Dixie the light housework not because Dixie couldn’t handle the more strenuous stuff but because she didn’t want Luke on her case about letting Dixie do too much.
    Bo was awake now and well fed, "When are we gonna give General Lee a test run so we still have time to make adjustments?"
    Luke replied, "We gotta get done here. Where are you wanting to try him out at?"
    “Skunk hollow out near route 9-11,” Bo replied.
    Luke replied, "All right. Let's  get this done, we'll tell the girls we need to run out for a bit. Hopefully, we can get out and back while Rosco is taking his afternoon nap."
    “Alright, let’s get busy, then cousin,”Bo said, splitting wood to make kindling, with renewed vigor. The weather was due to get cooler a few nights and days next week, Uncle Jesse would want to build a fire in the evenings to read his paper.
    In the house BL was sweeping and mopping while Dixie went over the rugs with the rug sweeper.
    A bit later, Bo and Luke came into the house to find it near abouts in tip-top shape. "Darlin', what are you doing?" Bo asked.
    “Housework, it’s the least I can do after all Daisy has done for the wedding on short notice,” BL replied.
    Bo said, "Darlin, no one expects you girls to clean the house."
    Dixie offered, "We wanted to, and before you say anything, the heaviest thing I've lifted is the feather duster." 
    Luke took the warning tone to heart, "Well, ok. Just don't over do it. Me and Bo need to run out for a spell. We'll be back directly."
    Bo kissed the end of his finger and touched the tip of BL’s nose saying,
    “Don’t lift something and hurt yourself darlin’ we got plans next Saturday.”
    “Even if Daddy, Cooter and Luther have to carry me down the aisle on a plank, I wouldn’t miss our wedding but I promise not to lift anything heavier than a foot stool or laundry basket,” BL replied.
    Satisfied Bo and Luke went out, climbed in General Lee with Bo behind the steering wheel, tearing out like the tail pipe was on fire.
    “Their upto something,” Dixie said.
    BL nodded ‘yes’, Luke was shuckin’ and jivin’ and Bo was being extra charming,” BL said, adding “whaddya say we follow, see what they’re upto?”
    “Ok, we’ll take Luke’s truck, it’s black your red car will stick out like a sore thumb,” 
    Dixie replied as the girls headed out to Luke's truck. Dixie never really expected to keep up with Bo but at the end of the drive way it was obvious Bo had turned left, so Dixie turned left. Wherever they were going it wasn't towards town.
    Bo was putting the General through all his paces when from out of nowhere they heard a siren. Luke looked over his shoulder out the back window and saw Rosco.
    “Bo we got company and if you don’t lose him we ain’t gonna race tonight because we’ll be behind bars and when we get out the girls are gonna kill us,” Luke said.
    “Bye, bye Rosco,” Bo grabbed another gear and put his foot to the floor.
    Dixie and Luke's truck may not have been as fast as Bo in the General Lee but when Dixie rounded a hairpin turn she nearly ran into Rosco as he pulled out after the General without looking the other way. Dixie hit the brakes hard and avoided Rosco as he sped after the General. Dixie and BL were just close enough to catch a glimpse of an orange streak and a cloud of dust way ahead of Rosco.
    “DIXIE LOOKOUT,” BL shouted, seeing Rosco a half second before he pulled out. Grabbing hold of the hand hold that helped someone pull themself into the truck and planting her feet firmly on the floor, BL braced for either impact or sudden stop, thankful it was the latter.
    After stopping for a split second, Dixie sped back up behind Rosco. "Any ideas? I can't catch up to the guys and really don't see getting around Rosco."
    “Yeah, run the lights, maybe Rosco will let you pass. He don’t know for sure it's Bo AND Luke he ain’t got that close. All he knows for sure is General Lee is flat gittin’ it on all eight,'' BL. replied, it was the only thing she could think of.
    "Even if I get around Rosco with the lights, I can't catch Bo." Dixie said. 
    Luke saw an old moonshine road coming up, "Bo, listen to me. Slow down now, ...turn left NOW!"
    Bo had learned to listen to Luke at times like these years ago. He did as directed. 
    Rosco went right by.
    Dixie saw a glimpse of orange as she went by. "Bo lost Rosco." She kept driving for two reasons: one, she didn't want to give the guys location away to Rosco; two, she didn't want the guys to know she followed them.
    “I guess now we know what they’re upto. Looks to me like they’re practicing for the race tonight. They’re still great drivers and can ditch Rosco but they don’t race every Saturday night nomore and they don’t race on a track in legit races as much anymore neither, BL said.
    Dixie added, "I know they are both professional drivers, and I love the General Lee, but those youngin's have got a much newer and more dependable car."
    “The General may be older but he ain’t ready to be put out to pasture so to speak. Didn’t them, Cooter and LB just spend last night working to get the General in tip top form?” BL replied.
    Dixie nodded in agreement, "Yes, they did, but stil
    “Maybe they are testing those new parts,” BL suggested as another reason the boys were racing around.
    Dixie nodded. "You are probably right." Dixie had begun to slow down so she could turn around without Rosco or the boys seeing her.
    “We better get back to the farm before we get caught following them. I don’t want to start things off with Bo thinking I don’t trust him,” BL said, adding “I want to hang out that last load of laundry too, then we better get ready for the shower. I want to take a shower before we go.”
    Dixie gave BL a look, "You don't want Bo thinking that you don't trust him? You mean you do?" Dixie kidded.
    “Ha ha, cute,” BL said, sticking her tongue out at Dixie.
    Dixie laughed as she turned the truck toward Jesse's, "Just thought I'd ask."
    “Do you trust Luke?” BL asked, wearing her best poker face but her eyes danced with fun. Truth was they both trusted both Duke boys with their lives.
    Dixie grinned widely, "About as far as I can throw this truck which is why we are in it and out here."
    BL laughed “good point”.
    Back at the Duke farm BL whistled when she didn’t see the dogs anywhere, they came running from the direction of the creek. Sadie was wet upto her belly and the two little pups were wet halfway up their sides from laying in the cool water of the shallow creek.
    “What in the world have you three been upto?”
    Dixie said, "It looks like they have been enjoying themselves on the farm."
    “Good thing Luke’s truck don’t have cloth seats or carpet. He can atleast take them back to your house and not have a mess to try to clean up,” BL said, getting her bag from the car. “Are you still going home to get ready?” BL asked.
    Dixie replied, "Yes, I still have no idea what I'm wearing."
    “Ok, see you at the Boar’s Nest in a bit,” BL said.
    Bo and Luke were still out racing around, neither had thought about the shower Daisy was giving BL and that the girls might need them for something. They were focused on tonight’s race.
    “General’s running smooth as silk, no way we can lose tonight cousin,” Bo said.
