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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. I totally agree with you DaisyMae Hazzardnet is defenitely a quality site. I have visited others that as my gramma would say "can't hold a candle to hnet". And I think we should make sure that the fanfics whether in the rr or other areas are of good quality that everyone can be proud of.
  2. Did you post again after the first initial one? It might not have went through sometimes that happens to me. BL
  3. Looks like we're breaking rules ourselves Chet with our story Wanted: Dead or Alive over in round robin since it's not a free for all. Looks to me like we might oughta get it moved to the proper place but I'll leave that decision upto you. BL
  4. I agree with both of you, potential members come to this site either by sheer accident or someone directs them to it when they are looking for fanfiction. They won't join or stay to read if the first stories they see are poorly written. So I think we should continue to make this the best DOH site on the web and put our best foot forward as fanfic writers. B.L.
  5. (Joint post between Chet Duke and BL Davenport) "No! I aint sittin down! I'd rather fall on my ass!" Chet glared at the Duke man that had made him. "Get outta here, I wouldnt take your help on a silver platter! I'd rather rot and die in jail." His voice came out a low growl. Cooter had had enough of the young man's attitude and stepped forward his face contorted into a snarl as he pushing a chair over as BL had requested. "Sit down and shut up! I got half a mind to call Rosco to come getcha and lock ya up, ain't no use in trying to help ya none you obviously don't appreciate what BL's already been doing!" A vocal growl, just like a angery dog came out of the young Duke as he looked Cooter in the eye. "Go ahead." He tries to shake BL's hold off. Bo just stood by, he didnt know what to say or do. Truely this was not the young boy he'd lost so many years ago. Cooter stepped back a half a step at the growl but otherwise didn't back down. BL wasn't phased by the growl or the young man's attempt to shake her hold off and she just held on tighter diggin her fingers in a little deeper Weak still, Chet could not shake her hold off or make any move to escape. "Just get away!" He through himself into a thrashing motion letting his body drop to the floor. BL had to let go when he dropped to the floor or be dragged down with him. Cooter watched the Duke boy thrashing and drop to the floor just shaking his head at the display. Exhausted in just a few moments the young man curled on his side and covered his head with his arms.A vehical pulled into the drive at that very moment, a Hazzard County police car. BL and Cooter looked out the window at the sound of the vehicle Cooter commenting idly "looks like we won't hafta call Rosco he done sent someone out here." BL wasn't amused at Cooter one bit despite Chet's reluctance for any further help she wasn't going to just hand him over that easily and hissed to Cooter "get him in the back of the house outta sight!" "The celler, Rosco's afraid of the dark." Bo hurried forward and grabbed ahold of the younger Duke, with Cooter's help the two men half carried, half dragged him down into the celler. While the two older men were hiding the younger BL went to the door, stepping out on the porch where Rosco was just about to knock on the door "howdy Rosco" she smiled amiably at the aging sheriff. "Kheee ooogit! BL!" Rosco stuttered. "Im lookin fer a murder." The old sheriff pulled out a wanted sheet. It looked like something out of a old western movie, a hand drawn picture of Chet with he words 'Wanted: Dead or Alive" $10,000 reward, written on it. The Davenport Woman took the poster studying it closely with a blank look as if she'd never seeen the face drawn on it before in her life. " $10,000 dead or alive" she whistled low. "You was in the bank, you identified that face, and khee by Lord willing we'll get that no good rogue!" Rosco chirped. "I identified a face similar to this one but I can't be sure it was this one exactly being drawn instead of a photo." BL commented still looking at the poster, the drawn picture looking up at her from the paper was Chet and not the bank robber but Rosco wouldn't believe her no matter what she told him.
  6. Hazzard Fair Grounds Yellow River Donna Fargo
  7. Lucinda Meadows Mount Vernon Shine on Hazzard Moon
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