Hi yall! Thank yall in advance for welcomin' to me yer community! I started watching the show 6 nights ago after reading about it online. Ever since then, I have been watching as many episodes as I can squeeze in every night before bed. In just 6 days, I have watched all of season one, and over half of season 2! Because I instantly loved it that much! My favorite character is definitely Rosco. I love him so much! My mom told me that she knew he would be my favorite because he reminds her of me. And I agree! His personality is very similar to mine. I'm very childish, I laugh and giggle a lot, I love rules and laws, I get excited easily, I tend to have larger than life reactions to things, I can be a bit pragmatic, and sometimes chaotic in the way that I carry out rules and laws, and I even also have a doggy that I talk sugary sweet to! I look forward to making friends with y'all! And I'm glad to have seen some fellow Rosco fans on here when I was browsing earlier!