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hazzard chic

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Everything posted by hazzard chic

  1. It was a good episode. I just wish Bo was in it.
  2. This is one of my favorites episodes.
  3. I liked that episode.
  4. that episode was a little weird.
  5. mason dixon girls was a good episode!
  6. That all sounds sooo cool.
  7. Thank-you. well said. I totally agree.
  8. A friend is some one that will always except you for who you are. They are someone who is always there for you when you need them and some one who will always care. A good friend is nice to have and hard to come by. Good friends are priceless and should be treasured always.
  9. I have been a fan of DOH and John Schneider my entire life almost. Ever since the Dukes first aired, back in '79, when I was 4yrs. old. Back then I liked Bo because I thought He was funny. Then when I got older, and became a teenager, I stilled like Bo/John because I thought he was funny and because I had a major crush on him. Present day, the Dukes is still my favorite show and I still love John. I still think Bo Duke is funny and cute. As for John himself, I think he is a good actor because I have seen him do a variety of things since the Dukes and I think he done them well. I also think he still looks good to this day. He is very fine.
  10. Good luck. I hope everything works out for you.
  11. I hope you have a wonderful Easter to. I think it's nice that you put this post here.
  12. Does anyone have a copy of the recent tv land awards that had John and Tom together as presenters. I heard that they also sang on it, but I am not positive about that. I did not know they were on it untill I had missed them. I was surfing through the channels on my tv and I caught them just as they were leaving the stage. I would love to have a copy of it. Does anyone have one? If anyone has it, if you can make a copy of it, i'd gladly pay any reasonable price to get it. Just let me know. Thanks
  13. Happy belated birthday.
  14. I have never seen Enos, so it'd be nice if it did come out on dvd, so I could see what it's like.
  15. Right now I'm listening to Sugarland--Something More.
  16. I know that the reason that they had Jonathon Kent die in Smallville was because they were following the original Superman movies. However, this is what I don't understand. Maybe my memory is wrong, but from what I remember from the Superman movies, is this: 1. Clark met Lois for the first time when he started working at the daily planet. 2. Lois did not know that Clark and Superman were the same person, even though the only difference in his appearance was his outfit and a pair of glasses. So, if my memory is correct, then my questions are: 1. If the writers of Smallville claim to that they killed off John's character just because they are following the original superman movies, then what is Lois doing on Smallville, when according to the movies, they didn't know each other back then? 2. How does having Lois on Smallville make sense anyway considering the fact that had she known Clark at that time, he wasn't wearing any glasses then, so wouldn't she recognize him as superman later if she had known him from as a teen in Smallville? Can anyone explain this to me please. Because I just don't understand how they can kill off John's character and use the reason that they did it as that they are following the original movie series when it doesn't seem like they are following the movies on other issues.
  17. You have to look at it like this, I guess: If it was Tom Welling (Smallville) who'd done it, then his fans would say "but Clark Kent wouldn't do that". It's just one of those things Ah ha, but Clark would do it, if he was wearing red kriptonite. lol Don't pay any attention to me. It's late, I have a case of insomnia tonight, I'm tired and in a silly mood.
  18. He deed indeed look very nice in his jacket.
  19. Yeah, I know what you mean. I'm not saying that no one has the right to comment on it. It just seems like, judging from what they say about it, like some people are upset because it was one the "Duke boys" that was drinking and driving. We all need to remember that Tom is Tom, a real person; and Luke is a fictional character. Real people make mistakes and can't always be expected to live up to fictional characters that they might play on tv.
  20. His name is Gy Waldron
  21. that was funny.
  22. I have seen both reunion movies on tv but don't have the tapes. I hope they do come out on DVD.
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