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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo however was practically already home. Taking a short cut through the woods, tears already slipping down the youngest child's face, he soon arrived on the dusty yard of the Duke Farm. Things were already eerily quiet, none of the chickens were out for him to chase....everything already seemed very different...very wrong.

    Sniffing, he headed to the front door, taking a puff of his inhaler he always kept on him before knocking on the door with his little hand.

  2. Meanwhile back at the farm - Bo and Jesse had returned from the jobs they had been doing on other people's farms. It was a good distraction for the both of them and one of the rare times they were actually allowed to be together without Bo having to run off at the sound of Rosco's sirens. It had been a nice, but exhausting day and now Bo was flopped on the couch, reading a magazine while Jesse showered up.

  3. Before long the lady was running through the notes in Zack's file with Luke, telling him things the boy was allergic to, what he liked and disliked...all the little things as well as who his parents actually were should they ever come looking for him.

    "If you're still interested...we can start the paperwork...you won't be able to take Zack home with you until we've done the appropriate checks and things though so you'll have time to discuss this with anyone you need to..."

  4. The worker looked at the pair in disbelief, blinking a little before nodding.

    "Well...certainly we can talk about that....Zack why don't you go an' get ready for bed ok..."

    Zack nodded a little, breaking away from Luke and heading up the stairs quietly - he wasn't quite so worried now that all the other kids and gone to bed. Before he went up there however, he looked back at Luke and said quietly.

    "Thank ya sir..."

    With that he ran the rest of the way up.

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