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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Jesse let out a long, weary sigh, stroking a hand down his face and beard gently and looking up at the stars. Part of him couldn't help but wish his wife were still with them. She would know exactly what to say, exactly what to do to help Luke...when it came to matters of the heart it had never been Jesse's strong point. When the cousins were little, it was always Lavinia who had soothed them after a nightmare, or cleaned their scrapes or dealt with the emotions that came with usual childhood troubles...and the unusal...helping them deal with the loss of their parents. Lavinia had always been the one they ran to when they wanted to cry or wanted to just be held...Jesse had been more apt at giving advice, little snippits of wisdom, teaching them about the farm...they needed a female in the picture to guide them...they always had done. When Lavinia had passed it had been a blow to them all...and for a time Jesse had tried being the one that Lavinia had been...but after a while they all sought out each others comfort that they had learned from her...Bo could be relied on for the hugs to the both of his cousins, and Luke and Daisy always used to walk together in the rain to just talk for hours on end when Bo had gone to bed...that's just how it was and it worked. But now, more than anything, Jesse wished she was here to help Luke move on to the next stage of his life...because he wasn't sure how to guide him.

  2. "For starters mind yer language...I understand yer upset but there's no need fer it..."

    Jesse said gently but firmly. No matter what the situation he wasn't about to put up with that.

    "Secondly you have to do what you feel you need to...there ain't anyone in the world who can tell you what's right for you. They can try...but at the end of the day its your choice. This is a shock for all of us, you especially and I think that's the reason your so angry. You don't understand why it is you want this...why this little kid has gotten under your skin in a way that hasn't happened since Bo arrived here on the farm when he was little..."

  3. Jesse again just nodded gently, looking to him with a small smile.

    "I don't doubt that you do son...but at the same time, its your decision to take this little boy into your life and he's going to need a lot of YOUR support and YOUR attention...and Bo probably isn't going to want to be sitting around the farm all day giving that to a child. We both know he ain't one to be patient...and he isn't as enthusiastic about looking after children either...he hasn't grown to the stage you have Luke and he probably won't for some years yet...he's going to want to carry on doing what he...well what you two always do at the moment. The problem he's having is that he doesn't want to do those things alone either..."

  4. Jesse chuckled a little, surprised that it was taking Luke this long to figure out what Bo was thinking. Usually the two boys were so in tune with each other that they could see what the other was thinking before they'd actually thought of it.

    "It would make sense if you'd think about how Bo feels...he's been the youngest in the family since before he can remember...he's always been at yer side through everything...and now suddenly this other person is gonna come along...and he knows none of that is gonna be the same...if he's thinking selfishly...he's not gonna tell you because he wants you to be happy, and he figures this is just something he's gonna have to work through..."

    Jesse explained patiently, not looking at Luke as he said it, looking out over the old farm instead.

  5. Jesse didn't even flinch at the strong outburst, knowing that Luke was confused not only by Bo's actions but also probably by the feelings he was suddenly having for a little boy he had only just met. One thing Jesse knew Luke hated was feeling confused and it caused him sometimes to not think as rationally as he should.

    For a moment he said nothing, trying to understand what Bo might be feeling before asking gently.

    "Did you ever consider that...maybe the reason Bo won't talk about it...is because he wants you to be happy?"

  6. We've talked about this before in the chat room Daisy, but i'll say it again now.

    Your a wonderful person, i've chatted with you since you signed up on hnet and you're really funny and sweet to talk to. The only arguments that arise usually come out of differences of opinion and how people portray them. Its not uncommon for people to misunderstand or misread something one another says, its happened to me on more than one occasion cause I, like you, can be very strong minded about stuff.

    I've not had a major argument with you but i've seen the kinds of ones that can happen and I promise it ain't the first time anyone's got into those arguments on hnet. To be honest they're not really arguments, they're more like heated debates and if you look on the boards you can find a lot of those ;) lol.

