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9 hours ago, Skipper Duke said:

Cousin HossC... The big ones whole scenes I can put over in the favorite scenes thread. :)

If you have to quote whole scenes, put them in the favorite scenes thread, but ask yourself if people want to read a whole scene. Also, you have a habit of leaving bits out without saying you've omitted anything, so it might be better to stick to the short, snappy quotes as it takes me less time to check/correct them!


(Season 5 Enos in Trouble)

Coy and Vance and Enos are being chased by the bad guys.

Vance Duke:"They must've juiced up that engine! I can't seem to shake 'em."

Coy Duke:"Vance, you want me to drive?"

Vance Duke:"Son, you just said the magic word!"


(Season 5 The Hazzardgate Tape) Coy and Vance are trying to evade the bad guys. Boss Hogg is in the backseat. Bad guys are shooting at them.

Boss Hogg:"They're gonna shoot me! Do you hear, do you hear? I'm gonna get killed!"

Vance Duke:"Nobody's gonna get killed Boss!"

Boss Hogg:"Yeah! That's easy fer you to say! A skinny boy like you, you ain't such a big target as I am!"

Boss Hogg:"Can't you shake 'em or nothin'?"

Coy Duke:"It ain't easy! They got a real suped up engine!"

Vance Duke:"Yeah. An' the General ain't used to carryin' this extra load Boss!"

Boss Hogg:"Would you just stop referring to my stomach when my life is in danger!?"


(Season 5 Enos in Trouble)

Bad Guy #1:"Watch out fer that log!"(Bad Guy guy number 2 hits the log, the car rolls over, coming to rest back on all 4 wheels.)

Bad Guy #2:"Didn't you see that log?!"

Bad Guy #1:"I HIT IT DIDN'T I?!"

Waylon Jennings:"Awe cheer up boys! That ain't to bad fer yer first Hazzard jumpin'."


(Season 2 Duke of Duke)

Rosco:"Boss, how much of that quarter of a million dollars do I get?"

Boss:"Very little. As yer brother in law Rosco, I have a heart felt interest in your affairs. An' I'd never forgive myself if the government puts you in a higher income tax bracket!"

Rosco(After Boss drives off leaving him standing there where he was leaning on the Cadillac before the driver pulled away.)"An' nobody thinks he's got a heart!"


 (Season 1 Deputy Dukes)

Luke Duke:"Awe awe!"

Bo Duke:"Well, are we gonna go after 'em, or are we just gonna sit here all day!?"

Luke Duke:"Well, it just so happens I left my car keys in my pants pocket, an' right now, I ain't got no pants pockets!" 

Bo Duke:"Since when do we need keys to start a car!?" 

Luke Duke:"Alright!"


Season 4 Double Dukes 

Turk:"What do we do with 'em now?"

Moody:"Crate 'em. Put 'em in dead storage. Get it? Coffin Works, dead storage!" Him and Turk laugh, Bo sarcastically joins in.

Waylon Jennings:(About Turk and Moody) "You know, them boys are about as funny as findin' a rattlesnake in yer bed!"


Season 1 Repo Men 

Waylon Jennings:"There was old Cooter, stickin' out like a bourbon bottle at a country revival."

Bo:"Hang loose!"

Luke:"If I was any looser, I'd be slidin' off the seat!"

Waylon Jennings:"Meanwhile, old Rosco wasn't doin' to hot. Cuz if he wasn't careful, an' he tried to pass 'em, he'd end up with a lapful of racin' car, with old Cooter in it. The boys kept up the chase. While they were gettin' in deeper, old Rosco was gonna gettin' madder than an old wet hen!"

Luke:"Sure hope you like Scrambled Eggs!"

Bo:"What has that got to do with this?"

Luke:"Where there's chickens, there's eggs!"

Bo:"Sure was a funny place to put a barn!"

Luke:"You try that fool stunt again, I'll find a funnier place to put one!"



You mixed up the opening lines and missed a couple out there, Skipper. The scene is after the Dukes go past Rosco's road block while towing the Richard Petty race car. Cooter is in the race car. This is how it should begin:

Bo: "Hang loose."

Luke: "If I was any looser, I'd be sliding off the seat."

Balladeer: "There was old Cooter, sticking out like a bourbon bottle at a country revival."

Luke: "Watch out for the mailbox."

Bo: "What mailbox?"

Balladeer: "Meanwhile, old Rosco wasn't doing too hot..."

4 hours ago, Hobie Hartkins said:

How's this?....." HOW many times have I told you, nobody goes into that office ( Rosco's office) , except Boss, the dog or me, when I'm not here? .....I always thought this was funny! :) 

Hobie yep. :)

6 hours ago, HossC said:


You mixed up the opening lines and missed a couple out there, Skipper. The scene is after the Dukes go past Rosco's road block while towing the Richard Petty race car. Cooter is in the race car. This is how it should begin:

Bo: "Hang loose."

Luke: "If I was any looser, I'd be sliding off the seat."

Balladeer: "There was old Cooter, sticking out like a bourbon bottle at a country revival."

Luke: "Watch out for the mailbox."

Bo: "What mailbox?"

Balladeer: "Meanwhile, old Rosco wasn't doing too hot..."

Hoss... But I am getting better? :) Not so many mistakes anymore?


Season 4 Double Dukes

Uncle Jesse Duke:"Maybelle get me Cooter Davenport over to the garage." Cooter Davenport:"Hazzard Garage. Cooter Davenport speakin'."

Uncle Jesse:"Cooter, this is Jesse Duke. Listen, you haven't seen anything of the boys have ya?"

Cooter:"No sir. I ain't seen hide nor hair of 'em. What's up?"

Uncle Jesse Duke:"I don't know. An' I don't like not knowin'."


Season 2 The Meeting

Boss Hogg:"The door at the end of the little path, an' on behalf of Hazzard County, I wanna welcome you to the tall capital of the world!"

Devere:"Cool it punk. Yer wiltin' my boot an' ear!"

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