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  1. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to B.L. Davenport in The Postmisstress Continues   
    Saturday morning when Jesse Duke got up to cook breakfast, Luke was up and dressed sitting on the side of his bed putting on his socks.
    Bo was laying with his pillow hanging halfway off a top mattress corner and one foot sticking out from under the cover of the opposite bottom corner. Shaking his head and smiling Jesse closed the door and went to make breakfast and start coffee, a few minutes later, getting a coffee cup from the cabinet then pouring himself a cup of coffee.
    “Morning Luke, did you sleep ok without your wife?” Jesse asked when Luke came into the kitchen.
    “Morning Uncle Jesse. Like a baby, must have been the familiarity of the bed but don’t tell Dixie,” Luke replied.
    Bo came into the kitchen a short time later, not exactly bright eyed and bushy tailed but there was still a bit of a bounce in his step.
    “Morning Uncle Jesse, morning Luke,” Bo said, grabbing his own coffee cup, filling it.
    “Morning Bo, how’d you sleep?” Jesse asked.
    ‘Good, C’mon Luke we got chores to do before the family starts showing up,” Bo said, heading out the door.
    “Well that’s a first,” Luke said, following Bo.
    Following Bo, Luke called to Jesse behind him, "Ya might want to call Doc, he may be running a fever."
    Jesse couldn't help but grin at the two boys. Yes, to everyone else in the world, they were full green men, but to Jesse they were still his boys.
    In town BL was coming out of her room at the same time Dixie was coming out of hers and Luke’s headed for the bathroom.
    “Morning Dixie, I was just about to make a big breakfast because we won’t have time for lunch before the wedding and the reception likely won’t be until 3ish,” BL said,                  trailing Dixie to the bathroom.
    Dixie was never a morning person, but replied, "OK, but are you sure you aren't gonna be worn out tonight?"
    “5-6 cups of coffee and I’ll be fine,” BL, grinned adding “unless you’ve played a dirty trick and switched to decaf."
    "Trust me, I have not switched the coffee to decaffeinated." Dixie said, "But if you give me a minute,  I'll come help. Take the pups, please."
    “Ok see you downstairs.” BL said. “Come on babies, I’ll let you out,” BL headed downstairs, the dogs yapping and chasing each other ahead of her. After letting the dogs out back BL left the door open so they could come back in when ready. In the meantime while waiting for Dixie, BL got flour, butter, and milk to make biscuits.
    A bit later, Dixie had put on comfy house clothes and joined BL in the kitchen. "You know, I'm up earlier today than when I work."
    ”It’s for a good reason though,” BL said, smiling. “You better get used to it, sleeping in is about to become a distant memory in a few months,” BL added, teasing a little.
    Dixie smiled, "But, I'll have plenty of help." 
    About that time, the dogs raced in and past Dixie and BL and headed upstairs. 
    "Daisy’s up." Dixie said.
    “If she’s not, she’s about to be,” BL chuckled, putting the pan of biscuits in the oven. Getting a bowl, BL started making pancake batter from scratch, instead of using the just add water, boxed mix. Daisy joined them a minute later.
    “Morning, ya’ll are up early,” Daisy said.
    “Alot to do, thought we needed a big breakfast to get us to the reception,” BL replied.
    Dixie asked, "You are making gravy, right? I'll do some hashbrowns with cream cheese and the eggs." Since she had a bit of coffee she was a bit more awake.
    “Yes I’m doing gravy. Do we want sausage gravy or chocolate gravy?” BL replied.
    Dixie looked from BL to Daisy, "You like chocolate best and it's your day, but I like sausage with a big breakfast. Daisy, it's up to you."
    “Why not both? Anything leftover the guys will eat it, we know that,” Daisy replied.
    “True, both it is then,” BL said.
    “I’ll finish the pancakes BL, if you want to make gravies.” Daisy said.
    The boys were done with the chores and headed in to wash up and to finish their coffees.
    Luke said as he came in, "Something smells great."
    “Eggs, bacon, biscuits and grits,” Jesse replied, putting everything on the table. When all three were seated, Jesse bowed his head to say grace, the boys did likewise. About two sentences in, Bo tried to sneak a biscuit but a look from Jesse and he put it down and pulled his hand back.
    “Bless today’s nuptials between Bo and BL, amen.” Jesse finished.
    The 3 men dug in, Jesse hoped to have the kitchen put back in order before his sisters - in -  law arrived and took over, it’d take him until Christmas to find everything again. 
    After breakfast, Dixie said, "Ya'll go ahead start the nails or hair or whatever you need to, I'm going to clean up the kitchen and then I'll be up there."
    Normally BL and Daisy would have said the job would go faster if the three of them worked together but both knew it was going to take plenty of time to get ready so they went upstairs to BL’s room.
    “You might want to change and just put on your robe before we start on your hair,” Daisy said.
    BL changed into her robe then plugged in her hot rollers. 
    “Let me get my new manicure set and you can do my nails while the rollers heat,” BL said.
    “Ok,” Daisy replied, moving the chair that BL had in the room closer to the dresser.
    After Dixie finished the dishes and cleaned up, she took a pancake from a plate and broke a piece off and popped it in her mouth. She looked down to ask the pups if they wanted out but three sets of eyes looked at her. She gave each a bite of pancake then finished the plain pancake, let the dogs out and then went up to shower.
    “Are you nervous?” Daisy asked as she clipped here and there to even BL’s nails.
    “Not really, I’ve known Bo most of my life and I know things about him and he knows things about me that most people learn about over time or never,” BL replied.
    Daisy said, "Yes, that is true, but still. What about the wedding? Are you nervous about it? Oh, wow, after today, Aunt Pauline will be your aunt too." Everyone loved Pauline, but she was that relative that everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief when she pulled out on her way home.
    ”Maybe a little, everything has gone smoothly since Rosco put a wrinkle in the proposal Bo had planned. Yep,” BL replied, not too sure how she felt exactly about getting Pauline as an Aunt, she was a likeable even loveable person but Aunt Pauline could be pushy. BL had seen that for herself at Luke and Dixie’s reception weekend.
    Dixie had come in from her shower as Daisy and BL were talking. She said with a bit of dread as she thought of Pauline, "Daisy, you know her better than me.  Do you think she'll know?"
    Daisy took a good look at Dixie and shook her head “No you ain’t showing,”
    “When are you and Luke planning to share the news with the rest of the family? BL asked as Daisy put the hot rollers in her hair.
    Dixie figured that part of her reasons for not shouting their news from the rooftops were the fact that the dates were at best going to be a bit off but she just also felt a bit self conscious. It was a strange feeling that she really couldn't explain. She shrugged her shoulders, "They'll figure it out."
    “In a few months when you do start showing but you're not the first mother to be, I’ve known to keep it to herself a while,” Daisy said, reassuringly supportive of Dixie’s decision.
    Dixie replied, "If she figures it out fine, but I just don't think I'll offer.
    “Upto you,” Daisy said.
    Dixie combed through her still wet hair as Daisy finished rolling BL's hair.  "Have you figured out anything to do with my hair or should I just pull it back in a ponytail?" She teased.
    “Dixie Lee you are NOT wearing a ponytail to my wedding,” BL said, a little worked up a sign she was more nervous than she let on.
    “Relax BL,” Daisy replied, then asked Dixie as she finished painting BL’s nails a flesh color, “do you want to wear it up or down?”
    Dixie thought about it for a minute. The reason she usually wore her hair back was to be out of her face. She replied, "Up, I think. Or at least if you do it down pull the top front to the back. What do ya'll think?"
    “I can work with that and it will look great, so don’t worry BL,” Daisy said, beginning to work on BL’s makeup while her hair was away from her face.
    At the farm, Bo and Luke were giving General Lee a good cleaning up. 
    Luke offered again, "Are you sure you don't want to use the truck?"
    “I’m sure but thanks for the offer, cousin,” Bo replied.
    A grey Cadillac signaled the arrival of Jesse’s youngest brother John,and  sister in law Pauline turned off the road into the driveway.
    “There’s Uncle John and Aunt Pauline. I wonder if Jeb rode with them or if he’ll be along on his bike?" Bo said.
    Luke rolled his eyes at the question. "Really? Jeb will bring his bike. Come on, let's go greet them then we can finish up here." Luke said as he laid the shammie down and tucked his shirt tighter as he started toward the house."
    “It could happen, not likely to but it could happen,” Bo replied, tucking his own shirt tighter.
    “Howdy Uncle John, hello Aunt Pauline. That dress sure is pretty,” Bo shook hands with John and kissed Pauline’s cheek.
    Luke greeted John and Pauline in the same manner. 
    Pauline was on her game early, "Luke, Dear. I didn't expect you here so early. I'll just get going in the house and see what Jesse needs help with. I can't wait to have a nice long talk with your bride. She was a little busy on our last trip."
    Luke rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, you might have to wait a spell on that Aunt Pauline. Dixie is in town with the girls getting ready for the wedding."
    “I stayed here last night,” Luke said seeing no reason not to be truthful, he’d already said Dixie was getting ready in town with the other girls
    Pauline wasn't sure she understood, "You mean you and Dixie stayed here last night night?. Right?"
    Luke couldn't explain why he felt about three years old right now, "No, Ma'am. Dixie stayed in town with Daisy and BL. You do realize that BL is Dixie's cousin, right?" He added, "They are as close as sisters and with BL's mother gone and all." Luke let his thoughts trail off. 
    Pauline frowned but headed toward the kitchen, "Jesse, Jesse. What is going on between Luke and his bride?"
    Jesse tried to head her off, "Now, Pauline, don't go looking for trouble where there ain't none."
    “But Jesse, a husband and wife staying the night apart if the husband doesn’t travel for work, it just ain’t right,” Pauline fretted.
    “Luke was just giving the girls run of the house. He knew they’d all likely get ready together and him being the only man there, he‘d of had to compete for time in the bathroom,” Jesse replied.
    "But, Jesse, it just ain't right." Pauline declared.
    Jesse reminded, "You do remember that Dixie's and Luke's chosen professions, both cause them to work and be out of their home at odd hours, right?"
    “Yes,” Pauline answered.
    “Well you may as well know, Bo took a job that sometimes means he won’t be home at night. It don’t mean him and BL is having problems, just means he’s working,” Jesse said. Before Pauline could say more they heard Jeb’s motorcycle roar in, followed by a car engine.
    “There’s Jeb and I bet the other engine was Coy and Vance,” Jesse was saying as the trio came in with plastic protected suits to hang up with Luke’s.
    The five male cousins found plenty to keep them busy outside swapping stories and telling fibs until it was time to start getting ready to leave for town.
    LB had got home with Grandma Betty and he, Clyde and his Grandma were getting ready to go to the church.
    In town Dixie was waiting as long as possible to put on the dreaded dress.
    “What’s my time limit on keeping you in that dress? Luke’s friend Norm over at the newspaper is taking pictures,”  BL looked up at Dixie from where she sat putting on pantyhose.
    Dixie grumbled as she pulled and tugged the hose,  "I hate these things! Well, you get the ceremony, pictures if I have to and maybe to the reception. Depending on how comfortable it is and when the runners show up in these hose."
    Daisy looked confused, "Sugar, that's a new pair of hose. There's no runners in them."
    "Yet." Dixie replied, "I'm not in them yet and remember I said when they get a runner, not if. I bought three new pair for today."
    “Won’t nobody see the runners, dress is ankle length,” BL said.
    "Don't give me ideas.  If they won't see runners, they won't see hose." Dixie pointed out quite proud of herself
    “Only if the shoe hides what the dress don’t cover,” BL shrugged continuing, “nobody said you had to wear hose, have you got any open toed heels? If not I have a pair you can borrow, ”BL said, giving Dixie a solution before she named a problem. Having countered Dixie's 'problems' in wardrobe for many years now.
    Dixie replied, "I don't have an opened toe shoe at all."
    “Why don’t you put on the dress then try on shoes without hose and see what looks and feels the best,” Daisy suggested.
    Dixie said, "I've got them on now.  So far, so good. But the first sign of a runner they are gone. I just wished I'd thought about the no hose option sooner, though."
    “Ok let's get moving or BL’s gonna be late to her own wedding,” Daisy said.
    After Dixie and Daisy makeup was done, Daisy fixed their hair in a simple half up/half down style by pulling the sides and top away from their faces, flipping the tail through to make a knot on their heads at the same height as the back of their ears, clipping a barrette just below the knot.
    Next it was BL’s turn, Daisy took the rollers out and pinned BL’s hair up in a style similar to Shelby’s hair style in Steel Magnolias, BL’s favorite Dolly Parton movie. Putting on jeans and a button up shirt.
    “Will you hand me the garment bags on the rack in the closet please Daisy? It’s the dress Mary Lou T. and Becky Mae made and my wedding dress,” BL said.
    “Here ya go sugar,” Daisy handed BL the garment bags.
    Luke had showered, shaved, dressed minus his suit coat. He was currently giving his freshly shined boots another good brushing. He called across the hall to the bathroom, "Bo, if you don't stop primping in front of that mirror you're gonna be late."
    “This is why I'm never getting married, too much hassle,” Jeb said.
