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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. I know I haven't exactly kept to the rules when writing rr's! LOL

    Looking at them now, one thing that bothers me is the one about round robins are for everyone, so dont specify who can post? I think this one should be revised or removed because over time as we've written with people, we find people who we write well with and have a certain creative energy with and so just want to write one with that person or people. A lot of us on the board do this, Me and DaisyMae are notorious for this LOL but also bethie88 and dixiedavenport too! They are just amazing writers, I think it'd spoil it if anyone were to interrupt them cause I really enjoy reading just those two.

  2. Bo bit his lip as he heard the sigh, closing his eyes a little once he was sure Luke's footsteps had retreated indoors. Standing up straight he ran a hand down his face with a small shake of his head....he should have known Daisy wouldn't keep something like that a secret and he wasn't sure whether he was pleased it was finally out in the open or whether he was angry at her for letting it get there.

    Sitting down on a hay bale, he glanced around, not being able to help but see everything that was changing already. Luke wasn't out here joking around and laughing about with him as they got on with the chores, there was no banter, there was no friendly conversation about the next dance or the girl of the week...instead Luke was inside, tired and worrying about the future and what it would bring. Suddenly, the four year age gap between the two of them had never seemed as big as it did now...Luke had grown up somewhere in that 4 year gap...and Bo still felt a long way behind.

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