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Posts posted by BoJamesDuke

  1. Bo shook his head, rolling his eyes when not even Cooter could get a decent response out of Luke. He hadn't really expected Luke to join in...but now he was guessing he was starting to see what life would be like once the kid showed up on the farm....where all of Luke's attention would be.

    "Ain't a flavour of the month...more like a permanant fixture..."

    With that, he lead Cooter away to explain the situation to him.

  2. Bo however was already off, engaged in his favourite activities of the night. Teasing Cooter, playing the usual drinking games with the watered-down beer, chatting with some of his other friends from school who had stayed on in Hazzard and of course looking every girl up and down as they walked past....which he knew they did just so he would do it. As much of a skirt-chaser as Bo was, it wasn't exactly hard when near every girl he met made the same pass at him. It was how it was in Hazzard, everybody knew everybody and so most girls knew that if you wanted to have a good night, you hooked up with one of the Duke Boys.

  3. Bo glanced at his older cousin, knowing that Luke knew something else was going on underneath the mop of blonde curls than Bo was letting on and Bo also knew that this would not be the end of the matter....in fact he wouldn't be surprised if Luke brought it up again the same night.

    For now though, he just resumed his singing and headed to the Boar's Nest, hoping Cooter would be there to provide a welcome distraction and a young lady also would catch his eye to keep him distracted for the rest of the night...and hopefully well into the hours of the morning as well...he was a Duke after all.

  4. *still however hadn't forgotten the way Luke had been blaiming him for a lot and shrugged off the hand his shoulder. While it didn't usually take Bo too long to calm down from an argument, when Luke said something that insulted him...or more rather hurt him...it took him a might longer. Without the hand on his shoulder, he continued inside*

  5. Your an awsome guy Rog! You've done not only Uncle Jesse proud but all of us Dukes here on the Hazzardnet proud! Its an honour t'be your friend and to role play with you as your nephew...boy there's a sentence i'd never thought I'd say xD

    Congrats!! You deserve every minute of the award.

  6. Inside his head, Bo sighed heavily but did not stop his singing for a moment as he tried to think of something...anything to say. He had hoped that singing would have distracted his older cousin from the point until they had gotten to the Boar's Nest at least...but no he should have known his cousin would be fixed on the point. It was rare that Luke ever let something important just slip through the net.

    So, to buy him more time, Bo pretended to play dumb.

    "What I think about what?"

  7. ;) Awww well I try. As far as I can recall, like I said, Dear Diary is the only time he's done it. I'll keep my eyes peeled when I watch others.

    I think Tom might have done it in another episode after this one...but i'm not 100% sure. I think I vaguley remember one of the boys RUNNING over the roof...or scrambling over it.

  8. I think there is another episode in which he roof slides but i'm not entirely sure. I do know that John doesn't remember doing it! LOL He said:

    "I did that? Cool!. I don't know how I got over the car like that. If I ever did it well, its because Tom could, and we both had a competitive spirit."

    Come to think of it I think Dear Diary is the only time he tries it.

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