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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Little 4-year-old Bo giggled as he watched Luke do it, clapping his hands joyfully.


    "Me go! Me go!" He shrieked, his blonde curls bouncing as he bounced excitedly.

    Now when he said 'Me go' it wasn't as much as me have a go as it was you help me have a go. He'd had it explained to him that he couldn't swing on his own yet countless times, so instead, Luke would pick him up and Bo would cling to Luke tightly while they swang.

  2. Bo nodded a little, smiling to himself. He knew the kind of thing Luke would want to say or be thinking at that moment, he didn't need it to be said. Looking at a couple more pictures he smiled more at the thought that, just like the pictures, near all the memories of life he had included Luke. Over the years they'd been through lots together,taught each other things....yes even Bo had taught Luke a thing or two.

  3. Lavinia watched with a smile as Luke hugged Bo close, seeing that Bo felt better about the situation now Luke was talking to him and hugging him. Course, Bo didn't say so...he didn't really say anything else, but just looked at Luke's mouth as he spoke with wide blue eyes before putting his little hand over it. He could clearly see something was different.

    "All gone Bo...look...* Lavinia said gently, pointing to the gap in Luke's teeth now. "Gone..."

    Bo looked between Lavinia and where she was pointing, not understanding exactly what was gone but understanding that there was supposed to be something in the gap. Waving his arms, he bounced up and down a little bit in Luke's hug.

  4. Lavinia giggled as he did, shaking her head softly with a smile.

    "Yeah it will for a lil bit Luke, takes time to get used to change remember. Soon enough though you'll feel yer new teeth startin' to grow. Losin yer baby teeth is somethin to be proud of, shows yer growin' up like I said..."

    She stopped dead though as a small whimper from by Luke's feet sounded, little Bo sitting there tugging as Luke's pant leg...although it wasn't just a whimper...it was a whimper that sounded remarkably like...


  5. "Of course you are Luke."

    She said with a smile, running a hand through his wild dark curls softly as she finished wiping the last of the blood from his chin tenderly.

    "And just think, the tooth fairy is gonna sure be pleased to know two of your teeth have gone instead of one. It don't matter if they're under your pillow or not, she still knows that they're gone and she'll pay you double because of it! Especially since you took such good care of them."

    During the commotion, Bo hadn't moved an inch, watching the scene in the kitchen curiously. He was at a loss as to what to do...half wanting to cry and half wanting to just watch what was happening. One thing for sure though was that the little kid was worried. When neither Luke nor Lavinia was looking as they went back into conversation, he pushed himself into sitting and leant forward to get on his hands and knees, crawling over to them both slowly.

  6. Lavinia looked in his mouth and smiled a little, reassuringly, as she saw the gap. It shouldn't have been too long before they were due to fall out anyway, she could already see the adult teeth starting to show underneath his gums even through the blood.

    "Aww Luke don't you worry about that! They're just your baby teeth darlin'. They were about ready to fall out anyway. Before long you'll have brand new adult teeth there which shows that yer getting to be such a big boy!" She said softly, carressing his cheek gently.

    To say that Luke was advanced in his thinking for his age was an understatement. Sometimes it was like talking to a mini adult, and a large part of that she believed was down to the fact that he took a lot of responsibility of looking after Bo on his shoulders. As soon as Baby Bo arrived at the farm just months ago, Luke had really come out of his shell and started to act like a proper 5 year old, and concequently had also grown up a lot because of the death of his parents.

  7. Lavinia came running out quickly at the thud, thinking it was Bo at first....he couldn't walk yet but boy that little kid could already crawl his way into a trouble. She breathed a sigh of relief at seeing Bo still laying on the floor however frowned at the look of horror and his quivering bottom lip as he stared at something across the room.

    Looking up, she bit her lip as she saw Luke getting shakily to his feet, blood dribbling from his mouth. Hurrying over, she knelt down to Luke's level and took his chin gently in her hands. Gently she started moping up the blood dribbling down his chin with her hankie, saying gently.

    "Oh Lukie....this is why we tell you not to run in the house baby....you never know what's gonna be in here...are you ok?"

  8. Bo took the album carefully, still standing up, looking at the picture that Luke pointed to, unable to help taking one last parting shot. It wasn't that he didn't know when to stop, it was just that bantering like this was so fun that when he got in the mood it was hard to stop.

    "Awwww this little guy's cute....who is he?" he said with a smirk.

    He knew who it was of course, there was no mistaking Luke's dark curls, bright blue eyes and wide grin. The only way anyone could ever doubt it was Luke in the picture was because he wasn't wearing plaid. Sitting down next to Luke with a chuckle, he looked at a couple of the other photos.

    "So what happened?"

  9. Bo spluttered as Luke hit him in the face with the water, scowling at him before taking his hands out from underneath the water and shaking them in front of Luke's face, sending the water every which way over Luke. He then proceeded to wipe his hands through Luke's hair as a towel, all the while speaking as though nothing had happened although the grin on his face was as big as a chesire cats.

    "Scared? Was I lookin at you an' yer ugly mug?" He bantered as he dried his hands up for real on a towel.

  10. Bo went to the sink and started washing his hands, glancing over his shoulder at Luke. He knew that from the word go both he and Luke had been as close as brothers, maybe even closer. But just how big a role Luke had played in his early years had never really crossed his mind before, he just assumed that Luke was too young to take much part and figured he'd be much more absorbed in other things than his baby cousin.

    "Kay then.....how'd it happen? Any of it?"

  11. I have loads of favourite wrestlers:

    Shawn Micheals

    Triple H


    Rey Mysterio

    John Cena

    Randy Orten (though not when he's a heel, he's a right little t**t when he is lol)

    Eddie Gurerro (RIP)

    And the most awsome pairing of all time is D-Generation X with Shawn and Hunter. When they reunited in 2006 and played all those pranks on the McMahon's it was the funniest thing i've ever seen. I love Shawn the most, he's a legend.

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