    Luke replied, "I still want to adjust the timing just a notch."
    Back at the farm, Dixie told Scrapie, "Stay with Sadie and Trixie. Luke will be back soon." She got in Luke's truck and headed to town. As she came into the square, Dixie did something that she seldom did. She pulled up in front of the Hazzard Emporium. Inside, she found a pair of grey dress pants a couple sizes larger than her normal size. After trying them on, Dixie was satisfied that they fit her well without being really big, yet they were nowhere near tight. She knew her friend Debbie's sister had sent her several tops that weren't maternity tops but were nice shirts she could wear for awhile. In that stuff there was a white dress shirt with layers of ruffles around the body and the three quarter sleeves also had ruffles on them. This was not her normal top but would be dressy and go with the grey pants really well. Dixie headed to the house to shower and dress.
    BL went into the farmhouse after Dixie had left, Jesse was at the stove making something that she guessed by the smell wasn’t edible.
    “Uncle Jesse, is it ok if I get ready for the shower here? The goats were out when me and Dixie went by Daddy’s and I helped him and LB get them up and I need to clean up. You should have seen Scrappie and even Trixie, they watched Sadie a few minutes then jumped right in herding the goats as fast as she did rat hunting/catching,” BL said.
    “I ain’t your Uncle Jesse,” Jesse fussed then added in a gentler tone “until next Saturday. To answer your question, yes, go ahead get cleaned up and ready.”
    “Thank you,”BL replied, heading for the bathroom. 
    At the Boar’s Nest Daisy was putting up a few decorations in the front room, Charlie the bartender had helped her clean the mess up from the lunch crowd, he’d even washed dishes before he’d left. Daisy pushed 4 tables together in a row, it wasn’t a big party, just a few close girl friends BL had either gone to school with or had been friends with BL, Dixie and Daisy all for years.
    Dixie laid her clothes out, then took a nice warm shower. Being the only one home, she crossed the hallway to her bedroom in only a towel. After checking the time on the clock, she saw she had plenty of time to get to the Boar’s Nest. Stretching out across the bed Dixie figured on just relaxing a few minutes.
    “Timing seems ok to me,” Bo said.
    At the Duke farm, BL also took her time showering, noone else would be needing a shower for hours, as long as Jesse had enough hot water to cook or wash a few dishes he wouldn’t fuss. Getting out and drying, BL put on her bra and underwear, then her denim skirt and button up short sleeved shirt. Next came just a touch of eye shadow, mascara and lip gloss. Brushing her hair, leaving it over her shoulders, BL went to Bo’s room to borrow his boot brush then she got a damp washcloth, going to the livingroom to clean her boots up, a simple job since they weren’t shiny.
    Dixie turned over, hugged Luke's pillow and realized it was daylight. She checked the clock and saw the time followed by her clothes on the chair. Dixie sat up, gathered herself a minute, then quickly dressed, brushed her hair then pulled it back. Dixie soon backed out of the driveway heading to the Boar's Nest. She never heard the phone ringing in the house as she pulled out.
    Daisy hung up the phone then asked BL “I thought you said Dixie went home to get ready?”
    BL replied “she did”
    “Well I just called and got no answer,” Daisy said.
    “Let me go out to the car, see if I can get her on the CB before we get too panicked,” BL replied, going out to her car, reaching in to get the CB mic. Propping a hip on the door then keying the mic “Sweet Talker calling Little Shotgun, Dixie you got your ears on?”
    In Dixie's rush to get to the shower, she never even thought about turning on the CB. She was thinking of all the things she had planned to do to help Daisy. She pushed the gas pedal down just a bit further.
    Bo and Luke had continued to disagree on General Lee’s timing so had decided to go to the garage to get Cooter’s input, BL’s call had just come over the air about the time they were sliding out the stock car’s windows. 
    “Bo let’s head back to the farm, maybe she had car trouble and her CB took out, so she can’t call for help. Maybe we’ll spot her along the way,” Luke slid back in starting the powerful engine as Bo was sliding in.
    “I’ll go by the house, see if she’s there, if not I’ll head for the Boar’s Nest, see if she broke down along the way…Holler if….,” Cooter said, the words “you need me,” spoken to air as Bo burned rubber.
    Cooter hustled to the wrecker, hopping in, he went around the square, then by the house seeing nothing he headed for the Boar’s Nest.
    BL had gone back inside to tell Daisy that Dixie wasn't answering. 
    Dixie pulled in between Daisy and BL in case they needed to load stuff into her vehicle. She checked her hair, then got out and took a minute to straighten herself before heading to the door.
    The second Daisy saw Dixie she let out a relieved breath then saying, “it’s about time you got here, I called but you didn’t answer.”
    “Where were you? I gave you a holler on the CB but all I got was radio silence,” BL added.
    Dixie was looking at them like they had two heads. "The phone never rang at the house and I didn't hear anything on the CB. I made the mistake of laying across the bed, fell asleep, so then I hurried over here." Dixie said.
    “I guess maybe you had left already when I called, because it hasn’t been that long ago that I called,” Daisy said.
    Cooter had worked himself up by the time he got to the Boar’s Nest, he parked the wrecker on the side of the parking lot opposite from the girls cars so he didn’t see Dixie’s Thunderbird as he strode to the door, on a mission.
    “There you are. Why didn’t you answer BL?” Cooter asked.
    “I didn’t hear anything on the CB,” Dixie said again. She didn’t see why everybody was so wound up.
    Before Cooter could say more, the door opened and Mary Lou Pringle came in with a cheese ball and crackers.
    “Hey everybody,” Mary Lou greeted, sitting her platter on the bar adding, “be right back, I left the gift in my car. Not enough hands.”
    “Cooter why don’t you let Luke know, Dixie’s ok,” BL said, her subtle way of telling Cooter to leave, this was a ladies only party.
    "Yeah. Yeah, I can do that. See ya." Cooter was still not happy as he made his way out the door. "Lost Sheep, this is Crazy Cooter. Little Shotgun is at the Boar's Nest with the others. Everything is fine."
    Dixie groaned slightly. "Ya'll didn't get Luke worked up did ya?"
    “We didn’t have to most likely, you not answering me on the CB was enough to do it,” BL said.
    “Did you remember the chips?” Daisy asked.
    "Yeah, I've had them in the trunk for a week now. Let me run out and get them." Dixie said. She ran out and got the chips and headed back inside.
    Cooter was still sitting in the parking lot when Bo and Luke pulled in. "Say, Cooter, why don't you head out a few miles and let me check out Dixie's radio." Luke said as he pulled his key to her car out. 
    "You got it." Cooter said. 
