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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke looked back at Daisy with the same questioning look. He wasn't sure if they should tell Jesse yet or not either. Looking back at Bo and still feeling him trembling Luke shook his head slightly at Daisy they would wait till Bo wasn't in earshot to tell Uncle Jesse what was going on in hopes that it was just a one time occurance.
  2. Jesse came back in a while later finding the three cousins sitting on the couch together. Daisy holding one of Bo's hands and rubbing his back with the other while Luke had both arms firmly around his youngest cousin. "Ya see Luke I tole ya he'd be back."
  3. LOL I've thought many times somebody should write Gy and ask him specifically about all this.
  4. In baby for the Dukes Jesse says Daisy was 6 when she came to the farm and there's a reference to Bo being about the same age as the baby they are taking care of. I don't think it's mentioned how old Luke was though.
  5. Luke gives Bo a gentle squeeze speaking softly and reasurringly in his ear "of course we will.....now try to get some rest we'll protect ya."
  6. "I know your scared Bo....it's alright to be scared. We'll help ya through it any way we can." Luke smiled reassuringly at Bo wiping away a tear that managed to escape the blue eyes looking back at him with all the confidence a younger brother would give an older.
  7. I have to say that when I accessed the site and found everything changed I was not happy lol but then it was 3am and trying to figure out something knew at that time of day is frustrating. Now that I've learned the ropes in the light of day things really haven't changed that much as far as actual posting. As for the avatars and sig lines I like the new format better because I am one of those dial up users that big sigs and graphics makes it hard to read the things on the forum I want to read.
  8. Luke is shocked to say the least hearing Bo's words, turning Bo to face him looking Bo straight in the eye he says adamantly. "You will beat this Bo...you will....but by some chance you don't *noone* is going to lock you in the looney bin *noone*."
  9. Luke put his finger against Bo's lips to quiet his babbling for a moment. "Bo nobody knows exactly how the brain works.....but apparently it was bad enough. Maybe your brain just pushed it all aside while it was happening unable to deal with it at the time but now that your home and things are 'normal' it's being unlocked so you can cope with it. Just know that your not alone Bo ya can talk ta me, or Daisy anytime day or night. B.L. and Cooter's available too anytime ya need 'em." Luke comforted and reassured softly in Bo's ear.
  10. Luke shook his head hugging Bo a little tighter as Daisy did the same from the other side. "No Bo yer not goin' crazy...ya just feelin' the afteraffects of the trauma of being in the hands of that madman."
  11. B.L. watched the cousins sighing in relief when Bo visibly relaxed in their hold. Pushing away from the wall smiles at them saying quietly. "I'd better get goin' Cooter's probably figured out I went AWOL at work by now and he'll be lookin' for me." Luke looks up when B.L. speaks and moves away from the wall. "Ya better let him know where ya been, he CB'd lookin' for ya when he went by the Boar's Nest and you weren't there and they told him ya had called in sick." B.L. sighs nodding and leans over the back of the couch hugging Bo from behind before doing the same to Luke and Daisy. "Lemme know if there's anythin' I can do." Gestures to Bo sitting between them. Both cousins nod in response before B.L. leaves.
  12. Luke continued to hold the glass letting Bo drink slowly pulling back slightly when he tried to gulp it all at once. Getting drunk wouldn't solve anything. Once the shine was gone Luke put the glass down on the coffeetable. Leaning back against the couch he pulled Bo back to relax next to him until the shine took affect.
  13. "It's ok Bo, the docs said this might happen just try to stay calm" Luke looks up at Daisy as she hands him the shine holding it to Bo's lips hoping it would calm him down. B.L. stood leaning against the wall wondering now if taking Bo out had been such a good idea afterall.
  14. Luke hearing Daisy's frantic call rushes into the house seeing Bo kneeling on the floor next to B.L. shaking while she kept an arm around him. "What's wrong?" B.L. looks up at Luke shaking her head and shrugging helplessly. "I dunno Luke, every little sound is scarin' him ta death." Luke rushes over pulling Bo gently to his feet and guiding him to the couch where he sits down beside his youngest cousin with an arm around his shoulders. "s'alright Bo yer safe"
  15. Held him close making it look like they were joined at the hip. Gripping him a little tighter everytime he jumped from a noise. Smiling relieved to see the farm come into view. "Almost there Bo" Continues onto the farmhouse trudging across the front yard and in the front door.
  16. Remembers what the doctor had said about him possibly needing professional help to deal with the memories of what he'd been through and figures that was what was happening but she didn't want to believe it wasn't something his friends and family couldn't help him through without the help of doctors. "The doctors said this might happen....it's just after affects of the trauma of being held captive. C'mon we'll go back ta the farm and you'll feel better." Leads him toward home to the safety of the farm and his family.