    “The right gal comes along, you’ll change your mind,” Vance said.
    On the porch, Jesse shook his head.
    Pauline asked, "Should you go in there?"
    Jesse replied, "Luke's got them."
    Bo came out of the bathroom at last, still fidgeting with his tie.
    Coy went into the bathroom as Bo came out, he wanted to take one last look in the mirror.
    “Now don’t you start,” Vance said, rolling his eyes, Bo and Coy were worse than Daisy when it came to primping in front of the mirror.
    Luke stood up, "Come here. Haven't you learned to tie a tie right yet?"
    Bo frowned, "I thought I had."
    Luke shook his head as he took over tying the tie.
    "John, did you hear that boy? Well, I ought just, ...." Pauline said as she started to get up.
    John calmly said, "Sit down, Pauline. If you'd stop pushing girls of your choosing at him, he might have time to do some looking on his own."
    “I just want the right kind of girl for him,” Pauline protested.
    “She may not be a saint Pauline but if he brings her home to meet his mama, she’s a decent girl,” Jesse replied.
    Pauline frowned, "The only friends he talks about are those motocross friends of his. They, of course, are all boys. Surely no girls would be at such a thing."
    Jesse checked his watch, "Boys. Let's get loaded up. It's time to go."
    “John, Pauline is it alright if I ride to the church with ya’ll?” Jesse asked “Of course it is Jesse, get in,” Pauline said, getting in the Cadillac's backseat, so Jesse could sit up front with John.
    Coy, Vance and Jeb all got in Coy and Vance’s car and Bo and Luke got in General Lee all heading off to town.
    Close to town, driving a Buick sedan, coming in from Tennessee was Jesse and John’s brother Elbert, their sister in law Bessie and their sons Jeb and Jeremiah.
    Luke pulled General Lee around to the side door of the church, and parked.
    Dixie and Daisy had just got BL into one of the back classrooms that doubled as a dressing room just before they heard General Lee.
    Dixie said, "There is one more reason to love the General. You hear him coming before he gets here."
    Cooter got to the Davenports after Luther had left. He needed to hurry, but he was feeling a mite like what the cat drug in the morning after. He hoped a hot shower helped. Last night had been just what the doctor ordered, well, at the time anyhow. Now he was paying for it.
    LB was in one of the front classrooms already when Bo came in. Luke followed like he was guard to the doorway, so Bo couldn’t make a run for it or hunt BL.
    Cooter showered, shaved and was dressed and on his way by ten minutes to 1, he was cutting it close but he made it just in time. Parking at the garage he walked over to the church.
    “Cutting it a mite close ain’t you son,” Luther said as Cooter walked up.
    Cooter just gave a nod and wisely didn't even try to explain.  
    Daisy was giving makeup and hair one last going over. 
    Dixie had help with the train and veil. 
    In the other classroom, the men were tucking in shirts and straightening ties.
    Clyde came into the room the girls were in. Daisy started toward the door saying
    “Come on Dixie, let's step out a minute and give your uncle and BL some privacy.
    “Ya’ll can stay,” Clyde replied, then looked at his baby girl saying “You look as pretty as your mama did in that dress on the day I married her. You have become the woman she hoped you would and she would be very proud. I know I am.”
    “Thanks Daddy,” BL said, hugging Clyde she continued “I am who I am because of the way you raised me,” not finished, so she wouldn’t cry and mess up her makeup BL released Clyde and asked with a sassy grin “where did you go wrong with LB?”
    BL's sass saved the lump in Clyde’s throat from choking him along with a knock at the door.
    Daisy only slightly opened the door, making sure that it wasn't Bo. 
    Jesse asked, "Can I come in just a minute?"
    Daisy stepped back from the door.
    Jesse took in the sight of BL in her mother's dress. He had been there also to see her mother in the dress, "My, my, BL, you sure do look like your Mama today. I just wanted to take a minute to welcome both you gals to the family. Them boys of mine have sure picked a couple good girls that might just settle them down just a mite. You know I love them boys, all five of them and Daisy there, but sometimes they still make me wonder why, but today isn't one of those days. This is a good day for the Dukes," he paused, looking at Clyde with his hand extended, "And the Davenports."
    Clyde accepted Jesse’s hand, giving it a strong shake. With one last look at the girls who were taking over looking after his boys, he went back out into the foyer, shutting the door behind himself. BL and Bo had chosen not to have ushers seating the guest mostly but had made a few exceptions such as Vance escorted Miz Tisdale to a seat, Uncle Jesse’s old girlfriend Lucinda Meadows sat a couple rows back. Enos slipped quietly in the side door, his plane had been delayed. The music started to play and Uncle Jesse walked down the aisle followed by BL’s maternal grandmother on the arm of Cooter. The only grandparent either one had left. Bo, Luke and LB stood at the front of the church as Dixie and Daisy came down the aisle and stood across from them. The big wooden doors between the sanctuary and foyer were closed and then the wedding march started to play and the guests stood. BL took Clyde’s elbow as those wooden doors were opened by Coy and Jeb.
     “Ready?  Here we go,” Clyde whispered in BL’s ear.
    Pauline, the ever observant aunt, raised an eyebrow just a bit as she watched Luke's wife come down the aisle. She had only seen the girl once in years before today, but unless she missed her guess, Dixie had picked up a few pounds. Given it could be the dress, but Pauline took note to be more observant as the wedding march began to play. She turned her attention to the bride of the day..
    Once Clyde and BL were down front Reverend Frawley welcomed everyone then asked,
     “Who gives this woman unto holy matrimony?”
    “I do,” Clyde responded, placing BL’s hand in Bo’s then taking a seat beside BL’s grandmother.
    Reverend Frawley then read a passage from the Bible on marriage. Afterwards he had BL pass her flowers to Dixie then she and Bo faced each other and join hands. Despite limiting their guest list for the wedding, the little church had a good many pews filled but Bo didn’t notice or care he only saw his bride.
    “Now Bo repeat after me; I Bo take you Brandy Lou to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better or worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer, I promise to love, honor and cherish you.”
    Bo repeated each phrase at Reverend Frawley’s pause.
    “Now BL repeat after me; I Brandy Lou take you Bo to be my lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day forward. For better or worse. In sickness and in health. For richer or poorer, I promise to love, honor and cherish you.” Reverend Frawley said.
    Like Bo, at each pause from the Reverend, BL repeated each phrase.
    “Now to exchange rings,” Reverend Frawley said.
    Luke handed Bo the ring as Dixie did the same for BL.
    “Bo place the ring on the ring finger of BL’s left hand and repeat this vow. With this ring I thee wed. I give you this ring. A circle unbroken, a circle of my everlasting love and devotion.
    Bo slipped the gold band on BL’s finger, stopping at the middle knuckle as he repeated the words, slipping the ring the rest of the way with the final words.
    “BL place the ring on the ring finger of Bo’s left hand and repeat this vow. With this ring I thee wed. I give you this ring. A circle unbroken a circle of my everlasting love and devotion.”
    BL slipped the gold band on Bo’s finger, stopping at the middle knuckle as she repeated the words, slipping the ring the rest of the way with the final words.
    “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss your bride” Reverend Frawley said.
    Bo had been waiting for this part, leaning in, Bo pressed his lips to BL’s and then the kiss deepened, seeming to last forever until Luke whispered, “let her up for air Bo.”
    After Bo stepped back Reverend Frawley announced,
    “It is my great pleasure to introduce Bo and BL Duke,” Reverend Frawley concluded.
    Bo and BL then proceeded to the back of the church and outside, followed by Luke and Dixie, then LB and Daisy, followed by the Reverend. 
    The front pews followed the wedding party out to greet the couple.
    Luke shook Bo's hand, then said, "Welcome to the family BL and as the best man, let me be the first to kiss the bride." Luke said, trying to rile Bo just a bit. 
    Dixie grinned wickedly at Luke, as she said to Bo, "So I guess that means I get to kiss the groom first." 
    As Jesse, Pauline, Clyde, Luther and John stepped outside the first sight they got without hearing the explanation was to see the wrong cousin kissing the wrong bride. 
    Jeb, Coy and Vance got the picture as Jeb called, "I'm next!"
    “No you’re not young man!”  Pauline scolded her son.
    The group had moved to the sidewalk to let the rest of the guests out of the church.
    “Boys!" Jesse said in warning, the middle of town in front of Reverend Frawley no less was no place for their shenanigans.
    Jeb, Vance and Coy all slowed their pace just a mite as they still continued to congratulate the new couple.
    Bo and Luke had now traded back to their own wives. Unseen by the others, both Dixie and BL gave the men just a slight tap with an elbow. The meaning of 'straighten up here comes the preacher' was not lost on the men. 
    Both Luke and Bo shook Reverend Frawley's hand, thanked him and invited him to the reception.
    Luke’s newspaper friend acting as wedding photographer,Norm took a few pictures of the wedding party as a group and then various shots of BL and Davenport family and Bo with the Duke family and the couple with each family. Then they all headed to the Boar’s Nest for the reception.
    “Bo honey, I know how important General Lee is to you but I’m not sure I can slide in and out the window in this dress. I brought something to change into at the reception,” BL said, looking at the orange stock car with uncertainty.
    ”I’ll help Darlin don’t worry,” Bo said.
    BL put her train over her arm, then Bo picked her up cradling her in his arms, sliding her in.
    Siding across the hood, Bo slid behind the steering wheel. Kissing his new wife, then they were off to the Boar’s Nest.
    BB in his sunday suit was waiting out front of the Boar’s Nest when Bo came roaring into the parking lot. BB followed the orange car to the side of the building where Bo parked for a quick and he hoped clean getaway after all the work he and Luke had done cleaning the car earlier.
    “Congratulations, sorry I didn’t make it, was doing a job that I thought I could finish in plenty of time to get ready and be there but it took longer than expected and I couldn’t just stop partway,” BB explained his absence at the event.
    ”It’s ok, we understand, don’t we Darlin?” Bo replied.
    “Of course we do, the job had to be completed but you’re here now,” BL said as Bo helped her, not really able to pick her up inside the car.
    BB figured the reception would be a far sight more fun than any wedding that he'd ever been to.
    Luke and Dixie were just about to get into his truck to head to the reception when Luke looked at the church and looked again, "Darlin' did you see your mother inside?"
    In all the preparation, ceremony and picture taking, Dixie hadn't really paid a lot of attention to anyone except Luke, BL and Bo. "No. I just figured she couldn't make it."
    "Well she did. She's talking to Uncle Jesse, Aunt Pauline and Uncle John."
    Dixie turned to see her mother at the church steps. "I guess we better go say 'Hi.' before we take off."
    Luke nodded in agreement.
    BL was getting a mite fidgety waiting on everybody to get from the church to the Boar’s Nest.
    “I wished everybody would hurry it up. It’s not a long drive. I’m ready to get comfortable, this train and veil are starting to bug me,” BL grumbled.
    BB snickered “you sound like Dixie, except with her it ain’t just parts of the dress she complains about, it’s the whole dress.”
    Boss Hogg and Lulu were the first to arrive. Boss Hogg wanted to make sure nobody was taking the bottled beer, since Lulu wouldn’t let him charge for beer.
    “Oh BL honey, you look just gorgeous. Don’t she JD?” Lulu gushed.
    As cantankerous as Boss Hogg usually was, he smiled and answered genuinely.
    “She certainly is pretty as a picture.”
    “Thank you,” BL replied.
    Next came Daisy, Jeb, Coy and Vance.
    Luke and Dixie were walking toward Jesse. 
    Jesse looked up, "Ain't yall got reception duties to attend to?"
    Dixie grinned, "They will be just fine for a few minutes. I had to make sure Mother is coming to the reception. I didn't even see you inside."
    Katherine replied, "You were a little busy Dear."
    "It's good to see you again." Luke said.
    “Nice to see you again as well, Luke,” Katherine replied.
    “I hate to sound rude but if we don’t get to the Boar’s Nest, BL is liable to turn into a bridezilla, only difference between her and most is now the wedding is over, poor Bo’s in her direct path,” Dixie said.
    Back at the Boar’s Nest the little roadhouse was filling up, alot of the young ladies looked like they were at a wake but the Mamas and Daddies of these young ladies were all congratulating the newlyweds with all the enthusiasm they could muster.
    Luke replied, "Dixie's right. I need to go try to keep Bo alive. Ya'll are coming? Right?" Luke asked them.
    “The kids is right, it's BL and Bo’s day, we can visit at the reception,” Clyde said, heading for his pickup.
    “Ready Grandma Betty?” LB asked, getting behind the wheel of his and BL’s maternal grandmother’s car.
    “Yes, who was that pretty little thing you was talking to? The future Mrs. Longstreet Davenport,” Grandma Betty replied.
    “That was Carol Anne Murphy, I’m in no hurry to get married,” LB answered.
    Uncle Jesse, Aunt Pauline and Uncle John all got into Pauline’s Chrysler, a familiar Buick Sedan belonging to their sister in-law Bessie pulled onto the highway just ahead of them.
    Neither car load of Dukes was expecting the sudden appearance of Miz Emma Tisdale’s motorcycle.
