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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Hey Guys

    Just wanted to let you know to keep your eyes peeled wherever you are in the world, wherever you go because I was delighted to find a Tom movie called 'Burning Rage' at Blockbuster for sale! I brought it and watched it yesterday and its quite a good movie! A bit like Dukes with a corrupt politician destroying a town and Tom plays a sheriff who has to save the day ;) lol.

    Its great, I was so happy cause now I own lots of John movies and am pleased to finally get my hands on something Tom is in besides Christmas Comes to Willow Creek :D

  2. Zack looked back at him again in surprise. He sure was gaining a lot of 'friends' on this one day outside the orphanage and his little mind couldn't understand why. He had never really been anyone's friend before, he'd never really let anyone...and now...Luke was asking him to be his friend...the animals on the farm were seeking out his attention and in their own ways asking him to be their friends too. The only 'friend' he had ever had was George...

    "W...why..." He asked softly, his soft green eyes looking into Luke's deep ocean blue ones...hinting that maybe there was something more to that question than was clear.

  3. I'm not sure that's gonna happen...I think there's gonna be something more going on with Grace's family tbh. I dont see how killing off his character would benefit the storylines they have going on. If anything, he'll go out with Amy's mom lol!!

    But seriously, John hasn't said anything on his website about Secret Life atm so don't believe all rumours till they're confirmed ;) I love the little Dukes references he's put into the show, inside jokes for all the Dukes fans he knows is watching lol

  4. Bo frowned deeply, shaking his head...he just couldn't grasp the concept that Luke was trying to teach him. No one had ever thought to teach him the concept of death, no one wanted to break the innocence that Luke and Daisy never seemed to be able to have.

    "Well dat ain't nice, ain't nice t'make people come see you when yer sick! 'Sides, she dont need him, we'll go see her an' help her!"

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