    Seriously, just relax and feel safe in the knowledge that a lot of people on here like you, that while you might not have many friends in school - (by the way, most people in school are the most immature people you'll ever meet in your life, when they grow up you'll get a big surprise ;) I found it, and I got bullied all the way through my school life up till college) - you have a whole family on Hnet here to listen, console and enjoy life with you :)

    Take it easy and i'm always avaliable on pm if you wanna talk.


  7. "He used to...when we were kids...before he went t'Nam..."

    Bo replied wistfully, tracing patterns on the dirty bartop in front of him, thinking about how much Nam had changed his cousin, and once more feeling the hate for the place and the people who forced his cousin there to grow up quicker than he should have done. Sighing, he shook his head and sat up straighter.

    "Sorry Coot...last thing you wanna do t'night is listen t'my ramblin's...whatcha wanna do?"

  8. "Course I knew he'd want his own family...me, Uncle Jesse an' Daisy saw that in him long before he did...but I...I didn't expect him t'have a kid first ya know? I thought he'd be the first of us t'fall in love an' settle down with a girl...t'have someone special...and it'd happen gradually...so it wouldn't be just...him bein here one minute an' the next just...leaving me on my own completly...he ain't done that since he went t'Nam.."

    Bo said softly, realizing he probably sounded really selfish...but if he was honest with himself the reason he wanted Luke beside him was because he was afraid to be without him. They always did things as a team and sure, as he said to Cooter, he could see a future where eventually Luke would have a family of his own to concentrate on...the only thing was, building a relationship took time...it gave the family...gave Bo time to adjust to the change. Bringing in a child who needed Luke's attention completly...Bo was being forced to accept it...and that wasn't something he liked feeling.

    "Course I ain't spoke t'him about it Cooter...he's happier than he's been in a long time..I might be feelin selfish right now but I ain't about t'ruin it fer him...I want him t'be happy..."

  9. "It ain't us this time Cooter...it's him. With Andy, it was down t'both of us t'be big brothers...t'be the role models but now this kid'll legally be Luke's reponsibility..Luke's to bring up...Luke's to teach...and he'll want to do it, he'll want to be that responsible...he's not gonna wanna go out to the Boar's Nest no more, he's not gonna want t'race an' skinny dip and chase girls no more...and I don't wanna sit at home an' look after a kid neither..."

    Bo replied with a small shake of his head. He hadn't even been comfortable with Andy, anyone could have seen that when they looked at the three of them. Sure he liked the kid once he learnt to behave, sure he liked to talk to him and tease a little... but it had been Luke that had really taken a shine to him.

  10. "I didn't say it had happened before Cooter I said it's startin' t'happen now...an' come t'think of it, it has happened...when Judd came around. When he had his real little brother, all he was worried about was him...I know he loves me, I ain't doubting it...what i'm sayin' is...its not gonna be just Bo an' Luke no more..."

    Bo replied, shaking his head a little, remembering the time Judd had come around...how Luke, when he had staggered back in to the hospital room after getting thrown from the roof of the car, had asked what happened then asked about Judd...not if Bo was ok...or if Bo needed to see a Doc..or if he had got hurt...now that he thought about it, he didn't even know if Luke knew about the road rash he had suffered down his back...he had gone to get it treated on his own.

  11. Bo shrugged, taking a seat at the bar, leaving Luke to stay behind at a table by himself with the dreamy expression on his face...he hadn't even noticed Bo and Cooter had left him by himself. Bo didn't think even if he had noticed that Luke would really care either.

    "S'just the beginning of the end aint it? I ain't good enough t'hang round with no more, I ain't what he needs...he needs this kid...now it'll be him and the kid instead of him an' me. Its already happenin before you say its ridiculous Cooter..."

    Bo said softly, swallowing down some of his beer, cutting Cooter off with the last past as he saw the expression on his face.

  12. Bo shrugged his shoulders, sending a friendly smile over to a girl who called his name, giving her a wink which in turn got a giggle in response. To say Bo enjoyed the attention was an understatment. He soon however turned his attention back to Cooter.

    "I don't know how much he's thought about to be honest...Uncle Jesse tried t'talk t'him bout it but all Luke could think about was how not lonely he was gonna be..."

    As he replied, he just wasn't able to keep the bitterness out of his voice at the very end.

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