    After trying the radio for several minutes and finding nothing wrong with it, Luke concluded the only thing wrong with it was that Dixie likely forgot to turn it on. That was ok, he could fix that. "Crazy C, I got this figured out. Run back here with some electrical tape and we'll fix it right up."
    In no time at all Dixie's Thunderbird had the hood up, doors open, the wrecker pulled in behind it. Cooter was under the hood, Luke was in the floorboard.
    Dixie was filling punch cups with punch when one of the new arrivals asked, "What's wrong with your car?"
    Dixie replied, "Nothing. Why?"
    “Cooter’s under the hood,” was the answer. 
    Daisy was cutting the cake, so it’d be easier to serve. Everybody fixed a plate of the goodies of chicken salad sandwiches, veggies, chips and dip and got themselves a cup of punch, Daisy had decided they should have a late lunch instead of just snacks. Sitting back down at the lined up tables, everybody talked about the latest county gossip, some of it true, some not so much.
    Dixie sat her plate down, "I'll be right back." Dixie hurried out to her car and was just about to yell at Cooter until she saw Luke's jeans and boots hanging out from the passenger side of her car and Bo handing Luke something. She toned it down a mite before asking, "What are you three doing to my car?"
    Cooter looked up over the hood Bo giving him a look that was saying, ‘she’s your sister you tell her.’
    “Fixing your CB problem,” Cooter answered.
    "I don't have a CB problem." Dixie said, crossing her arms. 
    Cooter replied, "Oh. Um. Ok."
    Dixie made her way to the passenger side of her car and tapped her foot in the gravel while waiting on an answer.
    “Hey Luke, Dixie wants to know what we’re doing to her car,” Bo said, deciding that it had been his idea and Dixie was his wife, so he could explain.
    Luke mumbled something, then added more clearly, "Give me two minutes." Luke finished attaching the wire he had in his hand to the CB. 
    Dixie continued to tap her foot while waiting. 
    When Luke was done, he told Cooter, "Hook the battery back up."
    Cooter replied, "It's done."
    Luke turned the ignition key, then turned the CB on. He turned the ignition key on and off a couple of times, ensuring the radio came on with the key as long as the on button was in the on position. Then he scooted out and sat up. "There. It's done."
    "What exactly is done?" Dixie asked. 
    "We hooked your CB up to the key switch. Just leave it on and it will come on each time the key is on."
    Dixie just gave Luke a look. "Thanks I think. If ya’ll are done, I'll head back inside."
    Cooter slammed the hood and headed for the wrecker, Bo waited for Luke in General Lee neither wanting any part of what was going on between husband and wife.
    “C’mon Luke we still got a couple things to do before tonight’s race,” Bo hollered out the window.
    Daisy poked her head out the door, “hurry up Dixie, we’re about ready to do presents.”
    Luke reached out as Dixie turned to go inside. He gently pulled her to him for a quick kiss. 
    Dixie returned the kiss but gave him a look that said, 'it' wasn't over yet. 
    Luke picked up the tools and put his keys in his pocket and locked Dixie's car up before he replied to Bo, "Alright. I'm coming."
    Back inside Daisy handed BL a gift basket full of things to pamper herself such as bubble bath, shower gel, lotion, bath pouf, a manicure set and a scented candle. Next was another small basket of assorted facial products.
    “Give her this one next Daisy,” Mary Lou Pringle said, handing Daisy the garment box she had brought in.
    BL untied the ribbon around the box, pulling off the lid to reveal a silk with lace trim negligee set,
    “It’s beautiful Mary Lou, thank you,” BL said.
    “You're welcome,” Mary Lou replied.
    Next, Daisy pulled out a bigger clothing box the sort that dress coats came in. Daisy read the tag, "BL, this one is from Dixie."
    BL took the box cautiously, as if she was afraid something would jump out at her, but it didn't. She pulled the ribbon and gently opened the paper. 
    "You act like you don't trust me." Dixie grinned.
    BL replied, "Exactly, because I don't."
    Dixie frowned, "I'm offended."
    BL opened the box to find two soft fluffy robes.
    "Look at the pockets." Dixie said.
    BL opened the robes to find a "BLD" on one and a "BD" on the other. 
    Dixie added, "I monogrammed them myself. I guess I learned something from Grandma Davenport about sewing that was actually useful.”
    “I guess you did, these are amazing, thank you. They will feel great when the dogs want to go out early in the morning when it’s freezing outside,” BL said.
    Dixie agreed but added, "I was thinking about the hallway between the bedroom and bathroom."
    BL laughed, saying “hope you made you and Luke a set too.”
    "Maybe." Dixie added.
    “This is from me,” Daisy said, handing BL another garment box, this one a little smaller than the one from Dixie. 
    BL untied the ribbon, pushing aside the tissue paper, revealing a set of cotton pajamas for her and coordinating bottoms for Bo.
    “I didn’t get Bo a set just bottoms because he never wears a shirt,” Daisy said.
    “They're cute, thank you,” BL replied.
    Everyone had nibbled while BL opened her gifts. Daisy also handed BL several cards from various ladies in Hazzard. "While BL reads the cards, ya'll get some more snacks. No one wants to take anything back home. Then, we have a last gift."
    Dixie and a few others made a second trip to the snacks.
    In some of the cards a little money was inside, not much, just $10-$20. When everybody had sat back down, Daisy handed BL the last gift.
    “This is from Mary Lou T., and Becky Mae, they worked on it together,” Daisy said.
    BL untied the ribbon and removed the lid and pushed the tissue paper aside to reveal a lavender maxi dress with butterfly short sleeves, a ‘V’ neckline and a ruffled hem.
    “We thought you might need something special to wear at the reception, so you can change out of your wedding dress,” Mary Lou T. said.
    “Thank ya’ll it’s lovely,” BL replied.
    After fixing Dixie's CB, Bo and Luke went by the garage to let Cooter be the judge of whether or not General Lee's timing needed further adjusting. 
    As the guys were talking, Bo made his way to the fridge.
    Luke saw where he was heading, "If you are driving later, you better be sticking to root beer."
    Bo gave Luke a look but replied, "Fine."
    Luke added, "So since you are driving, it means I'm not. So bring me a beer."
    Cooter shook his head, thinking that neither of those two had changed a bit.
    “You want something Cooter?” Bo asked, getting two bottles from the fridge.
    “I’ll take one of them root beers,” Cooter replied.
    Bo got another bottle from the fridge, giving one to Luke and one to Cooter.
    Over at the Boar’s Nest the festivities were over. While Marybelle and Becky Mae helped Daisy clean up and get everything ready for the Saturday night crowd, Dxie and BL started taking BL’s gifts to the car.
    “I’m gonna leave my gifts at your place, in my room. Seems easier than moving them from one house to another a week later,” BL said.
