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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. *out driving the General Lee, having gone into town to look for the family christmas presents. He didn't have much money, he'd mainly gone to look for ideas because he could possible make something that looked like it if he got the right ideas. It wasn't until he noticed the time that a spark had set off in his brain that told him there was something important he had to do and that it involved him having to get home to Luke*

  2. The song is good unfortunatly the video itself is not. I'm getting a bit disappinted in John at the moment because he's making it so clear he's desperate for money that he's selling of ridiculous things like 10 phone calls from him, his smallville crows jacket, General Lee diecasts he stamped on...I'm losing some respect for him actually I'm afraid to say.

  3. Zack's eyes widened gradually as he thought over the prospect...live with Luke, who lived on a farm filled with animals he could look after and play with. Go to school like a normal kid and have Luke be there waiting outside the gates for him? All the small things a child took for granted usually were things Zack were thinking of, things he could look forward to with Luke's offer.

    Swallowing hard, the little boy nodded softly and said still quietly despite the excitement welling up inside him.

    "I'd like that..."

  4. 1. Being related to the Dukes

    2. Having too much hair

    3. Running on the sidewalk

    4. Not donating enough to the JD Hogg Memorial Fund

    5. Picking a flower

    6. Not having enough money

    7. Not buying a beer at the Boar's Nest

    8. Saying you like the General Lee

    9. Consorting with the likes of the Dukes

    10. Grand Theft Boss' food

    11. Obstructing the delivery of Boss' breakfast/snacks/lunch/dinner

    12. Standing on the sidewalk too long

    13. Wearing a white suit

    14. Beating Boss in any kind of gambling game

    15. Helpin' the Dukes escape Jail.

  5. There are so many funny little things you can pick up on in Dukes.

    For instance in one of the episodes at the end when they're singing along to someone, Naughty Mr Wopat did something tv stars must never...and looked directly at the camera when it panned on him LOL

    Another one is in Along Came a Duke, when at the end Luke, Bo and Jeb run down a hill to an overturned car...Tom gets there...then you see John's foot appear on the floor...Tom looks at the camera like wtf? while John scrambles to his feet and Tom goes 'You ok?' and carries on with the scene! LOL Slick move boys if it weren't for Tom's awkward pause and look to the camera!

    And of course there are the ruder funny moments....

  6. Zack couldn't help but whimper again as Luke said it, clinging onto him tighter - if that was even possible - and keeping his face buried in Luke's shoulder. No one had ever shown him such affection before, and now that he had it, he didn't want to let go. He didn't want to lose this again like he had his parents. This time around he was determined to be a good boy and hopefully not turn Luke against him.

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