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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo nodded with a wave to Daisy as she leaned out the door to call them in for lunch, dumping the things inside the barn door where he would go back to in order to put them in their rightful place later. Hey, it was lunch and to be honest he was hungry. Jogging inside after Luke, he managed catch what Luke was saying.

    "You really remember that far back cousin?" he asked, interestedly. All debate about who taught who what was gone now, he never really knew much about himself when he was a little kid so hearing this kind of thing was always interesting.

  2. Bo raised his eyebrows, pointing with a smirk back over at Luke as he got the fishing poles out the back of the General.

    "Hey, that there is true for both of us an' you know it, you can't just pin that on me."

    Carefully he slid the poles out from the back of the General, leaving the equipment box in the back for Luke to get, heading towards the barn.

    "You can't have taught me t'walk an' talk an' stuff though...I mean you musta only been like...5 or 6?"

  3. Hey all, me and Daisy are back with another rr. This time, we've planned it out so it shouldn't just suddenly fade into nothingness LOL.

    This is for BoJamesDuke, DaisyMaeDuke, BL Davenport and possibly RogerDuke to write on only. Please do not add your own posts.

    Many thanks, hope you enjoy :D


    Bo pulled the General Lee to a screeching halt in the dusty yard of the Duke Farm, the sun glinting off the bright orange paintwork and making the rebel flag on top look prouder than ever. All the chores had been done earlier in the day, the animals were all having a lazy day it seemed - including the chickens who didn't run from the stones and dust the tyres of the General Lee kicked up. It seemed like they were too lazy to care...or by now they had just gotten used to it which wouldn't have surprised anyone in the family.

    Anyone would think that on a day like this, the boys would just spend the day fishing or racing or skinny dipping... but no. As usual, Bo and Luke were locked in a debate...not an argument, a debate. Everyone who knew the boys knew the big difference betwee those two words...mainly there weren't any punches being pulled and neither boy was mad at the other.

    Bo shook his head, his blonde curls bouncing as he did, sliding out the window of the General as he commented to his older cousin over the roof...

    "I'm tellin' you Luke, there is no way you taught me how t'fish like that. You never had the patience t'do it. It was Uncle Jesse."

  4. Hey!

    Course it aint. I'm a casual fan of country music which got started on me through the Dukes but usually I'll listen to anything I like. If a song speaks to me and I enjoy listening to it for any reason then it goes on my itunes list and my ipod, simple as. I don't care what genre it is really.

    For example, right now i'm really into songs done by Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana and her dad Billy Ray Cyrus (Achy Breaky Heart) Which are a mix of country/hip hop/slight bit of rock. Laugh if you will but she has done some amazing songs, not as Hannah Montana. One I would reccomend is 'Butterfly Fly Away' which she sang with her dad which is just beautiful. Search it on youtube.

    A while back though, I was getting into a Rock/Heavy Metal singer called Papa Roach who did this years WWE Raw theme tune. So yeah lol, I'm into a lot. I go through phases of trying new genres. Why stick to one when you can find something just as good in another department? ;)

  5. Hmmmm interesting! Well maybe there's hope yet, John has been selling a lot of stuff on ebay and in his shop so maybe he's been raising money for it. I'd think it might be too late in the game to organize something as big as last year unless they've been sneaky about it...but still, good to know! Thanks!

    And a big welcome to Hnet ;)

  6. And the rooms change season to season which is why I said you can't lay out a definitive plan of the house. Cause in the two episodes I mentioned the room that is attatched to the living room is Daisy's room. In others its different. A lot of building it is guess work, based on the shape of the outside of the farm. Doesn't really matter where you put the rooms so long as you remember that there's 3 of them needed LOL

  7. Awwww its easy to do a floor plan of the house really....well kinda lol. Eaisiest way to do it is to create it in the game 'The Sims 2' and look at various angles of the house in the DVD's. Main things to remember are:

    Lounge/kitchen/Dining area = 1 big room.

    Front and back porch

    3 bedrooms - Daisy, The Boys and Jesse's.