    Elbert braked and turned the wheel to the left, barely missing the motorcycle.
    John heard the motorcycle, then saw Elbert brake and turn hard. John braked, then turned to the right to barely miss Bessie's Buick. 
    Pauline gasped and held on until the car stopped. 
    Jesse nearly swore, "Emmer, you're gonna get someone killed with that thing!"
    Emma spun the motorcycle around, headed back to the now stopped cars and yelled, "Come on! Let's get going! We don't want them youngin's having all the fun! Jesse Duke, the first dance is mine!" She gunned the motorcycle and was off again heading to the reception.
    Elbert got back on the road followed by John, Jesse and Pauline. Parking to the side of the parking lot the little group made their way inside. The whole Duke clan was present now, minus 15 year old Jed and 13 year old Jeremiah who were with their church youth group this weekend. Mainly because like their older cousins they were chasing girls but they weren’t about to tell Bessie that had been why they had wanted to go.
    Daisy picked up the microphone saying,”Can I have your attention please. Due to circumstances, nobody had control over years ago, we’re going to make a few changes to the norm.”
    Daisy paused, "We are about to do the Bride and Father-in-law dance, but in our case, Uncle Jesse and BL will have this dance and for the Groom and Mother-in-law's dance, Bo will have the pleasure of escorting Ms Betty Clark to the dance floor."
    My Wish by Rascal Flatts began to play from the jukebox because there hadn’t been enough time for Jeb, Coy, and Vance’s band to rehearse. Jesse got up from a nearby table and went over to BL escorting her to the dance floor. At this time Bo made his way over to where Grandma Betty Clark sat with her son in-law Clyde.
    ”Ma’am may I have this dance?” Bo asked, sticking out his elbow as if escorting the most important lady ever and next to his wife and Daisy she was.
    Not many of the parents of the girls that Bo had dated had ever seen the young man act so respectful. A couple of their mother's now wished that he were in their daughter's lives.
    The song ended and Bo escorted Grandma Betty back to her seat.
    “Thank you for the dance ma’am, it was a pleasure dancing with you,” Bo said.
    “It was sweet of you to ask,” Grandma Betty replied.
    Jesse escorted BL back to the table where the rest of the Duke and Davenport cousins sat.
    Daisy picked up the microphone saying,
    “We will now have the father/daughter dance. Coy was closest and selected My Little Girl by Tim McGraw on the jukebox and Clyde met BL on the dance floor.
    During BL's dance with Clyde, Daisy had managed to talk to Bo. 
    When Clyde escorted BL back to Bo, Daisy said, "And now we'll have the Mother / Groom dance. 
    Bo made his way over to his Aunt Bessie, "Would you do me the honors?"
    Bessie was taken by surprise but took Bo's arm as they headed for the dance floor just as Brad Paisley’s She’s Everything began playing. 
    As they danced, Bo had explained that he planned to dance the first half with her and then finish the dance with Pauline. 
    When the song was to the midpoint, Bo escorted Bessie back to Elbert, then quickly asked Pauline to finish.
    After the song ended Daisy announced as Bo was taking Pauline back over to John.
    “It's time for the bride and groom’s dance, then the best man’s toast, then we’ll cut the cake and everybody can eat, then gifts.” 
    Bo led BL to the dance floor, holding her close as they moved about to Clint Black’s When I said I do. After the song finished Luke went over to the bar where Jesse poured and passed out glasses of the Duke family shine, which had been made by John because Jesse had other things to attend to.
    “Please raise your glasses to my cousin Bo and my newest cousin BL. To the Happy couple.”
    Murmurs of congratulations and clinking glasses followed.Sliding over behind the cake Bo and BL picked up the cake knife cutting a small slice to feed each other.
    “Bo please don’t get cake on Mama’s dress,” BL said, quietly. Bo liked to have fun and if she was wearing her normal clothes she wouldn’t care if he got cake on her.
    “I wouldn’t dream of it, Darlin. However I would do this,” with his final words Bo tapped BL’s nose leaving behind a small dollop of frosting.
    “Cute Bo,” BL wiped her nose with a napkin then fed Bo a bite of cake.
    “Fix your plates folks, I’ll be right back,” BL said then leaned up on her tippy toes, giving Bo a kiss. “Fix me a plate please hun, I’m gonna change real quick.”
    “Ok sure Darlin,” Bo replied.
    BL went over to Dixie whispering in her cousin’s ear,”you can ditch the dress I’m fixing  to change now all the important stuff is over.”
    Dixie couldn't have been more ready. She looked around for someone not too busy or in a real big hurry to eat, "Could I talk my big brother into getting my bag out of the truck? Please??" She said super sweetly. 
    Cooter looked from Dixie to Luke and back again. He thought for sure that now that Dixie had married Luke that all these things were his 'duty'.
    Dixie said, "He's busy with Bo."
    Luke said, "Never too busy for you Darlin'. But, Cooter, I do need to take care of another matter if you don't mind, buddy. "
    “While you’re going, could you bring my garment bag, my other dress is in it? Please?” BL said just as sweetly as Dixie. 
    Cooter looked to Bo then BL then he looked for LB, he was the bride’s brother.
    BL said, “Bo’s busy and I don’t know what LB’s upto, it's in General Lee.”
    “Sure I’ll get it,” Cooter replied.
    A few minutes later he returned with the requested bags.
    “Here ya go,” Cooter said.
    “Thanks,”BL took her bag.
    After gathering everything they needed BL and Dixie managed to steal a few minutes to themselves to change clothes. Dixie asked as she hung her dress in the garment bag with BLs dress, "So how does it feel to be Mrs. Bo Duke?"
    “About as good as it feels to you being Mrs. Luke Duke. Come on let’s go eat, breakfast done wore off,” BL replied.
    Aunt Catherine probably wasn’t going to like it that Dixie had changed into pants but at least it was dress pants instead of jeans.
    Dixie hung the garment bag back in the closet with her bag then headed for the line just getting food. She managed to slip in behind Bo and in front of Luke. Everything looked great and she was starving.
    BL slipped in line in front of Bo and behind Cooter. There was almost every casserole you could imagine, they all smelled so good it made her mouth water and her stomach growl. She saw one of her favorites, chicken -n- dressing. There was a tater tot casserole, green bean casserole, corn casserole, and bbq meatballs.
    “I just put on 10 pounds just smelling all this,”  BL said with a chuckle.
    Dixie tried a spoon of chicken casserole, some BBQ meatballs, deviled eggs, pasta and potato salads, baked beans, and a roll. Then she saw the vegetable dip. She moved things around to make a place for the dip, then put cucumbers, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, and olives around and on top of her food making her plate look fuller than it really was. At the end of the line she got a large glass of sweetened tea and headed to the table set aside for the wedding party.
    Pearl Crowley saw Dixie’s plate and whispered to her best friend Margarret Thornsby,
    “She keeps eating like that and she’ll be as big as a house, then let’s see how long it is before Luke gets a wandering eye.”
    Margaret nodded.
    BL’s plate didn’t have as many different foods on it but it still had enough to earn her a look from Pearl. She had gotten a hearty serving of chicken -n- dressing, a spoon of BBQ meatballs, baked beans, hash brown casserole. deviled eggs and a roll. Getting a glass of sweet tea she went over to the wedding party’s table sitting across from Dixie.
    Daisy finished eating and then waited for Bo and BL to finish before going upto the microphone.
    “It’s time to open gifts but ya’ll just keep eating, everything will be laid out to look at.
    “I hope not everything,” Bo said for only BL to hear, he remembered what he, his boy cousins, Cooter and LB had given Luke. Together they went to the chairs in front of the same booth near the door where Luke and Dixie’s gifts had been the month before.
    Luke motioned to Daisy, "Make sure Bo opens this last." He handed her an envelope that looked like a normal greeting card. 
    Daisy gave him a questioning look but replied, "Alright."
    Dixie asked, "What's that?" 
    Luke grinned, "Nothing much. Just a card."
    "My foot." Dixie replied.
    Word had begun to get around that the newly weds would be living with Luke and Dixie so folks knew the house was furnished, instead of toasters and the like they got 4 more sets of sheets, more towels,a couple of nice night gowns for BL , a wedding photo album, a couple of light blankets and a matching set of to go coffee cups.
    “There’s two more gifts under the table Daisy,” Dobro said, getting a good view from his seat.
    Daisy pulled out a large gift bag, handing it to BL. The tag said it was from BL’s Grandma Betty, inside was a hand stitched double wedding ring quilt. Daisy helped unfold it and hold it up for all to see.
    “Thank you Grandma, it's beautiful,” BL said, helping refold the quilt..
    “You’re very welcome dear. Dixie there’s one in my car for you and Luke,” Betty  replied.
    "Oh, wow! Thank you so much. I have always loved that pattern but quilting just isn't something I have ever learned to do." Dixie said truthfully.
    “You’re very welcome,” Betty replied.
    Daisy handed Bo the last gift, Clyde said, “That one’s from me and Luther, it’s for all 4 of you.”
    Luke and Dixie moved closer. Bo tore off the paper, it was a home CB base.
    “Hey Dixie, now we don’t have to go out to the vehicles,” BL said.
    "True." Dixie said. 
    Luther added, "That way, if I need another truck, I don't have to have the switchboard call ya’ll."
    Luke gave a somewhat fake smile, "Right."
    Daisy checked all around to make sure no gifts had been forgotten, not finding any she gave Bo the envelope from Luke, “Luke said give you this last.” 
    Bo looked to Luke, who was now grinning at Bo. Bo opened the envelope up cautiously as if he expected something to jump out at him. Finally, he took out the card and read it first to himself then to the others, adding most of the note inside, "Congratulations! This is a little something from us guys..... two nights at, ...." Bo purposely left the name of the hotel out, "hotel in the honeymoon suite. Luke, Cooter, LB, BB,Brody, Dobro and David Doolin, Coy, Vance and Jeb."
    “Thank ya’ll so much,” BL said then to Bo added “ we don’t have any bags packed.”
    “Me and Luke will go pack you a bag, while you do the bouquet and garter toss we can't participate anyway,” Dixie said.
    “Bo take Monday off, that way you don’t have to rush back, consider it a company wedding gift. I hope you ‘kids’ are as happy as me and my Rosalynn have been the last 42 years,” Bo’s boss Mr. Harvey said.
    “Thank you sir, I appreciate the day off,” Bo replied.
    Dixie got BL off to the side to make sure she got exactly what she wanted for their wedding night.  
    Luke pretty much knew that Bo would have been fine without a bag but he'd get him some jeans and less dressy stuff for their return trip. 
    As Luke and Dixie were about to make a hurried trip to town and back, Daisy said to the others, "Alright, now I got to give Luke a few minutes here. Everyone grab something to eat, get a drink refill or get out on the floor for a couple songs before we toss the bouquet. And, Rosco, Miss Lulu told me you are off duty, so you just sit right back down there so Luke can get back here."
    Rosco sat down.
    Luke gave Daisy a peck on her cheek as he headed out the door on a mission.
    “‘I guess I can hand out the birdseed while we wait,” Daisy said, getting her basket of birdseed and went around the room passing them out.
    Meanwhile Dixie and Luke were at the house in town packing one big bag, no need for separate bags, Bo and BL didn’t need much for just a couple of nights.
    “Let’s see, BL wanted her new negligee set, underwear, 2 tops, 2 pairs of jeans and her boots,”Dixie ticked off on her fingers.
    “What does she need 2 outfits for?”
    Dixie rolled her eyes thinking men had a one track mind, “Luke they won’t stay in the room the whole time, there’s lots to see and do in Atlanta.”
    Luke didn’t really see it happening but he packed Bo 2 sets of clothes and some boxer shorts. “A little something for later,” Luke put in a mason jar of shine and Dixie put BL’s small makeup bag with toothbrushes and toothpaste.
    “Can’t forget these,” Dixie put BL’s birth control in the makeup bag as well, tucking it in the big bag before zipping it.
    Luke laughed a bit and said, "She better hope she remembers to take them. We are back to them not leaving the room."
    Dixie rolled her eyes at him, "Men! You are bad."
    Luke replied as he wrapped his arms around her, "I'm very good at being bad."
    "Are you sure you got a room for them or us?"
    "Both." Luke replied.
    “C’mon we better get back,” Dixie said.    
    “Yeah,” Luke agreed, so out the door they hurried, making it to the Boar’s Nest in record time.
    Dixie got out of the truck saying, ”I’ll put their bag in General Lee.”
    Luke already had the bag in his hand, "I got this. Remember, you should be taking things easy."
    Dixie said, "OK, but it weighs like five pounds."
    With the bag in the General Lee, Luke reached behind his truck seat. "Hang on a minute." He said, shaking up a liquid chalk marker as he climbed in the General, "Sorry, General but he's making me do this to you." Luke wrote on the inside of the windows 'Just married' 'Bo and BL'.  Then he took a string of cans and other noise makers and tied it to the General's underneath where it would be difficult to remove. Finally, Luke said, dusting himself off, "Alright. You ready?"
    Dixie replied, "Sure."
    Inside Bo and BL were on the dance floor with a few more couples, Daisy saw Dixie and Luke come in the door, so as soon as the song ended she announced.