    Dixie replied, "Alright, but I know an easier way to get them out of the car and upstairs than us carrying them."
    BL grinned, “Bet I can guess, it involves 4 maybe even 6 or 8 strong arms and 2 maybe even 3 or 4 strong backs?”
    Dixie grinned back, "It sure does. They were so eager to 'fix' my radio earlier."
    BL had been busy and hadn't gotten the full story asked, "What was wrong with it, anyway?"
    Dixie gave her a look, "Nothing. I was in a hurry and didn't turn it on, so the fastest pit crew in the South decided to fix it so it cuts on with the key."
    “Seriously?” BL asked.
    “Yep,” Dixie replied.
    “Heaven help, when you start showing, Luke may take away your driving privileges, so you have to have a chauffeur like an unlicensed teen,” BL said, only half joking. She wouldn’t put it entirely past Luke to be that overprotective.
    "I don't know why any of you got excited anyway. So I was running a bit late. How many times have those two been late for something?" Dixie said. "How much more stuff is in there?"
    “You were an hour late. You were supposed to help Daisy set up, I was here ten minutes before any of the guests got here, Daisy called and got no answer so I stepped outside to see what your holdup was. I’m not saying those two haven’t been late their fair share but if they couldn’t be raised on the CB at least, it usually meant they were in trouble,” BL said, then answered Dixie’s question ”only a couple.”
    "I'm not those two." Dixie said with a laugh. "Besides, it was your little cousin here who thought I needed a nap."
    “He or she will think differently later on when napping is your idea,” BL smirked, forgetting she wouldn’t get to nap either, living in the same house.
    "Probably. Let's get going or our help may vanish." Dixie said.
    Inside Daisy had packed up the leftovers snacks to send back to town with BL and Dixie. 
    "What time are you getting off?" Dixie asked.
    "Closing." Daisy said.
    “Think you’ll make it to the ‘lesson’ up at the lake?” BL asked.
    “I might if I can get help cleaning up after closing,” Daisy replied.
    “Ya’ll don’t forget, we’re going bridesmaid dress shopping tomorrow,” BL said, gathering up some of the leftovers, so she and Dixie could go.
    Dixie said, "We are off to recruit help carrying this stuff in."
    Daisy called back to them, "Good luck!"
    “Thanks again Daisy, it was a great shower!” BL called back.
    In town the four guys were hanging out at the garage, BL called to Dixie on the CB,
    “It looks like our lucky day, 8 arms and 4 backs.”
    Parking in front of the sign listing some of the standard services offered, BL got out of her car wearing a sweet smile.
    BALLADEER: Friends them boys is liable to get cavities if they look at that smile too long.
    Luke gave Bo a look, "Cousin, remember you can still run and by the looks of things you might want to real soon."
    LB was close enough to hear Luke and added “I’ve seen that smile, she wants something.”
    Bo ignored his cousin and soon to be brother inlaw, greeting BL with a kiss, “did you have fun Darlin?”
    “Yes we all had a great time, you got a couple gifts that’s just for you,” BL returned the kiss, replying
    Bo questioned, "I got presents at your bridal shower?"
    Luke laughed. He knew Bo was hooked.
    “Come out to the house and unload the cars and carry the stuff upstairs and I’ll show them to you,” BL said sweet as honey.
    “Told you she wanted somethin,” LB said.
     “I heard that LB,” BL said, giving LB a look. 
    Dixie had now walked over to Luke. He had wrapped his arm around her waist and said, "So let me guess, you'd like me to come help? What are you gonna show me if I help?"
    Dixie grinned mischievously.
    Cooter groaned “Ya’ll are painting pictures I don’t want to see.”
    Dixie smiled ever so sweetly at her brother, "Well, you and LB could come help and chaperone too.  I might even share snacks with y’all afterwards." 
    LB said, "I knew it was a trap."
    “I'll do you one better than just snacks, I’ll cook supper before the big race,” BL said.
    You’ll make “chicken ‘n’ dumplings? Cooter asked, his stomach doing his thinking now.
    Dixie offered, "Well, if you are cooking I'll cut, peel, slice or dice stuff up for you."
    “Deal! There’s a chicken in the freezer, if you’ll d-bone it?” BL replied.
    "I will and cut up the onion and celery too. I just can not get the dumplings right. I know everyone else likes them when I make them, but I don't." Dixie said.
    Before BL or any of the others could say anything, Cooter spoke,
    “The sooner we get the cars unloaded, the sooner we eat.”
    The guys all piled into LB’s truck, following the girls cars to the house, where as usual Mrs. Kravitz was fussing with her flowers, frown deepening the wrinkles in her forehead when she saw the girls park in the driveway and LB’s truck then parked on the street and the guys got out.
    “Probably having a wild party, at least that girl of Jesse’s had enough sense not to party with them.” Gloria said to her flowers.
    Luke sent the three wild pups to the back yard to run off some energy.
    Dixie and BL showed the guys what needed to go in while they grabbed the snacks. 
    It took all four guys to empty the cars and close the trunks. 
    The dogs could be heard yapping and grring as the fellas made their way onto the porch and in the house with arm loads of bags and boxes.
    While the guys carried the gifts upstairs, BL and Dixie took the snacks to the kitchen.
    “I’m gonna thaw the chicken and d-bone it while you show gifts to Bo,” Dixie said.
    Gloria was about to get vapor lock, seeing how much stuff the four young men had gotten out of the car's trunks. 
    “Abner, them ruffians robbed a store or something. I saw with my own two eyes,the boys all taking bags and boxes into the house,” Gloria babbled.
    “They didn’t rob noone or nowhere, look at this with your own two eyes,” Abner said, showing Gloria the Hazzard Gazette with Bo and BL’s wedding announcement and Gloria fainted.
    Abner layed Gloria on the couch. He started for the smelling salts but decided he'd wait awhile. It was peaceful. 
    Dixie got the big pot, put water, frozen chicken, salt, pepper and a bit of garlic powder in it and turned it on high. She got out an onion and celery to chop while the chicken thawed and cooked enough to get off the bone. While she waited she grabbed a couple of the chicken salad and pimento cheese quarter sandwiches to nibble on then opened the back door so the pups could come in when they got bored outside.
    LB, Cooter and Luke went back downstairs after everything had been taken to BL’s room.
    “Ya’ll leave the door open,” LB said like they were a couple of kids, his warning was half serious.
    “What’d I get?” Bo asked like a kid.
    BL opened the robe box and put the plush robes, side by side on the bed.
    “These are from Dixie. Look at the pockets, she monogrammed our initials.”
    “She did a good job, where’d she pick that up?” Bo said, it was no secret Dixie didn’t sew much.