    1 Bathroom, probably very small.

    Daisy's room most commonly is the room that links to the lounge - look to Undercover Dukes and Diamonds in the Rough for conformation as she goes in there herself.

    Boys Room and Jesse's are down the hallway leading off from the lounge, by the front door leading onto the front porch.

    Mainly use your imagination, because the farmhouse changed so much through the seasons you cant really get a definitive floor plan to be honest. But its always fun to try!! :D

  8. LOL Bo's Belle, that's because John just loves to talk about himself X-D Bless his heart. John just doesn't mind what people know, he'd rather people know about him than get crazy stalkers trying to pry into every little bit of his life and starting rumours about stuff they dont know that could hurt him. He's rather smart is our John.

    Meantime, Tom doesn't wanna be known like that- not many celebs do tbh. He isn't shy by any means, as Jimmie confirmed when I asked him on chat one night if Tom was a shy person, he just doesn't like crazy fans. I think even John got a bit worried at Dukesfest when a load of crazy people went up to a porta-potty he was in and knocked it over :S

  9. Hey Bo's Belle!

    Daisy has told me this story but I forget a lot of it LOL. The gist is that Tom's mother died when he was very young, I think its about 6 years old though Daisy will probably correct me, in a car accident (again I think, I dont remember). That's why he was raised by his dad.

    Daisy has the links not me, I haven't seen them but I trust Daisy :)

  10. He's always worn that ring, I dont think anyone really knows the full story. A lot of fan fic writers assume that the character Luke wears it because it was his daddy's but why Tom wears it, its kinda unclear. If anyone knows for certain why this is please tell us! :D

  11. Its not the mods faults MaryAnne, you Meadow and Brian do a great job around here and I know you cant be in several places at once. I have great respect for the mods here, and I dont think you should blame yourselves at all, you three work hard....well...most of the time ;)

  12. Kay you have not been bullied. We've asked you several times to stop bothering people about their stories, to just cut back on the amount of times you ask people to update and you just dont get it. We've tried helping you out with your writing, with coming up with ideas but you just keep on and on and on and on and it frustrates the heck out of us until eventually we just end up ignoring it or saying something to you. Its like your obsessive with the character of Luke and with some people's stories. There is a difference between being excited about a story and being obsessive about it and you need to find the line you've stepped over.

    And Jaime Lee, I'm sorry that you feel that way! Personally, I've never spoken to you, but I'd like to. Just real life has been catching up with me. What you catch sometimes in the chat and maybe on the boards is a result of many years of us all being together, sometimes its banter but sometimes its genuine problems that we are all having with each other that we're thrashing out. We've had problems with behind the back talking and the like before and so most of the time we just face each other and talk straight. Even families have fights, its life, its human nature. Bo and Luke never went a season without an argument of some sorts ;)

    Also, in the chat, some people talk in Character - I'll name some people because I know they wont mind lol. Cowboy or Chet is a character that an author has made up and when they talk in chat they talk or rp with other people as that character not as themselves. I know I do as well, talk as Bo sometimes, and it gets confusing as to who your actually talking to lol. Most of what you'll see in chat is just rp or banter, if your confused about it just ask one of us and we'll be happy to explain any situations or any problems that are going on so you can know what's happening.

    Its daunting coming onto a new site and seeing all of this and I know that sometimes what you can see can be harsh and stuff, but you have to understand there's a back story most of the time and there's reasons for what some people say. :) Hope this clears a little bit up and I'm sorry personally if you've seen me post something you feel is unfair or unreasonable.

    Hope to talk to you soon :)


  13. It might just be that they cant fit the rest of the list into the box in which they were typing...

    I'm from the UK but my season 7 is region 1 but it still works on my laptop DVD plater...here is why i'm thinking so atm. The Dukes seasons are not NTSC recorded so despite their region, I think they work on any DVD. Same goes for my Smallville Seasons.

    Buy the box set from here, PLay.com are usually really reliable, i've used them before. Its probably just the case that they cannot fit all the description in

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