    “It’s time for the bouquet toss.”
    All the single ladies lined up, most in hopes they’d catch the bouquet and one of the remaining single Duke men. In particular Miz Tisdale had her eye on Jesse Duke.
    Daisy put the microphone down and stepped down into the crowd of single women.
    BL stepped onto the little stage, took a peek over her shoulder then turned away and tossed the flowers over her head, turning around just in time to see Daisy snatch it from the air.
    “Alrighty gentleman, your turn,” Dixie said, now manning the microphone. 
    A chair was set on the stage while the men lined up. Just like at Luke and Dixie’s reception, Jesse protested as he was being dragged by his single nephews. 
    “This is for you youngin's, not an old coot like me.”
    Bo took his place on the stage where BL had her foot propped in a chair. Bo was doing the same ‘fishing’ routine that Luke had done and like Dixie, BL had the good graces to blush, also like Dixie had, she held the long skirt of the dress with a hand resting on it.
    When Bo had BL’s garter off he turned his back to the gathered men and shot the garter like a rubber band over his head, it landed on Cooter’s shoulder.
    Everyone clapped and cheered. Daisy and Cooter both blushed a bit at being deemed,  'next to marry' as the tradition goes. 
    Luke managed to get Bo's attention just long enough to slip him two crisp hundred dollar bills. "That's from us guys, too. Just in case you do leave the room or want to order out."
    “Thanks Luke but where did all ya’ll get enough money for 2 nights in the honeymoon suite plus this much left over?” Bo asked, putting the money in his wallet.
    “Don’t worry about it,”Luke replied.
    Bo nodded saying nomore about it,he was ready for some alone time with his wife. He went back over to BL “ready Mrs. Duke?”
    “Yes,” BL replied.
    Daisy saw that Bo and BL were ready to leave, "Alright ya'll, our newlyweds are ready to head out. Let's go give them a proper send off." 
    Everyone headed outside. Each taking note of the General Lee all decorated up while getting their birdseed ready to toss at the couple as they headed to the car. 
    Bo took BL’s hand dashing to General Lee as they were pelted with birdseed. Scooping his bride into his arms, Bo helped BL in the window. Forgetting that he was wearing nice clothes, Bo slid across the General Lee’s hood, sliding in the driver side window behind the steering wheel.
    “Bo those are dress pants not jeans,” BL said.
    “Good thing me and Luke washed and waxed the General, cleaned and waxed paint slides better,” Bo replied, smiling impishly.
    BL chuckled and with a blast of the Dixie horn, they were on their way to Atlanta.
    Jesse nearly fussed at Bo even though he knew his nephew wouldn't have heard him over the General's engine. Then he realized getting stains out of Bo's good clothes was no longer his worry. 
    With General Lee quickly out of sight, the others began filing back inside. 
    Katherine took the opportunity to sit with Luke and Dixie.
    BL scooted over to the middle of the seat, laying her head on Bo’s shoulder.
    “What are we gonna do in Atlanta?” BL asked.
    “What do you mean, what are we gonna do?” Bo returned the question.
    “Bo I can’t tell folks all we did was stay in the room, most folks make a weekend trip of activities out of it besides, THAT,” BL said rolling her eyes.
    Chuckling Bo replied, “we’ll decide when we get to the hotel.”
    About 30 minutes into the drive, Bo pulled over.
    “What are we doing?” BL asked.
    “I am fixin’ to undo Lukes handy work,” Bo replied.
    “You got a blanket to lay on, so you don’t get your clothes dirty?"
    “In the trunk Darlin,” Bo replied, getting said blanket, laying it on the ground.
    In just a few minutes Bo tossed the blanket and all in the trunk, getting behind the steering wheel pulling back onto the road.
    “We’re good to go,” Bo said.
    Luke had already motioned Daisy over before Katherine sat down. "Can I get you anything, Katherine?"
    Katherine replied, "Thank you, Luke. An iced tea would be fine."
    Luke turned to Daisy, "Two iced teas and a beer."
    Daisy replied, "You got it."
    As the drinks arrived, Katherine asked, "You aren't celebrating, Dear?"
    Dixie sipped her tea, "Someone's got to drive home, Mother."
    Katherine said, "True."
    Bo drove another 5 miles before stopping at a gas station, “I can’t see out the back glass, I’m gonna wash it off.”
    Bo parked so that he didn’t block the pumps, slid out and went to work on the back window with the squeegee but the writing wasn’t coming off “dang it! I don’t know why but this stuff ain’t coming off,” Bo fumed. 
    BL tried not to laugh at Bo’s frustration as she slid onto the window sill.
    ”It won’t come off because it’s on the inside,” BL said.
    Bo swore, wondering why he hadn’t noticed.
    “Go in the store, get a bottle of windex and a roll of paper towels and I’ll clean it off while you drive and would you get me a cherry coke, please dear,” BL said.
    “OK,” Bo replied, going in the little store a few minutes later, he came back and handed BL the bag so he could drive.
    BL crawled in the backseat, being as ladylike as possible.
    Unzipping their bag to get her birth control pills, she found the jar of shine Luke had put in the bag. Not telling Bo yet, she took her pill and started cleaning the window.
    Dixie looked at Luke asking him an unspoken question.
    Luke gave her a look that said he was behind her decision. 
    Dixie added, "Of course, there might be...."
    Luke interrupted, "Hold that thought just a minute." He stepped over to the table where his Aunt Pauline and Aunt Bessie were talking. "Would my two favorite aunts please come over and sit with Dixie, Katherine and myself a few minutes?"
    “Of course Luke,” Pauline and Bessie said in unison. The two ladies looked at each other then Luke before swapping tables.
    Dixie saw what Luke was up to. She waited until the ladies were settled. "As I was telling Mother, there just might be another reason, other than me driving home, that I wasn't joining Luke in drinking a beer." She paused to let that sink in. "It just might be because we have a little Duke on the way."
    Luke wished someone would have snapped a picture of his aunts at that exact moment.
    Pauline and Bessie probably could have been knocked out of their chairs with a feather at that moment. “Congratulations, it's about time we had a baby in the family again.” Bessie gushed.
    “Yes it is, when are you due? Pauline asked.
    Dixie tried to look more calm than she felt, "April."
    “April! That’ll be here before you know it. I just can’t wait to get hold of it and kiss those sweet baby cheeks,” Bessie said, nearly beside herself with excitement.
    “Have you started getting ready, like setting up a nursery?” Pauline asked.
    Dixie smiled at the older ladies, "No, actually, we're just really getting used to the idea."
    Katherine wasn't quite sure how to feel. Of course she was very happy for her daughter whom she knew had loved her husband for years but she wasn't sure how to feel about being a grandmother.
    “Well Katherine, cat got your tongue? You’re awful quiet,” Pauline said. She didn’t approve of moonshiners anymore than Katherine but she hadn’t ever even threatened to take Jeb and leave John. She had been young and a good girl looking for a bad boy but hadn’t decided she didn’t want a man who ran illegal booze after the baby came along like Katherine had after a second baby came along. Luther wasn’t even breaking the law according to John.
    “Surely you knew it’d happen eventually,” Pauline said, wondering if and when ‘eventually’ would come for her. She was ready to be a grandma.
    "Well, yes. It's just a bit of a surprise, is all." Katherine said. Then asked, "Is your father looking forward to being a grandpa?"
    Dixie looked at Luke, who replied. "We really haven’t talked too much about it with him, but his first reaction was turning that deep purpl
    e color that you may know."
    In Atlanta Bo parked in the hotel parking lot, sliding out of General Lee going around to help BL out.
    “Hand me our bag,” Bo said, hanging it from his shoulder while he helped BL out.
    Putting her empty coke bottle and the used paper towels in the plastic bag from the gas station to put in the hotel garbage can. At the desk the receptionist on duty asked,
    “Can I help you sir?”
    “I have a reservation for the honeymoon suite, name is Duke,” Bo replied.
    “Just a moment,” the receptionist said, checking the reservations, she continued, “Duke, here we are. Third floor, end of the hall. Enjoy your stay and congratulations,” the receptionist smiled, giving Bo a key.
    “Thank you,” The newlyweds relied,
    Katherine said tight lipped, "I know that shade of purple well." 
    Luke added, "I figured as long as we can be in the same room and be civil, there was no need to poke the bear."
    The women were soon in an all out baby conversation. Luke decided to leave them to talk.
    Dixie looked at the clock on the wall behind the bar then smiled apologetically, although she wasn’t the least bit sorry.
    “I’m sorry but me and Luke need to go, the dogs haven’t been out since just before we left for the wedding,” Dixie said, standing, she headed to where Luke sat talking to her cousin Earl.
    In the elevator Bo pushed the button for the 3rd floor. When the elevator doors opened they were at one end of a long hall BL said stepping off, “only one way to go looks like.”
    At the last door Bo unlocked the door, opening it. BL took one step but before she could take another Bo said “wait!.” Bo scooped BL into his arms.
    “Bo what are you doing?” BL questioned.
    “Carrying my bride across the threshold,” Bo replied, kicking the door closed with his foot.
  2. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    and their ZOOM meetings were in cars, not on computers.
  3. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    You got that one right. 
    Who has a sister named Beulah Mae? 
  4. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Hobie got it right. 
    This one is much tougher. 
    On "To Catch a Duke" what song can Rosco play on his watch? 
  5. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    and their ZOOM meetings were in cars, not on computers.
  6. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in A-Z Game   
    and their ZOOM meetings were in cars, not on computers.
  7. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    You got that one right. 
    Who has a sister named Beulah Mae? 
  8. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane
  9. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Hobie Hartkins in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    " Georgia  On My Mind".
  10. Sad
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Spike in Tragedy in my life   
    It's 3:20 AM as I type this. No sleep for me tonight. My only child was killed in a car accident just a few hours ago. This is truly the worst thing that has ever happened to me. She had just bought her first house and had only lived in it a week. She was only a few hundred feet from pulling in the driveway when a young man in a pick up truck came racing from the other direction passing 2 cars in a no passing zone and hit her head on. He wasnt hurt bad and got out of the truck before it exploded. She wasn't killed instantly but died before right after the ambulance arrived. My life has been turned upside down. 
  11. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Hobie got it right. 
    This one is much tougher. 
    On "To Catch a Duke" what song can Rosco play on his watch? 
  12. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    WALTER'S paint shop in possum hollow
  13. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Garrett Duke in Dukes Meet Bill Elliott   
    Garrett Duke looks at his cut brake line in anger, disgust, and frustration for a long moment before slamming the hood down. The sound of the cars pierce the air and the smell of the cars fills the air. Breathing it all in, he momentarily watches the race where his cousins and Bill are racing against each other hard with everyone else racing behind them.
    Cooter laughs nervously to bring his attention back to the car. "What's so funny?" he questions, his voice surprisingly calm.
    Cooter shakes his head before pointing over to the concession stand. "Uncle Jesse is letting old Boss have it," Cooter states and Garrett looks up to see them both angrily arguing. "Uncle Jesse don't let no one mess with family. Including you. Look," Cooter pauses to bring Ernie and Garrett's attention back to him, "I apologize about earlier. I was a bit harsh."
    "You weren't the only one," Garrett acknowledges as he accepts Cooter's handshake of an apology.
    With that a loud squeal penetrates the air and everyone looks up in time to see Rosco's rigged race car slide off track and slam into a tree on the rear driver's door. After a long moment, Rosco throws open the door and shakily gets out of the car, raising a fist at the car just as his driver's door falls off and clatters upon the dry dirt.
    "Well at least the cheater's not gonna win the race," Ernie states to draw a dry laugh from Cooter.
    "Rosco never wins. His races normally end this way," Cooter responds as The General Lee and Bill battle up front. "But at least he got some pay back."
    Garrett shakes his head. "I could care less about this race at this point," Garrett finally states, "I just want my car back to health as it was before all this." He stares angrily at the damage upon his beloved car.
    "We will get it back to the way it was before the race...plus intact brakes," Ernie states, "Cooter says we can get it back to his garage once the race is over and I'll help pound it out and get it good as new."
    Garrett nods and gives him an appreciative smile before he glances back up at Jesse and Hogg. 
  14. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to B.L. Davenport in The Postmisstress Continues   
    Sunday morning saw Jesse Duke up early as usual but with noone but him home, he didn’t have to cook the usual breakfast for his ‘kids’, instead he did the chores so the ‘kids’ could sleep in.
    About noon as figured by Jesse the ‘kids’ started to come alive after not going to bed until about 5am. Luke was the first one moving, he came downstairs to let the three dogs out in the backyard. Trixie saw the three men in the livingroom and went round giving kisses until they were up too. Putting on coffee, Luke set out the leftover desserts for ‘breakfast’. Once everybody was at the table with ‘breakfast’ and coffee they planned their afternoon. The fellas were going to work on fixing some of the damage to last night’s race casualty while the girls went bridesmaids dress shopping.
    Cooter gave a low whistle as they got their first good look at the white Porsche.
    “I don’t know whether to fix it or bury it,” Cooter said to the others.
