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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Eventually, the young girl just creaked the door open, stepping inside and letting Luke in, pointing over to the window.

    There was where they young boy was sat, a stuffed animal that wasn't recognizable from the way it was hugged against his stomach, clutched tightly in his arms. He had a blanket covering him, like he never left that spot not even to sleep in, his head resting against the glass as his eyes gazed around the area he was looking out of, only moving when a car started to approch and sinking back down again when it wasn't who he was hoping for.

  2. All around the old place there were kids running around after each other, groups of girls trying to play dolls while the boys deliveratly ran through the middle of their games. Others were dancing to loud music in the living room while more kids ran around in the back yard. The place was a mess though it was obviously well kept when the children were behaving.

    The girl led Luke to an office, having to prise children off her legs as she walked and they jumped on her trying to get her to play.

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