  17. Getting to her feet B.L. puts an arm around Bo's waist as he jerks sharply. "My goodness Bo yer as jumpy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rockin' chairs. What's got ya spooked?"
  18. B.L. still had not opened her eyes just letting the peace of the place surround them. Feeling a slight tremble go through Bo sitting shoulder to shoulder as they were she cracked an eye looking over at him. He didn't look like anything was wrong to the average observer but to her and his family a small change from his normal appearance was detectible. "Bo? You ready ta go home?...the longer we stay gone the longer the lecture's gonna be." Worried something was wrong with him but tries to make it sound like she was more concerned with the amount of trouble they were going to be in.
  19. I posted about a new forum with an rp section under General maybe I should have posted it here to get the word out better. All characters are welcome whether it's an original from the tv show or not. We do need the three Duke cousins though. Most of the plots will probably take place in the current times. In the current thread its 2006 so Uncle Jesse has passed on to the pearly gates as well as Boss Hogg. But everyone else still lives in Hazzard. Cooter is a congressman but Bo don't drive NASCAR, Luke ain't a smoke jumper, and Daisy never went to college and got her PhD at Duke University she still works at the Boar's Nest. PM me for the link if you'd like to play or just look around.
  20. Satisfied that Luke had calmed down Jesse went into the livingroom and sat in his favorite chair to read the paper. He had a feeling Bo wasn't completely alone and while he'd preferred Bo had told one of them he knew that he was ok. Luke turned and went back out to finish the chores when Jesse had went to read the paper and Daisy had turned back to he pie making. He just hoped Bo would be back before dark and the air became damp and chilly. Walking across the yard the CB in the general lee crackled to life with a familiar jovial voice. "Breaker one Breaker one I might be crazy but I ain't dumb Crazy Cooter comin' atcha any o' you Duke's home on the Hazzardnet c'mon?" Rushing over to the open window of the car Luke reached in and grabbed the CB mic pressing the transmit button. "Luke here Crazy C what's up?" "Have ya seen B.L.? I went by the Boar's Nest for a beer and she weren't there. I asked and Jerry said she'd called in sick but that ain't so ya saw her she was fine when we left ya'lls place." Luke shook his head wondering why he hadn't thought of it before when he found Bo missing. Bo wasn't alone he bet, especially now knowing B.L. had called in sick she had to be with Bo but where they had snuck off to he didn't know. Pressing the transmit button he replied to Cooter's question about her whereabouts. "No we ain't seen hide nor hair of her since ya'll left here Bo's missin' and I'm bettin' she's with him." Cooter shook his head with a slight chuckle those two were always getting upto some sort of mischief and seeing how they could worry their families. "I bet your right Luke, If I see 'em I'll make sure she brings Bo straight home. Catch ya on the flip side Buddyroe I'm gone." "Catch ya later Coot" With that Luke replaced the CB mic and resumed his trek to the the barn.
  21. Luke chuckled at the joke although there was some truth to it. Jesse's big toe had detected trouble more than once or twice. Sighing silently he resolved to stop worrying so much, if Jesse wasn't worried then he shouldn't be either.
  22. Luke wrapped his arms around Daisy propping his head on top of hers with a deep sigh. He did feel a little more at ease knowing Bo had taken his coat with him whereever he'd gone. "Point taken he's not done anything I haven't done." He admitted begrudgingly
  23. Luke sighed giving Daisy a glare she was right and he knew it and that bothered him all the more. "Alright alright I'll cool it. But in my defense when I'm ill it ain't because some guy's beat the tar outta me. And I don't have the breathing problems Bo's always had with his asthma. What if he ain't got his inhaler with him?"
  24. Jesse frowned as he listened to Luke wondering just where his youngest had gotten off to. He wasn't happy about it anymore than Luke was but he also understood Bo's need to have a break from the hovering that the family tended to do. He'd talk to Bo about letting someone know when he needed to get away instead of just sneaking off when he came back from whereever he was. "Now Luke he's a big boy and can take care of himself, he'll be back from whereever he went." Luke shook his head opening his mouth to argue with Uncle Jesse that Bo shouldn't be out there alone but quickly closed it knowing better than to argue. Deep down he knew he was hovering and that Bo just needed some time to himself but he still couldn't help worrying about him.
  25. Luke shook his head angrily growling. "never mind I have my answer, he ain't here." Jesse came in just in time to hear the last of Luke's statement with a furrowed brow he asked. "Who ain't here?" Luke just looked at his Uncle for a moment before again growling his answer. "Bo...he's disappeared. The window that faces the east 40 is open so that must be his escape route."
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