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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke


    -There's a hidden Dukes reference that I dont think was intended that Jonathan and Clark's actors were John and Tom ;)

    - In the episode Tom was in, he slid through the window of the charger because the door was apparently broken.

    - Tom's character name was Jack JENNINGS - The balladeer of the show of course being the much loved Waylon Jennings.

    - In One of the episodes, the Sheriff tells Jonathan that the 'Good ol' Boys' days are over. I think its the one where he got arressted but I cant be sure...

    - Martha Kent's email address starts with CNH320 which is the General's liscence plate number :)

    This is all I can think of off the top of my head...is the one you wanted in there? lol

  2. "Why don't mama an' daddy love me like you do...why won't they come back an' get me.." he whimpered out into Luke's shirt, wanting so badly to think that maybe they would still come back, but each day that hope was diminshing more and more.

    This was one of the hardest questions that Luke would have to answer, like the social worker had said, how was he supposed to answer and not break the little boys heart completly. How can you take one small, slim hope away from a child?

  3. I can tell you how they came about it by the 'Smallville' version of events.

    Apparently his mother, Martha, her surname before she married Jonathan Kent was Clark. They had to come up with a spur of the moment name when they brought him home and a sherrif came visitng as they claimed they adopted him. Therefore she used her maiden name as Clark's first name :)

    Hope that helps.

  4. Zack whimpered softly and buried his face into Luke's shoulder, his little hands clinging to the blue plaid as Bo's once had done. He didn't feel able to mutter the words back to Luke yet, in all honesty he didn't even really know Luke that well. All Zack knew was that Luke was the first one to offer him proper affection like this, affection he had been craving all his life...and he wasn't about to turn it away.

  5. For a moment there was nothing but silence in the room and the soft patter of the rain that gently started to fall against the cold window. Zack was just staring at Luke, like he'd said something in a foreign language to him and was only just starting to understand what it meant.

    Then all of a sudden, Zack wasn't there anymore....George was in his place...and Zack had practically lept into Luke's arms, clinging to him tightly.

  6. At that, Zack shook his head as little tears traced down his face though Luke couldn't see him. He didn't feel like anyone would be lucky to have him, because if they were then his parents would have come back...no the reason they didn't come back was clear and simple to the little boy...and he told Luke as much.

    "They don't love me...I'm a stupid boy..." he murmured with an injured sniff, his voice rising in pitch as he threatened to break down in sobs, repeating what he'd been told for a while before his parents left him. "...I shouldna been born in the first place..."

  7. Unbeknownst to Luke, the social worker was standing outside the door quietly, just listening to him talk to the little boy with a small smile. She knew about Luke's life from his records, but it was a different thing completly to actually understand the person you were researching. Based on everything she had on him, it would be easy to just turn down Luke's application....he didn't have a lot of money, his home was unstable because of that, he was on probation and constantly in trouble with the law.

    But it was harder to reject him when she could see how much effort he was putting in with Zack, how he refused to turn away from the little boy even though it was clear Zack was trying his best to make him leave. She would admit herself that she didn't have the time or patience to sit there with Zack and try to get him to talk. Harder still when Zack seemed to be responding to Luke a little each day, forming an attatchment with him. Smiling a little, she crept back down the stairs to look through her papers some more...

    Zack in the meantime was listening to every word Luke was saying, even though he didn't move his head from his knees. HIs stomach grumbled a little at the mention of the cookies though, and it was hard for him not to move and take one to eat. In a way, it was a little comforting for him to hear that Luke had lost his parents too...but in another way Luke didn't understand the hurt of knowing his parents were out there....just that they didn't WANT to come and get him...that they didn't WANT him...that he was alone because he was unloved.

  8. S'fine, I listen t'people all the time lol.

    Just never say never okay? There was a time I said never and look what came around for me. Its just as rare that the Dukes cast come way over here, the time I saw them on the show was the first time they had appeared on tv since the show aired. I was soooo incredibly lucky then and even more lucky because I have Daisy as a friend who payed for a lot and my Dad who turned around and gave me the money to get to the states and to her. You never know what's around the corner, the Dukes wouldn't give up and they wouldn't let you either.

