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  1. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in The Hazzard Garage (Cooter's Garage)   
    And we're the lucky ones who get to hang out and enjoy it. I really appreciate you sharing all these pictures.  Your skills truly are amazing!
  2. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Forum Software Update   
    It's so awesome to see this place so alive again. I'm no expert on technology but my guess would be that MM attached jumper cables to her computer and hooked them up to someone's General Lee.
  3. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from justinpcoltrane in Rare and Behind the Scenes Pictures of the Dukes of Hazzard   
    .........and will be forever.
  4. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in YAHOO Fantasy NASCAR   
    Hey Garrett, I have a new favorite driver....he's from Georgia. He has the NAPA car (my favorite parts store). He's only 20 so there's a chance he'll be around awhile. He's #24 (you should like that) and he has a cool first name. Go Chase Elliott!!!!
  5. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Garrett Duke in YAHOO Fantasy NASCAR   
    I kicked everybody's behind in fantasy NASCAR Sunday. Okay, not really. I'm in second to last place.
  6. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in 'Orange Clunker Car' - MPC General Lee Build - FINISHED   
    Looks like those four pretty car strippers are driving around in their Jeeps and are at it again. Are they still running that new auto parts store in town?
  7. Haha
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Flint Duke in Most attractive female guest/minor character on the show.   
    Hoss or Roth, if you can dig up any pictures of Miz Tisdale in her swim suit in the Miss Tri-Counties beauty contest from 1938 I sure would appreciate it.
  8. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Signs of Hazzard   
    Great! (I say sarcastically)
    I come to the HazzardNet to get away from all the crazyness of the world, like politics for example, and as soon as I log in I see some advertisement for some feller running for re-election. I thought we had moderators here to keep these spammers away.
    Just kidding...nice job Hoss!
  9. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Happy Birthday Sorrell!!!   
    Nobody on the face of this planet could have been a better Boss Hogg than Sorrell. Happy Birthday Boss. We'll meet you at the Boar's Nest tonight to celebrate!!!
  10. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from BossHogg1 in BossHogg 1 is here   
    Welcome to Hazzard County. It's cool that you're a fan of Boss. He was pretty amazing.
    As I recall Sorrell and Denver were the only two who appeared in every single episode.
    High Octane is my #1 favorite. I'd definitely put Black Sheep and One armed Bandits in the lower half of my top ten.
  11. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Forum Software Update   
    I'm sure the problem is with my lack of computer skills and not the updates. I'm on a regular computer at the moment and it's fine. I'm just struggling with the new tablet. It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. I can't thank you enough MM for founding and maintaining HN for all these years. You are truly my hero. (well, you're third after God and Uncle Jesse)
  12. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in What are you listening to???   
    My wife watches "Dancing with the Stars". She called me into the living room last night because "Devil Went down to Georgia" was being sung!
  13. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Least favourite episode?   
    I'll also agree on Robot P Coltrane along with Strange Visitor but I think I heard James Best say that they were his ideas so out of respect to him I watch them without complaint. I've also watched them with grandchildren. That makes them much better. Although I have to admit I don't need the grandchildren around to enjoy the Dukes cartoons. They'd still cool!
  14. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from justinpcoltrane in Moonrunners (film)   
    I can't believe I still haven't seen Moonrunners. I wish I could help you but I'm not good with techno stuff
  15. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Post Christmas Blues   
    Optimism is always a good thing MM. I suspect my post Christmas blues will start to kick in Monday but I've been fine lately. I'm still listening to Christmas music. In fact Dean Martin is singing as I type this. Happy New Year!
  16. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in You Know You've Been Watching Dukes of Hazzard Too Much When...   
    You know you've been watching Dukes too much when you post the above sentence.
  17. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!   
    We love you and miss you Rosco.
    You'll always be in our hearts.
    Happy Birthday. (July 26)
  18. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Uncle Jessie579 in Arrest Meadowmufn again!   
    Gotta admit I made the same mistake when I first rolled into town.
    After spending a few days in solitary confinement I never made that mistake again.
  19. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Arrest Meadowmufn again!   
    Gotta admit I made the same mistake when I first rolled into town.
    After spending a few days in solitary confinement I never made that mistake again.
  20. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from JHDuke in Bubba Watson to Replace the Flag on LEE1 with the American Flag   
    If he thinks he's going to take the flag off to make everybody happy he's sadly mistaken.
    I know I'm not happy.
    If he replaces it with the American flag he's going to offend a lot of people with anti-American feelings. He must be a hateful person if he doesn't consider their feelings.
    Pardon my sarcasm but this is what we're degenerating into.
  21. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Hobie Hartkins in Ray Kohn's Dukes Show   
    Thanks Hoss! I've said it a million times...you're awesome!
  22. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from K-Duke15 in The Dukes of Hazzard is on TVLand   
    I hope they stay on TV. With all the Confederate Flag controversy the last two days I suspect the Dukes days are numbered.
    It angers me that millions of people are being punished and vilified because of what one madman did. I'm just as angry as anybody else over the massacre. Why should I be punished?
  23. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Meadowmufn in Forum Migration   
    When I'm on the HazzardNet money doesn't flow out of my computer like it's a one armed bandit. Is this a technical glitch?
  24. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Lucas_Duke95 in Howdy good folks!   
    Welcome to Hazzard County Lucas! We're happy to meet a new friend!
  25. Like
    RogerDuke got a reaction from Roth Potter in More Computer Problems   
    Thanks MM. It's come on fine twice in a row now. But with this thing I don't expect that to last. I don't know enough about computers to know who to blame. All these things like routers, modems and connections with funny names make my redneck head spin. I do know that I always blame the computer itself and from what I'm learning it's not very often the computers fault.
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