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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Cooter nodded, sensing something deeper but not about to go pressing Luke for more personal information. He knew if it was important Luke would eventually tell him, if not he was content not knowing. He had to admit though, something had changed in Luke...he seemed calmer, more at peace than recently. His eyes didnt look so down, they looked interested once again, looked like he had a plan for moving forwards where recently he had looked lost and like he had no idea what to do...and Cooter knew from experience that that was something Luke hated and tended to resolve quickly.

    "Mighty nice of ya buddyroe...he looks like a great kid..."

    Zac heard the compliment, peeking out just a little from behind Luke's legs but not making a move to actually be seen.

  2. Cooter nodded again, glancing to the little boy who stood cowering behind Luke's legs like someone was going to jump out and bite him. He remembered when he'd first met Luke...Luke was a lot like that too. He wasn't always so confident interacting with people, that came with time when he got used to being in Hazzard. Stood to reason Luke would find and bond with a kid just like him...what puzzled Cooter was exactly why Luke was at the orphanage in the first place.

    "So why was ya at the orphanage..."

  3. Cooter jumped at the yell, banging his head on the hood of the car that he had been working underneath. Shaking his head, he took his hat off as he rubbed it, looking over to Luke.

    "I sure hope you dont mind payin Doc's bills buddyroe cause if you keep surprisin me like that, i'm gonna need to be with the doc treatin a concussion!" He said good naturedly, patting Luke on the back with a smile. "Who's this?"

  4. Jenny smiled back at him before leaning over the counter a little to look at Zac who was obviously looking anywhere but at her. He seemed to her to be fascinated with every little thing, gazing through the glass at the different flavour and colour ice creams on display whilst hanging on to and showing George the same thing.

    "Awww well they're both very cute, what is it I can get for you today Luke?"

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