  9. LOLS I know Roger I was just asking why it was unfair? I found a way around my financial problems by saving up and also finding another Duke fan I could go with, namley my best buddy :D

    Dukefan, I do know what that feels like because I felt it until I decided to do something about it.Try and figure ways around the cost of Dukesfest like I did, you've got a year between each one, put a little money aside every week and you'll be surprised with how much you can actually save up. If your that depressed about it, you can't just sit around and wait for them to come to you. They're busy, they've got a lot of fans to meet. Meet up with other Dukes fans on here, see about splitting the cost of hotel rooms and food between a group and the cost goes down. The Dukes found ways around money problems, there's nothing to say you can't try ;)

  10. Ok I answered and I only have one thing I must mention, # 3 and # 5 is not fair for those who don't come from the states, ain't no way I could ever attend dukefest of meet any duke cast....

    Now what do I do with my answers????

    Why is that unfair? I dont come from the states, I come from England and made it to Dukesfest. I didn't meet the cousins there first either, I met them when they came over here to do a tv show and I saw an ad on here by the producers looking for people to be in the audience. You just have to keep your eyes open.

  11. Course it is, wasn't saying it wasn't. What I'm saying is Hnet used to be one of the best for reading stories on, there used to be so many creative people on here writing amazing stories. I honed my skills more by reading those on here and on fanfic.net and i'm still learning! People who come here looking for that are missing that because the good ones are hidden by one-liners which is what this petition is all about. Its not fair to the decent writers on here who genuinly want to entertain the readers instead of just theirselves.

  12. All the good writers have basically given up because any one new who comes onto the boards to read fan fic is instantly bombarded with these one liners and any reader who enjoys good fiction hates them. So after clicking on about 5 or 6 links of the same kind of formatting, readers give up and turn away to another site.

    Thus, the truely amazing stories...and I WILL say this yet again - BL and Chet, DixieDavenport and Bethie88 stories.... get looked over. Many of the old writers are just sick of it and sadly have left to post elsewhere where they can be properly seen. I have to admit, there have been times when i've thought about doing it myself.

  13. "We've tried so much short of actually telling him that they're not coming back...but who can do that...I dont know anyone that could crush his little heart like that..."

    She said with a small shake of the head...though if she was honest with herself, she was pretty sure that just Luke being there and hanging out with him would help. From what she had seen him do already, it was clear the little boy trusted him.

  14. The lady bit her lip softly, knowing that he really wanted to help the little boy as much as they all did. The thing was she honestly didn't know how to help him...no one did. Not even the Doc who had been here on numerous occassions.

    "To be honest, I really don't know...no one does...it doesn't help he won't let anyone close cause any time I do get to be with him away from the other children he doesn't want to know..."

  15. "Ohhh...no, no its definitly not you....he always gets upset this time of the week but..." Biting her lip softly, she leant against the wall with her arms folded across her stomach. "Every week the children go out with people that might foster them....except Zack never does because he refuses to leave the room....every weekend he waits for his parents to come and pick him up...its when he's the most hopeful...and when he's the most upset. I think he....he's really starting to realize that the promise his parent's made him...well they're not gonna keep it..."

    She murmured gently, looking like she even hated to say the words.

  16. For once, the lady was resting happily and quietly in the lounge area of the home. There were few kids in the home that day because it was the time of the week when possible foster parents were allowed to take the child they were looking to adopt out. Unlike some places, she didn't just let them go whenever the parents wanted. She understood the need for a routine in the children's lives. So during the week they went to school, then came back into the home to take part in structured playtimes, dinner and bedtimes. Or she tried to anyway. Weekends were their trips out. The only children who didn't go to school were Zack and some of the youngest ones who were napping. Zack rarely moved away from the window and refused point blank to do anything else.

    The lady jumped a little as Luke spoke, jerking herself out of the light doze she had unknowingly fallen into and getting to her feet quickly. For once her hair was let down to hang loose down her back and she didn't look as hassled and tired as with the other days.

    "I'm so sorry, I must have dozed off...its so quiet here..." she chuckled gently, heading over to him. "What was it you wanted to ask?"

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