    “Grandma Davenport showed her.” BL replied, opening another box.
    “Daisy got us these,” BL layed a set of pajama shorts with a tank top and coordinating pajama pants on top of the robes.
    Bo looked a bit confused then said, "These are nice and all, but one of the perks about being married means I don't have to wear clothes around you and even better you don't have to wear clothes around me."
    “True,” BL agreed,adding” but the lady across the hall said we had to wear clothes to and from the bathroom.”
    Bo nearly blushed at the thought of meeting Dixie in the hallway. "Yeah, I see what you mean."
    “I made it a house rule, everybody has to wear clothes to and from the bathroom or things could get very awkward around here. I gotta get cooking now or my cousin and brother are going to think I’m welching on our deal, now that I got what I wanted,” BL said, heading back downstairs.
    “Yeah it could,” Bo agreed, his arm around BL’s waist until they reached the livingroom, then separating as BL went to the kitchen.
    “Bo wasn’t as thrilled about the pj’s and robe as he was about getting gifts before I showed them to him,” BL said to Dixie, getting out milk and flour and a big mixing bowl, it’d take alot to feed all 6 of them.
    “Why, didn’t he like them?”
    “He was a little disappointed, he thought marriage meant we didn’t need pajamas and such,” BL said grinning, adding,”then I told him you said we had to wear clothes to the bathroom and back. He decided real fast that was a good point.”
    Dixie had d-boned the chicken for BL while she made the dumpling dough.
    Next BL added the chicken meat and dumplings to the broth with the celery and onion. In no time they were all sitting at the table, talking about the race. Cooter kept looking at BL and Dixie like he wanted to say something.
    “If you got something to say Cooter spit it out,” Dixie said.
    “We were talking while ya’ll cooked this great food…,” Cooter said, stalling.
    “And?...’ BL prodded.
    Cooter looked at the other 3 men,hoping someone would jump in, but they
     didn't, so he pushed on,”we don’t think you girls should come tonight.”
    “Come again?” BL said, sounding none too friendly.
    “We don’t know how much Bobby’s been running his mouth and Rosco or Cletus might show up and we don’t want you to get caught up in it all,” Cooter tried his best to explain the guys' reasoning.
    Dixie crossed her arms, "But, it was ok for you BOTH to take me up there when I was fifteen? You're taking the wrecker. If you are so concerned about me brother, I can gladly leave my car here and ride with you."
    “The idea is for ya’ll not to be there, in case there’s trouble,” Cooter said.
    "I'd be with my big strong brother in the wrecker, for goodness sake. Besides, there could have been and was trouble about every weekend when we used to go and I haven't got to see the General race in forever." Dixie looked at Luke.
    Luke knew exactly where Cooter was coming from but Dixie was also very correct in everything she had said. He put his arm around her as he looked and spoke to Cooter, "She's going. It's better she goes with us than behind us."
    Dilxie gave Cooter the sweetest little innocent grin.
    “Besides, if Cletus or Rosco come poking around, we’ll hear them on the CB and can intercept them before they get there. Lord knows they can’t maintain radio silence,” BL added.
    Dixie replied, "True. So, who am I riding with?"
    Luke replied, "You may as well ride up with us, but stick close to the wrecker in case we have to cut out or something."
    “Dixie can I drive your car, even in the dark they’ll know my bright red car, in your burgundy atleast I can pull off into the trees or down a deer path and lose them,” BL asked, since none of the guys had specifically said she couldn’t drive up.
    “No way, no!” Bo objected.
    “Why? You need another car to be a distraction or even a getaway car maybe, so you can hide General Lee and we can be gone before the law gets there,” BL replied reasonably.
    She was met by a chorus of "No." from Bo, Cooter and LB. 
    Luke chose to stay out of that fight.
    Dixie wasn't real fond of anyone driving her car, let alone using it as a blocker, but she figured to see how far the guys got at discouraging BL before she answered.  
    BL folded her arms saying “Give me one good reason, why not?”
    Bo replied, "We used to race up there often. We always had it under control. We got this."
    BL cocked an eyebrow at this “you got this do you, how many saturday nights were you a guest at Rosco’s iron bar hotel?” BL asked.
    Bo frowned but said, "We knew those risks before we decided to take those two down a notch. It's not like we want to go to jail, but ..." He realized he was about to speak for him and Luke as his sentence trailed off.
    Luke picked it up where he left off, "but we'd rather spend the night watching Rosco gloat than for either of you to get involved."
    Bo said, "Besides, the General has a reputation of winning races and losing Rosco."
    “Fine I won’t drive another car,” BL huffed, adding “but I am still going!” BL put emphasis on ‘I am’.
    Luke gave Bo a look suggesting that he should take that as a win.
    “OK,” Bo said.
    “So who am I riding with or is all 4 of us going in the wrecker?” BL asked, looking from LB to Cooter.
    Bo said with a bit of a defeated tone, "You may as well ride up with us."
    “Ok” BL replied. Smiling a bit triumphantly adding “if everybody’s done eating, I’ll get started on the dishes, unless ya’ll want some of the snacks we brought home from the shower.”
    Dixie said, "If you want to rinse the dishes, I'll wash them when we get in, in the morning."
    Luke added, "We're going to head back over to the garage for a bit. We'll come by about midnight to pick ya’ll up. Come on, fellas we have to clean up, I don't want Luther to show up with us gone and everything left spread out."
    At a secret undisclosed location Huey Hogg looked at the pictures of Daisy and the girls from the shower. The hidden camera his men put out had worked great. He saw Daisy, he'd know her anywhere. Then there were the Davenport girls. He just couldn't believe after all these years that one of them had come back to Hazzard and actually got Luke Duke to marry her. Then there was the other Davenport girl actually engaged to none other than Bo Duke. He looked at all the rest of the Hazzard fillies. All of them just as sweet and pretty as a Georgia peach and none of them had ever or would ever give him the time of day. That was ok. He was about to cause more trouble for all his old enemies and all those stuck up little gals that thought those Duke boys were so special. He laughed and he might just catch that not so saintly Daisy Duke in his trap to boot. All he had to do after tonight was set back, wait and watch.
    “Are you sure you won’t be too tired after such a busy day today and late night tonight?” BL asked, adding “how about I help you when we get back? It won’t take as long if we work together. I want to change out of my good clothes before the race, it’s a miracle I haven’t already dropped or spilled something on them,” BL headed upstairs.
    At the Boar’s Nest, Daisy couldn’t help but notice business seemed a little slow for a Saturday night. Taking a tray of beer mugs and a pitcher of beer to the booth closest to the door, she stopped at a table halfway to the bar to speak to one of Uncle Jesse’s ridgerunner buddies.