    Luke wasn't planning on doing much today except hang out with the fellas and go help Bo with chores later, so he reached for a beer as he stated, "Before you make up your mind, you might want to wait and see what the kid’s Dad wants done with it. I bet it's not even registered to the kid."
    ”Good point,” Cooter said, still tired from the night’s festivities.
    “We can take my car, if ya’ll want, where we going? Daisy said then tacked on her question.
    “Fine with me, I call shotgun,” Dixie replied.
    “I thought we might check out the mall at Coreyville. They should have dresses that ain’t too fancy, all the bridal boutiques and formal shops will be closed on Sunday and going shopping after work this week is cutting it close,” BL said.
    So getting in Daisy’s car, they struck out for Coreyville. Once at the mall, Daisy parked in front of JCPenny
    Dixie said as they got out of the car,  "I only have one really important question for you two shoppers. Where are we eating?"
    BL and Daisy laughed, saying together “you choose.”
    "How about the buffet or the pizza place with the extra large calzones?” Her mouth started to water just thinking of the calzones, "Scratch that. If I'm picking, it's the pizza place."
    “Not that I’m complaining, those calzones do sound good but you do remember we had pizza night before last?” BL asked, grinning.
    Daisy liked shopping way more than either of them, so it was no surprise when she headed straight into the jungle of clothes calling back, “hurry up you two.”
    Dixie and BL followed Daisy as they talked. "True. You are right, but calzones are different. Let's give it a bit and decide. Go. Dress hunt."
    “I have a dress, the long white lacy one,” BL said, continuing “we’re shopping for bridesmaids dresses and YOU’RE the picky one,” BL emphasized you’re, grinning as she looked through a rack.
    Dixie replied, "I am not picky. I keep telling you my favorite dress is my favorite blue jeans. I only asked that it not be pink or horribly dressy. Are you going for short or floor length?
    “Floor length or atleast top of the foot. Maybe a maxi dress if you find one you like,” BL said, holding up a purple floor length dress with a V neck that wasn’t too revealing and a stretchy middle.
    ”Dixie said, "Well, I do like purple but I like this better,” Dixie showed BL a maxi dress with buttons down the front and a belt that tied slightly to one side . “How about this one, the belt is loose,” Dixie said.
    “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” BL said.
    “No I guess not, are we ready to go eat now?” Dixie replied.
    Daisy had wandered back over asking “find anything?”
    “Yes, it can be worn just as a casual sunday dress after the wedding,” BL said, holding Dixie’s dress up.
    “Pretty,” Daisy said, getting one for herself.
    Dresses purchased the girls headed back to the car and then the pizza place to eat.
    “That was good,” Dixie said, adding as she stood “I got to go to the little girls room, before we head home.”
    “Me too,” Daisy replied.
    “Wait for me,” BL said, following.
    Back in Hazzard the guys had piddled around at the garage a while then Cooter and LB went home and Bo and Luke went back to Luke and Dixie’s to get the dogs, then go out to the Duke farm to do evening chores.
    Daisy pulled in Luke and Dixie’s driveway to let Dixie and BL out, they noticed onlyDixie’s and BL’s cars were there which could only mean the Davenport men had gone home and Bo and Luke were probably doing chores at the farm.
    “Are ya’ll coming out to the farm?” Daisy asked.
    “Yes, Luke is probably helping Bo with chores, I’ll ride with one of ya’ll out then ride back home with Luke,” Dixie replied.
    "BL, you might as well ride out with us. You know you and Bo will go do something this evening. Even if it is wrong." Dixie kidded.
    “Cute”, BL said adding with a grin, “Is that an invitation to stay again tonight? We had to be on our best behavior last night, my brother was there to chaperone. Otherwise I need to get my car and follow you.”
    "The door is open. I'm not your parents but you deal with Uncle Clyde." Dixie said knowing full well that if Bo and BL wanted to be up to no good they wouldn't necessarily do it in town.
    “I try not to have to deal with him, the less he knows sometimes the better. Me and Bo are getting married a week from today, what’s it matter what we do?
    “One week or one day matters when you’re a girl with a virtue to protect,” Daisy said, heading to the farm.
    BL frowned in defeat. 
    When they pulled into the farm, the race was on! All three dogs heard Daisy’s car and took off in a mad dash to greet the girls.
    “The guys must have been mean and they are telling on them,” Dixie said, grinning.
    The girls stopped where they were, giving the dogs plenty of petting and belly rubs.
    Bo and Luke walked over, giving their ladies deep,passionate kisses which Daisy had the good manners to look away saying, “I’m gonna go put my dress in my room.”
    “I get to do that everyday for the rest of our lives,” Bo said when the kiss ended.
    “Lucky me,” BL said, adding “can we go for a walk? I want to talk to you about something.”
    Bo asked, "You don't mind, do ya Luke?"
    Luke replied, "Go on. We'll feed the crew before we head out."
    Dixie asked, "Do you want me to take Sadie or is she going with you?"
    “You can take her if she’ll go but wait until I’m out of sight or she won’t go,” BL replied.
    “Sadie, stay.” Bo and BL headed in the direction of the south 40.
    Luke put his arm around Dixie as they walked to the barn, "She's not getting cold feet, is she?"
    Dixie laughed, "Anything but, I'd say."
    In the barn, Luke asked, "Want to feed the chickens and ducks? I'll get the hogs and horses."
    Dixie said, "Alright, but I want to give Blackberry a treat."
    Luke grinned, "What did she do to get a treat?"
    "Be cute." Dixie replied. 
    "So what kind of treat do you want for being cute?" Luke asked. 
    "I'll let ya know when we get home." Dixie replied. 
    Luke replied, "Well, forget what I was gonna ask. You have a much better idea."
    "What was your idea?" Dixie asked. 
    "It involved going out, being in a crowded room, having a beer or three, but like I said, I like your idea better." He said. 
    Dixie replied, "Me too."
    After they had walked in silence a good ways, BL asked Bo.
     ”You remember we talked about me taking birth control? And we decided to just let nature take its course?” 
    Bo nodded unsure where BL was going with this, "Yeah."
    “I changed my mind, I don’t know about you but I’m not ready to have kids yet. We should get used to just being married and enjoy it before we go thinking about having kids, don’t you think?” BL replied.
    It sounded pretty good to Bo, "Whatever you want Darlin'. Just as long as we get to practice making them, but what changed your mind?"
    BL couldn’t help the giggle that escaped, if Bo had his way they’d start practicing now.
    “Promise you won’t think I’m awful?” BL asked, blushing, she wasn’t a vain person.
    "Now, Darlin', why would I think you were awful?" Bo asked.
    BL looked down at the toes of her boots like she had as a kid, whenever she was in trouble with Clyde, “because part of my reason for changing my mind is just plain ‘ol vanity. I don’t want to gain all that weight, then not be able to lose it after the baby is born, like Millie that was in my class, she had a baby, junior year and didn’t lose the weight,” BL looked at Bo continuing “and Dobro’s sister in law was smaller than me but she’s huge. I know she’s having twins but..” BL trailed off.
    Bo hugged her, "They aren't you and I'd love you if you were as big as the house, but if you want to wait awhile or forever, then I'm good with that. But, I understand that practicing for a second baby gets rid of any baby fat you gain."
    BL put her arms around Bo wondering how she got so lucky enough to find such an understanding man. 
    “I do want kids and I'm not getting any younger but they really don’t worry much until a woman hits 40-45 somewhere in there.
    She couldn’t help herself. She had to ask, ”who told you that my brother or my cousin, the mechanic."
    Bo replied, "Well, I've heard several people say it, but I think Luke said something like that awhile back."
    “I see,” BL said, not sure she believed him but she was going to be sure she told Dixie and Daisy.
    Giving Bo a sly grin BL added, "I'm staying with Dixie and Luke again, I need a ride back, know where I can get one?"
    Bo replied mischievously, "It just might cost you!”
    “What’s your price? We might have to negotiate or come up with a payment plan, so I can stretch out payment over time,” BL replied, eyes twinkling.
    Bo met the twinkle with a long kiss as his hands began to wander.
    BL returned the kiss, Bo’s fingers lighting fires everywhere he touched her.
    Bo accepted the challenge and continued his pursuit until his fingers found BL's bra hooks and in no time he had released the hooks with his hands wandering to the front.
    BL moaned as Bo’s hands found their target in front. By now she had his shirt untucked and was unsnapping the snaps.
    Bo wasn't sure how far this petting was going to go, but certain parts of him were already game as he felt his jeans suddenly get much tighter. He kissed BL deeper as his hands were doing their job, hopefully getting her as hot and bothered as he was right now. It had been a while and just knowing that he would soon be able to have her as his soon wasn't soon enough for Bo.
    BL was trying to keep her wits, so things didn’t go too far. Bo wasn’t making it easy though. With a frustrated sound, breathing heavy BL said,
    “Bo we got to stop before we get carried away and birth control ain’t necessary but soon I’ll be yours.”
    Bo moved his lips to her neck and whispered, "Just one more time won't make a difference." He blew in her ear slightly, then added, "I have protection."  He pulled her to him so that she could feel his need even through both their clothes.
    BL shivered slightly when Bo blew in her ear.
    “You had protection last time and that didn’t help remember, we just got lucky,” BL said.
    "Come on Darlin'. That was a fluke. I got new ones." He whispered in her ear as his breath sent more chills down BL, Bo's fingers found her nipples.
    BL sucked in a deep breath at Bo’s touch on her nipples, deciding right that minute to see one of the doctors outside Hazzard tomorrow and it really didn’t matter who at the moment.
    “Bo, we can wait a few more days, it won’t be easy but we can do it,” BL said.
    Bo inhaled slowly and exhaled even slower, trying to regain some control over his body. "Alright." He managed as he gritted his teeth, wishing there was a cold mountain stream he could wade into. 
    BL fixed her bra and shirt, as she'd asked, "You aren't mad, are you?"
    Bo gave a gentle smile, "No. I couldn't be mad at you."
    BL said, "Let's get back to the farm."
    "Darlin' I just ain't able to go anywhere right now, especially back to the farm. You got to give me a couple of minutes here." Bo said, adjusting his jeans, which didn't help at all.
    “If you’re not upto taking me back to Dixie’s, I’ll get Daisy to take me back,” BL said, the idea had been for Bo to stay and snuggle but it wasn’t fair to get him in the state he was in now, twice in one night. Sharing a bed might be too much temptation.
    Bo frowned but replied, "Of course I'm able. We can go to the Boar’s Nest, have a few beers, play some pool. Just give me a minute. My jeans are cutting me in half about now."
    “Take all the time you need, I’m not just marrying you for your pretty boy face,” BL said, grinning a little.
    "Thanks. I think." Bo said, trying to get his body on his side and calmed down.
    After about 10 minutes Bo was better. Taking BL’s hand mainly to see if his body was going to cooperate, they walked back to the farm. Dixie and Luke had gone home by now, so Bo and BL headed to the Boar’s Nest. Parking in his usual spot in front Bo slid out the General Lee’s driver side window then jogged around to the other side helping BL. They hadn’t been to the little bar together, alot lately and when they came in BL could feel all the icy glares on her but it didn’t bother her, she just smiled sweetly as Bo found them a table.
    ”I think the temperature dropped 20 degrees in here,when we walked in,” BL said.
    Bo shrugged and ordered them a beer.
    At Luke and Dixie's they were feeding the three dogs, letting them out to the back yard in preparation to head to bed early to do what young freshly married couples do when the phone rang. 
    Luke answered, "Duke residence. This is Luke."
    The voice on the other end was male and said, "Officer Duke, please."
    Luke frowned. It wasn't a call he wanted to pass on but knew if he didn't, that Dixie would be peeved. "Dixie, phone is for you."
    Dixie took the phone, "This is Dixie."
    "Hey, this is Officer Bell. We need you to come in at 4." The caller said.
    Dixie really didn't want any overtime but couldn't really refuse it either. "Ok. I'll be there." She turned to Luke and said as she hung up the phone. "You wanted to head to bed early. Now, we have an excuse." She said as she cut off the big light in the kitchen, took Luke's hand and headed upstairs.
    “How about a couple games of pool?” Bo suggested, finishing his beer in one gulp.
    “Sure if you don’t mind getting trampled,” BL goaded.
    “We’ll see who gets trampled,” Bo retorted.
    “Set ‘em up, let’s see whatcha got hot shot,” BL said.
    Bo rounded up the colorful balls into the triangle mold then rolled them to the center of the table. Placing the white cue ball a few inches outside the mold.Lifting the mold Bo said, “you break”.
    BL broke strong and put balls both striped and solid in the pockets. She called, "Solids." Picked her number and called it into a side pocket and made the shot clean. 
    Bo saw this game going downhill for him.
    BL made a couple more clean shots then feeling overly confident she had the game in the bag, calling a difficult shot, intending to show off by making it but instead she missed thus giving Bo a chance to redeem himself.
    “Aww too bad, move over Darlin, let me show you how it’s done,” Bo flashed his trademark smile.
    BL rolled her eyes as Bo made the shot he called. 
    Back in town, the pups were settled as were Luke and Dixie. 
    Luke was exploring his wife's body.
    Dixie was laying on her side.
