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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo closed his eyes a little with his back turned to Luke as he pretended to be looking for something. He really...really didn't want to talk but if he said as much then Luke was going to know that something was wrong.

    "I'm surprised you wanna come...I woulda thought that you'd wanna spend some time with Jesse and start thinkin' about things you need t'buy or build or somethin'...s'why I was gonna go out t'give you an' Jesse some time t'talk..."

  2. Bo stretched as he finished his magazine, instantly trying to think of something else to do before Luke started asking him his opinion on the situation...something he really wasn't ready to do at the moment. Biting his lip, he headed to their room to get dressed in fresh clothes...one sure thing to take his mind off the situation was girls and beer....and the best place for that was at the Boar's Nest.

  3. Another really tender quote from Jesse to the boys is in Undercover Dukes when Bo and Luke are leaving the farm. He hugs them both and says...

    Jesse: *hugs* "Luke Boy...Be careful..."

    Luke: "Yeah..." *pulls away*

    Bo: *moves forward and hugs Jesse*

    Jesse: "Bo Baby...you be good now..."

    Bo: "Yes sir..."

    Its quite quiet and there's music playing over it, but if you turn the subtitles on you can just about make it out :)

  4. Season 5 - Farewell Hazzard - Second to last episode in the season. It is also the same epiosde in which we find out a little bit more about Bo and Luke's childhood. From Luke and Bo being on a softball team to Luke taking a swing at Bo's head with his bat. Very moving scene between the boys in the empty old farmhouse. :) Hope this helps.

  5. Jesse nodded gently, smiling behind his beard, unable to believe this was the same person who a year ago wouldn't be even dreaming about having this conversation.

    "Its not the end of the world if you don't get to have him here though Luke...it don't mean you can't still visit him, spend days with him. If anythin'...sometimes bein' a friend is better than bein' a father..."

    Bo however clearly wasn't listening, wrapped up in his own thoughts.

  6. "Son...we'll figure it out when the time comes to it. You might not even get to bring him here yet. The first thing we need to think about when we know he's going to be here is where he's going to sleep and which school t'enroll him in. That's the most important thing."

    Jesse said gently, seeing that Luke was trying really hard to make things work already. He just hoped that Luke wasn't getting his hopes up too early. There was still a lot of reasons why they could turn him down.

  7. Bo bit his lip as he watched his cousin...he couldn't remember the last time his cousin had been like this. It was a while ago that was for sure...it may have been when Candy had arrived back in Hazzard again. It was strange to say the least, but also nice. Also though...Bo couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive of someone else joining their close family. When Judd had arrived on the scene, looking for Luke, sure he had been supportive and did everything he could to help make Judd feel welcome...had even saved his life. But a part of him had been greatly jealous of the fact that Luke was bestowing his attention on someone else...was becoming close to someone else. He had never known his parents, so it didn't hurt that much, but to lose his brother would hurt him...more then he thought Luke knew. He and Luke were practically inseperable...he really didn't know what would happen if suddenly Luke's time was taken up with someone else.

    Jesse however, smiled and stood up again, going to Luke and patting his shoulder.

    "If it makes you happy...and you really think little Zack can get on well here...then you have my blessing son..."

  8. For a long moment, Jesse just watched his eldest son...seeing in him something he had said before he never thought he would. He had always claimed to the both of them that, with their wild ways, the chances of them producing a family would be bout like hogs producing beef...or something to that effect anyway. If he was honest with himself, he still thought that about Bo. Granted he was still young, had some more growing up to do...but then he didn't know if Bo really ever would. For much of his life he had been sheltered by Luke, protected by him and he doubted that would ever really end. He had big dreams that Luke had helped him realize could come true...and he didn't doubt that in the end Bo would go for those dreams of being the greatest NASCAR driver on the track.

    But looking at Luke...he knew he had never really believed the elder boy to be single and a skirt chaser forever. Luke loved kids, he knew the patience and understanding it took to raise a family. He knew how to treat someone he really loved, as proven with the one girl he had ever seen Luke really happy with - Candy Dix. Then, when both boys had been a part of the big brother programme, they had had Andy to contend with and raise. If he was honest, he would say that really it had been Luke to change the boy more than Bo. Bo just didn't have the patience.

    While this was not really what Jesse had intended to happen when he sent Luke to the orphanage - the intent being more to see if a family was something Luke wanted to have, was the thing he was missing - he figured that if Luke was ready now to make this step, this big commitment to such a dependent individual, then he was sure that finding the right person to be with him for the rest of his life wasn't far behind. Eventually, he nodded with a small smile.

    "If its what you feel you need to do Luke, what you really want to do, then we aint got no right t'stop ya. I'm sure we'll make some room for him somewhere here. Next time though, I'd rather you came t'talk t'us before you actually put yourself forward to be. From the way your chatterin' like a chipmunk, i'm guessin' that's what you already did."

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