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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Sorry, I would but I cant add any more programmes to my laptop as its full up with stuff...mainly Dukes screen caps and the like lol - as it is. If someone else could spare the time to do it, i'm sure they will :) Best thing to do though would be to buy the proper box sets.

  2. As Luke squeezed her hands a little tighter, she bit her lip softly...she could see the fright hidden in his blue eyes and knew what he was thinking...sometimes it was something she thought about too...which one of their family members would be next...but then she had always talked to Uncle Jesse about it and could run through the conversations they'd had together many a time to soothe her. Shaking her head a little she stood up and leaned over, hugging him tightly.

  3. Daisy sighed and squeezed his hands again softly, just liking the feel of having him giving her a little source of comfort again. She had yet to find anyone who matched her older cousins strong protective arms...anytime she had felt scared or unsafe...it had always been Luke's arms she turned to to protect her...because she knew he would...it was strange feeling so insecure around him now.

  4. "I try Luke...but he is a grown man...he does what he wants regardless of what I tell him...its like..never mind..." She broke off as she was about to go into detail about what Bo had been acting like, but she quicly realized that at that moment in time that was not what Luke needed to hear.

  5. "Me?" She asked a little surprised...of everyone she thought that it would mainly be Bo he missed. She kinda just stayed in the background for most things, it was always Bo and Luke more than anything else...she didn't mind though, it just made the times that they all spent together or the time she spent with one of the boys that much more special.

  6. Daisy smiled softly and have a gentle squeeze back, practically being able to see the wheels in Luke's heard turning for the first time in months. He was beginning to look like his old self again and while she knew it could be a long while yet before he was truly better...at least he was definitly making progress.

  7. Daisy laughed, shaking her head as she saw the two fight over who was going to get to her first.

    "Your telling me..."

    Letting out a shrill whistle, she soon brought the two kids to an abrupt stop just a few paces away from her, saying gently.

    "Now...you dont gotta fight t'get t'me...I got two arms, I can pick ya both up at the same time...but not until you's apologised t'each other...that ain't no way t'treat yer cousin...either of ya..."

    Sammy smiled as she watched Daisy handle the exciteable youngsters, glancing up at Bo who was watching amused from the hallway. All he could do was shrug, having been intending to carry TJ out till he had prctically bounced off the bed and hurried out the room in his excitement.

  8. :) Course it was a boy's best friend and one of the best quotes in the series in my opinion. Really shows how much the cousins have been through together :) The scene for those of y'all that dont remember: Bo and Luke arrive at the orphanage and find little Terry Lee all upset being looked at by a Doc. They take one look at him, and Bo turns to Luke and says his bit and Luke replies with his. Its a sweet scene, take a look ;)

    Next Quote!

    Girl: Let me show you what the opposite sex can do.

    Luke: Oh I know what the opposite sex can do, I just dont think a car is the proper place t'do it...



    Jessi Duke = 0

    Daisy Duke = 2

    Roger Duke = 2

    Lori Davenport = 2

    BL Davenport = 2

  9. Daisy nodded a little, reaching out and taking his hands softly.

    "We're here Luke...me an' Bo...and we're not yer only family either...you got Coy and Vance and Jeb...yer brother Judd...we could contact any of em and they'd be here within 24 hours ya know that...Jeb Stuart already offered t'come down and help take care of the farm but Bo said no...I might have t'call him back anyway and see if he'll still come..."

  10. Bo laughed and nodded...for one so small he sure was a bright spark.

    "Ya huh, she's out there waitin' t'see ya kiddo..."

    Daisy looked up a little as she heard the childish yell of her name, giggling before looking to Sammy and Enos.

    "I think TJ's awake..."

    Sammy laughed and nodded. "Sure sounds like it...he takes waking up from sleep a lot better than Bo does..."

  11. With a small nod and as much of a smile as she could muster, she looked up at Luke properly.

    \"Yeah...as I can be...gets hard bein\' at the farm alone sometimes but...i\'m doing ok...Enos keeps coming and checking on me and so does Cooter...even Rosco sometimes though he claims he\'s lookin for you two...Hazzard misses you boys...all the girls keep wanting me t\'tell them where ya are so they can come visit...\"

  12. By this time, Bo was smiling so much that his cheeks were beginning to ache. He could always rely on TJ whenever he was down to cheer him back up again...especially when he\'d just woken up. It was then more than any other time of day that TJ was the most cuddly...

    He ruffled his son\'s hair gently after the kiss on the nose, being sure to hold onto him incase he fell backwards.

    \"Daddy loves you big too Teej...and theres a surprise waiting for you in the lounge...\"

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