    When Luke's exploring hands reached her flat belly, he noted just the slightest bit of a bump. 
    Dixie asked as Luke's attention had gone to her belly rather than other places, "What are you doing?"
    Luke said gently, "You are getting a bit of a belly."
    "Luke! That is not the sort of thing that makes a girl feel real sexy." Dixie said only about half serious.
    "Under these circumstances, it should make you feel very sexy." Luke said, kissing her. 
    Dixie noted that whatever Luke was seeing surely hadn't cooled anything about his desire for her.
    Bo made a few more good shots, then BL made one she called and gave Bo a sassy grin, there were only 4 balls left on the table.
    “Red, yellow and green balls in the side pocket,” BL called but only sank one.
    Bo called “8 ball corner pocket.”
    Bo took his shot and managed to not only make his shot but bumped the last two balls into pockets.
    “Show off,” BL said.
    Bo replied, "You owe me a beer, Darlin'."
    “Ok but how about another game to even things up,” BL replied.
    “Alright by me, if you want to buy me another beer,” Bo said.
    “We’ll see who buys for who,” BL replied, racking the balls.
    Bo laughed. He had BL going and he knew it.
    BL let Bo break and the game proceeded with Bo exclaiming after a bit.
    “Looks like I’ve gotcha again Darlin.”
    “Not yet you don’t,” BL said smugly as she made one good shot, then two more.
    Bo was about to push his luck, "Tie breaker?"
    “Sure, then we can get in a few dances, somebody’s got the jukebox playing all the good stuff,” BL replied.
    Dixie remembered that BL was supposed to spend the night as she grabbed her robe on the way to the bathroom. At the end of the bed, she had to step over Sadie, Trixie and Scrapie who all had decided to sleep in the room with Dixie and Luke. That only meant one thing BL hadn't come in yet. Getting back in bed was a lot harder than getting out had been. Sadie was curled up on Luke's feet. Scrapie was under his arm and Trixie was on Dixie’s pillow.
    BL came back to the table from the restroom, taking a sip of the beer the waitress had just brought.
    “Bo I got something to ask you,” BL said.
    “Shoot Darlin,” Bo replied.
    “Are you gonna be disappointed if you don’t get to have a weekend with all our cousins, the way Luke did?” BL asked.
    “Not as long as you are the consolation prize,” Bo replied with a smile.
    “There’s still plenty more warm weather ahead, maybe we can do it in a few weeks, would be fun all of us just hanging out, won’t be able once there’s a baby around and Dixie won’t want to sleep in the barn once she gets bigger than just the beginning of a baby bump,” BL said.
     Her man by Gary Allen started playing and Bo asked,”wanna dance?”
    “Love to,” BL replied, letting Bo lead her to the dance floor, taking her in his arms, swaying to the music. A few dances later Bo led BL back to their table.
    “I guess it's about time we slid on outta here, you got to go to work in the morning and I got to go do morning chores out at the farm.” Bo said.
    Daisy came by Bo's table, "Are ya’ll gonna need another?"
    “No, we're about to ease on out,” Bo replied.
    “I got to work tomorrow,” BL added.
    “Alright see ya’ll later,” Daisy said, going back over to the bar.
    “Better park at the garage and we’ll walk to the house,” BL said once they were in town. Bo drove around the square, pulling up to the garage. Sliding out of the General’s driver’s side window then went around helping BL. Hand in hand they walked down the sidewalk.
    “We better go in from the side incase Mrs. Kravitz happens to look out, she won’t see us,” BL said.
    “Why are we sneaking around, we’re adults for cryin’ outloud,” Bo grumped.
    “Where’s your sense of adventure Bo? I ain’t the only girl you’ve ever snuck around with. Them other girls had Daddies with shotguns loaded with buckshot. All we’re doing is avoiding a nosy neighbor,” BL took off her boots and socks in the driveway, carrying her boots in one hand and crossed the side yard to the porch. 
    Bo followed and sitting their boots on the railing. Hoisting themselves up and over the railing, they cracked open the door enough their slender bodies could fit.
    Just as the door closed behind them, here came the doggie express!  Sadie wanted her human! Scrapie and Trixie ran behind her, barking at the intruders!
    Bo tried to hush them. "We belong here. We'll, sort of, we will next week. I can’t believe this! I'm explaining to a dog why I'm here!" Bo fussed.
    BL giggled at Bo’s fussing. “I just thought we was being quiet and they wouldn’t hear us,” BL said, trying to quiet the dogs with lots of petting, hoping Luke didn’t throw a boot down the stairs at them.
    Instead, Luke called from upstairs, "Bo, let them out before you come upstairs.
    “How’d he know I was with you?” Bo asked.
    “Luke knows you as well as you know yourself,” BL replied, adding “I’ll wait for you upstairs, hurry so I don’t get lonely,” BL said, heading upstairs.
    “Alright lets go out, hurry it up,” Bo said, letting the trio out back.
    When Luke called down to Bo, after getting pounced by the three dogs on their way to BL and Bo, Dixie had stirred.
    Luke pulled her closer since they had the bed to themselves now, "Shhh, it's just Bo and BL coming in. They are taking the dogs out."
    "Ok." Dixie said, snuggling closer to Luke.
    BL was getting ready for bed while she waited for Bo. When he came upstairs, Sadie at his heels, the other two dogs ran back to Luke and Dixie’s room and hopped up on the bed, even though Trixie was technically Bo’s because he had rescued her.
    Bo stopped in his tracks, BL was sitting on the edge of the bed in a nightie that left very little to Bo’s imagination.
    “Ready for bed?” BL asked.
    "Bed, yes. Sleep, no." He said out loud, while silently wondering if BL was trying to kill him.
    Bo couldn’t seem to get his shirt and jeans off fast enough finally he got untangled and only his shorts were left. Leaning in his kissed BL with unrestrained passion. He'd respect her wishes not to go all the way but he was going to make sure they both enjoyed themselves. Sadie had no interest in whatever game the humans were playing so she hopped in the chair, curling up to sleep.
    Dixie’s alarm clock went off. She turned it off, sat up, grabbed her robe and went to the bathroom. She couldn't help but notice the light under BL's door. 
    Luke was awake when Dixie returned, "You don't have to do this." He meant working crazy hours as well as working at all.
    Dixie said, "It's way too early, Luke. Yes, I do have to go in this early. I love you. Go back to sleep."
    BL nor Bo heard Dixie’s alarm go off nor her trip to the bathroom and back, they had fallen asleep with the light still on, a couple hours before after a long night of pre wedding fun even if they hadn’t gone all the way they had pushed right up to the boundary line.
    A few more hours and their peaceful sleep was disturbed when Sadie wanted out and whining and scratching at the door didn’t get either’s attention. Jumping up on the bed, Sadie nudged BL’s arm with her cold wet nose, this atleast got BL stirring a little, so she did it a couple more times then jumped down, going over to scratch and whine at the door.
    “Ok, just a minute,” BL said, still half asleep as she looked for her robe.
    Bo stirred when BL raised up off his arm.
    “What time is it? It ain’t time for you to go to work yet, is it?” Bo asked.
    “No it’s 6:30, Sadie needs to go out,” BL replied.
    Not ready to leave the comfortable bed or last night’s bed buddy, Bo got up and pulled on his clothes.
    “I gotta get going and get started on chores , I’ll let her out. Go back to sleep and I’ll see you after work,” Bo said, giving BL a kiss, turning out the light.
    Luke, Scrapie and Trixie met Bo and Sadie in the hallway. 
    Bo let the dogs out. Luke started coffee, then got out two of his travel mugs and lids. 
    Luke waited until Bo had the pups inside then spoke, "Bo, I'm not Uncle Jesse and I really don't aim to sound like him, but..... I know the wedding is less than a week away and so does the Tri-Counties, but ain't you pushing it just a little?
    "Only if anyone sees us both here late and don’t see one of us leave,” Bo replied adding “relax nobody knows we’re here, except BL’s car is in the driveway but it’s been there since saturday. I parked General Lee at the garage then we walked here. Snuck in like burglars,“
    Luke replied, "Alright, but I've dealt with enough angry Davenport men to last me a lifetime, I'd really like not add Clyde to the list."
    “He ain’t exactly my best friend but it was BL’s idea for me to stay last night, I figured she knows how to get around Clyde. If you don’t feel right, both of us staying the night until we’re married. Last night was my last night, promise,” Bo said.
    Luke touched Bo's arm, "It's not for me to tell you what or how to do anything anymore, Bo. I just don't want to answer the phone or door at 3 am and have to deal with an angry Clyde."
    “Maybe not all the time,you don’t have to” Bo gave Luke a cheeky grin.
    Luke gave him a look. "I gotta get going. See ya at the Boar's Nest this evening?"
    “Yup, hey can you get me to the General, without me being seen by the neighbors? Bo asked.
    "Sure. Come on, Scrapie, we got to go." Luke said.
    Sadie had already run for BL and the bed. Scrapie headed to the door followed by Trixie. 
    Luke said, "Stay here girl."
    Trixie looked very sad and started toward the stairs only to be followed by Scrapie. 
    Luke said, "Scrapie we have to go."
    Scrapie stood between Luke and Trixie. 
    Luke sighed, "I know I'm going to regret this. Come on Trixie. Let's see if we can put you to work too."
    Scrapie and Trixie both ran to Luke, out to the truck and up in the seat. 
    ”Be there in a minute, just going to let BL know Trixie is going to work with you and Scrappie” Bo said as Luke was headed to the truck.
    Sadie had bounded onto the bed, laying on her back with all 4 legs stuck up in the air.
    Bo shook his head when he saw Sadie, giving BL’s arm a pat, “Trixie’s going to work with Luke and Scrappie,” Bo said, when BL cracked her eyes open.
    “Ok,” BL replied, closing her eyes again.
    Luke dropped Bo off and then headed out of town. On the way to work, he explained to Scrapie and Trixie how Scrapie needed to show Trixie what to do at work. Surprisingly, they both seemed to understand what he was saying.
    8 AM saw alot beginning in Hazzard as stores and other Businesses opened. BL stepped out of the Post Office to meet the mail truck as usual.
    ”Morning Joe,” BL greeted. “Morning BL,” Joe responded, driving away to his next stop after a little more chit chat. Across the square a Mercedes Benz pulled in at the garage. Bobby’s father Oliver Douglas a prominent lawyer in the town said to Luther,
    “I want to see Bobby’s car, he said he had a wreck Saturday night,” Mr. Douglas said.
    Luther sat his coffee cup down. "I haven't even been in the garage since Friday. Come on, let's see what we have."
    Mr. Douglas said, "I'm being told that Bobby ran off the road up at the lake."
    Luther looked at Cooter. 
    Cooter shrugged slightly. It was the truth. Not the whole truth by any means but he wasn't offering that to the kid’s Dad. At least not right now.
    Luther opened the big doors to the garage bay and there sat Bobby’s white Porsche, which didn’t look too bad straight on from the front. Luther and Oliver walked in the garage and around the car, the back passenger fender still sported a very big dent from hitting the tree and Cooter pulling it away from the back tire and there was a long scratch in the paint.
    “Back axel’s broke too,” Cooter offered the unseen damage information.
    “How long will it take to fix?” Oliver asked.
    “A couple weeks atleast. It’s not our only job,” Luther replied.
    “Very well, I have to get to work, call me when it’s ready,” Oliver said, breezing out to his Mercedes Benz and left.
    BL carried a package addressed to JD Hogg, Sadie’s leash was looped around her wrist as the climbed the Hazzard County Building’s steps, almost literally colliding with Boss Hogg.Sadie, like Flash, growled at the fat man in white.
    “Watch where you’re going girl and get that fleabag out of here. No dogs allowed!” Boss Hogg grumbled.
    “We’re going, I just have a package for ya,” BL said, handing over the package adding, “have a nice evening Boss.”
    Going back to the post office to get the day’s mail to take to Colonial City.
    “I’m headed to Colonial City but I have to meet Dixie at Tri-Counties jail, when she gets off at 4, I gotta leave Sadie at the house before I go,” BL told Ellen Sue.
    “Alright, see you tomorrow,” Ellen Sue replied.
    Dixie had finished up her duties, did a final count of her floor and taken her paperwork to the Control Room. After the shift change, she clocked out and headed to her car. She then saw BL parked beside her car. For about a half a second she got worried about Luke or that something was wrong at home but figured that BL would have called her or came to the window if it was anything serious. "Hey. What's up Dixie asked."
    “You were going to go with me to see Dr. Quinn remember,” BL said, afraid the jail doctor wouldn’t see her without an appointment and it sounded like Dixie hadn't even talked to the doctor. BL didn’t think it a big deal, she wasn’t sick she just wanted birth control, no appointment necessary as far as she was concerned.
    Dixie replied, "It's been a long day. Sorry. Follow me. She shouldn't be busy this late." Dixie led the way to the doctor's office. 
    BL pulled in beside her. 
    They both made their way into the office where Dixie said, "Sarah, this is my cousin, BL. I talked to Doc earlier and she said we could drop by."
    Sarah said, "Just have a seat. I'll let her know you are here." A few minutes later, Sarah came back and said, "Doc's ready. Second door on the left."
