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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Zac kept looking back at the window as Luke led him out the room, swallowing as he looked around the place he had lived in but never really explored. He shied away from the children as they ran near him, shouting and yelling things, moving closer to Luke.

    Once placed in the truck, he curled up again into a little ball, hugging George close to him as he looked out the windows of the truck nervously.

  2. It wasn't long before the lady had Luke's details and what the plan was for the trip out. She'd heard of the Dukes before and knew that they were indeed good people and so trusted Luke and his family to look after Zac while he was in their care for the day.

    "Well I think that's everything, I hope he's not too much trouble for you while your with him...he hasn't been out with anyone before besides his parents..."

  3. The lady was once again up to her ears in children. All of them were pulling at her clothes, some were crying, others were screaming, others were simply yelling because all the others were and they wanted to add to the noise. She was trying desperatly to get some degree of control among them so she could find out what it was exactly they wanted but it was impossible with so many of them shouting at her at once.

    Sighing, she gave a sharp whistle which caught each child's attention in an instant. In the brief surprised pause, the lady barked out.

    "All of you sit down quietly right now or there will be no dessert after dinner tonight and I mean it! Carson stop pulling Tina's hair, Tyler stop bouncing on the couches, Penny turn that music down before I take that radio away from you!"

    With murmurs of 'Yes M'am' and other quiet grumbles, the kids soon settled down to quieter activites much to the relief of the worker who sank into a chair and ran a hand through her hair.

  4. Zac didn't answer, just sitting cuddled in a little ball against Luke, his eyes still looking out the window except this time they didn't look like they were searching for something. Instead now he looked like he was just looking, perhaps watching in case his parents did suddenly come down the road but he knew in his heart of hearts that they weren't...that he was just like all the other kids in the orphanage...parentless and alone.

  5. "Why'd dey weave me....was I bad?"

    He knew really Luke wouldn't know the answer, but Luke was the first adult in a long time to take any notice of him for more than 5 minutes. The first person who actually tried to get through him and even though he tried desperatly not to get attached to this stranger lest he get hurt again, he just couldn't help it. He was lonely with no one to talk to but George and no one who cared about him and he didnt want to play with the other kids. They were too noisy, always trying to get someone's attention. He just wanted one person to take an interest in just him...and right now that person was Luke.

  6. "I can't....dey'll leave again if I'm not here...den I won't see dem again.."

    The lost little boy said gently, his bottom lip quivering a little. The fear that they had already been on the occasion he had to leave the window for food or to use the bathroom always resided in his little mind, even more so though, the knowledge that in reality...they were never coming back. He had heard the workers at the orphanage talking, he knew what they were saying...if anything he was sitting at the window praying that they were wrong, begging his parents all the time in his head to come back and take him back with them. He didn't understand why he had been left all alone, he didn't understand what he had done wrong....but he had been waiting for months now...and neither one of them had come for him.

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