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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Before long, Daisy came out her room to join Luke at the door, slipping her coat on and doing it up carefully before looking to him with a smile.

    "Ready when you are..."

    It had been such a long time since they had gone for a walk in the rain together. Since coming back from Nam, for a while Luke had taken a great dislike to the wet weather having had to cope with it too much out in Nam during the rainy seasons. It had taken him a while to get back into enjoying walking through it...and it had been even longer since he invited her on a walk. She had missed those days so much and so everytime he asked her to go with him, she treasured the connection they found again.

  2. "S'ok...and no he probably dont wanna talk about it t'night because its the first time he's seen you happy in ages...he's not exactly gonna turn round and spoil that...well least not intentionally anyways. You know Bo's always done things on his own time rather than anyone elses...as far as he could anyway. Why not let it rest t'night...chances are if he has a good night he wont be home till tomorrow anyway...just take t'night t'think about you...and Zack..and make sure it's definitly what you wanna do."

    Daisy said with a smile, glad to see she was helping her older cousin for once.

  3. "I guess you have to think about who's gonna be upset more...who this is goin' t'affect the most. To be honest, Bo's a big boy. He'll get over it and its about time he started doin' more things for himself rather than rely on you all the time. Eventually you are bound t'go yer seperate ways and do things seperatly...families and careers and the like...especially when yer probation finally ends...which ain't far off."

    Daisy said quietly, already having started thinking about her future too though she hadn't told anyone.

    "We can't be like we are now forever....as much as we would like t'be...you have to do what's gonna be good for your future...not for what's gonna be ok right now..."

  4. Daisy sighed as she heard the snappy tone coming back into Luke's voice, not sure that she should tell him anything else when all it seemed like he was going to do was take it the wrong way as she had asked him not to. She hated when Luke was like this, hated it when he got annoyed because he didn't understand. It was eaisier to talk to the more rational side of Luke, because he tended not t'jump t'conclusions.

    "If you don't want me t'tell you just say.."

  5. Daisy watched him from the doorway, having heard the screen door slam from her bedroom. Jesse had of course told her all about the thing Luke wanted to do, and she couldn't be more excited about it.

    From where she was standing though, she could see that something was bothering Luke and from the snippets of conversation she had managed to hear through the paper thin walls she could just about piece together what had happened. Stepping a little more into the room, she smiled and said quietly.

    "Our problems were a lot eaisier to deal with when we were kids huh..."

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