    BL went to where they were directed, Dixie followed.
    Dixie asked, "Are you sure about this?"
    “Yes, the other side of the coin is being a couple months behind you and I’m not ready for all that yet and I don’t just mean weight gain,” here BL shook her head before sharing Bo’s ‘wisdom’ “speaking of baby fat gained during pregnancy, you won’t believe what Bo said he heard was a way to lose it. Practicing for another!”
    Dixie grinned, "Would you believe that I've heard that very thing. I'm not sure how much scientific backing that has but making this one was pretty fun."
    Doc had opened the door and heard part of the girls conversation. "How much scientific basis what has?"
    Knowing Doc a bit better, Dixie replied, "It seems we are being told that practicing for baby number two is a good way to lose the extra weight from baby number one."
    Doc nodded slowly.
    “And practicing for baby number three is a good way to lose weight from baby number two and so on. No wonder people used to have so many kids, they were either practicing/losing that excess baby fat in the women’s case resulting in another baby,” BL said.
    Doc smiled at the two. "Well, that practicing for a new baby may burn calories . That much is true, but there are far more exercises that burn calories but they just might not be as fun."
    After a good laugh, Doc asked, "So what can I do for you two today?"
    “I’m getting married on Saturday and I want birth control. BL replied, adding “my fiance and me talked about it and don’t feel ready to be parents yet.”
    Doc nodded, "Alright. I'll let the nurse get your medical history, vitals and such then we can discuss a few options and decide which may work best for you. I will advise you, no matter which option we choose, for the first month to six weeks it would be best to use an additional method until your body gets used to the birth control.
    “Maybe I should have gotten some at the beginning of the month when we were here to find out when Dixie was due,” BL said, brow creased.
    Doc just gave her a slight grin. "Mary Ellen will get you started. Oh yeah, she will also do a routine pregnancy test too while Dixie and I chat."
    "Chat?" Dixie asked as BL left with the nurse. 
    Doc said, "Well, since you are here, I was seeing if you wanted to get your appointment over with today."
    Dixie shrugged, "Sure, why not."
    Doc asked Dixie to get into a gown, checked her vitals and weight, then had her lay back flat on her back. Doc took a tape measure and measured from just under Dixie's breast to below her stomach then across her belly from side to side just like she had done at the first appointment. She then let Dixie get dressed. 
    Once they were seated again, Dixie asked, "Is everything alright "
    Doc replied, "Everything looks good. The baby is starting to grow. You've picked up a bit of weight, but not too much."
    Dixie said, "Good.  There, for a while, I figured I had lost weight, but now it seems like I get hungry every couple hours."
    Doc nodded, "There is nothing wrong with eating small portions often. It helps keep your blood sugar level."
    Mary Ellen took BL to a little nursing cubicle where she got BL’s weight and height, “step up here for me, without your boots. Anything heavy in your pockets?” Mary Ellen asked.
    “Nothing in them at all,” BL replied.
    “Alright, have a seat,” Mary Ellen said, making notes on BL’s chart.
    BL sat down in the cubicle’s only chair, pulling her boots back on.
    While BL was doing this Mary Ellen asked all of the first time patient medical history questions.
    “Any heart disease in your family,” Mary Ellen asked.
    BL swallowed hard before answering, it still hurt like a knife to the heart all these years later, “my mother passed away from heart problems when she was 33,” BL replied
    Mary Ellen then took BL’s  temp, listened to her lungs and checked her pulse rate.
    “Everything looks good, I just need to get a sample. Restroom is just around the corner,“ Mary Ellen handed BL a cup. When BL was finished she gave Mary Ellen the sample before returning to the exam room.
    BL was done with the nurse and joined Doc and Dixie. Doc said, "Alright, as you know, there are several different types of birth control these days. Two of the most popular being condoms and or birth control pills. Birth control pills can be up to 99% effective if used correctly. Allowing for mistakes, they are about 93% effective. Complications are rare, but they can be serious, so I have to tell you about them. These include heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and liver tumors.Condoms alone can be 98% effective. Typically, they are about 87 percent effective. Used together, they are usually very effective. So are you still interested in a birth control pill?" Doc asked.
    “Yes,” BL replied, Bo was more than ready to not having to use condoms anymore but they weren’t ready to be parents besides they were going to get plenty of parenting practice, living with their cousins and baby.
    Doc explained a couple of options. Together, they chose a newer one. Doc could write the prescription today and BL could get it filled and start taking it today based on her cycle. The pill should be effective in as little as a week. Dixie and BL thanked Doc and headed out toward Hazzard. 
    It was only after Dixie left that Doc pulled her chart and compared her measurements and weight with those from her previous visit. Though Dixie's measurements were in the growth range, her weight was just a bit over the average weight gain. It wasn't a huge issue, so Doc made a mental note to look at it again on the next visit.
    BL and Dixie walked back over to their cars, “I’ll meet you at the Boar’s Nest. I want to get these before the drug store closes,” BL said.
    Dixie replied, "OK. See you there."
    In Hazzard, Danny, the pharmacist, had just finished putting up his latest shipment of medications that had arrived over the weekend.
    BL turned her prescription into the girl at the counter of the drug store, which had served Hazzard since it became a county. It still had the ice cream and soda fountain in it. BL ordered a fountain cherry Coke while she waited for her prescription to be filled. 
    Danny took the prescription and pulled the appropriate medication from its drawer. It was a brand new medication that he had just unboxed from the new shipment. He made the label and bagged up the medication with the information pamphlet, then took it up front. "BL, you are lucky. We just got this in. Have a nice day."
    “Thanks Danny, see you later,” BL said, taking the bag and then paid Susan behind the counter for the cherry coke, “See you later Susan, BL added then she went out to her car, opening the sack and scanning the pamphlet before taking one of the pils, washing it down with the rest of her cherry coke. Heading back to the Boar’s Nest then to meet the others.
    Dixie pulled into the Boar's Nest and saw the General Lee, wrecker and Luke's truck was already there. Inside, she spotted the guys at a back table and signaled to Luke that she'd be there in a minute as she hurried to the restroom. 
    At the table, Luke ordered the guys their first round of drinks and added, "Daisy, Dixie just got here, bring her an iced tea with lemon."
    Daisy was going back behind the bar as BL came in, “running a bit late today ain’t ya?” Daisy asked.
    “I had an errand to run,” BL replied.
    “Want a beer? I’m about to take everybody else's drinks back,” Daisy said.
    “Yes,” BL replied and made her way to the back table.
    “Hey Darlin, where ya been?” Bo kissed BL on the cheek.
    “I had to take care of something, remember I told you yesterday,” BL replied.
    Dixie got sat down just as Daisy brought the drinks.
    Dixie took a drink of tea, "Luke, why do you have Scrapie and Trixie?"
    Luke explained, "Trixie wanted to go this morning. I figured why not. All that could happen would have been to have been sent home, so I took her. Let me tell you, she was great. You'd think that she had all the training that Scrapie has had."
    “She can’t go on fires though without the training though can she?” Bo asked.
    Luke saw the same worried look that Bo got on his face each time he thought about Luke jumping out of a 'perfectly good' plane into a fire. He replied, "No, but she could be taught and she looked like she wanted to learn. She's smart."
    Dixie was watching Trixie, "She knows that you two are talking about her."
    “What woman don’t like hearing good things said about her/” Cooter asked, giving Trixie a scratch behind the ear closest to him. “Ain’t that right Trixi, sweetheart,” Cooter added.
    Trixie jumped up into Cooter’s lap for more attention and to give him all the kisses he 
    could ever want. 
    Between kisses, Cooter managed to say, "Easy girl."
    Dixie laughed as she explained, "She has her licker license."
    BL cocked an eyebrow at Dixie’s attempt at humor, “funny cousin”.
    Dixie replied, "I wasn't trying to be funny. She is a lover."
    Cooter fumed a bit, "The way my luck has been going lately, she's been the most attentive gal I've seen in weeks."
    Bo and Luke both gave Cooter a sympathetic look, it was not something either one had, had a problem with in a while.
    “Aww Coot you’re just going through a dry spell, I bet when it rains it pours and you’ll have more girls than you can shake a stick at,” Bo said optimistically.
    Cooter replied, momentarily forgetting his cousin and sister were listening, "I figured with you two off the market that things would be easy picking."
    Luke wisely chose not to respond, even Bo’s brain overrode his mouth for once instead of his mouth overloading his posterior.
    Luke changed the subject, "You had a long shift today. Do you want to grab something here instead of cooking at home?"
    Dixie replied, "Sounds like a good idea to me. I'd like a nice warm bath and my bed when we get home."
    Luke replied, "I can make that happen." He said, flagging Daisy down, "We want to give you an order."
    Daisy replied, thinking it was a drink refill or a simple order, "Shoot."
    Luke looked at Dixie to place her order.
    Dixie said, "Can I get a cheeseburger, lettice, tomato, onion, mayo, sweet pickle and sweet hot peppers? And a footlong hotdog with chili, onion, mustard and the nacho cheese sauce?"Luke gave Daisy a 'Sorry.' look. 
    Daisy replied, "Sure thing, Honey, just let me get an order pad."
    Bo’s eyes were as big as saucers, he still hadn’t gotten used to Dixie eating so much, although Dixie had never pretended not to have a good appetite. 
    “Dixie, eating like that is probably the reason you get heartburn still 
    sometimes,” BL said.
    Dixie shrugged her shoulders replying, “can I help what baby Duke wants?”
    Daisy came back with an order pad saying, “alright hit me again,sugar.”
    Dixie repeated her order.
    Luke added jokingly, "Can I have a normal cheeseburger, lettuce, tomato, onion and mayo?"
    Daisy asked, "Can I get you all anything?"
    “Bring me a cheese burger too, just like Luke’s except no mayo and I’ll have some fries with that,” Bo said, adding “call and tell Uncle Jesse,he don’t have to cook supper if he don’t want to, I'm eating here.”
    “Sure thing Bo,” Daisy replied.
    “I’ll have the same as Luke on the cheeseburger and some fries. I’m gonna work on ole Bobby’s car,” Cooter said.
    “I’ll have one too no mayo on mine either,” BL said, feeling nauseous from her birth control, which the pamphlet said might happen on an empty stomach, she had skipped breakfast and her small lunch was hours ago.
    “Want fries?” Daisy asked.
    “Yes. Can I get a soda too?”
    “Sure thing. I’ll be back with your orders,” Daisy said.
    Friday evening found the Dukes and Davenports at the Boar's Nest as usual. It was the mill's payday, so the place was full. 
    Luke and Dixie had talked about tonight way before it got here. Luke planned to stay with Bo at the farm and the girls could stay in town with Dixie. They just hadn't told Bo and BL that yet. 
    After a bite to eat and a couple dances, Dixie said, "I think I'm about ready to head in. Tomorrow is going to be a long day and this has been a long week."
    Luke replied, "How about we all head back to the house for a spell."
    Bo was more than ready to get BL in a more private setting, so he readily agreed. 
    In town, after letting the dogs out, Luke went upstairs. Everyone figured that he had gone to the bathroom, until he came downstairs with his suit, a small bag, his shaving kit, and shoe shine kit. He hung up the suit and sat the rest on the stairs. 
    Cooter asked, "Buddy Roe, you ain't thinking of moving out are you?"
    Luke frowned at his brother-in-law, "Don't be ridiculous. I just figured to give the girls all the time and room they need to get ready for tomorrow. So, I'm gonna stay at the farm tonight."
    Cooter and Bo both said in unison, "You are?"
    They both looked at Dixie and again asked, "You are ok with that?"
    Dixie smiled, "I suggested it."
    Bo and Cooter looked at each other in disbelief. They just didn't seem to understand Luke and Dixie's relationship. They both knew girls who would have thrown one more fit in the same situation. 
    After a bit, the men headed out to the farm. Even Cooter was going. When they reached General Lee, Luke beat Bo to the driver's seat. 
    "What are you doing?" Bo asked. 
    "Just felt like driving him tonight." Luke said. 
    Cooter was following them as they left town.
    At the cut off that led to the farm, Luke turned off on the other road. "Let's go get a beer."
    Bo wasn't gonna argue.
    “I’m surprised Bo went willingly, it’s still early. He was hoping for some alone time before we were split until the wedding.” BL commented. She had seen the longing for privacy in Bo’s eyes and she was absolutely sure there would be no sneaking a quick rendezvous, with Daisy and Bo’s Aunts Pauline and Bessie keeping watch.
    Daisy was no doubt, hoping to get rid of the payday crowd as soon as possible, so she 
    could get the Boar’s Nest cleaned up and in order, so the ladies aide of which Mrs. Lulu Hogg was President, could decorate for the reception.
    Dixie replied, "I think that's part of why Luke went to the farm tonight. He knows that you turn into a pumpkin real soon now."
    "Not until midnight, I still got a couple hours or so." BL grinned
    At the Boar's Nest, Daisy was a bit surprised to see Bo, Luke and Cooter come back in. They saw Dobro and Brody at a back table and headed that way.