    “Can I get you another beer Amos?” Daisy asked.
    “Yes, thanks Daisy,” Amos replied.
    After bringing Amos his beer, Daisy went to take the order of a new arrival.
    The new arrival ordered a beer. 
    "Coming right up, Sugar." Daisy said. She went to the bar and got a mug of beer. "Here you go."
    "Thank you. Keep the change." He said, laying a five on her tray. 
    "Well, thank you. You just let me know when you need a refill." Daisy said.
    "It will have to be next time. I've got to head out up to the lake, I hear there's a hot race up there tonight.  It seems there are some kids who think they can drive and are hot driver talent racing against some old clunker car. I need to go see if those kids can drive half as good as they think they can." 
    Daisy just smiled and listened, taking in all the stranger had to say.
    Daisy wondered if the guys, Dixie and BL knew news of the race was out. Having suffered the consequences of illegal Saturday night races often in the past, Daisy was pretty sure her cousins weren’t spreading the news around, nor her friends either for that matter. Not wanting to chance the law finding out, if they didn’t already know she couldn’t risk a CB call nor telephone call, so she’d just keep listening to folks and hope she got a chance to talk to her cousins before they went to the lake.
    Daisy scanned the bar, other than Amos and the stranger, there were only a couple of people there. She went to Roxanne, "Sugar, I've been here since opening. It's slow. Most everything is done up for closing. Would you care to close alone tonight?"
    Roxanne knew Daisy seldom cut her hours unless it was important. She replied, "No, not at all. Is everything ok?"
    Daisy replied, "Yes. I just want to keep it that way. I owe you one." Daisy said, grabbing her purse and heading to the door.
    At the lake the scene was much like it had been on Saturday nights long ago now or so it seemed to the parents, aunts and uncles of the young folks who were gathered around a blazing bonfire drinking from their coolers, while others raced to see who had the fastest car in the county.
    BALLADEER: You see friends, these young folks have heard so many stories about the good ole days, they decided to have some fun of their own, not just watch the big race between Bobby and General Lee.
    Just about midnight, Bo slid the General Lee real quiet up in front of the house. Dixie grabbed her jacket as BL and she made their way out to General Lee. 
    Luke was out and ready to help both girls in the window, so they could slide to the back seat. 
    Both girls knew with something going on, Luke wouldn't be any other place than riding 'shotgun' up front. 
    Everything was peaceful on the drive up to the lake, right up until Bo turned the last curve onto the long straight stretch at the lake. If no one knew better, it looked like a pep rally!! complete with a bonfire.
    Luke looked at Bo, "Just a simple one on one race?"
    “Nothing is ever simple in Hazzard, is it?” BL said from the backseat, adding “Atleast it’s dark and noone will report seeing the smoke from that bonfire.
    Cooter and LB rumbled up in the wrecker, they got out looking at all the activity.
    “This looks like Saturday night used to when we up here racing ‘bout every week,” Cooter said.
    Dixie replied, not really happy about the activities. "Yeah, it sure does. Did any of you bring a cooler?"
    Cooter reached toward the back of the wrecker. "Sure did, and just for you, it only has sodas in it."
    "Really. Thanks." Dixie reached for a drink.
    LB said, disappointed, "Really? You only brought sodas?"
    Cooter replied quieter, "I said this cooler only has sodas in it."
    It took a minute but they all saw the ‘lightbulb’ come on when LB realized Cooter had brought two coolers. Daisy had gone to town in hopes of catching the others to tell them news of the race was out. Seeing the garage was locked up tight, she’d gone out to the house but it was dark, she headed upto the lake, parking beside the wrecker.
    “I see ya’ll have already found out word about the race is out,” Daisy said, no happier about it than Dixie or BL judging by the looks on their faces.
    Dixie nodded 'yes' as she took her normal spot on the hood of the wrecker, it always had a great view of all the action.
    The guys were checking something under the General's hood.
    BL had joined Dixie on the wrecker’s hood and Daisy was getting a soda from the cooler Cooter had fixed for Dixie when she saw Bobby heading that way.
    “Here comes trouble,” Daisy muttered under her breath.
    “I see you got this hunk of scrap iron up here,” Bobby needled.
    “How about a little wager, $50 says General Lee crushes that wimpy thing you call a car,” Cooter said.
    “Let’s make it interesting, let’s make it $100,” Bobby goaded.
    Anyone who knew Bo, knew how protective of General Lee he could be and the goading was sure to spark Bo’s pride, BL just hoped good sense prevailed.
    “Bo count ten,” BL said loud enough for only Dixie beside her to hear.
    “You’re on,” Bo said without a thought.
    It was Luke who opened his wallet and mouth. He took a hundred dollar bill out, "Put up or shut up." He said, handing Cooter his money.
    Dixie leaned toward BL, "They feed off each other."
    Bobby took out his wallet, took out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to Cooter then sauntered back to his car, confident he’d already won that 100 bucks.
    “Good thing Luke had the money, I’m not sure the lot of us could have scraped it together,” BL said, knowing between the 7 of them they’d have tried because none of them would have wanted to see the bet backed away from.
    Dixie remembered that BL hadn't got to go to the races much as a teen. "I'd almost bet Bo's got some money from somewhere in his wallet with him tonight."
    Daisy nodded in agreement, adding, "That will likely get passed off to us should the law show up unexpectedly.
    BL nodded, the guys were putting in the racing safety harnesses on General Lee but she noticed nothing being done to Bobby’s car.
    “Must be getting close to go time,” BL said.
    Dixie noted Luke putting the racing harnesses in the General Lee. She used to worry about these two nut jobs when she watched them race, but this used to be fun.Tonight wasn't really feeling like the fun she remembered.
    In no time flat, Luke was done and had put out his and Bo's racing helmets.
    From across the way, Bobby's friend yelled, "All that fancy gear mean ya'll are just a little bit chicken tonight?"
    “Did they used to do all this?” BL asked, continuing “I know they always do for legit races on the dirt track but those races have rules and safety regulations.”
    Daisy replied, "They didn't have most of it when they raced up here. They began getting it when they started racing in the bigger races and winning more races."
    Luke replied, hoping to keep Bo's temper under control, "We've just raced enough to know how to do it safely."
    “What'd ya say we shut him up now? Bo asked.
    Not waiting for Luke’s answer, Bo eased in the driver's side window, put on his helmet and then Cooter helped him get his harness on snug while LB assisted Luke saying
    “Give him what for fellas.”
    Daisy grabbed a scarf she had in the car while Bobby and Jody got in their car. She took her place at the start / finish line.
