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hazzard chic

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Everything posted by hazzard chic

  1. Hello, My name is Dixie.(yes that's my real name). This may seem strange, but I am in search of friends. I recently moved from Michigan to Wisconsin due to a job offer that my husband recieved over the internet. I do not know anyone here and I am very lonely for friendship. I am not going to give a lot of personal details at this point, and I don't expect anyone else to either. I am going to include a brief profile of myself here and state what I am looking for in a friend. I am also going to include my e-mail addresses. I am asking that anyone who reads this post, lives anywhere near me, and would like to maybe make a new friend, please e-mail me. We can start that way and take it from there. About Me: I am a 31 year old stay at home mom. I have 2 little boys ages 4 and 5. I like shopping, karoke, fashion, arts and crafts, carnivals/fairs, my soaps, '80's rock and country music, and above all I love my kids and the Dukes of Hazzard! I live in Eau Claire, Wisconsin and I am looking to make a few friends. I am married, so I am not looking for a boyfriend or a date. Friendships only. My only requirement at this time is that you absolutely must be a Dukes of Hazzard fan because I am a total dukeaholic! BTW, I mean a fan of the original series, I don't consider that new movie as the Dukes! My e-mail addresses are: hazzard.girl@hotmail.com, hazzardgal01@aol.com and hazzard_girl_01@yahoo.com. So if you live in or near my area, love the dukes of hazzard and would like to make a new friend, e-mail me and say hello. Oh yeah, in the subject line type "New Friend" so I know what it is. Thanks, have a wonderful day, Dixie
  2. I am sorry but I have to say something here. First of all, to all of you people who say you liked the new dukes movie and call yourselves true duke fans, I'm sorry, I don't see it. That movie reaked! To all you people who stated that the movie did a good job of capturing the true spirt of the Dukes, you obviously do not have a clue of what the Dukes was really all about. But I am getting ahead of myself here and I want to make my points very clear so I'll take this from the top. The movie sucked and did not capture the spirit of the dukes at all! I will explain to all of you who don't know, what the Dukes was really all about and why the movie sucked and did not capture the spirit of the original. First of all, The Dukes of Hazzard was not just about the General Lee and car stunts. It was much more than that. It was about a family who cared deeply for each other, their community, and doing what was right. It was also about the integrity of each member of that family and the loyalty and caring that they showed each other, their friends, and any member of their community, as well as any stranger passing through, who needed their help. In the original series, the characters, Bo, Luke, Daisey and Uncle Jessie were characters whom you could look up to, admire and respect. They were intelligent, respectable and decent. The very nature of the characters in the original series, along with the General and the stunts, is what made it good. Not the General and the stunts alone. Furthermore, it is the integrity and the nature of the Duke family that is the spirit of the Dukes. Anyone who thinks that the General Lee and car stunts, or moonshining, for that matter, is the true spirit of the Dukes, remember this: 1. The General Lee would not even exist if Bo, Luke, Daisey and Jessie did not exist. 2. From the very 1st episode of the original series, the Dukes had already quit making shine for the most part, so it obviously wasn't just about shine! Anyway, as I was saying, in the original series, the Duke family were people who could be looked up to as role models. In the movie, they were not. In the movie, Luke was a womanizing jackass to say the least. Both Bo and Luke acted like complete idiots and they both showed a total lack of basic human decency and respect. Also, in the movie, Uncle Jessie was a joke. He was nothing but a pot smoking pervert. If the original series had been done like the movie, I would not have liked it at all. Just thinking about that movie makes me so mad I can't even think straight. That's why I'm rambling. So let me just get right down to the nitty gritty here: The bottom line is this. In the original series, Uncle Jessie was a stand up and respectable man who was very passionate about his beliefs. He raised his niece and nephews to fight for whats right and at the same time, he taught them how to do it with respect for others and with integrity. THAT IS THE TRUE SPIRIT OF THE DUKES! In the movie, Uncle Jessie was a dirty old man who smoked pot and raised a dimwit of a niece and a couple of idiot nephews who were disrespectable, hellraising punks! Furthermore, the characters in the original show were very likeable. Even Boss and Rosco had their good points at times. As for the characters in the movie, they were jerks. All of them, even the Dukes. Captured the spirit of the original Dukes? I think not! By the way, for the person who asked if we were wanted the movie to be a "carbon copy of the original", Updating it a little would have been fine, but they went to far. The original was a #1 hit all over the world. How does that old saying go? "If it's not broke, don't fix it"....that's good advice for some things.
  3. Oh my gosh, is there really a question here? Of course John is the best! Sean does not even come close! That movie does not even deserve to called the dukes of hazzard! It was nothing like the original show, in fact it was a total insult and disgrace to the original. Whoever wrote the script to that movie needs to sit down and watch the real show and get a clue!
  4. Actually, Karis is John's youngest child and the only child who is biologically his. She is 11. Leagh and Chasen are his other children. Leagh is the oldest. Both Leagh and Chasen are Elly's kids from a former marriage. They are John's step children. I can't remember what website I was on where I got the info. but I can tell you that I read from an interview that someone did with John and posted, so I know it was accurate because it John's words. Will look up the source and post it if you would like.
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