    “I think I’m going to go take a long, relaxing bath. Use some of the stuff in the mini spa basket I got at my shower. NO I am not going to slide 2 stories down the drain pipe to go find Bo. So don’t even think it,” BL said.
    Dixie said, "OK, go get your stuff together and let me in the bathroom five minutes then you can have it.  I'll take the pups and go get comfy."
    At the Boar's Nest, all the guys were taking turns buying Bo a beer as the guys were having a field day just hanging out and talking among themselves. 
    Across the room, there was a table of girls checking them out.
    Dixie took the dogs out back while BL went upstairs, setting out her little basket of pampering goodies on the sink with a fluffy towel and washcloth. In her room BL got out her favorite short sleeve nightshirt with raining paw prints on the front.
    Dixie, followed by Scrapie, Trixie and Sadie went to the bathroom, then freshened up. "Alright, you three, let's go so BL can get in here. All yours." Dixie called from the hall. "I'll leave my door open so the pups can come and go. You can come hang out if you want when you are done."
    “OK,”BL closed the bathroom door but she didn’t lock it, incase Dixie needed in again. BL washed her face, and while the tub filled for her bubble bath BL looked through her facial basket and after pulling her hair up in a messy bun away from her face, she applied the facial mask. The tub now filled, The lavender scented candle lit. BL shucked her clothes and relaxed in the mounds of bubbles for the next hour. After draining the tub, BL rinsed her face then got in the separate shower stall to wash her hair. After stepping out of the shower, BL dried on the big fluffy towel and put on her nightshirt, blowing out her candle then going to Dixie’s room across the hall laying across the bed.
    “I thought this weekend would never get here,” BL said.
    Dixie gave a slight grin, "Well, it's here. So, now what? Is there anything we need to do tonight? Did Daisy get the birdseed bags together?"
    BL closed her eyes, checking things off the list in her head.
    “I think everything’s done.Yeah she told me one of the other waitresses helped her with them the other day,” BL said, then asked something that had been nagging her.
    “What about the groom and mother-in-law dance? I don’t have a mother. The closest I have is a maternal grandmother. Bo don’t have a father just Uncle Jesse so the bride and father - in -law dance is a go. 
    "I'd say Bo would love to get your grandma on the dance floor." Dixie pictured it in her mind. One thing about Luke and Bo they could be very charming, especially to ladies much older than themselves, which was alright with Dixie.
    “Yeah I bet he would,” BL smiled “a dance with grandma it is then.”
    At the Boar's Nest, a shapely blonde flagged Daisy down, "Can I get a round of beers for us, ..... and a round for that table of hot guys over there?"
    “Sure thing sugar but you should know one of them is married and one is getting married tomorrow and neither woman will take you buying drinks for my cousins too kindly. The other three fellas are fair game,” Daisy replied.
    The blonde pushed her luck, "Well, all the more reason for us to buy the groom a round and it just wouldn't be neighborly to not include everyone at the table." She said with the most southern accent.
    “I’ll be back in a minute with this table's beers,” Daisy said, stopping by the guys table.
    “See that blonde over there, she’s a might eager to buy ya’ll a round especially Bo and Luke.”
    Cooter, Brody and Dobro had already been enjoying the eye candy across the room.
    Bo turned to look at the women in question. 
    Daisy added, "I've already told them that you are getting married tomorrow and that Luke is married. So then they just wanted to buy ya’ll a beer to be neighborly." Daisy added more southern drawl.
    Bo added, "Well, that was nice of them and all." 
    Luke took a drink of his nearly full beer, put his hand on Bo's shoulder as he got up, "I got this."
    He heard moans of disappointment from Brody, Dobro and mainly Cooter as he walked toward the ladies table. "Ladies," he addressed the table. 
    The forward blonde gushed, "Oh, do sit down."
    Luke took the offered chair but turned its back to the table and sat in it facing the girls. "I just came over to thank you nice ladies for the offer of the beers, but as my cousin told you, I am happily married and my other cousin will be this time tomorrow night."
    The blonde wasn't backing down so easily, "Well Darlin' ya'll's ladies ain't here tonight, and what they don't know, ...."
    Luke stopped her, "Well, we would all know and my brother-in-law over there, my father-in-law over at the bar and the bride-to-be's father beside him would know, so at least two of us will be declining your offer, but the other three and that couple of good ole boys that just walked in would likely take you up on about any offer you'd make them. Do have a nice night ladies." Luke added more southern to his accent as he spoke. He stood up and returned to the table picking up his and Bo's beers, "Come on Bo. Let's go to the bar awhile. Good luck fellas."
    Daisy brought over the beers asking, “anything else I can get for ya’ll?”
    The forward blonde was a little put out that Luke had declined her offer for Bo and himself. All was not lost and she pointed to Cooter, Dobro and Brody’s table.
    “I still want to order beers for those three hotties and those two over there that just came in,” the forward blonde pointed at another table.
    Daisy got the beers, taking 3 to Cooter, Dobro and Brody.
    “These are compliments of the ladies, over there.
    Taking the last two beers to the newest customers, Daisy told them the same as she’d told Cooter, Dobro and Brody
    The five gentlemen left their two tables and moved to the ladies' table.
    Bo and Luke were enjoying the entertainment as the night progressed. The five couples actually seemed to hit it off rather well.
    Luke noticed the group getting up and looking to head out for a bit of privacy. He called to Cooter, "Tomorrow, church, ... 1 o’clock."
    Cooter waved him off by making an "ok" sign with his hand as they headed out..
    Luther saw the group of young people leave and figured it was getting late but then he saw his son - in - law and Clyde’s soon to be son - in - law a ways down the bar so it couldn’t be real late.
    “Well little brother, I see those two scoundrels that have wormed their way into the family, got more sense to go off with those young folk that just left, my son among the bunch,” Luther said.
    “Good atleast we know they don’t go stepping out when our baby girls ain’t here with them,” Clyde replied, he still couldn’t say he was thrilled about tomorrow’s wedding but BL was happy and that’s all that really mattered.
    At the bar, Bo asked, "Think he'll make the wedding?"
    Luke said innocently as he finished his first beer since he and Bo showed up alone.  "I gave a whole hour leeway,”
    Daisy asked, "Need another fellas?"
    Luke replied, "Yeah, bring us both one." He looked down the bar, "Clyde, Luther, care to join us for a beer before we head out of here?"
    Clyde and Luther looked at each other, Clyde shrugged, the boys were being gentlemanly, there was no reason not to be civil, The Davenport brothers moved down the bar, closer to their sons - in - law.
    “Thanks Luke,” Clyde said, taking a drink of the beer Daisy sat in front of him.
    "Yeah, thanks," Luther replied, then asked, "Where are the girls tonight?"
    Luke gave a small laugh, "The girls and pups have taken over the house in town. We came by for a beer before we headed to the farm." Luke paused, then said to Daisy, "Dixie said, come on by when you get off."
    “Alright, hopefully that’s soon,” Daisy replied.
    Luther took a drink of beer not wanting to fight but he was curious so asked.
    “How come you’re staying out at the farm, instead of in town with your WIFE,” Luther emphasized wife.
    Luke replied honestly, "They are in full wedding mode. The last thing they need is me in the way. Besides, .." He pointed at Bo who had drunk at least one too many, "Do you think he'll be up and ready for chores in the morning. I didn't see a reason to have to get up extra early to go do chores, get me and him ready and at the church nice and early."
    Luther had to admit grudgingly, “I see your point.”
    Luke waved his hand, "They can all have the house, the bathroom and can run around freely in robes, pj's or their underwear. The only male there is Scrapie! And, we don't have to fight to get a shower or bathroom time. It will be us two and Uncle Jesse tonight. No one is coming in until tomorrow. I was going to ask Cooter over, but he just left.  I ain't seen LB tonight."
    “LB went to pick up his grandma,” Clyde said.
    “How is Ms. Betty?” Luther asked.
    “Her health is still good but she don’t see well enough to drive this far from home, so LB went to pick her up. He’s staying tonight and they’ll drive back in the morning,” Clyde replied.
    Daisy came over looking pointedly at Bo, who’d had one too many.
    “Luke, you might should be getting the groom home,” Daisy said.
    “Guess we should be on our way to brother, it will set tongues to wagging, if the bride’s father is late to the wedding,”  Luther said.
    Now Clyde wasn’t the kind of man that over indulged but his baby girl was getting married tomorrow and her mother wasn’t here to see it and he had drowned his sorrows thus slowing his ability to use good sense, he replied.
    “Better late than never.”
    Luke finished his beer, "Daisy's right. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow.Lets get you home before you turn into a pumpkin."
    Bo slurred his words just a bit, "But I thought we left the girls before BL turned into the pumpkin."
    That was Luke’s cue as he and Daisy tried not to laugh out loud at Bo. "Night ya'll. Come on, Bo."
    “Night,” Daisy said, watching her cousins.
    Luther stood up from his stool, paying Daisy for his and Clyde’s beers.
    “Ok brother time to go, see you at the wedding Daisy” Luther said, walking out with Clyde.
    “C’mon I’ll take you home,” Luther said, remembering all the times he’d taken his little brother home after one too many.
     Luther got Clyde in the wrecker and hooked up Clyde's truck before heading to the Davenport farm on Jessop road. He’d keep an eye on Clyde tonight since noone else was home at Clyde’s.
    Luke parked General Lee in his normal place. He smiled when he saw the lights still on, though he figured that Uncle Jesse was in his room even if he wasn't asleep yet. Once in the house, Luke headed for Bo's room to put his suit up, leaving Bo in the kitchen, getting a snack. As soon as his hand touched the door knob he heard Uncle Jesse.
    "Luke?" Jesse said.
    "Yes, Sir." Luke replied as he entered the room, hung up his suit and set his bags down.
    Jesse was up and at the door. "Everything alright?"
    "Yes, Sir. Bo's getting a snack. The girls invaded the house. I came here tonight so I can be here for chores in the morning."
    "Good thinking. Dixie didn't mind?" Jesse asked.
    "She suggested it." Luke replied.
    At the house in town, Dixie and BL were still talking in Dixie’s room when the three dogs that were sleeping came alive and shot off the bed barking.
    “Daisy must be here,” BL said.
    “Hey you three it’s just me,” Daisy said, giving petting to the ‘guarders of the stairs’.
    “We’re up here Daisy,” Dixie hollered.
    The dogs finally let Daisy upstairs, poking her head in Dixie’ room, Daisy said “I’m going to shower and get comfy, be with ya’ll shortly.”
    Luke had told Jesse that Daisy was staying with the girls before Jesse went to the kitchen for more coffee. He asked Bo, "How are you doing?"
    Bo looked confused.
    "Are you nervous?" Jesse asked. 
    Bo replied, with just the slightest slur, "No. It just seems unreal."
    Jesse patted him on the shoulder. "It's real. I'll be up if you need me and you got Luke tonight."
    Luke sat on his old bed as Bo came in from the bathroom. 
    As they were taking their boots off, Bo said, "You don't know how much I've missed this."
    Luke knew what he was talking about, "Yeah, I do. Mind you, Dixie's a much better roommate, but I still miss this." He stretched out on his bed and it seemed to wrap around him. It felt very welcoming.
    “Gonna feel normal but strange, living in the same house again but not sharing a room,” Bo said, reflectively with a yawn, the alcohol was working with his bed’s comfort and the familiarity of having Luke in the bed across from his.
    “Yup but like I said Dixie’s a much better roommate and I bet you say the same about BL before long and not having her there will be strange,” Luke replied.
    “It’s just a strange feeling, cos we shared a room ever since we were little,” Bo was trying to explain his feelings.
    “You didn’t think we’d share a room forever, did you?” Luke asked, trying to not sound incredulous.
    “No, I just…never mind,” Bo said, then faced the wall.
    "Good night, Cousin. I love you." Luke said.
    “Goodnight Luke, love you too,” Bo replied and within minutes Luke heard Bo’s even breathing, signaling that Bo was asleep.
    Luke could consider his 'job or duty' complete for the night. Only now he could relax.
  15. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in NASCAR news   
    It really is hard on me when we lose another one. The Dukes has been a huge part of my life since it came out when I was 19 and all the actors feel like family and friends. 
  16. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Here's one: 
    What episode did they show Rosco's mama? 
    (and Lulu's....unless they only had the same dad) 
  17. Like
  18. Like
  19. Like
    RogerDuke reacted to Skipper Duke in The Official Dukes of Hazzard Trivia Thread   
    Dukes Trivia: What was hidden in the old black Charger that the gun toting couple wanted to get back?
  20. Love
    RogerDuke reacted to Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    The Dukes cartoon aired on SATURDAY morning.
  21. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    'ole jesse is QUITE the storyteller.
  22. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
  23. Love
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in A-Z Game   
    LULU's husband Boss has a birthday today. 
    (from Baa Baa White sheep his Hazzard BD is 4-6-26)
  24. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Boss JD Hogg in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    I like having our very own Boss here on HN. I'm just glad he's not as crooked as the real Boss. Oh well, I'm not as wise as the real Jesse and Hobie's not as drunk as the real Hobie. I see a trend here. 
  25. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in A-Z Game   
    'ole jesse is QUITE the storyteller.
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