    Cooter spoke up loudly above the crowd's chatter. "Alright, fellas! Daisy is the starter! This here is the start and finish line. The course is once up past the big oak at the end of the stretch. Turn them around and race back to here. If you turn before the tree, you are disqualified. We're gonna send Dobro and Brody down to the tree," he signaled them. Dobro fired up and pulled out. "to make things real fair. If the law shows up, grab another gear and keep moving. Ya'll can run it again later."
    Bo pulled up to the starting line and Bobby pulled up alongside with Daisy between the two cars, raising the scarf Daisy said,
    “Ok fellas, on your mark, get set, GO!” Daisy let her arm fall to her side.
    Bo beat Bobby off the line and took the General through the gears ahead of Bobby.
    Bobby pushed the gas to the floor in his 2017 Porsche but the V6 engine just didn't have enough power to pass the orange stock car with the V8 engine.
    ”I guess that ‘hunk of metal dinosaur’ ain’t so worthless after all, General Lee is making Bobby’s ‘tin can’ look like the toy it is, " BL said
    Dixie replied, "General Lee and the new in it. Those kids don't have a clue."
    Bo and Luke were a good distance ahead of the much newer car. Bo laughed as he checked his mirror. 
    "Don't get overconfident, just yet." Luke warned.
    Bo wasn't even pushing the General Lee hard as he passed the tree, swung the General Lee around into a one hundred eighty degree turn and headed toward the finish line. Bo was already back in high gear as he passed the Porsche just before it got to the tree.
    Bobby passed the tree, down shifted to turn the car around and even with the Porsche being much smaller than the General Lee, Bobby misjudged the turn and had to back up to make a three point turn before heading to the finish line. 
    Jody was yelling, "What are you doing, man?"
    "Shut up!" Bobby had gotten so worked up that he missed second gear as he geared up. 
    Everyone heard him miss the shift.
    Now, Bobby was doing his best to get all the speed he'd ever had out of his car. It was suddenly really hot in the car as he was sweating bullets..
    “He’s not so hot under pressure,” Dixie said, when they all heard the missed gear.
    Daisy saw General Lee coming and moved toward the ‘track’ to wave her scarf to signal the end of the race.
    ”When and IF I ever get a different car, remind me not to get a Porsche, even if it's a convertible so Sadie can still help deliver mail,” BL said. She didn’t plan on getting a different car as long as Cooter could keep her GTO running.
    Bo checked his mirrors. There was no way Bobby was going to get close to him. He decided to do something Luke had done when he raced Ralph Green just out of high school. Bo took General Lee out of high gear and into neutral. The General Lee slowed considerably but had enough speed to still be moving quickly toward the finish line.
    Bobby saw the General slowing. He pushed his car harder. He could still win this. 
    Bo crossed the finish line and came to a stop. 
    Bobby crossed the finish line with a full head of steam behind him. He sailed past the stopped General Lee, swung his car right to turn around, he suddenly felt the car go into a slide, he tried to steer, braked so hard he locked the brakes up as he sailed right toward an old oak tree that was as big around as the General Lee's hood. 
    Jody saw the tree coming up fast toward his side of the car. He cursed and tried to get as close to Bobby as he could before the car made a sudden stop with the back quarter panel wrapped around the tree.
    Luke was still in his harness when he heard and saw the crash. He hit the release, came out the window and tossed his helmet as he ran toward the newer car. He yelled before reaching the car, "Stay still. Are you hurt?"
    Bobby was quick. He got his door open and came out ready to fight!
    Dixie had gotten off the wrecker to go congratulate Bo and Luke when she heard then saw the crash. She also had taken off running toward the car, thinking the boys could be hurt. She stopped when she saw both boys out of the car squared off and talking crap to Bo and Luke, "Ah, hell, here we go!"
    BL too was on her way over when she heard metal and tree connect with a crunch. Next thing she knew Bobby and Jody and Bo and Luke had squared off and it looked like things were about to come to blows.
    “LB get the spotlight from behind the seat, so we can see how bad the damage is,” Cooter said.
    LB opened the wrecker’s driver side door, leaned up the seat, got the big spotlight and headed over to the combative racers.
    “Here ya go cousin,” LB handed Cooter the light.
    For now the 4 racers relaxed their stances and watched as Cooter and LB inspected the damage.
    Thankfully, Bobby was more concerned about his beloved car than he was about his reputation. He glared at Bo and Luke as he turned his attention to his car.
    Jody was a follower. He, too, turned his attention to the crashed car.
    Dixie had reached Luke's side, "Are they alright?""
    Luke held his hands up in his defense, "They are both out of the car, moving and were ready to fight, so they seem fine to me." He said as he wrapped his left arm around his wife.
    BL came to a stop at Bo’s side asking, “anybody hurt?”
    Bo mimicked Luke, putting his left arm around his fiance but noone noticed that he had copied Luke, like he had since they were kids.
    “Just Bobby’s car,” Bo replied.
    Cooter turned to Bobby, shutting off the spotlight.
    “I can pry and hammer and then paint the repaired spots, be good as new in a week, maybe two, depending on how busy things get at the garage.
    Bobby sounded about two, "Hammer?"
    Cooter almost laughed, "Before it moves, it's gonna take a hammer and a pry bar to get the fender off the tire. Then, if the back axel is alright, you can drive it home, but if the axles broke. It's gonna need towed. Do you want me to pull it away from that tree so we can get a better look?"
    “I think he might cry,” BL whispered to Dixie.
    Dixie nodded slightly.
    “Yeah.” Bobby replied.
    “I’ll get the wrecker.” LB said, running back to where the wrecker was, hopping in and driving back to the small group gathered at the car. Turning the wrecker backward, LB backed right upto the Porsche, then rejoined the group so Cooter could do his job.
    Luke said, "I'll give ya a hand so we can get this thing outta here." He grabbed a couple J hooks and chain and stepped up to the car.
    Bobby stepped in front of his car, "I don't want either of these guys near my car."
    Luke replied, "Fine by me, but we'd get it out of here a lot quicker if I help."
    Bobby stood his ground. 
    Luke laid the equipment down and turned to walk away. 
    Cooter saw his opportunity for a good time. "So how about you run the truck? I'll hook up the car."
    Dixie rolled her eyes at her brother and husband.
    "Sure." Luke said, stepping to the controls. 
    Cooter took the cable as Luke released it from the truck to the car. He hooked up the J hooks to the car and chain, then the cable to the chain. He motioned to Luke.
    Luke slowly worked the controls to pull the front, then the back, then the front and back again until he had the car a couple feet from the tree. 
    Cooter took the light and went to the back fender and back passenger tire. As he pried the fender back, he could see the back axle had given in the impact with the tree. "It's not going anywhere under its own power. Axle broke. Do you want me to tow it into the garage?"
