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Have any of you Gilligan's Island fans here on HazzardNet seen the 3 reunion shows 1.Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978)2.The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979)3. The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981)?


I messaged The Castaways On Gilligan's Island and The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island Facebook pages asking about DVD releases of those movies. I asked both pages about each movie respectively. "Is there any chance this movie will get a DVD release?"

Message to me from The Castaways On Gilligan's Island movie page about the likely hood of DVD release:

I highly doubt it. But with streaming services constantly looking for content we may get it there. Rescue from Gilligan’s Island is currently streaming on Tubi

No reply from The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island page yet. However, I'm expecting the same reply that The Castaways On Gilligan's Island page told me about The Castaways.


(Season 3 Bang, Bang, Bang)

Professor:"You can make all kind of things with it." Gilligan:(Makes a plastic explosives bunny rabbit.)"You sure can! Look at this bunny rabbit I made." Skipper:"Certainly you would make a bunny rabbit! You and your hair brained schemes!"


Opening scene The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979)

Skipper:"Gilligan! Will you get lost!?" Gilligan:"I am lost. We're all lost remember?" Skipper:"Oh I remember to well. And who's responsible for getting us lost and shipwrecked? You know who that is, don't you?" Gilligan:"Of course. I did. Don't you remember?" Skipper:"Gilligan, I'm telling you, if we don't find some fresh water pretty soon, being shipwrecked will be the least of our problems." Gilligan:"What's the most?" Skipper:"We'll all be dead!" Gilligan:"That's the most alright." Skipper:"Water! Ooop!(Tastes it.)Salt water again. That tidal wave wrecked all the underground springs. With this equipment that we've got, we just can't seem to reach fresh water. But I'll have to keep on trying!" Gilligan:"Here, Skipper! Let me help you." Skipper:"Haha just as I expected!" Gilligan:"What?" Skipper:"Ooop! Gilligan, will you go drill your own well!?"(Slams pole down on Skipper's foot.)"Ahhhh ooop!"
Gilligan:"Hi Professor. Have you seen my coconut?" Professor:"Yes Gilligan. It's right there. You know Gilligan, you have a knack for doing the wrong thing at the wrong time." Gilligan:"No. Sometimes I do the right thing at the right time, and the wrong thing at the right time. What are you doing?" Professor:"I'm trying to fix the radio." Gilligan:"You didn't do a very good job did you?"


Gilligan's Island fans... In the 2nd Reunion The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979), how did the radio know the Minnow II was missing for 12 days? Did Skipper have radio onboard to call civilization when the storm hit before Minnow II sank?


(The Castaways On Gilligan's Island 1979)

Henry Elliott:"Her mouth fell open so wide you could check out all her teeth and her tonsils too!" Myra Elliott:"My tonsils are just fine thank you!" Henry Elliott:"Hi honey. I was just talkin' to the Larsons. Myra Elliott:"So I heard!"


My best buddy in New Jersey has made me the 3 Gilligan Reunion movies Rescue From Gilligan's Island(1978) The Castaways On Gilligan's Island(1979) The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island(1981)on DVD discs. He made them Tuesday. Shipped Wednesday. They are in a truck on the way to me here in Ohio. He tracked them. They are arriving Sat Aug 6, 2022.


(Alf scene)
Alf:"You love it here on Gilligan's Isle don't you?" Skipper:"Are you kidding!? Why, we'd be out of here in a minute, if smarty pants over there could figure out a way to get us off this rock!" Professor:"Hey don't blame me! Every time I devise a plan, it always gets ruined by that hiba tootinest side kick of yours who's addlepated!" Skipper:"You can't call my Little Buddy addlepated!" Gilligan:"Stop calling me Little Buddy! I'm in my 40s for crying out loud!"


(The Castaways On Gilligan's Island 1979)

 Skipper:"I hope he remembers he's got a parachute on! He's still falling! He did it! He did it! He opened his shut!" Ginger:"I just love happy endings!" Professor:"Skipper?" Skipper:"Coming Professor!" Professor:"Skipper, did I just see a parachute?" Skipper:"It was Gilligan. He fell out." Professor:"Oh no! Until you told me that, I had good news. With all the weight you jettisoned the one engine has enough power to get us to civilization." Skipper:"But we gotta go back to try and find him. We don't know if he's down in the water or if he made it back to the island. We gotta go back!" Professor:"You're right of course. But I must tell all of you, this ends our chance of rescue. With only one engine we'll never be able to take off again." Skipper:"Set her down Professor. We gotta go back for my Little Buddy."


(The Harlem Globetrotters On Gilligan's Island 1981)Gilligan & Skipper are in their hut in their hammocks. Gilligan is reading a comic book via a strange glowing rock he found in a cave.
Skipper:"Gilligan, turn out the light and go to sleep! We gotta get up early tomorrow." Gilligan:"It's not a light Skipper, it's a funny rock I found in the cave." Skipper:"Well then, turn out the funny rock and go to sleep!"


(The Castaways On Gilligan's Island 1979) The Professor has landed the MINNOW III plane so they can look for Gilligan. They have all got out of the plane. There is a horrendous noise. The Professor runs to the front of the MINNOW III plane to investigate. The engine drops off.
Skipper:"If we hadn't come back to look for my Little Buddy, we would've all been killed!" Professor:"You're right Skipper. The way that engine was vibrating, it would've fallen off in midair. No doubt about it, coming back to look for Gilligan undoubtedly saved our lives."


Some fans knock all of my Skipper hats saying "Not real. Because you didn't buy the expensive ones." They just jealous I think. Cuz I have hats and they don't." Mine are real. So what lower cost. Same quality as the insanely priced to me. Why pay $249 $350 etc etc when I was able to get for under $100? That's why expensive ones are going belly up. People are going to the cheaper ones.

Posted (edited)

(Rescue From Gilligan's Island 1978)Everyone is in the hutsboat, and has heard Gilligan calling their names.
Skipper:"Little Buddy Gilligan! He's out there everybody, and he's ok! He's hanging onto a palm tree, attached to us by a rope!" Professor:"Gilligan!"(To Skipper)"Let's enlarge the hole, and pull him in!" Skipper:"Well, stand back Professor! If my head made this little hole, I know how to make a great big one!" Skipper & Professor:"Ha ha ha!"

Edited by Skipper Duke

(Season 2 Seer Gilligan)

Mr. Howell:"Say you can read minds huh Gilligan? Well, read my mind. Of course you realize the Howell mind is very delicate. It's got a, so I'll just give it a-"(Makes face.)Gilligan:"You're hoping the prices on all your chemical stocks have gone up." Mr. Howell:"Well, that was just a lucky guess. I dare you to try it again. Just try it again. I'll give it the double-"(Makes face again.)Gilligan:"You're thinking if you could read minds like me, you'd have all the money in the world." Mr. Howell:"That's what I was thinking. But then, that's what I'm always thinking!"

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