    Bobby had never had to make such decisions on his own. He struggled for the answer. "Can you take it home?"
    Cooter tried to be sensible, "I can if you want two wrecker bills. It's gonna need to be in a shop for the repairs."
    Jody looked at the mangled car then his best friend.
    “Man oh man if your Dad sees this car, he’ll kill you.”
    Bobby nodded, Jody was right. Oliver Douglas would blow a gasket if he saw this mangled mess, that had been a perfectly good car a few hours ago. Jody’s words in his head, Bobby said, “take it to the garage.”
    Once that was settled, Cooter, Luke and LB got the car hooked up. 
    Everyone had pretty much got ready to leave as soon as they saw there wouldn't be a fight.
    Bo and Luke had put their helmets in the trunk and helped the girls into the General Lee.
    Back in town Boss Hogg, Rosco and Huey's men had met at the drugstore. Boss happily paid for the discount medications. He left the huge boxes on the counter for the pharmacist to put up in the morning. 
    Huey's men took the money and eagerly headed out of town. 
    Boss went home. 
    And Rosco circled town and satisfied all was calm headed out of town toward home.
    Rosco met a long line of cars but he was too busy trying to figure out what his 50 percent of 50 percent of 50 percent came to, to pay attention in the dark and didn’t notice one was Daisy’s yellow roadrunner, one was General Lee and one was the wrecker towing a white Porsche.
    “Must have missed the sign up for a parade,” Rosco mumbled to himself.
    Luke saw Rosco coming and said, "Bo." Rosco kept going. No brake lights. No blue lights behind them. Luke checked the mirrors. 
    Bo also had one eye on his mirror, "Luke, what just happened there?”
    Luke replied, "I don't know but just keep doing what you are doing. I think."
    “That could have been bad, had he decided to stop us,”Dixie said.
    The harnesses were tucked out of sight but they couldn’t have denied racing completely.
    Luke stated the obvious, "We had been up there too long. I didn't want to take the time to unhook all that up there."
    “I see your point,” Dixie said.
    “Yeah,” BL agreed.
    In town Cooter pulled up to the garage.
    Bo had swung in also. 
    Luke climbed out of the General. "I'll get the doors." He could tell Cooter was planning on putting the night's race casualty inside the garage. 
    Cooter tossed Luke the garage keys and once the doors were open, he backed the wrecker up until the car was inside. 
    Luke and Cooter got the car unhooked and reclosed down the garage. 
    Cooter called, "I'll catch ya’ll later."
    Luke frowned. "Come on over. You know Bo and BL want to stay. It's late. I have beer."
    The last part got Cooter’s attention. "You talked me into it."
    LB was fishing around in his pocket for his truck keys when Luke said that Bo and BL was most likely staying with him and Dixie. Pretty sure Cooter would keep an eye on the two, LB also knew how Bo could sneak into BL’s room if he wanted and Cooter would be none the wiser. BL would either assist Bo’s sneaking or throw a fit and tell Cooter to mind his own business.
    “No sense waking Pop, mind if I join the party?” LB asked.
    “Nope more the merrier,” Cooter replied, even though the house wasn’t his.
    The Davenport cousins got back in the wrecker and headed out to Luke and Dixie’s.
    “Looks like we’re having a sleepover. Bo hand me the CB, no sense in Daisy bothering Uncle Jesse so late, if she’s not home yet,” BL said.
    “Here ya go Darlin,” Bo said, stretching the coiled cord to the back.
    BL keyed the mic, ”Sweet Talker calling Bo Peep you got your ears on?”?
    ”Bo Peep here, what’s up Sweet Talker,” Daisy answered.
    “What’s your 20?” BL asked.
    “I just turned onto Cottonwood lane,” Daisy replied.
    “Ok, we're all staying with Dixie and Luke, if you want to stay too,” BL said, adding  “I’m gone.”
    “10-4,” Daisy replied, turning back toward town.
    Everyone tried their best to ease into the driveway or a spot in front of the house. As soon as the first boot hit the porch, the dogs went nuts. Dixie made a beeline to the back door to put the three out back. While in the kitchen, she remembered the snacks from the shower. She pulled the sandwiches out and grabbed a couple quarters of the sailboat cut sandwiches. 
    After changing, Daisy asked the others in the living room where Dixie was.  
    Luke replied, "She went to let the dogs out back. I'll go see what's keeping her."
    Luke reached the kitchen and saw Dixie with a plate of snacks. He grabbed a quarter sandwich then reached in the fridge for everyone a beer. Stepping to the back door he whistled and the pups came running.
    Gloria Kravitz was coming back to bed after a trip to the bathroom when she heard vehicles with loud motors and saw the headlights of whoever had parked in front of the house. Next thing she knew, those mongrels they had were barking their heads off.
    “Abner, Abner wakeup you have GOT to go over and tell those ‘hoodlums’ some of us are trying to sleep,” Gloria Kravitz shook her husband roughly.
    “They aren’t hurting anything, put some cotton in your ears and go back to sleep,” Abner said, stuffing cotton in his ears.
    Once the dogs were back in, Luke asked, "Are you coming in the living room for a bit? I figured to drink a beer with the fellas."
    Dixie picked up a napkin, grabbed 2 more sandwiches and replied, "Yeah, set these back in the fridge and grab the tea please." Dixie got a large cup with a lid on it and filled it with tea and put the tea back, then they headed to the living room. 
    Cooter noticed Dixie's snack, "Two o'clock feeding?"
    Dixie gave him a look, but replied, "Something like that."
    Luke added, "I'll take it. At least she's not sick in the mornings and most of the day."
    Dixie nodded, "Yeah, there is that."
    Everybody settled with a drink, the dogs all settled down to nap, Scrapie settled on the recliner armrest since there wasn’t enough room for him and Dixie both beside Luke, Sadie had lay stretched out between BL and Bo on the loveseat. And after thoroughly ‘washing’ Bo’s face, Trixie had curled up beside him. After having a couple drinks, Cooter, LB and Bo bedded down in the livingroom, which did not make Bo very happy when BL went upstairs. Dixie and Luke went to their room and Daisy went to the spare bedroom, all of them planned to sleep until at least noon.
    Luke shut the door behind himself, Dixie and Scrapie. They had just got settled and snuggled in when there was a scratch at the door. Luke looked to see Scrapie upside down in front of Dixie.
    There was another scratch and a whine. Luke eased out of the bed and cracked the door to find Trixie in the hallway. "Come on in." 
    Trixie did just that and jumped up on the bed, crossed over Dixie's hip and insisted on getting under the covers with Scrapie.
    Dixie had been nearly asleep but automatically lifted the covers for Trixie.
    Luke closed the door and got back in bed before his place was overtaken.
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